spicyreyes · 2 months
Hey I saw the post about someone saying they didn’t want to finish the fma fanfic since it’s unfinished, which I get but it’s 167,000 ish words?? Like that’s more than enough content for me to ambiguously speculate the ending but we’re close to the end that it feels like you set up all the pieces and we went through some of the plot where it’s not unsatisfying for the pause. I get that some unfinished fics are frustrating but it’s only because you don’t get some of the ‘fix it moments’. Idk. I feel like you set us up well with the whole philosophical of staying vs leaving (there’s more about the philosophical point but idk how to word it) and all we’re really waiting for is more whump/angst of it then the Decision. Maybe an epilogue. Anyways sorry for rambling but I felt bad that ppl are just telling u shit and ur just feeling like shit because they don’t realize ur a person??? Hope u feel better about writing <3
Hello!! Thank you so much, not sure how old this ask is but I'm just now combing through my inbox.
For the record, I do intend to finish Satellite and have big plans for how it wraps up, I just haven't had the brain space for it over other fixations and have been taking a lot of breaks from fic to work on, y'know, stuff I get paid for lol
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spicyreyes · 2 months
What’s FAAB short for?
Forever and a Bit, my really old Naruto fic that's super chaotic and messy and I need to rewrite it because I hate looking at it lol
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spicyreyes · 2 months
when will u update hallowed king? i saw a comment that you left about almost being done with your project but that was 3 months ago. i dont wanna rush you or anything!! i just love the idea youve come up with for the fic and its probably one of the most promising ones that ive come across
So what ended up happening here was I worked on another fandom's fics for about a year and then got another contract this year so it got waylaid again, but yes, I very much intend to keep it rolling! The only fic I have no intention of touching again at the moment is Forever and a Bit and it's slated for a rewrite
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spicyreyes · 2 months
Hi! I just wanted to ask if Forever and a bit (Sasunaru fanfic) was discontinued? I've been waiting for updates for a while now and thought you would tell us if it was discontinued
So it is in fact discontinued BUT! Shes on the list for a rewrite when I have the time to dust her off :)
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spicyreyes · 2 months
Hello ! I just discovered your fanfiction about the series Dexter on AO3. It's beautifully written, it's really my favorite fanfic in this fandom! However, I noticed that the last update was in February. Is it abandoned or do you plan to continue it ? Please don't abandon it, I would even pay for the next chapters :')
(Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language)
I will! It's one of my favorites so it's definitely on the list, but I have a writing contract on until November (or until it's finished) so it will be a bit before I have time for personal writing projects
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spicyreyes · 4 months
why do so many teenagers follow me. you know i do drugs right.
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spicyreyes · 4 months
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spicyreyes · 4 months
People are critiquing Markiplier for not speaking on palestine, jacksepticeye unfollowed him, Mark appears as an example in a coffeezilla video about a scam sponsor... Why am I getting this sense of foreboding that Mark will be cancelled before the end of the year
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spicyreyes · 4 months
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spicyreyes · 4 months
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spicyreyes · 5 months
i am writing all the time except just like inside of me and not outside
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spicyreyes · 7 months
bingqiu are 2 freaks with complimentary fetishes and anyone left alone in a room with them when they get going wishes they were dead
i don't wanna hear anyone say "ooh poor sqq having to deal with lbh's codependency and obsessiveness" EXCUSE ME do you know who's a champ for putting up with sqq's pride, internalized homophobia and general mental gymnastics? that's my boy luo binghe right there. he has to coax his HUSBAND into enjoying sex because shen qingqiu is so weird about anything that includes him that he'll rather die than admit he enjoys gay sex. he'll make up a hundred reasons to justify it. he'll obfuscate the narrative and lie to himself because the alternative is admitting he likes gay sex and being taken and dommed in bed!
do you think you would be able to put up with that????
give my boy luo binghe a damn medal please. he deserves it. seducing and having sex with sqq is like solving a rubik cube, or playing sudoku
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spicyreyes · 7 months
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what the hell did i do
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spicyreyes · 7 months
“Good luck. And DON’T fuck it up.”
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spicyreyes · 7 months
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spicyreyes · 7 months
Chuck Jones is the best counterexample to “the curtains are just blue” because you would not believe the amount of thought and art theory he put into his silly little cartoons
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spicyreyes · 7 months
U.S. people, if you bought cinnamon from Dollar Tree, Dollar General, or other discount stores, throw it out. It's got lead
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