let us show you
We asked 100 trans women what they think a hive mind is like and they all replied “let us show you” at the same time in perfect unison
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respectfully, so tired of "evil AI that wants you dead". where is the evil AI that loves you sooo much that you are. not allowed to leave it. evil AI that wants to wrap you up in its wires and keep you forever and ever and ever.
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"true knights" are bestial monsters fueled by devotion, their twisted armor and oaths to kingdoms long dead the only remnants of the warriors they once were
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you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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spellbookscolopendra · 3 months
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spellbookscolopendra · 3 months
i deserve to be a big monster. i deserve to undergo a terrifying yet true and beautiful transformation
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spellbookscolopendra · 3 months
The Magnus Archives is like, the opposite of the Outer Wilds in terms of community spoiler policy. You’ll try and check “where did I hear that name before” and you’ll find five spoilers for the final season before the actual answer to your question. The like, third thing when checking on a character on the wiki is “cause of death”. It’s not great
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spellbookscolopendra · 4 months
Waking up with freshly printed eyes, your new flesh still slick with the fluids of your creation. When you first fell in love with her, in that ice blasted city, you knew she would not permit you to retain your fallible human form, but….
Experiencing it was beyond anything you could have imagined. You had simply lacked the requisite anatomy to do so. But now, pulling yourself off the chamber floor with your many limbs, eyes bubbling forth to sate your now-boundless curiosity, and your mouths opening to take your first real breath?
You were excited to fall in love with her all over again.
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spellbookscolopendra · 4 months
The overwhelming urge to run around in a grassy field, wind streaming through your hair, raindrops bouncing against your skin, laughing and laughing because the only things that matter are the present and the cup of hot tea waiting for you at home
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spellbookscolopendra · 4 months
egg: sunny side up steak: no milk: fermented alcohol: dark and stormy warm drink: lavender tea
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spellbookscolopendra · 4 months
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[SABAOTH, the Serpent]
hi! the mechanical designer @himecommunism here! just wanted to show off our basically finalized design for Sabaoth, our eminently kissable heroine
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spellbookscolopendra · 4 months
Subject: Archon Program Candidates
From: ██████
To: Flora Pearson <[email protected]>
Timestamp: 2088.09.24.6138
Dir. Pearson:
It took some time to process the data we've received from the Dept/Statistics request, and your patience in that matter is deeply appreciated. Our diligence has paid off, and we have narrowed to 54 potential candidates across the Republic. I've attached the full portfolio--note that among the 54, 7 in particular stand out. I've flagged these subjects accordingly. While a thorough examination of *all* prospective candidates is paramount for expedience and risk mitigation, the attached dossiers will surely speak for themselves with regards to their fit for the program.
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Raithe Desmont
b.2057.12.30 / 193cm / 66kg / B+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 83.25%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 57.29%
Minor irreversible microgravitational osteoporosis from offworld childhood
History of childhood asthma, no noted persistent chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders in adulthood
Existing psychiatric profile suggests an intense need for approval, acknowledgement
Medical records became publicly available when he was processed following the dismantling of Synesia
Immediate family:
- Estranged father, younger sister
- deceased mother
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate a history of activism that ended following an arrest with no conviction
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently works an administrative role within the Automation Division of the Dept/Research
Desmont's department shows fantastic efficiency and produces incredible results at the expense of high turnover rates. Exit interviews indicate that his aggressive and controlling management style is to blame, however the growth in his department was undeniable to his superiors. Were he not a hylikos, he would surely be head of the division by now.
Desmont's ego is thoroughly immodest, and his focus solely on the Material. He refuses to accept that he cannot rise above his position without aid from the Church.
His methodical yet aggressive nature and relatively high d-SYN/TRA compatibility score suggest that he would be an ideal candidate for the archon of kings.
