spallassociates-blog 5 years
5 Tips for Architects to Bring Innovation in Their Designs
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There are myriad of residential architects in Gurgaon but only a few are able to stay in the race. Who are they? The ones who take a risk and ensure innovation in their designs. However, it is easier said than done. So, here are 5 tips that will help you add a touch of creativity in your projects:
Identify the project
Start with studying the project. As soon as the client approaches you to prepare a layout for his house, your research starts. You need to know what is the budget, specifications, how much risk you can take with designs, if you need to follow Vastu, etc. These factors will help you finalize the blueprint. You can make the design based on these points. If the client is particular about each room and nook, you might not get the liberty to try new things. However, if you are allowed to give your inputs and asked to come up with new and unique, play with the design and structure of the house.
Read blogs and magazines
It鈥檚 never too late to learn new things. In fact, as a professional, you must garner knowledge about all the latest developments and happenings in your industry. So, how to do that? Subscribe to a renowned magazine or online blogs and read the published articles and news regularly. These journals also have interviews and tips of top architects in Gurgaon which can guide you through your projects and direct you to get better results. Moreover, you can see the designs and buildings that are located in different parts of the world and get innovative ideas for your projects.
Push boundaries
We know that when it comes to design a house or a building, there is little scope to take the risk. As the invested amount is too big, you cannot afford to keep the money at stake only because you have a unique idea which you think is great. However, you also need to step out of your comfort zone at some point in time and deliver an exclusive project, else all your designs will look same and monotonous. Your potential customers will lose trust in you and prefer hiring someone who has better ideas and concepts to develop buildings.
Keep pace with technology
As we said earlier that taking risk is an expensive affair when it comes to constructing a building. However, with new techniques and tools, this can be made easier and convenient. Yes, technological advancements have made it possible to take a virtual tour of the house or a building before it is even materialized. Many residential architects in Gurgaon are using this technology to get a nod for their new designs from their customers. An architect has to prepare a blueprint of the house, prepare a 3D structure and the client can see the final result instantly. Of course, this will help you see how your idea will work out in the end and if it is exactly how you imagined it to be.
Learn from every opportunity
Every day brings a new lesson with it. When you work on different projects, you get a lot of chances to understand the details of architecture. Even if you make a mistake, that is the chance to learn from it and never repeat it in future. Go through the journey of top architects in Gurgaon and you will know how they ceased every moment and opportunity to learn something new.
More info: Spallassociates
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spallassociates-blog 5 years
Colors & Architecture: Importance and Applications
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Importance and applications of colors are never debated when it comes to interior designing. Whether they understood it all or not, homeowners are always excited while discussing the many color themes their interior designer has to offer. You would witness the same childlike enthusiasm among restaurant owners when they discuss and argue the right color themes for their joint with top restaurant interior designers in Delhi. But not many know, or haven鈥檛 realised, the wonders it adds when you choose to apply the right color and combinations in your architecture.
Read on to know how colors affect the architecture design of a building, be it a home or building being used for commercial purposes.
Induce Emotions
Without a doubt, colors have the ability to bring out emotions as soon as their reflection gets past our eye lenses. The interesting part is, a color could incite two totally different feelings or memories for two different people. And that鈥檚 why it鈥檚 important that we use them with utter considerations, and brilliance if possible. Red could mean energy for one, and anger for others, and lust for someone else. Similarly, black or grey might be perceived as a classic tone by an individual, while another at the same time and place might view it as dark and dingy. That鈥檚 the top architects in Delhi NCR, and world, give their everything when discussions about a building鈥檚 color are being held.
Bring out the Details
On searching for skyscrapers located in major cities like London, Dubai, Seoul, New-York, etc. you will see that these sky-touching marvels of architecture have their unique color themes. If apprehending the color scheme of tall skyscrapers gives you pain in neck, then have Brazil for an example. Back in 2010, slums of Rio DEgenerio were painted in multiple color, giving it an enticing look to the viewers. Such is the power of colors when used right with the right architecture. You can paint a whole brown-black, leaving a little space for grey in the mid, and the contrast alone would do a perfect job in bringing the attention to your balcony.
Can Make the Space Look Big, or Small
Colors have long been used to create an illusion of depth or height, as seen above. But did you know that colors can also make big rooms feel small, and small rooms appear bigger than they are? That鈥檚 a fact that top architects in Delhi NCR always make their clients understand when they are working on a project with small budgets, and smaller rooms. Painting small rooms in dark colors like grey, royal blue, Earthy ochre, light shades of brown and black, etc. gives the illusion of them being bigger than they are. For big rooms, using light colors like yellow, orange, light green, can help them look warm and inviting.
Further Readings:
Top 3 Mistakes People Make with their Home鈥檚 Floor Plan 5 Common Restaurant Design Mistakes and their Effective Solutions 5 Ideas to Create Ideal Learning Environment in School Buildings
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Spallassociates has a team of the most experienced hotel architects in Delhi. Our restaurant interior designers in Delhi will help you design every nook uniquely.
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Hire the best architects in Gurgaon to spruce up your home. Our team of top architects in Delhi, NCR is here to help you design your hotel, home or office.
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spallassociates-blog 5 years
Office Interior Design Tips That You Cannot Miss
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Finding a spacious office in Delhi is a hard nut to crack and when it comes to designing it, the things get even more challenging. However, there are a few tricks and tips that can help you create an impressive workplace which is comfortable and boosts efficiency. Of course, you might need to hire an office interior designer in Delhi to get things right. But the result will be worth all the efforts and investment. Here are a few tips that you must consider while designing your office:
The first rule is to make your workspace organized. No one can concentrate on their task amidst clutter and mess. You have to make sure that there is a proper place for everything from the lunch area to stationary to the activity room to the meeting area and more. The messy and chaotic place will never encourage the employees to focus on their work and give their best.
We know that having a big space for an office is a rare luxury in cities like Delhi. Therefore, you have to design it in a way that it looks spacious and huge. You can hire a trusted office interior designer in Noida to do the job. He can help you arrange your furniture and design the office in a way that it looks big no matter how small it is.
Lightnings play a crucial role when it comes to designing a great office. Dark and dim lights will not only make the place look small but also induce sleep. Your employees will be yawning or dozing all day and might even fail to meet deadlines most of the time. On the contrary, bright lights have a psychological effect where workers are more concentrated on work rather than feeling sleepy. It also makes the area look bigger than what it actually is.
If you want your employees to give their best in work, then you have to give them a comfortable environment. It has been concluded in several studies that comfort level in office has a great influence on their productivity and quality of work. Keep enough space between tables and other furniture, have comfortable chairs, tables should be spacious, there must be a free flow of movement. If you get stuck anywhere, then seek help from a reliable office interior designer in Delhi who knows all the details of interior designing.
We hope that these tips will help you design a beautiful and creative workspace. Honestly, we think that it鈥檚 not a one-man job and you need professional help. Therefore, collaborate with an authentic office interior designer in Noida who can assist you with the task and give the best result. More Info: Spallassociates
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