spacious-infinity · 3 years
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
maybe a random thought but what if Gibbs blew up the boat on purpose
we know that rule 91 is ‘when you decide to walk away, don’t look back’ and he named the boat ‘Rule 91’, so what if Gibbs blew up the boat to fake his own death? idk why but if that’s the case, since mark harmon is signed on for the next season maybe we’ll find out
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
Prince Philip: *dies*
Piers Morgan:
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
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A message from Mr X
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
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spacious-infinity · 3 years
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What is going on with the world??
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
hello! just a lil smth, please don’t scroll!
tw // anti-asian violence
there’s been a fuck ton of aapi hate since the beginning of the pandemic and especially lately, with the georgia shootings today, and even the grammys last sunday
all this said i just wanted to share a few resources (none mine!):
- anti-asian violence resources (this resource is also linked in my pinned, it contains information, petitions, places to donate and a lot more)
- stop asian hate (contains petitions, places to donate, ways to spread the word and more)
- sites to donate to and share (if you have a twitter please consider retweeting)
- a cumulative twitter thread with a little bit of everything and more than i explained
+ stop asian hate gofundme
+ asian american resource center (an atlanta based foundation focused on housing and civil classes)
if you have any resources you wanna share reply and/or reblog and i’ll add it, and with that please share this with the same tags <3 sending love to my fellow aapi, please stay safe all of you and don’t be fucking racist :]
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
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I do not know this “Brain Drain” but he is my new favorite Marvel character. He needs his own movie.
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
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vanity fair taking zero prisoners
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
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hello everyone — to those who have taken the time to stop and read this — i am writing this post as a texas resident currently living and breathing in texas, creating this post on what’s left of my phone battery and data as wifi and electricity is scarce now. i am asking you all to please open your hearts, your empathy, and your wallets (if that’s a comfortable option for you) and to put aside your hatred and whatever beliefs you may have regarding what you think u.s. americans and people in texas deserve or don’t deserve.
this past week’s harsh winter weather has caused blackouts and power outages that have displaced and put in danger many — literally millions — of people and, you guessed it — the majority of the communities that are suffering the most are marginalized low-income communities and households that do not have the funds or financial resources to safely upend and flee to safety and rebound, much less during a pandemic.
for context: texas has opted to operate an independent power grid that finances separately from the rest of the country, as a reckless act to maintain independence and avoid federal funding (and ultimately capitalize monetarily on energy resources). there are many powerful lawmakers in texas who believe that it’s better for residents to go days without power than to allow for federal regulators to have control over the power grid — but it could be weeks before many communities have access to power again. nobody should die for corporate profits. yet people are freezing to death.
if you are in a position to donate, now is the time.
Mutual Aid Houston
Venmo: @ mutualaidhou
North Texas Rural Resilience
Venmo: @ ntrr4yall
Austin Mutual Aid
Venmo: @ austinmutualaid
Feed The People Dallas
Venmo/CashApp: @ feedthepeopledallas
Funky Town Fridge
Venmo: @ funkytownfridge
DFW Mutual Aid
Venmo/CashApp: @ dfwmutualaid
Lucha Dallas
Venmo: @ luchadallas
Houseless Organization Coalition
Venmo: @ hoc_htx
Cooperation Denton
CashApp: $CooperationDenton
and if you are not in a position to spend money for donations, consider spending time learning instead (i can’t link these articles i think due to using data and not wifi but search them by title and you’ll find them):
what the texas blackout reveals about America’s climate vulnerability // theweek.com
texas blackouts hit minority neighborhoods especially hard // nytimes.com
severe weather, blackouts show the grid’s biggest problem is infrastructure, not renewables // TechCrunch.com
what went wrong with the texas power grid? // houstonchronicle.com
a glimpse of America’s future: climate change means trouble for power grids // nytimes.com
texas shows what happens when we ignore climate change // bloomberg.com
what texas governor greg abbott gets wrong about the state’s power failures // nymag.com
podcast: the blackout in texas // nytimes daily podcast
texas blackouts fuel false claims about renewable energy // apnews.com
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
I only watch real sports
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
To everyone who sees this:
My home country, Myanmar (Burma) is in a serious situation.
On the first of February 2021. the military seized power. They had detained government officials, including our State Counsellor, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and our president, U Win Myint.
Every form of connection, both wifi and mobile data, all was cut off this morning. We did not know what was happening for the whole of the morning, until 5 in my house when the internet was back on.
They had cut all news channel, we do not know what really is happening inside our country other than their power seizure, and we do not know what is happening in the world right now. Every news channel except the military owned are now cut.
There are now curfews to stay at home after 8pm in Yangon, whether the same law apply to other cities are unknown.
There is not much we can do as citizens other than hope that our little voices reach the world. The best we can hope for is.
I am in the dark and cannot shed much light on the situation. You might have heard and know better by now. The 8888 uprising is one that had happened in the past, we hope this is not another one. Some think that the worst may result in our country disappearing off the face of the Earth, but I can only hope for the best.
The internet and electricity may be cut off again at 12 in the night, Myanmar Time, but some said this is a rumour. I do not know yet.
Spreading awareness on this situation is extremely important to us, we are no strangers to being left in the dark corner for a long time.
Speaking from my heart, I hope that we can stand as a union of humanity, rather than divided by any borders or nationalities. The military oppression will not only affect our country, our children, our lives to the biggest extent, it can tear the centuries our country had survived into nothingness. In the 88 uprising, countless bodies had been buried alive, the streets had been covered with blood, and tears drown the country. We can only hope this is not 88 again. 
To every bystander, to help us, spreading awareness is important. It’s extremely important to research as well and get to the bottom ( and avoid circular reporting), and I will try to explain as much as possible if there is time. 
There was another announcement that all travel to outside the country will be shut down till April 30.
This is a petition you can sign:
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
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I’m so sorry it’s disorganised but this is the best I can do before they take away our WiFi
Edit: Alright so slight connection and update. The military’s gonna be in power for one year now? And I don’t know that’s just disgusting honestly. Also by the way the pictures I have posted in this post are from Twitter written by someone not me. By disorganised I meant I didn’t have the time to arrange the pictures in order because my WiFi got taken away. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the account who wrote this as I was in a hurry to post this so yes 😔
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
did I miss something or is no one talking about the fact that one of the Zodiac Killer’s ciphers was solved today and we might just be one step closer to discovering their identity and getting justice for his victims
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
also in trans news that should be talked about. laverne cox has stated that on saturday her and a friend were assulted in a park and it’s not really getting the same attention as elliot. we can still be proud of him without ingnoring what happened to laverne and her friend.
if you claim ally ship to the trans community then you can’t ignore the bad things that happen to especially trans woc. and if you’re a white trans person you can’t just talk about other white trans people. it just shows that you only care about trans people if they are white and that shouldn’t be the case.
if your gonna talk about elliot please also talk about laverne. she deserves better and we should all do better to raise up the voices of black trans women.
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spacious-infinity · 4 years
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