specialneedspets · 10 months
Keeping Your Pet Safe from Upper Respiratory Illness
We can all become a little run down as the seasons change and the temperature drops, and before you know it, the early symptoms of an upper respiratory infection begin to show. Our pets are in the same boat. Learn how to spot the warning signs that your pet may be feeling under the weather and how to prevent these health hazards in the future.
Similar to human upper respiratory infections, pet URIs can begin simply enough, but if untreated, they can worsen and spread to the lungs and other parts of the body. The infection is brought on by bacteria and viruses that are present in the environment of the pets. In dogs, this can include parainfluenza and different influenza strains, while in cats, it can be caused by feline viral rhinotracheitis and calicivirus. One of the bacteria that causes kennel cough in dogs is Bordetella bronchiseptica, which can also infect cats.
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Aerosolized droplets (from coughing and sneezing, for example) or contact with contaminated surfaces (like shared dishes or toys) can spread these germs from pet to pet. Dog parks, boarding houses, vet clinics, and animal shelters are among the locations where a lot of pets might congregate and spread the virus.
What to look out for:
Clear or colored discharge from the nose or eyes
Hacking cough in dogs that can be wet or dry
Loss of appetite
Sores in nose or mouth
Your pet may experience breathing difficulties (such as gasping, wheezing, or open mouth breathing) and an elevated heart rate if the infection has spread to the lungs. In this situation, you ought to get veterinary assistance right away.
The best defense against danger for your pet is vaccination. The most crucial thing you can do to keep your pet safe and healthy year-round is to get regular veterinary checkups and vaccinations. Dr. Mark Verdino, Vice President and Chief of Veterinary Staff at our Pet Health Centers, said, “With winter upon us dogs, just like people, are prone to an increase in respiratory illnesses, especially if they spend time indoors with other pets (boarding, grooming, daycare, etc.), in dog parks, or drinking from communal water bowls.” “It is crucial to keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date and to see a vet as soon as possible if respiratory symptoms appear.”
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How secure is North Shore Animal League America’s animal shelter? As mentioned earlier, animal shelters and veterinary hospitals are frequent locations for the spread of this kind of illness. We are happy to report that there has not been an increase in respiratory illnesses among our rescue population, thanks to our stringent protocol of medical evaluation both before and after arrival. Furthermore, pets with any highly contagious illness are safely cared for and segregated from our regular shelter animals and clinical patients at our Freed Special Recovery Center.
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specialneedspets · 10 months
5 Essential Tips to Protect Your Dog or Cat from Harsh Winter Chemicals
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In the winter, ice melts are a popular solution to prevent slips and falls, but pet parents in particular need to be mindful that these products may contain hazardous substances. What you need is an ice melt that is safe for pets to use, so your beloved four-legged friends won't slip and fall. Also, these five suggestions will keep your cats and dogs safe throughout the winter. Wintertime brings many slips and falls due to ice and snow, so ice melts are a great way to keep people and pets safe on driveways, walkways, and sidewalks. The greatest method to protect your family of two and four-legged members is to use a pet-safe ice melt; the incorrect kind of ice melt can be harmful to cats and dogs. Let's examine five strategies for shielding cats and dogs from harmful wintertime substances.
Boot Up
When going on a winter walk or excursion, boots are a great way to shield your dog's or cat's paws from the elements, including salt, snow, ice, and low temperatures. If, however, your feline or canine detests boots, consider using a protective balm in their place.
Wipe Their Paws When They Come Inside
When your dog or cat is outside, they can come into contact with dirt, bacteria, ice balls, harsh chemicals, and other objects. When they come inside after being outside, wash or wipe their paws. This will keep their paws clean and healthy and stop them from licking harsh chemicals off of them or tracking unpleasant things throughout the house.
Choose an Ice Melt Without Salt
Although salt is harmful to dogs, cats, wildlife, waterways, and the environment, it can be a useful tool in the winter to reduce slips and falls. On the paws and eyes, salt can irritate, burn, and itch. Furthermore, overindulging in salt can result in weakness, tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures in your dog or cat. Thankfully, there are ice melts without salt that are safe for pets.
 Look for Chloride-Free Formulations
Magnesium and sodium chlorides are found in many ice melts. Similar to salt, these goods can seriously jeopardize the health of your cat or dog. The following are some potential signs of coming into contact with ice melts:
burns to the eyes, mouth, throat, nose, and skin
vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea
Inhaling metal fumes can cause fever, chills, coughing, and pain in the chest and muscles.
imbalance in electrolytes
Lack of water
elevated heart rate
Seizures and tremors
Opt for a Pet-Safe Ice Melt
The best way to keep your four- and two-legged family members safe from falls and slips is to use an ice melt that is safe for dogs and cats. These products are safe for dogs, cats, and humans to use and do not irritate paws because they do not contain salt, chlorides, or other harmful chemicals.
Safe Paw for Safe Surfaces and Paws!
The only ice melt available that is safe for pets is Safe Paw! Some may claim to be pet-friendly, but that doesn't imply they're harmless. Safe Paw doesn't contain salt, chlorides, or any other corrosives. It does not endanger children, dogs, cats, plants, surfaces, or the environment. It is safe for paws and safe to eat.
learn more: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
5 Things to Consider For Your Senior Dog
Our cherished dog friends need more care and attention as they get older to maintain their health and happiness. Senior dogs can experience physical changes and age-related ailments, just like any other mammal. Here are five crucial factors to think about in order to give your senior dog the best care possible:
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Diet and Nutrition: Dogs typically become less active as they get older due to a slower metabolism. It follows that they need fewer calories to stay at a healthy weight. A senior dog’s diet must be modified appropriately to avoid obesity and associated health problems. To choose a premium senior dog food that satisfies their unique nutritional requirements, speak with your veterinarian about the right portion sizes. To further support joint health and lower inflammation, think about including supplements that have been recommended by veterinarians, such as glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids.
Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Vet visits on a regular basis are crucial for senior dogs. Age-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and dental issues are more common in older dogs. Regular check-ups allow your veterinarian to identify any potential health issues early on and treat them appropriately. During these visits, preventive care can also be discussed, including vaccinations, dental care, controlling parasites, and any behavioral or dietary changes that may need attention.
Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Even though older dogs might not be as energetic as younger ones, exercise on a regular basis is still essential for their general health. Exercise plans should be customized to your dog’s capabilities and limitations. Maintaining muscle tone, joint flexibility, and mental stimulation can be facilitated by swimming, gentle walks, or other low-impact exercises. Playing interactive games or puzzle toys can also help them fight cognitive decline and keep their minds active.
Comfortable Environment: As dogs get older, arthritis or other ailments may cause them to lose their mobility or feel uncomfortable. Make sure your senior dog has a safe and cozy space to live in. Give them comfortable bedding in the warm parts of the house, and think about giving them access to stairs or ramps for higher areas. For dogs who are experiencing visual or cognitive decline, remove any potential hazards from their living area, such as slick floors, and refrain from moving furniture or floor plans. As usual, make sure they are protected from severe weather and have easy access to fresh water.
Emotional Support and Quality Time: Senior dogs need love and care from their human companions just as much as young pups do. Their behavior may change as they get older due to anxiety or cognitive decline. Reassure and comfort your senior dog by spending quality time with them. To lessen tension, agitation, and confusion, stick to a routine. Take part in enjoyable activities with them, like snuggling or light grooming sessions. You can improve their general wellbeing and treasure their golden years by providing them with emotional support.
When Your Dog is Suffering:
Even though we work hard to provide our senior dogs with comfort and happiness, we must accept that there may be moments when pain takes precedence. Euthanasia is a suitable course of action if your elderly dog is suffering and there is no chance of recovery. See your veterinarian about the possibility of euthanasia as a compassionate way to end your senior dog’s suffering if their quality of life has substantially declined as a result of illness or chronic pain. They can support you during this emotional period and help you navigate this challenging decision-making process.
Taking care of an elderly dog can be a bittersweet experience that calls for special consideration. The best care for your senior dog can be provided during their golden years by taking into account their diet and nutrition, routine veterinary check-ups, gentle exercise and mental stimulation, an environment that is age-appropriate, emotional support, and gentle exercise.
Learn More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
First Dog? 5 tips to follow and mistakes to avoid
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Choosing to bring a dog into your house for the first time is a responsible and fulfilling choice. An otherwise boring life can be brightened with happiness, company, and unconditional love from a new furry friend. It can be your lifelong companion and your partner through good times and bad. But making it through this journey takes more than cuddles and playtime; it takes thoughtful planning and comprehension. These are some common pitfalls to avoid, along with five essential tips for every new dog owner to ensure a smooth transition and happy life for you and your new companion.
Prepare Your Home
Think of your dog as a new member of the family that deserves a special place to call home. Provide a bed, food and water bowls, and suitable toys in a designated living area for your dog. The dog needs privacy, so make sure this spot is both easily accessible and away from foot traffic. Eliminate any possible risks, like poisonous plants or small items that could be swallowed. To lessen the chance of electrocution, tape up any electrical outlets that are located low.
Ensure Proper Hygiene
Dogs are affectionate, extroverted creatures. They enjoy playing and don’t mind getting messy when doing so with their human. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on your dog’s health and to lead a clean lifestyle. It’s critical to schedule routine veterinary examinations in order to track your dog’s health and provide any required shots. It’s also a big responsibility to dispose of your dog’s waste properly. To ensure effective and safe waste management, though, think about hiring a professional dog poop service if you’re too busy or just don’t want to clean up their mess. The waste left by your dog will be routinely cleaned up and disposed of by professionals. Hiring these professionals takes care of the common problem of responsibly handling your dog’s waste and keeping your outdoor space clean.
Provide Suitable Nutrition
It is critical for your dog’s health to maintain a diet that is both balanced and nourishing. To develop a customized diet plan, speak with your veterinarian about the nutritional needs of various dog breeds. Your dog’s size and breed also affect how much food they should eat in order to stay at a healthy weight. Steer clear of giving your dog human food; it may be excessively salty and harmful to their health. Dogs are toxic eaters, so foods like chocolate, grapes, and onions should be kept out of their reach.
Prioritize Regular Exercise
Playing with its owner is the most enjoyable activity for a dog; they thrive on regular mental and physical stimulation. For them, exercising every day is therefore essential to maintaining their health, not just a choice. Frequent walks provide your dog the chance to become accustomed to its surroundings and are also an excellent way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s critical to adjust your dog’s exercise regimen to suit their breed and level of energy. Dog breeds with high energy levels need more playtime. Regular exercise neglect can result in obesity, behavioral disorders, physical health problems, and other problems. Boredom can be avoided and their cognitive abilities stimulated with interactive toys, puzzles, and agility games.
