This blog has been moved to: @spezialistin
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OOC: So, I moved my blog to my primarly blog, it’s the same url bitches: @spezialistin
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OOC: I gave up. I’m currently cleaning my primarily blog so maybe I’ll move my blog there. It’s gonna take me some time, I had 2k+ posts there
OOC: I really want to move this blog somewhere else, it does bother me than it’s the only sideblog here (I don’t even have any other snk muses on the account, differently from other accounts where I have many sideblogs from the same midia). But I’m lazy and I don’t want to move everything, edit everything all over again, post all the rules, verses, tags, headcanons again…  y.y
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OOC: I really want to move this blog somewhere else, it does bother me than it’s the only sideblog here (I don’t even have any other snk muses on the account, differently from other accounts where I have many sideblogs from the same midia). But I’m lazy and I don’t want to move everything, edit everything all over again, post all the rules, verses, tags, headcanons again...  y.y
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Mikasa has high endurance. And that can be said for many things. She can endure high levels of pain way better than most people and stay conscious during peaks that would make the majority faint. She can also stay long periods without food, water or sleep without passing out. In fact, she does survive with just a few hours (or none) of sleep daily and it doesn’t affect her efficiency. Mikasa also has a high tolerance for alcohol. She is aware of her limits, so she avoids going over it. As the responsible one of their friends, she feels the need of taking care of those who don’t understand their own restraints as she does. But even being careful enough enough not to overdrink, she is aware that her limit is higher than many. Still, if she does passes it, she is not one to do normally anything she would regret or forget. Normally, the effects that could be seen in herself are sleepiness -- and in those times, she would have a dreamless sleep for more hours that she’s used to, compensating for all the other days -- and  melancholy.
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which  flower  are  you ?
You are a hopeless romantic, driven by your heart in everything you do. You likely love classic movies or music, and find inspiration in poetry and lyrics. You dream of living within a story, day dreaming of soulmates and fate. The mom friend, you are a Type A planner who probably has a bit of anxiety. A bit of a night owl, you have always been fascinated with exploring old European cities and imagining the stories that have lived within their streets. You prefer the city over the country, and try to see the best in people. But you have built up your walls high, you do not trust easily. Don't forget to step down from your day dreams and let people prove you wrong my love, it's okay to shed your thorns and let others enjoy your scent
tagged by: @austerulous tagging: @ironlillies @wingsofintxlligence @biggergiants @onyxium
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Hey Queen, so I was rewatching season 2 of AOT, and obviously, I saw the amazing Reiner and Bertholdt betrayal scene. I couldn’t help but imagine how that scene would play out in the Twilight Blue universe. May I ask for your headcanons of the Twilight Blue universe? I’m also really curious if Mikasa and Reiner would get back together since they teamed up in the manga to defeat Eren. Thanks!
Hello my dear. Thank you so much for the wonderful Ask! Here’s hoping that your weekend has started out great so far. The S2E6 scene is legendary on its own through the nonchalant way Reiner revealed his & Bertolt’s true identity to the Islanders. In the Twilight Blue Universe, it would be a lot more impactful on both Mikasa & Reiner emotionally. The following (super long) headcanon would be what I envision had happened & also, the possibility of them getting back together again in current canon timeline of the manga.
Read on more for your reading pleasure!
ReiKasa Fic AU Headcanon #4
Universe: Twilight Blue (Note: for this headcanon, the epilogue never took place & the only person who is aware of ReiKasa’s secret relationship would be Bertolt. There's some BeruKasa moments too.) Rhythmic muse included in the links below!
* After the end of Twilight Blue, Reiner & Mikasa had been seeing each other in secrecy. Bertolt would frequently and naturally be the one who provides an excuse for Reiner’s occasional disappearances and he’d also be the one who actually help to switch Reiner’s kitchen or laundry duties so they would coincide with Mikasa’s turn making it easier for the couple to sneak in more alone time together.
* Their relationship continues even when they both enlisted with the Survey Corps.
* Mikasa & Reiner have several secret rendezvous spot(s) : i) the library, right at the secluded area of the fitness books section, ii) the nearby forest for an early morning run, iii) the kitchen storage room. When they've been reassigned to the SC's old headquarters, they frequently snuck into an old attic up in one of the older towers.