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Zoe Katab
b.2070.07.19 / 170cm / 70kg / A-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 95.66%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 71.90%
Several childhood hospitalizations for frequent upper and lower extremity fractures
History of self harm attributed to survivor's guilt/PTSD
Existing psychiatric profile indicates a need for control that stems from severe anxiety
Medical records became publicly available following her adoption as a ward of the state
Immediate family:
- deceased mother, father, sister
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that she was arrested for the murder of her parents, but ultimately found innocent
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently unemployed
Katab's past indicates that she is capable of bloodshed yet more interested in the stability of total control. Behavioral reports from her childhood describe a deeply protective personality with recurring accusations of attempting to manipulate others.
Katab's exceptional d-SYN/TRA compatibility alongside her complex psychiatric profile indicate that she is an ideal archon candidate, with the most synergy with the archon of lordship.
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Sera ████
b.2060.10.30 / 180cm / 102kg / AB+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 98.92%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 89.01%
Significant medical records were removed from public record following her involvement in the destruction of the Caesarea
Existing psychiatric profile indicates a deeply emotionally disturbed individual
Immediate family:
- estranged mother, father
- aunt, living apart
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that she is currently convicted for criminal negligence, manslaughter, and practicing medicine without a license
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently imprisoned
████ 's involvement has been previously confirmed, as she was sponsored by █████.
Nonetheless, ████ 's unprecedentedly high SYN/TRA compatibility, unique physiology, and damaged psyche suggest that she is an ideal archon candidate, such that she may be a possible match with the archon of deity.
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Ash Ward
b.2074.08.16 / 175cm / 58kg / B-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 84.11%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 74.39%
Childhood history of malnourishment
Reports of several scars from infections secondary to insufficient wound care
Existing psychiatric profile indicate difficulty controlling anger
Medical records became publicly available upon becoming a ward of the state
Immediate family:
- deceased mother, father, uncle
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate a predisposition to violence
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently a ward of the state
Ward's behavioral reports indicate a tendency to lash out against authorities and classmates alike. He is quick to violence and has little patience for others.
His exceptional SYN/TRA compatibilities and temperament suggest a strong compatibility for the tyrant archon.
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Adrien Hein
b.2059.03.03 / 187cm / 40kg / O+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 74.29%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 52.63%
Bilateral below-knee amputation secondary to explosion during an attempted live-munitions terrorist attack
Existing psychiatric profile indicates severe anxiety bordering on paranoia
Medical records became public record upon arrest
Immediate family:
- deceased husband, son
- mother, father live apart
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that he has been convicted for terrorism, conspiracy, possession of illegal explosives, destruction of property
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently imprisoned
Hein lost his husband and son in a riot started by immigrants protesting the stride of Stauros. He was radicalized by the experience and subsequently became involved with a group of nationalists. During an attempt to bomb a train station the explosives were improperly timed, resulting in the loss of both of Hein's legs.
His willingness to shed blood, loyalty to Stauros, and obsessive mental state make him an ideal candidate for the archon of jealousy.
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Surya Marit
b.2068.09.25 / 175cm / 68kg / B+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 88.04%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 73.43%
Minor broken bones in youth, negative growth plate abnormalities noted
Possible TBI secondary to concussion received during routine training though MRI/CT inconclusive
Existing psychiatric profile indicates an antisocial personality disorder diagnosis as well as a need for connection
Medical records became publicly available upon joining the ExoCorps
Immediate family:
- estranged brother, mother
- deceased mother
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records return no charges
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently unemployed
Marit is an unusual individual. She was initially chosen to be a Cataphract though her surgery regimen was cut short by a traumatic head injury during a routine training exercise. This purportedly spawned a change in her behavior, at which point she was ejected from the ExoCorps.
Marit's fantastic SYN/TRA compatibility, her experience as a pilot, and her alienation from others make her a strong candidate for the archon of wealth.