Implement Positive Reinforcement Training
In many ways, dogs and children are the same; they are both adorable and affectionate but also incredibly unruly. Thus, training your dog is regarded as essential to dog ownership. Effective training starts with positive reinforcement methods, which emphasize rewarding desired behavior instead of punishing undesirable behavior. Treats or praise should be given to your dog promptly for good behavior so that they will come to associate the behavior with the treats or praise. Treats or time spent with their favorite toy can be used as rewards. Steer clear of severe techniques like yelling or giving your dog physical punishments as these can have a negative long-term effect on their behavior.
Some Common Mistakes
Improper Socialization
Dogs are gregarious animals. To the best of their abilities, they live to amuse and love their humans. Restricting your communication with them may result in undesirable conduct. Make an effort to socialize with your dog when it is still a puppy. By doing this, you can strengthen your relationship with your dog and raise the likelihood that it will obey your commands. Give your dog plenty of time to get used to new people and scents.Ignoring socialization can result in fears and aggressive behaviors.
Inconsistent Routine
Dogs need a regular schedule in order to thrive; they have specific times for play, walks, and meals. It can be very challenging to control aggressive behavior that arises from upsetting their routine. They may also experience tension and anxiety as a result of this. Dogs that are anxious more often may stop eating altogether or eat too much. Their energy balance is subsequently impacted, which may result in weight problems. Setting up a regular schedule for your dog’s activities is essential to avoiding these issues. It might not be easy to follow at first, but keep in mind that it’s for the benefit of your dog.
Harsh Training Methods
The foundation of a healthy human-dog bond is affection for your animal companion. The goal of owning a dog in the first place is defeated when harsh training techniques are used. These techniques, while incredibly common, may make your dog feel resentful. Having a dog demands tolerance and comprehension. By tackling problems patiently and calmly, you can establish a solid basis for a long-lasting partnership. To create a solid bond, use positive reinforcement techniques.
Refusing to give their dog extra food can be tough for some people. Steer clear of this! Give them portions based on their nutritional and energy needs, and limit the amount of treats you give them. Dog obesity is a serious issue since it can shorten their life span and cause a number of health issues in the future. Feed them wholesome foods in sufficient quantities to guarantee a happy, healthy puppy.
When it comes to adopting your first puppy, pragmatism and attention to detail are your constant companions. You can create a secure and nurturing environment for your new furry family member by adhering to these five easy rules and avoiding typical mistakes. Every action that you take to ensure a happy dog and a healthy relationship matters, from setting up a routine and preparing the home to providing positive training and consistent exercise. With these suggestions, you can start this new chapter of dog ownership with the assurance that your commitment will be rewarded with an abundance of love and company.
Learn More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Most Calm Dog Breeds: 10 Pups with Chill Vibes
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The energy level of the dog is definitely one of the most important things to consider if you’re thinking about adopting one. Dogs are often known for being lively and energetic creatures, but some would much rather kick back and watch TV with you than play fetch for hours on end. Calm temperaments are the result of many breeds being developed to do low-energy tasks, such guarding, entertaining, stealthily catching game, or simply being amiable.
tranquil dogs are tranquil dogs, but they still need frequent exercise to keep their bodies and minds in good working order. Even though they might not be prone to hyperactivity, they nevertheless require the chance to walk around, use up some energy, and breathe clean air.
Space is important, and not all dogs are good for apartment living, even though these easygoing canines will be happy to join you for a marathon viewing session. The same is true of size. Do you want to adopt a large dog, a medium-sized dog, or a little dog? Every size has less energetic dogs, especially if you think about adopting an older rescue dog who would just be content to live in a loving household. Your neighborhood shelter or rescue group is a great resource; their volunteers can serve as matchmakers to assist you select the ideal dog for your home. The following ten breeds are good options if you’re searching for a peaceful companion.
10 Super Chill Dogs
Senior Rescue Dog
Many senior rescue dogs are found in shelters; they are often seven years of age or older. Rescue dogs come in many shapes, sizes, and temperaments; some were once part of families but were given up. But compared to their younger counterparts, senior dogs tend to be calmer and slower-moving and simply want a secure place to call home throughout their golden years. They are usually already housebroken and need less training than younger canines. Senior dogs have a higher likelihood of some health concerns, such as arthritis or dental disorders, but they make up for it by being appreciative of their second shot at a good life.
Clumber Spaniel
Despite being bred primarily for bird hunting, Clumber Spaniels are often regarded as being more relaxed and tranquil than other spaniels. They are strangely cute because they have huge lumpy heads on shockingly short legs. They enjoy spending time together indoors and are quite affectionate. The Clumber requires frequent brushing due to its thick cream coat, which is often speckled with orange. They can also be more vulnerable to health conditions including hip dysplasia and vision impairments. To prevent weight gain, they should follow a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise. A respectable breeder should provide them, and you should keep up with their veterinary treatment.
Irish Wolfhound
Despite being transported to battlegrounds and taught to kill wolves, Irish Wolfhounds are more commonly referred to as “gentle giants” due to their extreme friendliness with children, adults, and other animals. Male Irish Wolfhounds can reach a height of 32 inches at the shoulder and weigh up to 120 pounds, making them one of the tallest breeds. Despite their massive stature, Irish Wolfhounds are incredibly calm and relaxed; they need regular exercise but are not very active. Walk them, make an impression on everyone you meet, and then bring them home for a lengthy snooze.
The Pekingese breed originated in the Chinese Imperial Court, where they were developed as companion dogs because they enjoyed company. This tiny breed is characterized by its long, opulent coat, flat face, and unusually floppy ears. Because of their love of people, these puppies make excellent pets for anybody looking for a low-energy canine that can live well in a small environment, while separation anxiety may become a problem if they are left alone for an extended period of time. Their lengthy coats wash the floor for free, but they also have some inherited health conditions that can make them expensive pets to maintain.
Although they are recognized for their propensity for racing and hunting, greyhounds are actually among the most laid-back dog breeds; even if they are capable of energetic outbursts, they prefer to spend as much time as possible relaxing and sleeping. After their racing careers are done, many Greyhounds end up in rescues where they make wonderful family pets but poor security dogs since they are more likely to go back to sleep than to confront an intruder. For their health, they should take occasional walks and runs, but nothing compares to spending time with you on the couch. Additionally, these large dogs dislike stairs, so if you live in a house with stairs or a building without an elevator, take caution.
German breeds like the strong Leonberger are frequently used as herding and draft dogs. However, their calm disposition and high degree of trainability make them excellent family pets and frequently result in their usage as therapy dogs. Because they are courageous, they are frequently trained as search and rescue dogs. Make sure you have space inside and time outside for your leonberger because they have a thick coat that develops around their body in a huge ruff and they need frequent exercise and training to prevent destructive behavior.
The Keeshond is a peaceful medium-sized breed from the Netherlands that resembles a huge raccoon that you can securely keep in your house. They have a silver-gray coat and characteristic black markings around their eyes. They enjoy barking and being close to you since they were originally designed to be watchdogs and companions. Keeshonds are easy trainable, having gentle temperament by nature, and moderate energy levels. Exercise and social interaction on a daily basis will keep children happy.
Japanese Chin
Despite their name, the Japanese Chin is a little toy breed that originated in China and arrived in Japan during the 16th century. This breed features a big head, huge, widely spaced eyes, a short, flat snout, and a gorgeous tail that ends in a smooth, silky coat. They are sweet, loving, and enjoy being caressed. These calm puppies are excellent lap dogs and, due to their tendency toward self-grooming and climbing, are sometimes compared to cats. Although they are not as intelligent as other cats, they are nevertheless quite trainable.
Known for being a calm and peaceful friend, the Xoloitzcuintli is a little, hairless dog with a small tuft of hair on top (but occasionally they even skip that modest ornamentation). The Xolo often bonds with a single family member, but they can be sociable with anyone they feel at ease around. Though generally calm, Xolos enjoy frequent long walks and time spent outside. These dogs require fewer showers than most because they are hairless, and frequent bathing can strip canines of their natural skin oils, leading to a variety of problems. A monthly bath with an occasional rubdown with a warm cloth are recommended.
Tibetan Spaniel
Tiny Tibetan Spaniels are developed to be small protectors in Tibet. These puppies don’t need a lot of exercise and might have calm, loving attitudes. Although they are devoted to their family and will rapidly bond with them, they are typically rather receptive to new acquaintances. Their floppy ears tip forward to frame their adorable features, and they have large almond-shaped eyes set in silky coats in a variety of colors of brown. Although they have a reputation for being a little stubborn, which young dogs frequently do, they are trainable.
Learn More: specialpets.org
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Should I Adopt a Puppy or an Adult Dog?
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Selecting an adult dog or a puppy for adoption is a significant choice that needs to fit into your lifestyle. Adult dogs are typically more laid back and may already be housebroken, but puppies require more care, time, and training. While pups might be able to adjust to different environments and people, mature dogs tend to have more stable dispositions.
The decision of whether to adopt an adult pet or a puppy ultimately comes down to your personal choices and circumstances. Check out our easy lists of pros and cons for puppies and adult dogs to see which new family member might be the greatest fit for you.
What advantages come with owning a puppy? It cannot be avoided: raising puppies requires a lot of work. The benefit of owning a puppy is that the extensive training period forges an enduring, deep attachment. Bringing up a puppy from birth has a profound impact on how they develop as an adult and provides many human caregivers with a strong feeling of meaning in life. Of course, getting a puppy has numerous advantages. A puppy’s boundless energy and lively personality make them ideal for a variety of people and households. The following are some advantages of adopting a puppy as opposed to an adult dog.
Creating ties You will be improving your bond with your puppy as you devote endless hours to teaching them basic skills like sitting, staying, heeling, and going potty outdoors. You and your puppy will form a solid, lifetime bond as a result of this shared experience. Not that it’s impossible to form a bond with an adult dog, but some dog parents are particularly invested in raising a dog from a puppy.
Flexibility A puppy’s crucial socialization phase usually lasts from the first three to twelve weeks of life. Puppies are most receptive to discovering and interacting with new people, places, and objects during this period. Because of this, getting a puppy is a smart decision if you want to create a companion that is gregarious and flexible with your schedule.
An energetic partner A puppy’s life is anything but routine. You’ll find yourself at the park, dog park, or puppy social hour, burning off that legendary puppy energy, when you’re not chasing them around the house (probably because they’ve found something they think is chew-worthy). Puppies, being the social butterflies that they are, are also an excellent opportunity to meet other dog parents and become engaged in your community. You may, however, be sure that, following an exciting day, you’ll be greeted with the sight of a cute dog curled up, or splayed out, sound asleep.
reduced insurance costs If you want to help with regular or emergency medical expenses, you should think about getting pet insurance. Enrolling puppies in pet insurance as soon as they are brought home lowers the possibility of future premium rises owing to age or pre-existing conditions and gives you complete coverage from the outset.
