spells-by-candlelight · 5 months
Come Hither Powder
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For willing attraction of love, romance, and sensual pleasures. (Does not guarantee longevity or fidelity. USE SPARINGLY.)
2 pt Sugar
1 pt Savoury
1 pt Red Roses
1 pt Honeysuckle Blossom
½ pt Ginger Root
½ pt Lovage Herb
½ pt Poppy Seeds
3 crushed Apple Seeds per ½ cup batch
Mortar & Pestle or Spice Grinder
Mesh Strainer
Collection Dish
Grind each ingredient separately for several minutes to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger ungrindable pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the strainer helps reduce lost material.)
Retain any leftover unground material or large pieces that don’t make it through the strainer. You can use this for loose incense or charm bags later. Remember, witchlings: waste not, want not!
Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately.
Dust yourself very lightly with the powder before going to mixers or singles parties, or to any event where you feel you might meet someone exciting and attractive. If this is not your style, you can put a pinch in your shoes or carry a small bottle around your neck or in your pocket.
Cast a palmful into wind or fire on a full moon night to attract a lover. Add to love incenses for a spicy-sweet kick to your liaisons. Double the sugar and add olive oil to make a hand scrub for attracting a romantic partner.
(May be used to add a brief, adventurous zing to established relationships. Just make sure that all parties involved are aware and consenting, and be sure that you don’t rely on it to keep things together once the high wears off.)
This powder can be countered by Get Thee Hence Powder, should the need arise.
Note: All love magic should be undertaken with great care. Do not use this powder to attempt to ensnare a specific person; circumventing free will for love magic is neither kind nor advisable, and may lead to unwanted consequences. Be aware that the person you do attract may not be your ideal match. The love this powder attracts burns hot and fast, and it is not made to last forever. Always protect yourself and practice safe sex!
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Honey Glamour Lipbalm
Dried rose petals
Cinnamon powder
Dried rosemary (optional - for long lasting effect)
Gently heat the honey in a double boiler until it is very liquidated (no hotter). Add the herbs & spices, then pour into a jar.
To apply, dab onto lips with finger. A mirror is helpful both for applying the balm & for setting the glamour.
“By cinnamon, rose, and honey sweet,
I will be loved by all I meet.
Then by my mouth and by my will,
When the glamour fades they’ll love me still.”
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Spell To Coax The Sun Out
For those frustratingly cloudy days.
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(To be sung in low tones in the tune that feels the most comforting and warm at the time, looping and repeating as seems right. Change words to fit, rhyme doesn’t matter but rhythm does. Hum if you want. Imagine the sun, it’s warmth etc. Sustain it by humming the same tune)
“Sunlight spread your rays on me
Shine them down to warm the earth
Giving life to plant and tree
Shine to show me what you’re worth”
“Sunlight spread your warm rays down
Chase away the damp and mould
Make plants grow in the soil brown
Banish the night so dark and cold.”
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If you want any actual ingredients then idk go charge a volcanic rock in the light of high noon for a month or something idc
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Fog binding
To bind fog
You need: a piece of string
Tie knots in the string as you chant the words below. Channel your intent to lock the fog inside the knots.
With these knots I now bind
The fog inside the string I hold
Let it be trapped as I wind
Let this string the fog withhold
To release it
Undo the knots while chanting
With this string I now unwind
All these knots I now unbind
Release the fog to now surround
And cloak me once more all around
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