sparrow-system · 6 years
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sparrow-system · 6 years
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sparrow-system · 6 years
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sparrow-system · 6 years
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Alter introduction
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Jubal / 20 / he/him / @wall-of-time
Likes :
Sience fiction
Cities at night
Diskikes :
Others :
Get's easily bored
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Non of us can really draw so we stick to avatar creators and that kind of stuff. But it's hardly doing justice to what we actually look.
- Jubal
Stop shaming alters who use pictures models, celebrities or stock photos as reference pics/ face claims. It’s really shitty like if we could have a pic of how we actually looked in our inner world we would. Like do you know how shitty it is to not be able to be seen for you? It fucking sucks
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Alter introduction
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Frederik Till / 6-8 / child alter / @freddie-the-great
Likes :
Being outside
The old disney movies
Scooby doo
Dislikes :
Other :
He's Roys adopted son.
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sparrow-system · 6 years
No one, ESPECIALLY some random person on the internet, has the right to call you fake. Random people don’t know fucking jackshit about you, your life, and your DID/OSDD. It is your disorder, not theirs. Fake-claiming on tumblr is disgusting. 
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Reblog this if you are a system
With recent stigmatization of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the media, I want to prove a point that systems exist, that Dissociative Identity Disorder exists, and that we are more common than the world thinks.
People think DID is an oddity, that every person Diagnosed with it has violent tendencies and thus that we as a community are scary.
I want the world to know we are your friends, neighbors, coworkers, managers, supervisors, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses; and we are NOT the stigma. So if you reblog to show you’re a system, put in the tag the number of people in your system.
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Alter introduction
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Eddie / 19 / he/him / @a-princes-dream
Likes :
Rainy days
Autumn and winter
Dislikes :
Other :
Shy and quiet. Somehow the host.
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Alter introduction
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Julya / 17 / she/her / unsure (bi?) / @its-rocknroll-not-rocket-sience
Likes :
Horror movies
Pearl jam
Leather jackets
The Night
Dislikes :
Other :
She's got a rebel soul and wants to become a guitarist
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sparrow-system · 6 years
1. Currently 15
2. Jack Sparrow, the first pirates of the caribbean movies
3. Previously Eddie but we're going through some changes rn.
4. Most of our close friends.
5. We tried to keep one but no one wrote into it.
6. We're in therapy and it's really helping us.
8. No, non of our alters feels currently comfortable in our body. But we're trying to change that!
9. I think we all like to read.
10. Jack's not that "wild" anymore.
11. When we meet someone from our old school/social circle.
12. Some years ago? I'm not so sure. When we were in mental hospital 2015 the idea came up that we might have DID but it took us long to accept it.
13. Yes but we've been misdiagnosed with autism so every weird behavior simply got viewed as us being autistic.
Some Traumagenic system questions
Because im curious about my follower’s systems! Anyone can answer these in their own post and tag us
How many alters do you know of in your system?
Any fictives? If so, who are they and what is their source?
Who fronts the most on average?
Who knows about your system?
Do you keep a log/journal about your experiences?
How far have you gotten with doctors and helping to work with your system?
Pick an alter. What are the things that can tell them apart from everyone else? Like actions, handwriting, speech etc.
Do your alters feel comfortable in your body? What about the voice the body has?
What is something you and all of your alters have in common?
If you have fictives, how different are they to their original source? If you don’t have fictives, how different do your alters act when fronting?
In what places do your alters have to act like the host?
When did you discover you had DID/OSDD?
Did other people see some implications towards you having DID/OSDD before you noticed? (Like acting “strange”, not noticing time change, talking to yourself etc.)
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Alter introduction
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Sissi / 14-15 / she/her / @i-paint-my-dream
Likes :
Playing the piano
Vintage stuff
Dislikes :
Big cities
Other :
She's a gentle person with a soft heart.
0 notes
sparrow-system · 6 years
an important thing i’ve found is to give your alters each their own blog. allowing them to express themselves as individuals is really important and makes them feel valid. every one of my alters has their own blog and it helps a lot, providing outlets and vent spaces and just places for them to express themselves. 
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sparrow-system · 6 years
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Disney Stores are dangerous…
Based on true events of a little fronting and spending too much money
(pls no endogenic/kink/cgl interaction. this is about DID/OSDD systems)
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sparrow-system · 6 years
All DID systems are valid.
If you only have one alter, you are valid.
If you have over a hundred alters, you are valid.
If your alters have alters, you are valid.
If your alters are all dynamically different, you are valid.
If your alters are all subtly different, you are valid.
If you are actively aware of all your alters, you are valid.
If you are not actively aware of any or all of your alters, you are valid.
If you quickly established communication with your system, you are valid.
If you are still struggling with system communication, you are valid.
If you knew about your DID your whole life, you are valid.
If you only came to learn about your DID as an adult, you are valid.
If you don’t remember your trauma yet, you are valid.
If you have frequent bursts of resurfacing memories, you are valid.
If you have fictives or factives in your system, you are valid.
If you have no introjects in your system, you are valid.
If you have primarily Littles in your system, you are valid.
If you have no Littles in your system, you are valid.
All DID systems are valid. We are varied and that is a beautiful thing. Let us celebrate and support one another.
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sparrow-system · 6 years
Tips for a healthier system
(We are not professionals, these are just things that we have found help with our specific system. Everyone is different and these may not work for every system.)
-Communication: This might be said a lot, but it’s really important to be able to talk with one other. Have an inner world? Visit one another. Hear each other in the headspace? Talk things over and get to know one another. Can’t communicate at all? Write in notes or journals; anywhere another alter could see. Write letters to one another to work towards communication. You are all living together, you don’t want to not get along. Don’t want to talk to a specific alter? See if someone else will speak to them for you. -Set schedules: This goes with communication, as you have to talk to set schedules. Even if you can’t follow them exactly, it helps if everyone is trying to work together towards when it is safe to switch and when it isn’t. Make sure everyone that wants to front gets some time to come out and be themselves. Schedules are good, however:
-Don’t Force Them: It’s not good to force an alter to not front, as that might cause in-system fighting or mess with any and all communication. Don’t make an alter do something they don’t want to do. Don’t force yourself to be happy. You are an alter too and you all deserve happiness and health. Just do what comes naturally to your system. -Personal Objects: It may help with scared or angry alters if they have something that belongs only to them when they front. If possible: give your littles some toys, get your male alters (if in a female body) some binders, get your female alters (if in a male body) some feminine clothing, get some sketchbooks/notebooks for you all to share things with each other. Just try to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy when fronting to help with everyone’s overall mood.
-Don’t Compare to Other Systems: Every system, every alter, every body; we are all different and unique. Some systems have 2 alters, some have 20, and some have 200. Don’t compare yourselves to others and don’t stress that you can’t communicate as well as other systems. You are allowed to ask for advice, to make your own rules, to do what you think is best for your system and not even follow these tips.
In the end just do what you guys feel is best for you and try to be happy together. Whether your goal is integration, communication, or even just to get by one day at a time. Be who you want to be, do what your system thinks is best for all of you. Take your meds if you need them. Cry if you feel like crying. See a therapist and get professional advice. It’s going to be okay, you’re not alone.
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