What drawbacks come with getting a puppy? Adopting a puppy as opposed to an older dog has many benefits, but there are also drawbacks to take into account. These are some drawbacks of getting a puppy.
restricted adaptability Puppies need to be taken outside to waste themselves as often as every 30 minutes due to their immature bladders. Puppies are unable to contain their urine for longer than three hours at a time, even at five months of age. Puppies must also be fed several times during the day; for toy or small-breed dogs who are susceptible to hypoglycemia, this number may even reach four or five times.
a considerable time investment in socializing and training Investing a significant amount of time and energy into adopting a puppy will guarantee that they grow up to be well-mannered and well-adjusted members of your family. Housetraining, learning the fundamental cues (sit, stay, heel), leash training, and interacting with both people and animals are all part of training and socialization. For a well-rounded approach, puppy owners may even need to pay for puppy kindergarten, a behaviorist, or a trainer. They will also need to be consistent and patient.
Much cleaning—as well as bite marks Puppy-proof your house because no amount of housetraining diligence will be able to prevent every puppy mishap. Setting aside potty training, Dr. Renee Schmid, DVM, a senior veterinary toxicologist at the Pet Poison Helpline, believes pups’ developing gastrointestinal systems may be more sensitive than an adult stomach’s full development. If your dog gets into something they shouldn’t, this can cause occasional vomiting or diarrhea. Puppies will invariably chew when they are teething in addition to making the odd mess. Give them lots of safe chew toys to ease discomfort and deter chewing habits.
Price Although there are no free or inexpensive pets, puppies usually have higher initial and lifetime costs than adult canines. Puppies typically come with higher adoption or breeder fees in addition to additional veterinary costs for immunizations, microchipping, and spaying or neutering. All the same, a lot of shelters send puppies home microchipped, neutered, and up to date on all required puppy vaccines. Puppy care, puppy kindergarten programs, necessary materials, and routine veterinarian checkups—which pups need on a regular basis during their first year of life—may incur additional costs.
What advantages come with adopting an older dog? Having an older dog can have several advantages, such as a potentially less demanding training and care schedule that will enable you to have more laid-back company. Compared to puppies, many mature dogs and senior citizens already know the basics of basic training and can go longer between meals and bathroom breaks. Additionally, because they already have defined personalities and characteristics, you may concentrate on picking a dog that suits your tastes and way of life. Above all, though, adopting an older dog gives you the satisfying chance to give a worthy puppy another go at a happy life.
What are the pros and cons of adopting an adult dog? Here are the pros and cons of adopting an adult dog instead of adopting a puppy:
Less socializing and training is needed: Older dogs typically have a strong foundation in basic training, so they don’t require as much housebreaking or general training lessons. Having said that, find out the dog’s past behavior history from the shelter employees. Although they may need more training and socialization than pups, rescue dogs with a history of trauma or little home living experience usually have fewer demanding needs.
Greater flexibility: Compared to pups, older dogs often need fewer meals per day and fewer toilet breaks every four to six hours, which is advantageous if you have a hectic schedule or lengthy work hours. Remember that getting a senior dog may mean that it requires extra care, so be sure to discuss the dog’s current routine and any health issues with the shelter staff before committing to an adoption.
Developed character attributes: Older dogs have set qualities and behaviors, in contrast to puppies whose personalities are still growing. This lets you select a dog that fits your needs and lifestyle, whether you want a quiet puppy, a dog that gets along with kids, or a dog that doesn’t bark a lot.
A second shot at a happy life: Taking in an elderly dog gives them a caring environment and another opportunity to enjoy the company of people. By doing this, you will be providing a worthy dog with the chance to spend their last years in safety, comfort, and unwavering love.
Decreases pet overpopulation: Adopting adult dogs also contributes to the reduction of pet overpopulation by lowering the desire for purebred, designer, and puppy dogs. According to veterinarian Dr. Kevin Puzycki, a spokesman for Solid Gold Pet, “many dogs end up in shelters due to irresponsible breeders and unqualified individuals attempting to breed animals for quick profit, leading to an excess of unwanted animals.”
Cost: Compared to adopting a puppy, adopting an older dog may be less expensive. For older dogs, many shelters and rescues waive or drastically decrease adoption costs, allowing you to use your money for more necessities. Older dogs are also frequently already microchipped, spayed or neutered, and up to date on their immunizations, which lowers your initial costs even more. Remember that frequent veterinary exams are still necessary for your adult dog; for seniors, this requirement rises to twice a year.
Their past experiences have shaped them: Adult dogs, as opposed to puppies, have already experienced life’s pivotal moments. Rescue dogs’ personalities and habits may have been shaped by neglect, abuse, homelessness, or other traumatic experiences. Although adult dogs can definitely adjust to new surroundings and develop close relationships with their caregivers, their past experiences could necessitate extra tolerance, understanding, and specific training.
learn more: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Why Are Dogs’ Noses Wet? 4 Vet Explained Reasons
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Since all dogs will always introduce themselves and explore their noses first, you’re likely to meet dogs first through their noses! Dogs’ noses are essential sense organs that give them a wealth of information about their environment, particularly (but not limited to) scents! Dogs have real superpowers from their noses, and there’s a lot going on inside that we often take for granted.
Most dogs have cold, wet noses, at least that’s how we see it—especially when that nose gets in your face!—but why is that the case? Sweat, mucus, and licking are the main causes of wet noses in dogs. As we continue to explain, read on.
What Is a Normal Nose for a Dog?
Dogs typically have cold, wet noses most of the time. Like dogs in general, they do, however, differ greatly from person to person and occasionally from time to time.
According to an old proverb, a dog’s nose should be wet to indicate health, and dry to indicate illness. This is untrue; all you really need to know is what your dog considers normal. Certain dogs have moist noses by nature, while other dogs have drier noses. After a lifetime of hard sniffing, many dogs, especially as they age, develop dry, sometimes slightly roughened or crusty noses. Generally, this is not a cause for concern; however, it is advisable to speak with your veterinarian if you have any concerns regarding any redness or soreness.
Numerous variables, including activity level, temperature, humidity, and time of day, can affect how a nose feels. Dogs can also alter things by frequently licking their noses! These variables are all perfectly normal. For example, your dog’s nose may dry out after sleeping or when they are relaxed. Alternatively, after vigorous exercise, the nose might be wetter.
Normal wet noses should have a thin layer of transparent mucus covering them. Once more, it’s important to observe what your dog normally does.
Is There a Problem With Your Dog’s Nose?
Although most of these are fairly uncommon, there are a number of potential issues that could affect the nose and may require a thorough investigation by your veterinarian.
Regularly dry noses can be indicative of a more serious condition (fever, dehydration, etc.), but your dog will usually be exhibiting additional symptoms. These could include apathy or appetitelessness. Wider skin issues like skin infections, autoimmune disorders, and allergic reactions (allergies) can all be related to the nose. The nose or skin surrounding it may appear red, sore, crusty, angry, or abnormally discharge pus or green tints in these circumstances.
Clear mucus should cover normal wet noses. Once more, it’s important to observe what your dog considers normal; however, if you notice any changes in your dog’s mucus, especially if there are any discharges from the nose, you should definitely speak with your veterinarian. If there is a lot of discharge coming from your nose—snot, boogers, or occasionally blood—it is abnormal and should be examined by your veterinarian as soon as possible. As the area around the nose dries, you might also notice this crusting. Any other color of mucus is abnormal; small amounts of clear discharge are normal.
It’s crucial to seek advice from your local veterinarian as soon as possible if you have concerns about your dog’s health, particularly if they exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned above.
What Makes a Dog’s Nose Wet?
The mixture of mucus and water from the skin (sweat) as well as saliva from the mouth when the dog licks their nose usually causes the wet feeling.
The Four Veterinarians Described Causes of Your Dog’s Wet Nose While some dogs naturally have mostly dry noses, there are several other reasons why the majority of dogs have wet noses.
Although certain parts of their specialized skin can sweat, most dogs are unable to sweat. These skin fragments are located on the nose and the pads of the feet. Dogs, like humans, will perspire in these particular areas when they are hot and need to cool off or when they are anxious and tense (due to their fight-or-flight response).
By releasing water onto the skin’s surface, which subsequently evaporates into the atmosphere and absorbs heat, sweat helps the body cool. Sweat may make your dog’s nose feel wetter if they are exercising or are very hot.
2.Smell and Taste
Dogs can more successfully retain the chemicals involved in tastes and smells when their nasal mucus is wet. This aids in making their nose more sensitive. These signaling chemicals are propelled toward the highly tuned detectors in the tongue, the back of the nose, and the vomeronasal organ—a unique sense organ located between the mouth and nose cavities—by both the mouth and the nose. This organ is particularly significant for pheromones and the detection of very intriguing scents, such as those of other dogs that are in heat.
Dogs can actually smell and taste their surroundings and create a very detailed picture by using all of their senses. Since humans rely primarily on our vision rather than our noses, this is completely foreign to us. Some dogs have noses that are hundreds or thousands of times more accurate than human noses. This depends on the breed.
3.Controlling the Air That Enters the Lungs
Both people’s and dogs’ noses are crucial for controlling the amount of air that enters and exits the respiratory system (the lungs and airways). Before airborne debris can enter the lungs, it is filtered by the nose. The moist nose contributes to the humidification of the air entering the lungs, preventing the lungs from drying out. Additionally, the nose functions as a small heat exchanger, preserving some warmth on the way out and warming cold air as it enters.
4.Thermal Imaging Camera
Additionally, recent studies indicate that dogs’ noses might even be able to sense heat from a distance. Although heat sources are detectable by humans through the skin, particularly when we approach them, dogs may be able to “see” heat signatures with their noses, much like an infrared camera.
At a distance of five feet, Swedish scientists trained dogs to identify an object that was slightly warmer than its surroundings, even in the absence of visual cues. If this is a true discovery, then dogs and bats both possess this incredible ability! It may be utilized in the wild to identify heat from nearby prey animals that are hiding.
Sweat, mucus, and licking are the main causes of a wet nose in dogs. Dogs’ remarkable range of senses, lung protection, and temperature regulation are all greatly aided by their wet noses. Although wet noses are common, they can differ greatly amongst dogs and rely on a number of other regional factors. Certain dogs, particularly those who are elderly, have a dry nose by nature most of the time.
