specieism · 5 days
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Album of the year
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specieism · 13 days
The violence of neoliberal globalisation, deindustrialisation, the closure of public services and the devaluation of work whose wages no longer allow people to live all generate a powerful feeling that things were better before. The far right has seized on this and turned it into a cultural issue with its “great replacement” theory. The far right ignores the ravages of neoliberalism and blames immigrants for the relative decline in living conditions. In order to protect capitalist globalisation, the far right shifts our attention away from finance and towards cultural globalisation instead. To avoid this trap, the left must be able to put forward a credible vision that will enable us to regain control over the multinational corporations and the powers of capital. It is no longer possible to adopt a blissful approach to free trade and globalisation. We can no longer defend free trade that leads to the dumping of wages and the destruction of the environment. The contradictions between social and environmental issues are a breeding ground for the far right. To overcome them, it is essential to attack capitalist powers.
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specieism · 16 days
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specieism · 16 days
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specieism · 22 days
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specieism · 1 month
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specieism · 1 month
What does love feel like? Love comes in different aspects. There’s sexual love, companion love and unconditional love, and I think you only have unconditional love with your children or your pets.
Have you ever said ‘I love you’ without meaning it? Yes.
Which living person do you most despise and why? I dislike Donald Trump. I met him when I looked after Lennox – he’s one of the most arrogant men I’ve come across.
What has been your biggest disappointment? Not being truthful to everyone from an earlier age.
If not yourself, who would you most like to be? The football manager Sarina Wiegman. How often do you have sex? What is sex? In the 10 years I’ve transitioned, I’ve not had sex.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Choose your friends wisely.
Tell us a secret I lived in fear of being found out for 60 years.
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specieism · 1 month
When were you happiest? At the birth of my children; when Lennox Lewis was crowned undisputed world heavyweight champion; and the day I had my final gender reassignment operation. What is your greatest fear? Losing my family. Which living person do you most admire and why? The pope. I was brought up in the Catholic religion, and I think he is trying to make the church more accepting of all. He’s got a very hard job because the church is very stuck in its rightwing conservative ways. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Arrogance. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Being two-faced. What was your most embarrassing moment? In my early days of transitioning, I used to come to London and meet for a drink with a group going through the same thing. I used to wear a full wig, and one night I’d drunk too much and fell asleep on the train, and my wig slipped off. Aside from a property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought? A black Russian terrier – I paid almost £4,000 for him. Describe yourself in three words Unsociable. Talkative. Recluse. I spend most of my time at my house in Portugal with rescue animals – pigs, goats, ducks, turkeys, chickens and geese. What would your superpower be? Mind-reading. What do you most dislike about your appearance? My belly. If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? My father. I never got to tell him my full story. To whom would you most like to say sorry and why? To my daughters and my partner, Tracey, for what I put them through with my transition.
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specieism · 1 month
Jane: I like that he equates fame with hardcore pornography. Not just pornography, but hardcore pornography. Your life is examined in close, minute detail. They know your address. They ring up your PR company. They track you down to your hotel room in New York. Constant attention. Because they own you in the same way that they own a naked body in pornography. I’ve always felt that fame is like a disease. There’s that theory that if someone gets a terrible disease, their friends stop speaking to them because the friends don’t know how to deal with it. Fame is exactly the same. So you think that as much as you’ve grown up together and they’ve now become this superstar, the relationship has changed because they think I’m being their friend because they’re famous. And I could never get over that. I would go around to Brett’s house a lot and stay up late. It was always fun. But the relationship changes once you’ve helped make a band famous. If you spoke to the childhood friends of some of the people we’ve been talking about they’d probably say that they’re not the same anymore. And even if the famous person hasn’t changed, that’s not the point, because it’s their friends’ identification of the difference that makes the difference.
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specieism · 2 months
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specieism · 2 months
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specieism · 2 months
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specieism · 2 months
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specieism · 2 months
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specieism · 2 months
"We are not only protecting ourselves, we are protecting you."
"Our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory."
"I, too, appeal to America. Give us the tools faster, and we’ll finish the job faster."
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specieism · 2 months
Trump’s surge is also a racist backlash, but it is linked to the failure of Democratic economic policy. Republicans have assiduously exploited and promoted a white backlash ever since the civil rights movement of the 1960s, deploying racist dog whistles which only escalated under Obama. But the Democrats’ approach to social reform did not help. Corporate taxes were slashed from the 1960s onwards, while the tax burden on middle-income Americans nearly doubled between the mid-1950s and 1980. Social programmes targeted at poorer Americans were therefore easily demonised as being paid for by blue-collar workers, breaking down the solidarity of the traditional Democratic coalition. That resentment was easily and crudely racialised as undeserving poor black America being subsidised by hardworking white people. The foreign military ventures of Democratic elites such as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden – principally in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also Libya – were also characterised by bloody turmoil and international humiliation. Today, Biden has infuriated natural Democratic voters and morally disgraced the US globally with complicity in Israel’s genocidal rampage. Republicans are enthusiastic about their nominee: Democrats are not. A superpower in crisis both at home and abroad risks some form of reckoning, as the Soviet leadership discovered. Across the west, the cordon sanitaire between the centre-right and what lies beyond has collapsed: a Trump victory will embolden Europe’s surging far-right movements. The liberal order crumbles before us: we have barely begun to contemplate what lies beyond it.
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specieism · 2 months
Sailed out to sea
Your mom, you and me
You swam the oceans like a child
Life around us was so wild
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while to us
I'm singing this song
For you and your mom
And that's all
It wont be long
Before everyone is gone
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