* Mikasa can be seen staying longer whenever Eren & Armin hung out with Reiner & Bertolt. It never escaped Armin's perceptive observation that Mikasa seemed to be more sociable only around boys like Reiner & Bertolt.
* During one of their secret trysts, Reiner promised to Mikasa that he'd bring her back to his home in the future to introduce her to his family. He even mentioned this in secret to Bertolt, which the latter protested immediately, arguing that Mikasa would have a horrible future in Marley if they ever take her back with the Founder. She would become their POW or worst, a breeder for the military due to her Ackerman blood. Bertolt reminded him that there are no possible future for them together.
* Since they've been keeping their relationship a secret, Reiner still is flirtatious around the other girls, much to Mikasa's envy. But she wasn't openly expressive of her feelings, therefore only Bertolt was able to tell when Mikasa is bothered by Reiner's behavior around the other female cadets.
* Bertolt would be the one to remind Reiner that he's being overboard but when his best friend apparently 'forgotten' that he's dating the top cadet, Bertolt eventually became the person that offers Mikasa the voice of reasoning.
* Reiner's apparent crush on Krista wasn't taken well by Mikasa. Reiner told her that it was all an act so no one would find out about their relationship. But it didn't hurt Mikasa less everytime he tries to flirt with the petite, beautiful girl right in front of her. It also didn't help that all the other cadets had been gossiping about how Reiner & Krista make a perfect couple, much to Ymir's annoyance as well.
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Send ♏ to find my muse in nothing but their underwear!
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                   𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  .
❛   what  are  you  doing?   ❜
❛   what ,  you’re  going  to  kill  me?  ❜
❛   fuck !  put  the  gun  down !  please , come on !  it’s  me ,  alright ?  ❜
❛   what  are  you  doing  with  that ?   ❜
❛   please ..  don’t  do  this  anymore !   ❜
❛   let  her/them/him  go  or  i’ll  blow  you  away !  ❜
❛   wait ! okay …  okay !  okay , i’ll  tell  you ,  whatever  you  want  to  know  ..   ❜
❛   you  point  that  thing  at  me  you  better  pull  the  trigger .  ❜
❛   alright , alright , alright  ..  i’ll talk !   ❜
❛   please ,  just  let  me  go ,  i  won’t  tell  anyone …  i  promise  .  ❜
❛   let  me  out  of  here !   let  me  go !   ❜
❛   you’re  not  getting  away  this  time  …  ❜
❛   actually ,  i  think  i  better  get  going  …   it’s  late  and  …   ❜
❛   come  on !  fight  back !  fight  back !  fight  back  you  coward !   ❜
❛   come  on ,  hit  me !   ❜
❛   do  it !  pull  the  trigger !  do  it  ,  do  it  ,  do  it !   ❜
❛   come  and  find  me  …  polo !  ❜
❛   i  don’t  want  to  hide  anymore ,  i  don’t  want  to  be  afraid  anymore  …   ❜
❛   you   keep   saying   you’re   going   to   stop   but   you   don’t !  ❜
❛   how   many   more   people   need   to   die   before   you’re   satisfied ?  ❜
❛   why   are   you   doing   this ?   ❜
❛   don’t   come   any   closer  ,   that’s   far   enough  .   ❜
❛   if   you  don’t   pull   the   trigger   i’ll   pull   it   for   you  !   ❜
❛   i  thought  that  you  were  in  danger  …   ❜
❛   you’re  dangerous  …  i ,   i  just  don’t  want  to  end  up  dead ..   ❜
❛   i  promise  i  won’t  hurt  you  …    ❜
❛   can  you  please  stop  screwing  with  my  mind ,  god  !   ❜
❛   i  don’t  want  to  be  here  anymore ,  please ,  can  we  go  back ?   ❜
❛   um  ….  i’m  not  sure  i  want  to  go ,   thanks   anyway  ..   ❜
❛   that  sounds  dangerous  ….   i’m  in .   ❜
❛   i  don’t  know ,  it  sounds  awfully  dangerous  …  ❜
❛   stay  back  or  i  will  rip  your  head  off  !  ❜
❛   i  think  …   this   is   wrong ,  no .  i  can’t  just  stand  by   and   watch   it  .   ❜
❛   do  you  think  you  would  ever  hurt  me  like  that ?   ❜
❛   i  can’t  be  with  someone  who  could  hurt  me  like  that  …  ❜
❛   this  is  not  love  !   it   is   obsession  !   a   sick  one  at   that  !  ❜
❛   are  you  following  me  ?   what  …   what  do  you  want  ?   money  ?   ❜