It’s not a good idea to use the nose as a general indicator of health; instead, find out what is typical for your particular dog. See your local veterinarian as soon as possible if your dog is exhibiting any of the following symptoms: fever, lethargy, discharge, redness, itching, crustiness, or signs of general illness such as dehydration.
Leanr More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Taking Charge of Your Dog: Practical Advice for Using a Dog Wheelchair
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Canine carts, another name for dog wheelchairs, are specialized mobility aids that make moving around easier and more comfortable for dogs with mobility problems. To fit dogs of different sizes and breeds, these devices are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Purchasing a wheelchair for your dog is an investment in their quality of life as well as their ability to move around and be comfortable. We are here to help you through the procedure and make sure that at every turn, both you and your dog feel supported.
Dogs use wheelchairs for what reason?
The fact that a dog wheelchair can greatly enhance a dog’s quality of life is one of its main advantages. A wheelchair can help dogs who are unable to use their hind legs because of an injury, disease, or advanced age to carry on with their favorite activities, which include playing, walking, and exploring their surroundings.
The fact that a dog wheelchair can greatly enhance a dog’s quality of life is one of its main advantages. A wheelchair can help dogs who are unable to use their hind legs because of an injury, disease, or advanced age to carry on with their favorite activities, which include playing, walking, and exploring their surroundings.
Not all wheelchair-using dogs have paralyzed back legs, though many do. Some pets will use a cart because they require a little extra assistance. This could be due to arthritis-related hip pain or weakened legs that make it difficult for them to stand on all fours.
Dog wheelchairs can aid dogs with mobility problems as well as offer a number of health advantages. In dogs suffering from conditions like arthritis, hip dysplasia, and spinal cord injuries, a wheelchair can help relieve pain and discomfort by offering support and minimizing the strain on their joints and muscles. For whatever reason, a wheelchair is an excellent way to increase a dog’s mobility and keep them active if they are having trouble standing or walking without assistance.
Tips for a Smooth Transition
Locate the Ideal Fit Verify that the wheelchair fits well before you begin. It’s crucial that it fits comfortably. If your dog isn’t getting the support he needs from the wheelchair, he might be reluctant to move. Quick things to check for include:
Is the black knuckle in the middle of your dog’s hip on the back? Your dog isn’t being supported if they are seated above or below the wheelchair frame; instead, they should be comfortably seated in the chair. Verify that the leg rings aren’t too tight and check the wheelchair height.
Is the wheelchair frame perpendicular to the floor? It ought to pass through the middle of your dog’s body and be level.
In the event that the extenders are angled downward or upward, you might need to modify the harness. Raising a point? Tighten the red strap and loosen the blue one. pointing downward? To get the bar to rise to the proper position, loosen the red strap and tighten the blue strap.
Our wheelchair experts are here to help you every step of the way, so you’re not doing this alone. The staff at Walkin’ Pets is pleased to assist you with any inquiries and to show you how to modify your dog’s cart. We can be reached by phone, email, or FaceTime for one-on-one assistance.
Wheelchair Dog Training It’s crucial to let your dog get used to the wheelchair at their own speed. It varies from dog to dog how long it takes them to become comfortable in a wheelchair. Most dogs quickly learn that their wheelchair is helping them once they are fitted for one. For the first time, they will experience support, and they frequently start walking straight away.
It might take some encouragement for dogs who are more hesitant or anxious in unfamiliar circumstances to take their first step. Recall that both you and your dog have a learning curve. Allow each other some time to get used to using a cart. Making your dog feel secure and at ease is the first step in teaching them how to use a wheelchair. Should your canine companion exhibit signs of anxiety, set the wheelchair down and move on. Give your dog time to get used to its presence. Your dog will have an opportunity to become accustomed to it this way. Give your dog a treat and some praise when they approach the wheelchair and give it a sniff.
When your dog is prepared, start by fitting them with a wheelchair harness. Since wheelchair harnesses fit very similarly to walking harnesses, most dogs are accustomed to this feeling. Getting them into the wheelchair for their first wheelchair walk will be the next step. Proceed cautiously, as each dog’s experience will vary greatly. While some dogs may be ready to go for a stroll around the neighborhood, others may only use their wheelchair for a short while on that first walk. Either way, don’t go over 15 minutes for that first session. Take your dog outside and give them a break, even if they still want to keep going. You don’t want to overdo it on your first walk because it will be exhausting.
Encouraging your dog to take its first steps
It’s acceptable that a dog may not always find it easy to use a wheelchair. It simply indicates that your dog needs your encouragement. Dog motivation can be achieved in a variety of ways, but in the end, it indicates that your dog needs your assurance. Treats are a great way to encourage your food-motivated puppy to take his or her first few steps. Does your dog enjoy playing with children? Go after a ball? Obtain a fresh toy? Take a stroll? Since each dog is unique, discover what makes them happy and bring it along when they try out their wheelchair for the first time. Above all, make it an enjoyable experience! It ought to be thrilling for both you and your dog.
learn More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
How to Get Cat Poop Out of Cat Fur
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Cats love to be clean and make great groomers. However, if they end up with poop in their fur, sometimes they will need a little assistance from you, regardless of how good they are at cleaning themselves. Pooping out of a cat’s fur may occur more frequently if they are overweight or have arthritis, as these conditions make it difficult for them to groom themselves. There are other occasions when cats have diarrhea that stains them as well as their litter boxes.
We’ve put together a list of simple methods to help you remove cat poop from your cat’s fur and restore their natural scent and feeling. Now let’s get going.
Prior to Beginning the Poop Removal
It’s best to prepare everything you’ll need before starting this task once you realize you have to do it. Cats may not always agree to everything you have in mind, even though they dislike having poop in their fur. You may not require every one of these items, depending on the cleaning technique you choose to employ. Nevertheless, you can select from and keep on hand the items on this list for these kinds of circumstances.
Cat shampoo
Waterless cat shampoo
Rubber gloves
Safety glasses
Calming cat treats
Pet grooming wipes
A large towel
Washcloths that are only used for this issue
A comb
Disinfectant spray
Grooming scissors
Setting Up for Cleaning Ideally, you should put on rubber gloves and long sleeves before beginning any cleaning procedure. You should always take precautions to avoid getting scratched by cats. Additionally, you’ll be handling excrement, so gloves are a good idea.
You should wear safety glasses to keep your eyes safe. These are primarily recommended for use when giving your cat a bath. It is not necessary, of course. However, a thrashing cat may cause poopy water to splash up into your eyes, which can lead to infections. Take care not to get splashes on your face if you’re not wearing the glasses.
Give your cat a soothing treat if you have time before you handle them. It might ease their tension and make things simpler for you both. You can also use regular treats as inducements and rewards to get your cat to stay motionless.
This page offers various cleaning techniques, so you can select the one that will be most convenient for you and your feline companion.
Three Ways to Remove Cat Poop From Cat Fur
Waterless Shampoo
Waterless shampoo can be a true lifesaver for little spills that don’t call for a full bath. They typically come in a spray bottle so you can aim the product precisely where you need it. Poop that has dried out on the tail or legs or hardened in the fur works well for this. Simply mist the fur with the shampoo, then use a warm, damp cloth to remove any remaining excrement. Make sure you only use this cloth for these things.
Pet Grooming Wipes
Using a pet grooming wipe that has been pre-moistened, you can easily remove the poop from your cat’s fur. It is a one-step process that works well for small amounts of poop that either wasn’t completely removed or got stuck in some fur without creating a big mess.
Treats are crucial in this situation because your cat might quickly run and hide if they grow accustomed to you approaching them with a grooming wipe. Make the process as stress-free as you can by keeping them nearby with goodies.
Full Bath
You’ll need to give your cat a bath if the mess is too big for grooming wipes or waterless shampoo.
You can either give them a thorough bath or just clean the back of their body, depending on how much excrement is in their fur. Prior to going to get your cat, fill the sink or tub with warm water. They could get frightened by the sound of running water.
To release and remove any trapped poop, wet the afflicted areas and rub cat shampoo into their fur once they’re in the water. Rinse your cat with clean water that you’ve previously set aside or with a shower head.
It’s crucial to avoid rinsing them in the water the cat is standing in. Fecal matter has contaminated this water. When you’re done washing the cat, drain the sink or tub and give them a thorough rinse.
Rinse your cat again after you think they have completely removed the shampoo from their fur. After that, begin drying them by wrapping them in a large towel.
After Cleaning
When your cat is clean, you can prevent matting by brushing their fur with a comb. To ensure that no germs are left behind, make sure to use a disinfectant spray when cleaning the sink or bathtub.
Our top pick for an all-purpose enzyme cleaner is the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray, which we heartily suggest if you’re looking for something really special.
It makes cleanup a breeze and permanently eliminates the worst odors and stains you can imagine. Even a 100% satisfaction guarantee is offered! To order a bottle right now, click this link.
For Cats with Long Hair
Both long-haired and short-haired cats should benefit from the cleaning techniques discussed here. To get the poop out of their fur, long-haired cats might need to put in extra effort and spend longer times in the bathtub. Poop can become stuck in more places because of their long hair. Then, mats and clumps may form, which require removal.
Try trimming the clump of poop out if your long-haired cat isn’t cleaning up after you, regardless of the cleaning techniques you’ve tried. It might cause the coat to appear choppy, but it’s preferable to having poop lodged in it.
Sometimes the clump can be worked out with your fingers after just one or two scissors cuts.
Professional Grooming & Vet
You can always take your cat to a professional groomer if you are unable to clean them yourself. A groomer will wash your cat, trim their fur, and shave any parts of their body where it’s possible for poop to become stuck once more. This may aid in halting further accumulation.
These visits can be expensive and stressful for your cat, but they are a possibility for people who are unable to manage a fidgety cat on their own. It might be necessary to sedate your cat if they are extremely uncooperative. You would have to take your cat to the veterinarian in these situations so they could give them a safe sedative and clean them.
Cat Poop on Cat Hair Prevention
These are some actions you can take to prevent poop from becoming entangled in your cat’s fur, particularly if it happens frequently.
Adjust Your Cat’s Diet
Your cat might be allergic to or sensitive to something in their food if they frequently have diarrhea. This problem might be resolved by switching to a high-protein diet with few ingredients. Consult your veterinarian about any potential allergies in your cat’s food and collaborate with them to develop a meal plan. After the offender is removed, your cat’s digestive system ought to return to normal.
Watch Their Weight
If a cat is too heavy, it can be difficult for them to reach their butts and groom themselves. Cats who receive daily, routine grooming remain clean throughout, but inaccessible areas may accumulate dirt or, in this case, excrement. You might need to clean your cat more frequently if they are heavier. They should be able to resume proper grooming after they lose a little weight.
