spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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as the event winds to a close, the police have been taking stock of all of the interviews they’ve gotten from members of the imperium society, comparing careful notes that have lasted not only the duration of that evening, but the entire semester. everyone’s testimonies have uncovered a new motive, one that was right in front of their faces the entire time, but muddied by accounts of abuse, red herrings in evidence, and biased statements from peers...and murderers. not to mention that the person they plan into custody really doesn’t fit the profile of a MURDERER. 
there is one person whose name comes up the MOST TIMES when asked. everyone sees the cops arrest and take VALENTINE VEGA into custody, and you think they must have something because that’s not a girl that you arrest lightly. however, her father’s involvement with the case against the prestons provides a perspective that’s just too strong to ignore, and if octavia preston can dig up blackmail on the vegas through some intense internet searching, obviously the government’s resources can do the same thing. luckily, valentine has two lovers that she can conveniently throw under the bus, because let it be clear – she did the plotting, but she NEVER got her hands dirty. but will she find another scapegoat or will she point the blame at the real culprit ? only time will tell, but it’s ticking down rapidly.
and once again, the antics of the imperium society have ruined yet another festival as everyone somberly heads back inside and awaits what will happen the next morning. a cool chill racks the building of escalus house, but octavia visits no one that night. perhaps her silence speaks louder than her words. 
to be continued...
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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hi ! our EVENT has officially begun ! i shall be sending you some questions to answer to influence the plot drop.
all new threads and starters should take place at the event and i encourage you to do some fresh things, start fresh threads, and have some fun with the event. all that good stuff. 
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
I'm sad to see this group going private as I thought I was a really fun idea and I loved the skeletons you wrote and really wanted to join. But I wish you guys well.
hi ! thank you so much, it wasn’t an easy choice and it’s been something i’ve been mulling over for a while. but with only a couple planned plot drops left and the sporadic activity of a lot of the members of our group, myself included ( generally covid-related, we’ve all been on the struggle bus here ) – it just wouldn’t feel right to ask people to go through the application process again when we don’t feel as traditional as we used to be. we’re all kind of just vibing lately, enjoying writing, but i could tell the stress level and also felt it was important to relax the environment. i felt so guilty being on the ball about activity checks when people had other priorities, i didn’t want to pressure them to be on during this time. 
it means a lot and i have had so much fun with this idea and spectre, like, one of my best groups ever, and i hope we’ll get the chance to write together sometimes in the future <3 i have had so much luck and so much fun in pulling this together.  
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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general, you know, crisis stuff. but hi everyone ! as you know, shit’s crazy. everyone has a LOT of personal things going on, the world is in crisis, it’s all in disarray. with so many people on hiatus, i’ve been struggling to keep up with motivation for this group especially because everyone’s character is so important and i want you all around for plot drops and things i have planned. naturally, that’s impossible lately, and while it’s been awesome to see some of you so active on the dash, my muse also wanes when there’s some of you i seriously miss ! 
so, what am i going to do ? spectre is going to become a CLOSED GROUP. honestly, everything is getting so intense and interconnected with the plot and octavia drama it’d feel strange to welcome new people in at this juncture, and i really don’t have the energy to do the big acceptances that this group has generated in the past. it does not spark joy. so, you know, your activity is up to you and i hope that you will all be responsible for yourselves in 
a) informing the group when you’re taking time off. since there won’t be ‘activity checks,’ just let people know, either on discord, on the dash, or both. no need to get into specifics of what’s going in if you’re not comfortable, but if people won’t get replies from you, they should know about it. getting like 5 activity updates and hiatus requests a week has been...crazy disheartening for me to keep up with anyway. 
b) if you leave, your character becomes an npc. people can talk about them as they wish, so – iskra/cleopatra will be a nonplayable character that you can use or mention in passing. if you are super not comfortable with that, then let the group know when you’re leaving. 
so, will this group last ? if you want it to ! we’ll keep trucking along as normal, i’ll follow my calendar of events, and we’ll see what happens. if the dash flows, it flows, and if goes stagnant, that’s just our world lately. the dash hasn’t been dead at all, so of course, we’ll have our wacky founder’s picnic event TOMORROW as planned. you can use it like a little clean out for your threads and drafts and start FRESH !