❛   please  …  i  have  money ,   just  let  me  go  .  ❜
❛   i  don’t  think  you  realize  how  the  dangerous  this  game  is  ..   ❜
❛   it’s  not  just  a  game  !   ❜
❛   if  you’re  in  some  kind  of  trouble ,  you  can  tell  me  .   ❜
❛   come  on  ,   it’s  just  a  game ,  what  could  go  so  wrong  ?   ❜
❛   are  you  the  one  that’s  been  watching  me  ?   stalking  me  ?  ❜
❛   actually ,  do  you  mind  if  we  just  stop/pull  over  here  ?   ❜
❛   what  are  you  doing ?   you  missed  the  stop  back  there ?   ❜
❛   hello ?   is   someone  there  ?   ❜
❛   you’re  scaring  me  …   ❜
❛   okay ,  you’re  really  starting  to  scare  me  …  ❜
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angst starters:
❝ i didn’t mean to ruin your life . ❞ ❝ stay .  please ? ❞ ❝ why do you sacrifice so much for me ? ❞ ❝ i’m sick of running . ❞ ❝ you don’t understand . ❞ ❝ don’t you know who i am ? ❞ ❝ i know i made a mistake ! you don’t need to rub it in ! ❞ ❝ some days i just want to disappear. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to talk about it . ❞ ❝ it’s your fault we’re living like this ! ❞ ❝ you’re not as empty as you lead others to believe . ❞ ❝ i’ve moved on . ❞ ❝ i had a nightmare . ❞ ❝ shh ,  i’m here … ❞ ❝ do you know how much that meant to me ? ❞ ❝ i can’t just … you can’t expect me to answer something like that so easily ! ❞ ❝ i’m trying my best !  doesn’t that matter ?! ❞ ❝ i wish we never met . ❞ ❝ were you happier with them ? ❞ ❝ did you ever care about me ? ❞ ❝ can you forgive me ? ❞ ❝ stop acting like you’re happy .  i know you’re not . ❞ ❝ i’m not lying to you ! believe me ! ❞ ❝ i miss them . ❞ ❝ let’s go home .  please .  go home with us . ❞ ❝ go to hell . ❞ ❝ i’m not a hero so stop saying i am one . ❞ ❝ it’s okay to break . ❞ ❝ can we just … talk for a while ? can we do that ? ❞ ❝ go away . ❞ ❝ of all lives ,  you had to butt in on mine . ❞ ❝ I’M selfish ? ❞ ❝ i moved heaven and earth to save you . ❞ ❝ i don’t feel okay . i’ve never felt okay . ❞ ❝ you were gone . ❞ ❝ are we living a lie … ? ❞ ❝ don’t lock me out .  please . ❞ ❝ you failed . ❞ ❝ did i make you proud ?  did i ever make you proud ? ❞ ❝ i’m so tired . ❞ ❝ we can still go back . ❞
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RᥱιKᥲsᥲ Mᥲtᥴh Iᥴoᥒs
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for beautiful Ari @queenofidealism
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I wanted people to respect me… I wanted to be a hero!
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OOC: I was going to do more drafts but... It’s late. So I guess I’ll be doing them later
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"I wish i’d known that less is more." - @gerichteter​
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     “There is relativity lacking in your assumption.” Crossed arms did nothing to warm her body, only a thin shirt was between her arms and the chilly air of mid autumn, her cardigan laying crumpled on the floor. By past experiences, she knew that wearing it wet was worse than not wearing it at all. The raven-haired cadet wondered how none of the officers came to check on them. After all, they were all adolescents. The whole thing was fated to go B A D L Y. Someone even yelled FIELD TRIP at one point -- if she had to guess, Connie or Sasha, but she wouldn’t discard Jean. “Less gas cylinders than soldiers, are bad. Less spiced punch are always more.” The young promise of the 104th turned her face to him. Perhaps one would mistake her expression for judgment, but her countenance remained stoical. There were times where the orphan made people feel uncomfortable without even showing any expression in her face. They just knew they were  w r o n g  by they way she looked at them. “Did you know I’ve seen they spice the punch twice? Connie had no idea that Sasha had already spiced it. That’s why everyone’s wasted.” Turning her face away from him, onyx eyes focused in her blond-haired friend who was helping her adopted brother walking away from the mess hall. “I’m not cleaning his vomit from his clothes.” It didn’t take much to know who she was talking about. “I’ve warned him about the punch. That’s on him.”