Maintain Fur Trimmed
Although it is primarily for long-haired cats, short-haired cats might find it useful as well. By trimming the fur, you can prevent it from becoming tangled in poop. Although it may seem laborious, regularly trimming the fur surrounding your cat’s butt can save you from having to clean them frequently.
Empty the Litter Box
Cats prefer to relieve themselves in a tidy litter box. But it goes beyond the cat’s inclinations to keep the box tidy. Poop that has already been deposited in a litter box may adhere to their paws and fur if they walk, dig, or burrow in it. They can also use a larger space when the box is clean. Poop can get into their fur as they go if they’re attempting to cram themselves into the one spot that is clean.
Although it’s not the most enjoyable chore, cleaning poop out of your cat’s fur must be done. Occasionally, cats only require a fast wipe to resolve an issue. Complete baths might be necessary in messier situations.
You can expedite, ease, and simplify the process by utilizing the techniques we’ve outlined in this post.
We hope that you have resolved this matter and discovered strategies to stop it from occurring again.
Learn More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
How to Care for a Handicapped Cat
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It is vital to provide specialized care for physically handicapped cats in a world where all cats deserve to live happy, fulfilling lives.
These remarkable cats need extra care and support to thrive, regardless of whether they developed their disability later in life or were born with it. We will discuss different facets of their daily lives, from comprehending their particular needs to making an accessible environment, and we will offer advice for supporting their mobility, maintaining their health, and cultivating their emotional wellbeing.
Common Physical Disabilities in Cats
Numerous physical disabilities can affect cats; some are acquired through accidents, illnesses, or aging, while others are congenital. The following are a few of the most typical physical impairments in cats:
Limb amputations
It can affect one or more limbs and be brought on by trauma, cancer, or infections. Supportive features like ramps, stairs, and litter boxes with lower sides help cats who have had amputations adjust to their newfound mobility. To help with mobility, they might also need customized orthotics or prosthetics.
Spinal cord injuries
It can cause partial or total paralysis and can be brought on by falls, auto accidents, or degenerative diseases. In order to support their mobility, cats with spinal cord injuries need specialized equipment like wheelchairs or slings, as well as intensive care and rehabilitation.
Numerous things, such as genetic disorders, infections, or trauma, can cause it. Cats that are blind need a setting that is secure, stable, and has little variation from their natural surroundings. To help them navigate their environment, they might also benefit from tactile stimulation, smells, and auditory cues.
It can be inherited or acquired, and it can make cats confused or unable to speak clearly. In order to communicate with their owners, deaf cats need to use specific methods like hand signals or vibrations. In order to help them navigate their surroundings, visual cues and environmental modifications may also be beneficial.
It can result in pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility in older cats and is a common ailment. To control their symptoms, cats with arthritis need to eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and take medication. Supportive equipment like heated beds, low-sided litter boxes, and stairs or ramps for accessing higher areas may also be beneficial to them.
How to make your handicapped cat’s environment safe and accessible
For the sake of their wellbeing, cats with physical disabilities have specific needs that must be given careful thought and attention. This entails adjusting your house to meet these requirements and capabilities.
Here are some pointers on how to give your impaired cats a secure and encouraging environment:
For easier access, provide a litter box with lowered sides or ramps.
Provide a stairway or ramp to enable them to access higher areas.
In locations that are simple to access, place soft, cozy bedding.
Take out any hazards and impediments from their living area, like electrical cords, sharp objects, and poisonous materials.
To make them feel safe and at ease, establish a routine that is predictable and consistent.
Along with giving them lots of opportunities for play and exercise, it’s critical to be aware of their physical limitations. This may consist of:
Including scratching posts, interactive toys, and other stimulating items in their regular routine.
supportive measures to help with movement, like wheelchairs, slings, or orthotics.
Including low-impact exercise routines like stretching and gentle cat play in their everyday routine.
Physically disabled cats need emotional support in addition to physical support. Because of their disability, they may experience feelings of anxiety, fear, or frustration and need the love and comfort of their human parents.
The following advice can help them maintain their emotional health:
Regularly stimulate the mind and emotions with games, puzzles, and other enrichment activities.
To make them feel safe and at ease, stick to a regular, predictable schedule.
Give your pets lots of chances to socialize with you and other animals.
Show them you are understanding, patient, and sensitive to their particular needs and capabilities.
If there are any behavioral problems, get veterinary care.
Daily care routine for cats with physical disabilities
These exceptional cats deserve nothing less than the best care, so their needs must be met with a routine that is both consistent and structured. Creating a daily care routine can be aided by the following tips:
supplying a healthy, well-balanced diet that satisfies their individual dietary requirements.
helping with grooming, like cleaning their ears or brushing their fur.
supplying a feeding area that is both accessible and comfortable, like a low-sided dish or an elevated bowl.
Considering syringes or wet food for cats who have trouble eating.
giving dental care on a regular basis to avoid problems with oral health.
Taking care of a cat that is physically disabled calls for tolerance, empathy, and an openness to change. Every facet of their care, from facilitating their mobility to overseeing their mental health, needs to be carefully thought out and attended to.
Above all, we should honor the love and tenacity of physically challenged cats, who motivate us with their tenacity and fortitude. If you have the right information, tools, and assistance, you can give your extraordinary cat friend the life of its dreams. learn more: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Should You Adopt a Special Needs Cat?
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Any pet adoption is a significant choice, but caring for a cat with special needs requires even more dedication. Cats with disabilities, whether they have neurological disorders, blindness, or deafness, need special attention and care. But at the end of the day, special needs cats are just regular cats, wanting a home where they can receive some attention.
According to Heather Payer-Smith, president of The Cat’s Meow Rescue, “Special needs animals don’t know there is anything different about them and can add so much joy and laughter to a home, sometimes because of how amazing they can be and the things they can still do despite their special needs.” “That feeling can be priceless, knowing that you and your family are providing a wonderful life and loving home to a cat that might not have otherwise been considered.”
Do you intend to adopt a cat with special needs? Find out all you need to know about these amazing cats and the best reasons to adopt one.
Which disabilities are most prevalent in cats? In addition to neurological problems, visual and auditory impairments are common in cats. Special needs cats, however, can have anything from simple medical conditions requiring daily medication to more complicated conditions limiting their mobility. The following are a handful of the more typical feline disabilities:
Deafness in cats Cats may have hearing loss later in life as a result of disease or trauma, or they may be born deaf. Most cats adjust to their loss of hearing rather well, making use of their other senses to partially offset their deafness. Because cats can navigate the world so well without this sense, in certain cases it can even be difficult to determine whether they are deaf or hard of hearing.
Cats that are blind Like deafness, blindness in cats can be inherited or the consequence of injury, aging, or diseases like retinal disease. One or both eyes may be affected by partial or total vision problems. Blind cats rely on their other senses to help them adapt, just like cats with hearing impairments do. Smell and hearing are two of these senses that cats have far greater capacity for than humans do.
Cats with cerebellar hypoplasia Even though you may not be familiar with the term, you have probably seen cats or kittens with cerebellar hypoplasia on social media, or perhaps you have special needs cats. Often referred to as “wobbly cat syndrome,” this developmental disorder impedes the cerebellum—the area of the brain responsible for fine motor skills, balance, and coordination—from developing normally. Cats with cerebellar hypoplasia typically show symptoms by the time they are 10 months old and can be mild, moderate, or severe. In more severe cases, the symptoms may include tremors, shaky walking, or even the complete incapacity to walk. Thankfully, this illness doesn’t cause pain or shorten the cat’s life.
Considerations before bringing a special needs cat into your home Providing a litter box, food, and water is not always enough to take care of a cat with special needs; adopting one is a long-term commitment. Before adopting a special needs cat, it’s crucial to fully understand what your potential new pet will require. Many cats with disabilities require more time, attention, and care.
“What degree of special needs are you open to considering, and what special needs and/or behavior or medical issues do you feel you can accommodate and accept?” is one of the first questions we ask when someone expresses interest in adopting a special needs cat.
What kind of requirements is the cat specializing in? The term “special needs” is very broad and can refer to a wide range of problems and circumstances. If you choose to look for special needs cats for adoption, be sure you are aware of all the requirements for their care and how you can provide the best possible life for them.
What kind of attention is needed for a cat with special needs? A special needs cat will need more care than a cat without a disability, depending on their disability. It’s possible that your special needs cat will require more frequent trips to the vet, daily medication administration, frequent bathing, or help with urination and defecation.
To ensure your cat’s safety and facilitate their mobility, you might also need to make modifications to your house, like installing safety gates on stairwells. For instance, cats who have trouble moving around might need their food, water, and litter box to be close by so they can use them easily. To make sure you and your space are ready to accept a special needs cat, many rescues and shelters might ask for an adoption home visit.
Will the cat require more expensive medication or trips to the vet? Numerous felines with exceptional requirements may require more than one annual visit to the veterinarian and may even require daily medication. Make sure you have the money to cover this additional care before browsing through internet ads for adopted disabled cats.
Do you have the means to give the cat the care it needs? In addition to more frequent trips to the vet and medication, a special needs cat might require additional space in your home, such as a dedicated area. You should think about whether you have the financial stability and security necessary to care for a cat with a disability because these requirements can quickly empty your bank account.
When adopting a cat with special needs, what other factors should you take into account? Examine the needs of the special needs cat and whether adopting them will fit into your lifestyle before deciding to adopt:
Certain cats with special needs might need a peaceful and quiet home setting, so they might have to be the only pet there or they shouldn’t be near young children or a lot of noise.
It’s critical to have a seasoned pet sitter available when you can’t be there to offer specific services like medication administration or overnight care.
Top causes for adopting a cat with special needs Special needs cats can be just as loving and sociable as their non-disabled counterparts, if not more so at times, and they are just as deserving of love as any other animal. The adoption of a cat with special needs has several advantages:
You can save a life and provide the rescue with more room and resources by adopting a special needs cat.
Because of their unique characteristics, special needs animals are frequently disregarded and have a lower adoption rate. You might be the one to provide them with a loving home at last.
Because special needs cats are resilient and overcome adversity, they can serve as an inspiration to you as you tackle your own obstacles in life.
A lot of special needs cats develop particularly close relationships with their caregivers.
According to Payer-Smith, “we think that with special needs cats, the’special’ frequently outweighs the ‘need.'” “Cats with special needs possess the same affection, playfulness, vitality, and love as any other cat. Seeing a cat who may face some obstacles along the way grow, learn, and experience new things is satisfying.