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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the following accounts have 24 hours to post in character or contact the main:
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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the following accounts have 24 hours to post in character or contact the main:
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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if you know anything about ashcroft, is that it in the face of tragedy, the show must go on. so, it’s school tradition to celebrate when the school was founded 100 years ago with a big picnic on the school grounds, catered hors d’oeuvres, free-flowing champagne and live music. essentially, it’s like a big music festival with free food. what’s not to love ? of course, there’s certainly something ominous about a celebration after you’ve heard that your headmaster’s gone mad, but hey – a party is a party. right ? after everything the imperium students have been through, maybe it’s time to let loose, unwind, and...have a little fun !
that said, the day won’t go off without a hitch. it’s obvious that security is doubled up, that police are roaming the grounds, and that certainly makes everything a little more tense. and with recent visits from octavia, tensions are rising. if you have any evidence, any reason to come forward, you probably should. and if not – perhaps it’s time that you DID – if you’re not confronting the police, perhaps it’s time for confrontation of other kinds. 
so, you know, let the drinks flow, let the music play, and...be careful who you trust. you don’t want to end up with a knife in your back, that’s for certain. and i’m not just talking about betrayal.
this event takes place starting april 23rd and will last until may 4 on the dash.
feel free to post your outfits and aesthetic inspiration ! our tag is #spectreevent.
certain characters will be sent questions as if the police have pulled them aside before the end of the event. how these characters answer these questions will determine the end-of-event plot drop...so, if you get something from the main in your inbox during the event, please answer it before may 4 !
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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the following accounts have 24 hours to post in character or contact the main:
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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hey all ! please keep in mind that activity check is tomorrow, and if you have things going on, all hiatus requests need to be submitted formally through the main. THAT SAID, there’s some exciting shit coming up, not gonna lie !!!!!!! i’ll be posting about what’s next this friday, so keep your eyes peeled for the next event on ashcroft’s campus. i am extremely fucking excited about this.
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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my internet has been shitty all day because we had a bad storm, so i didn’t get around to the octavia replies i wanted to do and kinda lost momentum, so...ghost girl will be back on the dash tomorrow morning ! 
THAT SAID, as a result of our general poll, we’ll be watching corpse bride together on thursday evening around 8pm est ? idk, grab a drink and watch something spooky with the squad if you’re feeling up to it. 
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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this is spectre sleepover weekend so, honesty weekend is of course completely optional AND ooc ! it’s a weekend for mun ask memes and getting to talk about yourselves.
it’s probably best to reblog ask memes and such just to keep ppl from getting questions that they aren’t comfortable answering. that said, if people reblog a meme...pls send them asks from it, so everyone can feel included and all that fun stuff. i reblogged a few memes on the inspo blog if you don’t have any favorites to share. 
love u all and happy weekend !!!!
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
Out of curiosity, have you adminned any other rps?
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yes, i’ve done a few ! spectre is actually based off of an appless one i created last year ( officially a year ago last week, i believe ) titled the class – it takes place in the same verse, but with a different plot. 
other skeleton rps you may or may not recognize are rise – a choice-based heist roleplay with greek mythology inspo, and untouchable – nyc’s elite with ties to organized crime, the skeletons were inspired by my favorite constellation stories. 
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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hi everyone ! a couple of OOC housekeeping things ! essentially, i know it’s tough all around and i want to introduce some fun self-care stuff and give you some quick updates.
a number have messaged me on discord with status updates, which i appreciate. i’ll be doing an activity check TOMORROW, so if you need longer than that, please request an official hiatus through the main. 
finally, this weekend we’re having a spectre sleepover – of sorts. virtually. we’re going to have an OOC ask meme weekend. i’ll be sharing some memes on the inspo blog later, but i’ve done this in another group and it’s pretty fun ! 
and finally, MOVIE NIGHT ! unfortunately, netflix has no shakespeare OR dark academia classics, so on SATURDAY NIGHT at 7:30pm est i’ll screen...perks of being a wallflower on netflix party & share the link in the discord. totally optional but a stress-free activity hopefully. 
ofc, participation in this stuff is optional, but i figured we could just goof around this weekend and whatever. 
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
who do you play?
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juliet / georgina bishop, your resident dumb blonde ! 
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
Hope you feel better soon!
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thank you !
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
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hi everyone ! just wanted to check in and say hey, THANK YOU. i know a number of you need hiatuses due to corona-related things, and i just wanna say how much it means to me that you’ve decided to stick with this. this group has seen the dash ebb and flow quite a bit, and it’s been amazing to find a group of people that have stuck through it all. i’ve been having some back pain issues that have made it hard for me to be on the dash for long periods of time, but i promise i’ll be sticking this out ‘til the end as long as there’s the muse. 
u guys are truly one of the most welcoming, inspired groups of writers and it is so exciting to be your admin and work through this plot together. this is your reminder to take care of yourself, put your needs first, and keep me in the loop when you’re struggling and need some space. love u all !
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spectrehqs ¡ 4 years
question, do you have a guesstimate as to how much longer the rest of plot will take?
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looking at my document, i’m thinking it’ll be june/july ? it’s sort of hard to predict because i’ve let a lot of events and such just play out as long as people have had the muse, so it’s made most things tentative. i’d say i have about 3 big plot drops and 2 events planned, but sometimes the members here have an idea that has me inspired and adding on to things, so…sorry this is such a shitty answer, but i am just not sure when we’ll reach the conclusion of the current plot arc. maybe 2-3 months is a good estimate ?!
also, a few things coming up will have outcomes that are choice-based by characters !
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