spinyflea · 6 years
Apple-Bottomed Jeans and Boots with the Fur
Flo Rida brings me back to that grimy gymnasium floor when I was nothing more than a pair of Abercrombie jeans and American eagle flip flops. The only time you can get an entire room of middle schoolers to sit down in a speedy and synchronized fashion is if Flo Rida says so. As soon as that chorus comes on, Shorty had them apple bottomed jeans, boots with the fur, the whole club was looking at her. She hit the floor, next thing you know, shorty got low low low low low. I remember feeling proud of myself for getting the lowest to the ground. Everyone in my small circle of friends would point and the attention felt special for a fleeting moment. Then, we’d all squeak our no-grip shoes on the sweaty floor. When things took a turn towards awkwardville, I would make a quick exit and claim I needed a drink. Chaperones normally served small Ice Mountain water bottles or cans of sprite. My go-to was the leaky water fountain where girls would gather to share their hopes and dreams of who they would dance with during a slow song. And when that piano intro to Apologize broke the flow of Flo Rida or Lil Wayne, eyes got wide and darted around the room to desperately make eye contact with your secret crush. Meanwhile, they were making a mad dash to the bathrooms or outside to escape the constant inhale of Axe and Victoria Secret body spray.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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Check out my Etsy shop @spinyflea http://etsy.me/2ib8AiL
#etsy #etsyshop #artist #etsyart #etsyartist #poster #print #digital #download #greatlakes #love #mug #great #lakes #ocean #empathy #quote #vangogh #plants #green #plant #life #octopus
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spinyflea · 7 years
“Should I post this?”
Well, to this string of thoughts I’m about to spell out for you, the answer is yes. If you’re wondering about your own thoughts and ideas, also yes to posting. What I don’t like to see people posting around this time of year are acceptance letters. Also, I don’t want to know you’re engaged if we haven’t spoken in 10 years. It takes up brain space for things I’d rather know like who is going to kiss who in the next season of stranger things.
So it happens to be Tuesday and I’m walking with a friend home from work. We were talking about her applications and she was talking about seeing a friend post their acceptance letter to this school that she also applied to. She’s still waiting on hers, but the event made her worry. Later, I have the same conversation with my partner. The exception is that now he is the one thinking of sharing his acceptance letter on Facebook. I told him how that might suck for some people who are still waiting on their letters from the school. Wouldn’t it be unfortunate to piece together from a stranger’s (let’s be real with the “hadn’t seen each other in over ten years” thing) Facebook post that you didn’t get into a program or school you wanted.
Before facebooks, instagrams, snapchats, twitters, and all the other crap constantly and endlessly connecting us to one another, we had order. There was a certain way of doing this acceptance thing properly. One received a letter, opened letter, read letter, and laughed or cried. Now, it seems to be that at any given time riding the bus or taking a coffee break and watching your newsfeed, you’ll find the answer you’ve been waiting to hear the past month. No, you didn’t get in, but Cheryl from eight grade did and you’re really happy for her!
So now say you’re in the position of my partner. Should you post your acceptance to Columbia? Is it that important that everyone knows? Is it more important that you tell in person or on the phone (or e-mail...) to the people that truly matter or helped in getting you to this milestone in your life? It’s not the people’s responsibility who have supported you this whole time to reach out to you or stay updated with you’re Facebook posts. However, it is your responsibility to thank them and inform them properly. Once you’ve told everyone that deserves to know, then why the heck are you trying to tell hundreds of other people with a single Facebook post?
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spinyflea · 7 years
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How many times do you tell a loved one you forgive them? I rarely say these three words. I’m working on that, because I know words like this are powerful in healing and understanding one another. They say “I’m still here and I care”. Forgive for all the things they have done or will do that may hurt me. I don’t think I hear them enough, either. But, I will forgive them for that and say I forgive you for all the times you didn’t forgive me.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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Coming soon: podcasts that motivate me, cultivate inquisition and inspire new ideas 💡
Here’s a sneak peek...