What possible difficulties can adopting a cat with special needs present? Adopting a special needs cat means committing to provide lifelong care for the animal, just like with any other pet. A cat with a disability will require even more time and financial investment. It’s possible that your cat needs a certain food or diet, as well as a weekly bath. Organizing time for daily medication and routine veterinary visits can be another difficulty for cats with special needs. It’s critical to comprehend these possible difficulties prior to choosing to adopt a disabled cat.
It can be difficult to arrange for someone reliable to pet-sit or give medicine when needed if your cat needs it twice a day at regular intervals, according to Payer-Smith. “Although striking the correct balance can occasionally seem impossible, it’s crucial for the cat’s wellbeing and can help make their care requirements more manageable.”
Where can kitties with special needs be adopted? Special needs cats are taken care of and placed in homes by shelters and rescues across the United States and other countries. There might even be cats in your neighborhood shelter with disabilities who are in dire need of adoptive families.
According to Payer-Smith, “online adoption sites like AdoptaPet.com can help with the search for special needs pets.” “However, the best place to start would be by getting in touch with your neighborhood shelter to find out which special needs rescues they assist and can suggest for adoptions in the area.” Learn More: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Presenting Puppies as Gifts: Things to Think About
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Occasionally, touching videos of people receiving puppies as surprise gifts appear on TikTok and Instagram. It’s difficult not to be moved by the joyful reactions and happy tears. Despite how endearing these videos might be, they frequently fail to disclose whether or not these puppies were chosen carefully. Giving a puppy requires a lot of time, care, and attention, so the giver needs to be sure the recipient is up to the task.
Giving a puppy as a gift should take the recipient’s living situation, lifestyle, and pet history into consideration. If you don’t, there could be detrimental effects: About 3.9 million dogs enter American animal shelters each year, and 20% of those dogs are there because their families lack the time or means to provide for a pet. Even though the person receiving a puppy as a gift is probably going to adore their pet, they might not be in the best position to provide the care that the dog requires.
Therefore, think carefully about whether giving a dog as a gift is the right decision for the intended recipient before you place a puppy under the Christmas tree.
Do pets make good gifts? 
Whether pets make good gifts is a complicated question. Adopting pets to give as gifts is prohibited by some shelters and rescues unless the pet is being given to a member of the adoptive family, such as a parent for their child, and the adoptive parent is still in charge of the pet’s care. It is up to the adopter to decide what is best for both the pet and the person they are giving the pet to, as some shelters have no restrictions at all on the “transfer of ownership” once a pet is adopted.
Questions to ask before gifting a puppy
Consider asking the following questions to determine whether your loved one’s lifestyle is suitable for a dog, or even if they want one at this time, before deciding to give them a puppy as a gift:
Is the recipient able and willing to commit to 10 to 15 years of caring for a dog?
Does the recipient have an allergy to pet dander?
Does the recipient work from home or have a job that allows them to properly care for a puppy?
Does the recipient live in an apartment or rental, and if so, does their lease allow pets?
Giving a puppy as a gift is usually not a good idea if you don’t know the answers to these questions, at least not without first speaking with the intended recipient. To spend time with dogs and puppies without committing to the long-term care of a pet, think about taking your loved one to a shelter. To help the recipient make the best choice for themselves, you can also give them a gift certificate to a shelter or rescue group.
When giving a puppy as a gift, what should I think about? Although they certainly are a cute bundle of fur, a puppy is more than that. To stay happy and healthy throughout their life, that cute puppy will require lots of supplies, food, training, and frequent trips to the veterinarian. Prior to giving a puppy as a gift or adopting one yourself, it is crucial to understand that owning a dog is a 10- to 15-year commitment. That’s a gift with a lot of conditions and a need for careful consideration and preparation.
Picking the perfect pet
If you are giving a pet as a gift to someone in your home, make sure that person has expressed that they are prepared to dedicate their life to taking care of a pet, not just that you think they would like one. Consider giving the adoption fee as a gift rather than a puppy, and involve the recipient in the choosing process. Although your mom might find that bounding Labrador adolescent adorable, she might view it as a significant time and exercise commitment, not to mention a serious risk of shoe destruction, and would much rather adopt a calmer adult dog (or even a cat). Therefore, take into account the recipient’s needs, lifestyle, and pet preferences before purchasing a dog as a gift.
How to present a pet in a gift wrap Take a more straightforward approach before you start coming up with inventive ways to present a pet as a gift. Astute shelters have been known to provide gift certificates for pet adoption, which the giver can encase in a box containing a plush animal and place beneath the tree. You could even include a card offering to accompany them to the rescue or shelter so they can choose an adoptable pet.
giving kids pets as gifts Although choosing to get a puppy for kids is a wonderful way to make them happy, it needs a lot of planning and discussion in advance. Parents or other family members should be aware that even though kids or teenagers may swear they’ll take full responsibility for a puppy’s upkeep, they might not be aware of how much work and time it actually takes. Givers should have a thorough conversation about pet adoption and ensure that a resident adult is prepared to assume full responsibility for ensuring the pet receives the necessary exercise, training, nutrition, and veterinary care throughout the pet’s life.
Timing is everything Holidays are often chaotic, with friends and family visiting, frequent travel, and unusual work schedules. If this sounds like the home where you are gifting the pet, we suggest waiting until the puppy’s new home calms down first, so everyone will have the time to give the puppy the attention and regular routine they need to settle in. Perhaps give pet supplies as the actual holiday gifts — like a new leash and collar, a pet bed, or lots of toys — and let the recipient know that your gift includes the adoption fee for the pet of their choice after the holiday frenzy has passed. visit us: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
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Nearly all kids have constructed at least one fort in their early years. Regardless of how big or tiny, easy or complex, their fort is a fun project that keeps kids occupied, lets their imaginations run wild, and provides them with an entertaining place to spend a few nights sleeping.
You can give your cat a fort of their own to rule over if you’re feeling nostalgic and want to play a little. Since you can make most forts with items you already have lying around your house, it doesn’t have to be an expensive hobby. Depending on the design you want, a few fort necessities include cushions, cardboard, and blankets.
There are many different ways to build a cat fort, so let’s dive into some plans below!
You simply need a pile of cushions, four chairs, and two blankets or sheets for our first fort; no tools are needed. We advise choosing a big blanket—or two, if possible—for the base layer since it will give your cat a cozy place to curl up.
Arrange your seats so that their backs are to the blanket’s edge. To create a cozy wall, add pillows to the edges. For the roof, place a blanket or sheet on top. A shaky fort can collapse, so be sure your chairs are stable.
Since we’re still getting warmed up, we’ve created another little fort. With this option, all you need is one cardboard box and a pair of scissors. Most cardboard boxes are brown, but if you want something a little fancier, go for one with some color or images on it.
Turn the cardboard box upside down so that the opening is on the ground and build your fort. Next, you’ll need to make sure the entrance is big enough for your cat to walk through by cutting a rectangle-shaped opening on the side of the box. Despite being straightforward, this fort won’t collapse!
You must construct a fort that fits your fun-loving cat’s personality if they frequently make you chuckle. Take a different approach and let your imagination run wild when it comes to forts. This inventive fort is a fun project that is simple to construct, colorful, recyclable, and cozy.
A pair of scissors and the largest cardboard box you can locate are required. Next, make a playful entrance hole that is large enough to accommodate your cat. You can also decorate with non-toxic paint or markers, if you’d like.
It’s time to introduce some complication now that our minds are engaged in creative fortifications. Multiple layers of corrugated cardboard, each with a hole cut in the middle, are needed to construct the beehive fort. Stack these discs on top of one another, starting with the largest disc at the base and working your way up to the tiniest disk at the top. The finished product will resemble a beehive with a side opening for your cat to enter and exit.
This sturdy fort doubles as a fun hangout for your cat or a cat bed, which is what makes it so fantastic.
When you remember creating forts in the past, you most likely see chairs at the dining table and a large blanket or sheet. So why not build your cat a replica of that fort? You can still join in on the fun with your cat because this fort design is large enough for you to crawl into and spend time with!
To commence, arrange four dining table chairs in an open area, with two chairs on each side. You can arrange the seats to make your fort as big or small as you choose. You can cover the chairs with a blanket or bedsheet and fasten them in place with a thick book.
Although the purpose of forts is to deter invaders, your cat will be enticed to enter without any convincing because it appears so friendly. In contrast to conventional forts, which are gloomy and dark, this teepee fort is bright and attractive.
You’ll need a sheet, some clothespins, and a string to assemble this fort. One end of the string needs to be tied above the floor on a fixture, possibly a doorway fixture, and the other end needs to be tied on a fixture across the room, maybe a window fixture. After that, you can cover the thread with the sheet and fasten it with clothespins. The sides of the sheet can be fastened to the surrounding tables and chairs, or to the floor.
The cave fort is a simple, quick, and comfortable fort to construct. All you really need is a sofa, a blanket, and a few bulky books. You have complete control over how you wish to furnish your cat’s fort!
Spread your blanket across the back of your couch to begin construction. You can tuck the end of the blanket under the sofa’s seat or place a book on top of it to keep it in place. After that, you’ll draw the blanket to make a 90-degree angle with the sofa’s back. Put some books on the end of the blanket to anchor it to the ground.
You can construct this next fort using just one thing if you don’t want to do a lengthy cleanup. Your sofa’s seat cushions and backrest are all you need. Using the cushions, you can raise the height of your sofa and make an enclosure that your cat may play in. Just watch out that the cushions don’t collapse over your cat—make sure they’re substantial and thick.
You can layer extra pillows from your other sofa on top of your already-built sofa fort to make it even bigger if all you want to do is use pillows. You can use the design shown as a rough guide, but feel free to use your imagination to create a custom sofa design.
Hopefully these various styles of forts have given you some inspiration and you’re ready to start constructing one for your feline friend. There are a few designs that are a little bit harder to choose from and some that are quite simple. You only need a blanket, pillows, chairs, or a cardboard box to have fun with your cat; you don’t need to spend a lot of money.
Enjoy creating your fort, and modify the plan according to your abilities and the materials you have laying about the house.
visit us: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Dogs for Cold Weather: Canine Breeds That Enjoy the Cold
There are many dogs out there that are far more adapted to the cold than people are. Numerous dogs were bred specifically for jobs in cold climates, such as herding, dragging sleds across the tundra, and protecting livestock. Though they can suffer in warmer weather, their voluminous, fluffy coats not only entice most people to pet them but also enable them to withstand extremely low temperatures.
These cold-weather breeds are well-known for their energy and will gladly accompany you on any outdoor adventures, even in the coldest weather, if you’re thinking about adopting a puppy. Not only are they acclimated to lower temperatures, but they are also very loving and loyal family members.
