sovcreignty · 4 years
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The yelling finally CEASED, and the satisfaction that came from the quiet was stronger than White cared to admit. Sure, Pink ( in her own silly little way ) was CHARMING — but the tantrums that came from her immaturity were undesirable, to say the least.  It made it hard for the monarch to remain unfazed, collected, no matter how many time’s she’d encountered Pink and the PROBLEMS she brought with her.   ❝ My, aren’t we quiet ? I suppose it’s only natural for you when theres something to be desired. ❞
Being SENSITIVE was never White’s strong suit — she would call it LIKE IT IS, no matter the gem before her. Pink had peaked her ANNOYANCE; perhaps why it was so easy to be honest. 
However, ( though she would never admit it ) White had a tiny weak spot — the DEFECT in her manner taking form of the little pink Diamond at her feet. Reconsidering, the tone in the monarch’s voice shifted. Though still cold, perhaps there was a hint of warmth shining through the ice walls.  
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❝ Well, since you’ve asked so nicely — it’s only fair you get a chance to take her to The Reef before she’s repurposed. ❞ 
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✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠ @bratcrcwned​  ↺’d  this post. 
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❝ Oh, Starlight, look what you’ve done now. ❞   Her voice CUT THROUGH the little Diamond’s soft sobs — the floor of White’s chambers destroyed, once again. Pink’s pearl sat perched on her knees, one hand to CRACKED the gem upon her stomach, the other to her eye.   ❝ My, my, what a shame. However — she was never perfect. ❞
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❝ Don’t cry now, Pink. It’s only a pearl. I’ll have her replaced and we can forget about this little scene you’ve caused. ❞
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sovcreignty · 4 years
✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠  @yellowserve​  ♥’d  this post. 
❝ How bold of her — to send her pearl to speak to me. ❞   White noted, pale grey irises FOCUSED on the lithe yellow gem at her feet. Never in the many millennia she’d spent the sovereign had she seen such BLATANT DISRESPECT from a fellow Diamond. Sneering, White feigned an expression of nonchalance. A good leader never loses her temper.  ❝ Do tell Yellow not to make a habit of this. It’s terribly embarrassing for her, ❞
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 ❝ Next time, I won’t be so forgiving. ❞   The head matriarch pulled her gaze away from the pearl, a hand moving to bring up various holopads of reports & colony updates.   ❝ Words of warning aside, I’m interested in hearing just why she sent you here. I’ve received the status reports for her latest colony, what could she possibly need now ? ❞ 
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠ Anonymous asked: do... I have a flaw?
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A COLD laugher echoed off the walls of the matriarch’s chambers — eyebrows furrowing as her eyes moved to gaze upon the gem before her.   ❝ Did you really disturb me to ask me ... that ? ❞    White inquired, the tone of her voice shifting from soft to HARD. What a WASTE OF TIME this was. There are certainly more important matters to attend to. 
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❝ Are you off-colour ? ❞   she questioned, an eyebrow cocked.   ❝ Defective ? Low status ? Overcooked ?  If not, then you are adequate. As long as you obey your Diamond, consider yourself lucky — you aren’t a defect, and therefore do not need to be dealt with. That will be all. My pearl will escort you out. ❞ 
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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                                                  ✧ A GIFT. ✧
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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and what am i to do with you, my little sun?
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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Aaaw :3
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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diamond authority
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sovcreignty · 4 years
✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠ @spiraledheart​  ♥’d  this post. 
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❝ Oh, dear Spinel, don’t fret. ❞  White reassured, a finger ( with considerably filed-down nails ) moving to pat the small pink gem on the head. Spinel had no CAUSE FOR CONCERN — everything was going well !  Absolutely nothing was amiss. 
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❝ You haven’t done anything wrong — Everything has been going wonderfully ! Unless, you feel things haven’t been going as well as you’d hoped ? ❞
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sovcreignty · 4 years
✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠ @bratcrcwned​  ↺’d  this post. 
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❝ Oh, Starlight, look what you’ve done now. ❞   Her voice CUT THROUGH the little Diamond’s soft sobs — the floor of White’s chambers destroyed, once again. Pink’s pearl sat perched on her knees, one hand to CRACKED the gem upon her stomach, the other to her eye.   ❝ My, my, what a shame. However — she was never perfect. ❞
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❝ Don’t cry now, Pink. It’s only a pearl. I’ll have her replaced and we can forget about this little scene you’ve caused. ❞
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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♥ / ↺  for a short starter - multi-muses specify muse ! 
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sovcreignty · 4 years
“Hello Starlight” for my sideblog @serveblue
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// thanks for reading my rules !!! I look forward to interacting with you ♡♡
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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// thank you for reading my rules !!! ♡♡
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ ↠ Anonymous said: Hello, white. how are you doing today?