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✧・゚: * what kind of pining are you ?
love letters
your desk has seen you cry. your floor is covered with piles of rejected phrasings. how can you ever explain yourself sufficiently? the delicate tenderness of handing over the note is terrifying, so keep rewriting it and you never have to. crumple up this paper and try again. this time will be right, you know it.
tagged by: @austerulous tagging: @ironlillies @wingsofintxlligence @biggergiants  (for reiner), and everyone else that wants to do the thingy
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send in " you stayed. " for my muse to arrive to support your muse at a time when they really need it.
alternatively, send in " now, where else would i be? " for my muse to respond to your muse arriving to support my muse at a time when they really need it.
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shippy memes for you hoes
“ i had a dream about you. ”
“ i’ve never cared about anyone the way i care about you. ”
“ i know it’s not fair to ask you to wait for me, but i can’t bear the thought of seeing you with someone else.  ”
“ i’m not really good at this sort of thing. i never really had much luck with relationships before but i wanna make it work. i want us to work. ”
“ i love you. you don’t have to say anything, i just thought you should know. ”
“  i do care about you i’m just. i’m not good at talking about it. ”
“ i didn’t like seeing you with them. ”
“ you’re my person. you’ll always be the one i go to. ”
“ i could have lost you today! do you know what that would have done to me? ”
“ do you even know what you do to me? ”
“ i can’t stop thinking about you.  ”
“ you’re the most amazing person i’ve ever met. ”
“ i don’t deserve you, but i want you anyway. ”
“ you’re safe with me, you know that right? ”
“ please just tell me how you feel. ”
“ just say the words. tell me you want me and i’m yours. ”
“ you’re always there. i didn’t used to see it before, but i do now. every time i’ve ever needed someone, you were there.  ”  
“ you had a dream about me? ”
“ i guess i always kinda had a little bit of a crush on you. ”
“ you thought i never noticed you, but i did. i always saw you. ”
“ oh my god please don’t tell me you tried to make breakfast again, the stove hasn’t recovered since last time. ”
“ you waited for me? ”
“ i was always kind of hoping we’d give it a shot one day.  ”
“ you were always my maybe, ya know? ‘maybe they’d finally ask me out.’ ‘maybe when i wasn’t the one looking, they were noticing me too.’ i know it’s silly, but. you were always in the back of my mind. ”
“ oh god you’re really gonna do the whole rocks against the window at midnight boombox thing aren’t you? ”
“ i’m gonna wait for you, as long as it takes. ”
“ loving you saved me. ”
“ why me? out of everyone you could’ve chose.  ”
“ i’ve always loved you. ”
“ i know it’s late, but i just needed someone and. i guess you always answer when i call.  ”
“ i brought pizza and wine and a horrible movie so in the words of rory gilmore, i’m ready to wallow now. ”
“ you didn’t have to come ya know? i’m glad you did though. ”
“ if we could run away together and go anywhere, where would you take me? ”
“ what are you doing here? it’s the middle of the night. ”
“ i dont want to go back to how we used to be. i want more. i want you. ”
“ you’ve had every piece of my heart since the moment i met you. ”
“ why is it your always the one to pick up the pieces every time my heart breaks? ”
“ are you gonna keep looking at me like that or are you actually gonna kiss me? ”
“ i’m gonna marry you one day. ”
“ i used to think about what it’d be like if we got together. ”
“ yes, of course i love you, you idiot. ”
“ just stay this time. stay for me. ”
“ don’t you dare give up on us. ”
“ i always come running back to you. i can’t help it. ”
“ you deserve someone who always puts you first. ”
“ you were never my second choice. ”
 “ they don’t deserve you. and i’m not— i’m not tryna be that asshole that says i do. but sure as hell would never hurt you like that. ”
“ i’m never gonna let you go.  ”
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