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10 Best Dog Breeds for Cold Weather
1.Siberian Husky
It should come as no surprise that huskies top this list. This medium-sized northern breed, which can weigh up to 60 pounds and reach a shoulder height of 23.5 inches, is native to Siberia, a region of Russia renowned for its extremely cold temperatures. The reason you may know Huskies best is probably because of the well-known Balto, who was a member of a sled dog team that traveled across Alaska delivering much-needed medicine.
Huskies are adaptive and can live in warmer climates or small urban areas, despite their cold heritage. Huskies need several hours of exercise every day and should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced area because they love to run.
2. Alaskan Malamute
It should come as no surprise that Huskies top this list. This medium-sized northern breed, which can weigh up to 60 pounds and reach a shoulder height of 23.5 inches, is native to Siberia, a region of Russia renowned for its extremely cold temperatures. The reason you may know Huskies best is probably because of the well-known Balto, who was a member of a sled dog team that traveled across Alaska delivering much-needed medicine.
Huskies are adaptive and can live in warmer climates or small urban areas, despite their cold heritage. Huskies need several hours of exercise every day and should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced area because they love to run.
3. Samoyed
In the past, Samoyeds, also known as “Sammies,” were working dogs who could easily withstand days with low temperatures. Sammies appear to be grinning all the time, but their turned lips prevent them from drooling. This fluffy white dog breed loves to spend as much time as possible with their families and is very affectionate toward small children. They require daily brushing due to their thick, double-coated fur, which has a wiry top coat and a soft, wooly undercoat that tends to mat. They have two major shedding seasons in addition to a little shedding throughout the year. Samoyeds have a maximum weight of 65 pounds and a maximum height of 23.5 inches.
4.American Eskimo Dog
Similar in appearance to the younger sibling of the Samoyed is the American Eskimo Dog. Three sizes are available for American Eskimo dogs: toy, miniature, and standard. The Standard American Eskimo Dog has a maximum weight of 35 pounds and a maximum height of 19 inches at the shoulder. This little breed is happy when there are a few inches of snow on the ground because it thrives in the cold.
Due to their high intelligence and limitless energy, American Eskimo Dogs require lots of walks and family playtime. This dog is best left with people; if left alone for an extended period of time, they may become destructive.
5.St. Bernard
The St. Bernard used to travel through the snow-covered Swiss Alps in search of individuals who were hurt or lost. Because they originated in the mountains, St. Bernards, who can weigh up to 180 pounds, are excellent hiking companions. It goes without saying that this tough and strong dog is not bothered by the cold, but by the heat. St. Bernards should be kept indoors on hot, muggy days since they do not like temperatures higher than 75 degrees. This is partly because of their longer fur (although some St. Bernard varieties have shorter fur), which requires weekly brushing and more frequent brushing during shedding seasons. This breed doesn’t need as much exercise as some other breeds on this list, despite their previous occupation.
6. Tibetan Terrier
Originating in the snow-capped mountains of Tibet, Tibetan Terriers have long been trusted companions and watchdogs of Buddhist monks. This breed, which can weigh up to 30 pounds and stand 17 inches tall at the shoulder, is on the smaller end of the medium-sized dog spectrum. They have a furry foot that resembles a snowshoe, which helps them easily navigate slippery slopes. Tibetan Terriers have incredibly fashionable double-coated hair, but it does require frequent brushing and trips to the groomer. Tibetan Terriers are very loving, affectionate, and moderately active dogs that enjoy playing and hiking with their owners. Although they can still overheat due to their warm coats, they usually fare fairly well in warmer climates.
7. Icelandic Sheepdog
The only breed of dog native to Iceland is the Icelandic Sheepdog. This little herding pup has the dexterity and aptitude to manage farm animals; it bears a strong resemblance to a fox and is intelligent to match. They have a maximum weight of thirty pounds and a shoulder height of eighteen inches.
These pups are not hyperactive, despite their sheep association; however, they still require lengthy walks and mentally engaging play. Since they are cold-weather dogs, it is important to keep a close eye on them when they are outside having fun in the warmer months. Icelandic Sheepdogs leave a year-round trail of fur around their homes, but they are wonderful companions for families with young children and other pets.
8. Newfoundland
The province in northeastern Canada that gave rise to the Newfoundland has the same name as the region, which is generally rather chilly and wet. Fortunately, these dogs have thick, single coats that can be gray, black, brown, or black and white. These coats help keep the dogs warm in the winter but can also make them overheat in the summer.
These long-faced puppies are renowned for getting along well with kids; in fact, a Newfie plays the role of the kids’ “nanny” dog in Peter Pan. Great swimmers, Newfoundlands require a moderate level of exercise to maintain their health. It is recommended to brush these gentle giants once a week, and more frequently during shedding seasons. They can weigh as much as 180 pounds and reach as high as 28 inches.
9. Finnish Lapphund
The Finnish Lapphund was developed to herd reindeer, an animal that is a little more unusual. This medium-sized, intelligent breed, which can reach up to 21 inches at shoulder height and weigh up to 53 pounds, is used to follow their charges all the way around the Arctic Circle. These dogs are level-headed and more than capable of unwinding at home with family and small children, but they also know when it’s time to work and occasionally need to be persuaded to play.
During shedding seasons, this fox-like puppy with a double coat needs to be brushed once a week. They should never be shaved because shaving them will have the opposite effect because their coat helps them self-regulate in both warmer and colder temperatures.
10. Great Pyrenees
The Finnish Lapphund was developed to herd reindeer, an animal that is a little more unusual. This medium-sized, intelligent breed, which can reach up to 21 inches at shoulder height and weigh up to 53 pounds, is used to follow their charges all the way around the Arctic Circle. These dogs are level-headed and more than capable of unwinding at home with family and small children, but they also know when it’s time to work and occasionally need to be persuaded to play.
During shedding seasons, this fox-like puppy with a double coat needs to be brushed once a week. They should never be shaved because shaving them will have the opposite effect because their coat helps them self-regulate in both warmer and colder temperatures.
visit us: https://specialpets.org/
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specialneedspets · 10 months
How to Dog-Proof Your House
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One of the most satisfying things you can do is take in a new dog into your home. But creating a safe space should come first, even before their eager paws reach your front door. The most important thing to remember when it comes to dog-proofing your home is to keep your new dog friend safe in addition to your prized possessions. We’ll take care of everything, from eliminating possible dangers to setting up safe areas, so your four-legged family member can freely explore your living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, garage, and yard.
Why is dog-proofing your home important? Dog-proofing your home is a sincere act of love and care for your recently adopted dog, not just a precaution. You can ensure your own peace of mind in addition to shielding your dog from any mishaps by making a safe haven for them. Dog-proofing shields your pet from unintentional harm and keeps them away from potentially dangerous items like poisonous plants or cleaning supplies. By dog-proofing your home, you can avoid the pain of having your furniture and possessions chewed through or table legs gnawed through.
What possible risks exist for dogs living in homes? Although perusing Pinterest can provide you with numerous imaginative ideas for dog-friendly homes, such as luxurious grooming stations and custom dog beds built-ins, the most crucial things to consider initially are the possible risks that could be present in every part of your house. Count how many of these canine hazards you can spot as you stroll around your home:
Chemicals, chocolate, and specific foods are examples of toxic plants and materials.
small items that could be choked on or swallowed.
outlets and electrical cords.
Tools or sharp objects are nearby.
Doors open to congested streets.
dirty or slick flooring.
Trash cans left outside that look inviting.
furnishings that are prone to tipping over.
extremes in temperature or cold.
high areas or stairs without appropriate barriers.
How to make your house dog-proof
Now that you know what threats there could be, it’s time to start dog-proofing. Let’s begin with the necessities.
Make sure that anything toxic is out of reach Dogs are inquisitive creatures that will explore anything that comes within their grasp. Put away all of those dangerous items for the home, such as medications, cleaning supplies, and any poisonous materials. Basic pantry items that are poisonous to dogs include onions, garlic, and chocolate. When in doubt, a good rule of thumb (or paw) is to make sure anything is well out of your dog’s reach and assume it’s safe for them to eat.
Keep electrical cords out of sight or out of reach Electrical cords are attractive chew toys for dogs, but they can be extremely dangerous or even deadly. Make sure to conceal or fasten cords so your dog can’t see or access them in order to avoid any uncomfortable situations. Not just for your electronics, cord protectors and cable management systems can truly save your life.
Keep trash and food in a secure place With their amazing noses, dogs will happily investigate the culinary treasures concealed in your trash or on countertops. To prevent scavengers from stealing your tasty scraps, store them away and get a strong trash can with a tight-fitting lid.
Store tiny items and toys Dogs, as we all know, love to chew, and occasionally that means your favorite shoes or the TV remote. To keep those jaws busy, keep valuables and small objects out of their reach and give them lots of toys that are suitable for dogs.
Anchor shaky furniture Furniture that is tipped over can spell disaster. Make sure all of your bookcases, shelves, and other potentially unstable items are firmly fastened to the wall. By doing this, you’ll be able to prevent dog accidents and possible furniture damage.
Shut doors and windows. For your four-legged friend, an open door or window can quickly become a doorway to adventure. Keep entrances secure to avoid unintentional escapes. If your dog cannot get out of the window, you can leave it open, but if the opening is large enough and your dog spots a squirrel, you may find yourself in an uninvited game of hide and seek.
Which parts of the house ought to be dog-proofed? Many pet parents believe their work is done when they shut the trash and lock the pantries. However, you’d be shocked at the crevices and spaces where your dog can get into problems. To make sure your house is dog-safe, let’s take a tour of it.
How to make the kitchen dog-proof For your dog, your kitchen is a veritable treasure trove of mouthwatering snacks and intriguing smells. Here’s how to make your kitchen dog-proof:
Fit cabinets with childproof latches.
Make the trash unreachable.
Safeguard harmful cleaning supplies.
All food should be kept in secure areas, especially items that aren’t suitable for dogs.
Make sure that anything sharp is out of the way (no one wants to find out that their dog is holding a knife!).
Put your chairs closer together (this deters dogs from jumping up).
How to make the living room dog-proof It’s critical to maintain the safety of your living room since it serves as your dog’s playground. To dog-proof your living room, take into account the following:
Stack cables and cords.
Protect shaky furniture.
To keep certain areas off-limits, use baby gates.
Select sturdy furniture.
Keep tiny trinkets out of the way.
How to make bedrooms dog-proof Although your bedroom is a peaceful haven, there are risks for your dog as well. Before allowing your dog to settle in your bedroom, make sure to cross these things off your list:
Cover up the power cables.
Safe closets and dressers.
Guard delicate textiles.
Medication should be kept safely.