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❝ Why, hello, ❞   The head matriarch replied, voice soft as silk yet SHARP & CONDESCENDING.   ❝ I feel excellent ! ❞   Of course she felt excellent — everything was perfect, everyone was IN LINE. 
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Irises of pale grey move to FOCUS on the gem before her; why bother to question the state of White’s emotions. Was she insinuating that something was WRONG ?   ❝ Why have you come here ? Surely if not to bask in My radiance — something is amiss. ❞
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❝ That simply won’t do. ❞
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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starters  /  prompts taken from various characters starring in the game   fire emblem : three houses .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
“  feel free to say hi whenever you like  ”
“  don’t hold back for my sake  ”
“  you think I’m so clumsy that I need someone to watch over me ?  ”
“  you act like you’re full of regret  ,  but I know you don’t really mean it  ”
“  you actually look more handsome to me with honesty on your face  ”
“  don’t be ashamed of crying  ”
“  could you keep quiet for a bit ?  ”
“  you’re actually kind of amazing  ”
“  do you mean to imply you have no intention of acting a bit more respectably ?  ”
“  stop acting so nonchalant about getting hurt or killed  ”
“  naive and uptight is no way to live your life  ”
“  you’d better watch that temper  ”
“  i am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you  ”
“  your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling  ”
“  I’ll just be straightforward about taking advantage of you  ”
“  when will you tire of challenging me in pointless competitions ?  ”
“  you expect me to believe that ?  ”
“  i’ve had enough of your foolish antics  ”
“  i wish you would not sneak up on me like that  ”
“  before you reprimand me  ,  take a moment to consider your own failings  ”
“  it is like hearing a snake sing an aria  ”
“  am I hearing a deathbed confession ?  ”
“  i never have any idea what you’re talking about  ”
“  don’t walk away when i’m talking to you  ”
“  you’ll be the death of me for sure  ”
“  i do not intend to die  ”
“  i can’t believe you put yourself at risk for my benefit  ”
“  i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile  ”
“  i do not desire your gratitude  ”
“  you’re surprisingly strong for how slender you appear  ”
“  perhaps i was flustered needlessly  ”
“  i had forgotten how charmingly ethereal you can be  ”
“  you’re going a little overboard  ”
“  you have shaken me to my very core  ”
“  so this is what death is like  ”
“  if you get sick of me  ,  i’m sorry ahead of time  ”
“  i’m embarrassed just thinking about it  ”
“  you’re like a little brother to me  ”
“  spending the rest of my life with you doesn’t sound so bad  ”
“  if our roles were reversed  ,  I don’t think I’d be able to forgive you  ”
“  you actually hate me  ,  right ?  ”
“  you haven’t stabbed me yet  ”
“  i want to be more like you  ”
“  i actually envy the size of your heart  ”
“  i don’t think you can solve all your problems by throwing a few punches  ”
“  there aren’t a lot of people like you in the world  ”
“  sorry I’ve been so oblivious to your needs  ”
“  sometimes you just can’t afford to wait around for someone else to notice ”
“  yesterday’s enemy is today’s ally  ”
“  you have to abandon old feuds  ”
“  learn to protect yourself before trying to protect me  ”
“  i always trust that you’ve got my back  ”
“  if only people could be more like flowers  ”
“  if you promise not to resort to violence  ,  I’ll do whatever you want  ”
“  i can’t stand the sight of me either  ”
“  i would be even more impressed if you hadn’t been screaming the whole time  ”
“  i did what was necessary to get you to comply  ”
“  you have so much power in you  ,  just waiting to be unleashed  ”
“  i’m hopelessly terrified of you  ”
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sovcreignty · 4 years
This verse is pre-Pink’s shattering. White Diamond has no problem travelling across Homeworld and her various colonies to spread her radiant light & remind the gems beneath her just what they work so hard for. Her, Yellow, Blue and Pink spent time together, it’s a simpler time. 
✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ IF YOU CAN’T DO THAT - I’LL DO IT FOR YOU // ERA 2.
Post-Pink’s shattering. White doesn’t leave the head of her ship — quietly making sure Homeworld stays intact ( as well as it can. ) She is overbearing, a perfectionist to say the very least. Since Pink’s shattering she feels the need for complete and total control, not allowing for another mishap to take place.
✧ ∗ * ✧ * ∗ UGH - EQUAL LIFE FORMS // ERA 3.
This verse is based after the events of Change Your Mind. White is struggling to come to terms with treating all gems as “equal” — though she does her best ( save for the thoughts within her head. ). She adores Spinel, and she adores Steven. Though — the Earth is still disgusting.
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sovcreignty · 4 years
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                                       INDEPENDENT | PRIVATE | SELECTIVE 
                                                          RULES | TEMPLATE 
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