Oprah, WBEZ, and Women in the outdoors.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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When in Shanghai: check out the oriental pearl tower and do the first option for museum tour, upper and lower sphere, and arcade games.
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spinyflea · 7 years
Long Distance Partners
I am in a relationship with someone in a place far away. The distance is long and the length of their stay is long. Our time difference is 14 hours ahead. It was tough to get used to with waking up as they were going to sleep. Also, to wait 8 hours for a response from the other has has been to say the least... frustrating.
Letting an LR affect you can lead to some unforeseen challenges. For example, sleep patterns get messed up and result in constant fatigue and mood swings. I’ve been sleeping poorly because I lie awake thinking if I’m doing the right thing? Is it the time of my life to be waiting for someone and spending this energy on them or is it the time I should be building a relationship with someone else who could be just as great or even better? Am I selfish and cruel or am I true and confident for wanting the latter? However... there is no way I could leave this person that I love with all my heart without it hurting. Wouldn’t it be harder in the end to endure what might be everlasting heartache? I’d be hurting them and myself.
Once you build this kind of love with someone, you realize that you can’t let it go. Not for anyone. Not even George Clooney. People are not replaceable. We should stop thinking they are. Everyone is worth something.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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Calm | cool
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spinyflea · 7 years
Steve Irwin Quotes
“Well I won’t stir her up on account of she’ll just kill me”
“Crocodile classic.”
“Get me a bushy one. A bushy stick”
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spinyflea · 7 years
The Little Brown Bat and I
18 Hours of Sleep
I had just gotten back from Shanghai. Exhausted, I fell asleep around 1 AM on Friday night… I did not wake up until 4:30 PM on Saturday! There was a dusky light streaming into my room. I was shook. I had slept for 18 hours, which is almost the average amount of sleep that has been recorded on little brown bats in captivity. Researchers say it is 19.9 hours of sleep per cycle. All the sleeping conserves their energy and sets them up for a successful few hours of hunting insects.
This video shows a snippet of the work that goes on behind the scenes at the zoo. We are setting up bat monitors and measuring acoustic recordings so we can identify what bats are in the area. Being in the field is fun because I get to appreciate nature and wildlife for part of the workday. I am grateful to be part of this incredible project.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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The insect hotel at Lincoln Park Zoo I’m a snowy day ❄️ Insect hotels are popular among bee conservationists and bee keepers. But how well do they work? Does it attract more native bees or does it work against its goal and attract predators, parasites, invasive species, diseases, etc? I helping the zoo gather information on how successful the insect hotel is.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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We’re all fools #waterwars #waterconservation #invasivespecies #AIS #greatlakes #conservation #standupforgreatlakes
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spinyflea · 7 years
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I miss this feeling I get whenever I’m with my significant other. The feeling that no matter what happens to you today there is that person who at the end of the day can make all your worry melt away. With a fourteen hour time difference I don’t have my person to come home to and melt. My life won’t slow down. Miss this…Feeling, person, relationship, melting.
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spinyflea · 7 years
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Thrilled to have spent a week with Max in this beautiful city! Shanghai treated me well but let’s acknowledge that it took a lot of planning, caffeine and many metro rides to fit all the craziness into one incredible week. Thank you❤️ (at Shanghai, China)
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spinyflea · 7 years
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Hey friends, since I have yet to introduce myself... here it is: My name is Casey Merkle. I work at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago IL, as the urban science and community engagement fellow. I have a B.A. in biology from Lawrence University, a small liberal arts college in Appleton, Wisconsin. I enjoy long hikes through the woods, boats, photographing wildlife, painting (self-portrait above is when I dyed half my head bright purple), soccer, reading, podcasts (Big fan of This American Life), getting my hands dirty in community gardens, and running along Lake Michigan. I exuberate positive energy and am considered to be a comfortable person to be around. I appreciate science, nature, art, and good vibes.
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spinyflea · 7 years
Sit me down with this and it will be gone in 10 seconds. Or I’ll pay you $100.
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spinyflea · 7 years
Nikita deserves all kinds of praise for this.
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