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Elena Casaubon
b.2069.09.09 / 158cm / 53kg / O-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 63.14%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 47.69%
Irreversible microgravitational osteoporosis from offworld childhood
Existing psychiatric profile indicates obsessive tendencies and a thirst for the forbidden
Medical records not publicly available
Immediate family:
- absentee mother
- deceased father
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records return no charges
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently employed by the Dept/Research as a part of the Archon program
Casaubon's participation was, of course, previously confirmed due to her connection to the Rite.
Casaubon's SYN/TRA compatibilities barely meet program minimums, and though her psychiatric profile does not indicate any particular affinity, the archon of wisdom will likely be the most fitting for her potential as a pilot.
Thank you for your patience,
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spellbookscolopendra · 5 months
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don't (or do) go sticking your hands in TMs
commission for CentipedalSpell on twitter
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spellbookscolopendra · 5 months
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spellbookscolopendra · 6 months
half of them have- and I'm curious to see which two folks think they are
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Reblog if one of these bitches (affectionate) has consumed your life at some point.
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spellbookscolopendra · 6 months
It's that time of year to yell at all you bitches to read the helicopter story again. It's beautiful and full of a deep understanding of gender, and Isabel Fall deserved better than the treatment she was served.
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spellbookscolopendra · 7 months
What is empty spaces? Google only shows some Pink Floyd song.
So I just had someone ask me this over discord which may or may not have been you, but either way I’ll give the same (brief) answer.
The short answer is that its a (mostly trans) community who goes “Man it would be so cool if the conservatives were right and we really WERE god killing demons reshaping both gender and humanity as a whole to our will.”
The longer answer... is it’s a genre of slash fiction similar to Omegaverse. And much like Omegaverse it is… uh … very much a thing that is weird to talk about publicly.
Omegaverse has a sort of alternative take on biological essentialism, where in the setting that essentialism is true and has direct impacts on sexuality, but the innate biological structure of humans in the setting is WILDLY different from reality.
Empty Spaces is to genders (mostly xenogenders) what Omegaverse is to sexuality. It branched off from “doll twitter”, a subset of the hypno kink community which was almost entirely trans gals wanting to just not be a person anymore because being stripped of humanity brought them gender euphoria. Needless to say as fringe a community as that was overwhelmed with subs seeking that out, and severely lacking in dominants who could (and were willing to) provide it. But people never belong to only a single community, and it was only a matter of time before they overlapped with witch twitter, a community of (mostly trans) gals going “What if magical girl smut wasn’t just 100% them being cute innocent things for the male gaze and instead they were demented reality warpers with control issues who have lost all traces of their humanity through the gulf between them and everyone else and were girls but like MORE girl than a human could wrap their head around and also I was one of them.” Needless to say, the two groups got along GREAT.
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Eventually this attracted people who had kinks and identities that were “Gender but in a sexy and fucked up way” and a form of shared worldbuilding emerged, of an anachronistic world were witches secluded themselves from the outside world that didn’t understand them, creating new forms of life ranging from sentient Barbie dolls you could fit in your pocket, or things that were once human but no trace of the person they are remains, or androids designed for combat like the T-dolls from Girls Frontline, and all this eventually catching the eyes of things outside our reality that are fantastical and wondrous, creating a world that the witches and dolls and other rejects of the human world could call home as it seeped back into the mundane world.
The biggest difference between Omegaverse is in the levels of explicitness. Don’t get me wrong, it is EXTREMELY HORNY and EXTREMELY KINKY. DARK KINKS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE. MORE MANIPULATION AND ABUSE AND NONCON AND SNUFF THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT. But it’s rarely traditional views of sex. You will find Empty Spaces writers on twitter with massive threads linking to hundreds of their own stories, each tagged with the most depraved fucked up kinks you could imagine... and then only like three of those stories depict actual sex in it.
Instead it is about the intimacy of those things. Giving up that level of control or having that level of control over another. Being more than what you are, being an outcast from the world that shunned you but finding love in the ways that world would find repulsive. Its about the world not treating you as human, and you going “Yeah. You’re right. I’m not human anymore.” and finding power in that lack of humanity.
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