How to make bathrooms dog-proof Despite their seemingly innocent appearance, bathrooms can be just as dangerous as any other room in the house. Ensure that you:
Lock up the pharmacy.
Store trash safely.
Shut the toilet lid.
Stock up on cleaning supplies and hygiene products.
How to keep your garage and yard dog-proof Although outdoor areas offer plenty of space for adventures, they also need upkeep to ensure your dog’s safety. Observe the following safety measures:
Put in a safe fence.
Look for any poisonous plants.
Keep hazardous materials and equipment (nails, fertilizer, etc.) out of reach.
Keep up your yard.
Give water and shade.
How to make your house puppy-proof Any dog is susceptible to the dangers of an undog-proofed home, but puppies are particularly weak points because of their inquisitiveness and lack of self-control. Consider the following puppy-proofing advice as you get ready for your new addition:
Get down on all fours and examine your house through the eyes of a puppy in order to spot potential hazards. This will assist you in identifying objects that may be hidden or within their reach.
Shut off forbidden areas: Puppies are natural curious explorers. Keep them out of rooms or areas where they could cause trouble by using barriers or baby gates.
Invest in chew toys: Puppies enjoy chewing, so it’s important to have a selection of secure chew toys available to divert their gnawing inclinations away from your furniture and possessions.
Keep small objects and electrical cords hidden: Puppies are particularly likely to chew on or swallow small objects. Make sure these are safely hidden or beyond their reach.
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Developing a Sturdy Bond with Your Pet: Spending Quality Time, Trust, and Communication
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Did you know that 65% of pet owners feel their furry friends are like family?
But let's take a closer look. Can dogs and cats actually communicate with humans in a world where pets make viral moments by pressing "buttons" and appearing in popular TikTok videos? This is an intriguing question. How do our cherished family pets express their emotions and love?
One way pet owners express their love, gratitude, and strong bond with their animals is by creating a contemporary pet portrait that captures the essence of their pet's distinct personality.
We're about to reveal the mysteries of this subtle language, which is frequently concealed in plain sight.
Recognizing the Sign Language of Your Pet
Dogs frequently use their barks, whines, or growls to communicate. Also, it's critical to understand the meaning of those noises. Dogs, however, primarily rely on nonverbal body language. Sadly, this may result in miscommunications between people and dogs.
Sometimes, your dog's body language seems unfamiliar to you, like it's something you haven't seen from them before. Other times, their intended message is completely different from what you believe them to be trying to tell you.
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Understanding Canine Body Language: Strategies for Clear Communication
Even though they can't speak human, your pet can still communicate in a special way. You have to learn the language of your dog in order to comprehend them fully. Let's examine the realm of canine body language and provide you some crucial pointers to help you and your four-legged friend communicate more effectively.
So let's get to work interpreting those ear positions, tail wags, and other cues!
Tail Position: An erect tail is not invariably indicative of contentment. A low wag could indicate submission or doubt, while a high wag might indicate excitement or alertness.
Position of Ears and Whiskers: A happy dog will have relaxed whiskers and ears that point forward. Flattened ears can be an indication of hostility or terror.
Eye Contact and Blinking: While prolonged staring can be interpreted as difficult, direct, gentle gaze conveys affection. Slow blinking can be an indication of confidence and ease.
Vocal Tone and Pitch:  Dogs vocalize in a variety of ways, varying in pitch and tone. Low growls indicate caution or uneasiness, while high-pitched whines can convey excitement or distress.
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Understanding the Signs of Cat Communication
You may notice your feline friend taking on a calm, almost sleepy appearance when they are comfortable and at ease. They won't be darting around as much, and their muscles will be at ease and their gaze steady. In fact, your cat may even invite cuddles or loving pats.
On the other hand, your cat's behavior may change significantly when fear takes hold. Imagine a cat on Halloween night, with its tail twitching and back arching. During these times, your cat might withdraw to a hiding place and refuse to come out. Your cat may show discomfort by showing signs of distress, such as bared teeth or a menacing hiss.
Dilated Pupils: Swollen pupils convey fear or arousal.
Flattened Ears: Pressed-back ears can be a sign of uneasiness or restlessness.
Hissing and Growling: Hissing and growling are examples of vocalizations that indicate distress.
Establishing Consistency in Building Trust
Acquiring a new pet is akin to receiving a new member of the family. But it's important to keep in mind that pets can feel stressed out too, just like humans do, particularly when they are first brought to their furr-ever home.
Remarkably, 95% of pet parents cite their animals as a source of stress relief, according to the American Heart Association, underscoring the strong emotional connection we have with our animal friends. The catch is that our pets are also susceptible to stress. This is where routines that are reliable and constructive feedback are useful.
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Establishing a Robust Routine: A Trust-Based Base
Consider yourself in a new environment with strange people and customs. Yes, it can be very overwhelming. That may be exactly how your new pet feels. Creating a regular daily routine may provide them with some comfort. Establish routines for eating, playing, and sleeping. Regular schedules lessen your pet's anxiety by letting them know what to expect.
Positive Reinforcement's Power
Positive reinforcement is a game-changer in the development of trust because it involves rewarding good behavior. Give your pet praise, treats, or affection when they behave in a way that pleases you, such as using the litter box or obeying instructions.
Your pet learns what behaviors you find acceptable from this positive reinforcement, which strengthens their faith in you as a dependable and compassionate owner.
Embracing Treasured Moments: Making Eternal Recollections with Your Pet
Our pets provide a safe haven of affection, happiness, and dependable companionship amidst the hectic pace of life. It makes sense that 65% of people who own pets view them as family. Our furry friends have a special place in their hearts for us, just as we do.
We've discovered the keys to creating an unbreakable bond, from comprehending their special language to developing trust via regularity and quality time spent together. Our pets should have a special place in our hearts because they become a part of our stories.
It follows that many pet owners honor their cherished friends by having custom portraits made of them and displaying them with pride in their homes. Every day, these portraits serve as a daily reminder of the affection, trust, and priceless moments we have with our pets.
In the end, we establish a satisfying and long-lasting friendship by making an investment in mutual trust, clear communication, and quality time spent together. This relationship is as ageless as the proudly displayed portraits.
Follow us for more tips and feel free to contact us.
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specialneedspets · 10 months
Maintaining Health and Happiness: The Importance of Ideal Dog Weight
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If you could just weigh your dog and know right away that they are the ideal weight, size, and overall health, wouldn't that be simple? However, things don't quite work like that. The American Kennel Club does provide a weight chart that you can use for purebred dogs. There, you can view the recommended dog weight for each breed of dog, both male and female.
However, what would happen if your dog is a mixed breed? The ideal weight for a dog cannot be determined by a single figure. In addition, the size chart provides a range. If your dog is in the middle of the range, is it healthier? What happens if it rests exactly at the bottom edge? or at the maximum?
Even a pound or two can make a big difference in appearance and health for some dogs. With just one extra pound, a purebred Chihuahua, for instance, can have a different appearance and way of life.
Why is it so difficult to determine if your dog is the right weight?
Let's examine some of the most well-liked dog breeds and their estimated geographical range. Take the German Shepherd, for instance. An adult male dog's weight ranges from 65 to 90 pounds according to the AKC breed standard. Isn't that a significant difference?
Or, as an example, the Labrador Retriever. The AKC recommends a weight range of 65 to 80 pounds. That represents a nearly 23 percent difference. Additionally, it can change based on whether your dog is a female or male.
To put it plainly, evaluating a dog's health by looking at its breed size and growth chart is not the best approach.
How about canines?
Dogs with mixed breed genetics—dogs descended from two different breeds—have become more and more common in recent years. On occasion, their genetic makeup may include elements from three distinct breeds.
The hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle makes it a popular breed to mix. The Chihuahua, Yorkshire terrier, Labrador Retriever, American Pit Bull terrier, and other breeds are also well-liked options.
Thus, how do you determine your Goldendoodle, Puggle, Cockapoo, Maltipoo, Bernedoodle, and so forth's ideal dog weight?
Sadly, not every single dog has a clear reference. Additionally, the range of mixed breeds can be even wider. For instance, combining a small and a large dog breed.
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How to Interpret the Dog Weight Chart
The good news is that you can determine whether your puppy is underweight, at a healthy weight, or average by visually assessing their weight.
Severely Underweight
When you observe your dog from a distance, you realize it appears bony.
It's clear that muscle mass has been lost.
There is no visible body fat beneath the skin.
Beneath the skin, ribs, lumbar vertebrae, and pelvic bones are visible.
Your dog's ribs are readily felt.
You can see your dog's ribs through the skin.
You cannot feel any visible body fat on the skin.
Other skeletal regions are visible through the skin.
The waist is visible when viewed from above.
Viewed from the side, the abdomen is distinctly protruded.
Ideal Weight
Your dog's ribs are not overly covered in fat, so you can feel them.
You may or may not be able to see your dog's ribs.
When you look down at your dog, the waist is visible behind the ribs.
The abdomen is tucked up and does not return straight to the legs when viewed from the side.
Your dog's ribs are covered in fat, so you cannot feel them.
There are fat deposits in the lumbar region and across the base of the tail.
Your dog has either no waist at all or very little.
Some abdominal tuck is apparent.
Severely overweight
Your dog's thorax, which extends from the neck to the abdomen and base of the tail, is heavily deposited with fat.
There is no abdominal tuck or waist tuck.
When you touch the legs and neck of your dog, you can feel fat deposits. The belly of your dog is obviously swollen and protruding.
What to do?
You should take immediate action if your dog is classified as severely underweight or severely overweight. If your dog is overweight or underweight, even little adjustments can have an impact. To begin with, you ought to speak with a veterinarian.
If your dog is underweight, find out why they are not at their ideal weight and then increase their calorie intake in a sensible manner. Increasing portion sizes and changing the frequency of meals are two examples. Alternately, try a higher-calorie meal.
If your dog is overweight, gradually increase play and exercise in their daily routine, cut back on treats and snacks, and limit their intake of human food.
How to Help Your Dog Maintain Ideal Weight?
Finally, let's discuss a few strategies for helping your puppy maintain the ideal dog weight:
Be mindful of portion control, measuring servings based on size, age, and degree of activity.
Serve a well-balanced meal that includes wholesome, high-quality foods.
Steer clear of high-calorie snacks, table scraps, and excessive treats.
Make sure your dog receives regular exercise, and never go over the recommended amount of exercise for your breed.
Never give someone free food; don't leave it out all day.
Instruct your dog not to beg for food.
Use mentally stimulating toys, such as puzzles, to keep your dog from getting bored and anxious.
Maintain uniformity within the family.
All members of the family are subject to the aforementioned rules.
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