#long Distance
vampireink · 1 day
And if I must go one more second without the sweet warmth of your presence, I may disintegrate. Oh how I wish I was able to crawl into your skin and be one with you forever and always.
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wanderlandjournal · 3 months
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alpine passes trail, Switzerland
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newrelationshipgoals · 8 months
A happy relationship is about three things: memories of togetherness, the forgiveness of mistakes and a promise to never give up on each other.
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pennycutenice · 5 days
She is so far away and I want to be with her so bad. It‘s eating me alive. My soul is screaming. And yet I have to pretend to be normal and go to work and do my chores and behave like a person.
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frickingnerd · 4 months
nights like this i miss you the most
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
summary: shinsou and you are in a long distance relationship and are talking on the phone with each other late at night…
tags: established romantic relationship, wholesome fluff, late night phone call, talking about your future + becoming pro heroes, reader lives in another country (unspecified which country)
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“i wish i could see you again already…”
shinsou's voice was low and soft, as he said those words. despite being miles away from each other, you could imagine that little smile in the corner of his lips, when he said those words. just thinking of it was enough to make you smile too.
“i wish i could see you too. it's been too long…”
you sighed softly, rolling over in your bed and grabbing your phone. on the other side of the screen was your boyfriend, but you could only hear his voice right now. you were separated by many miles and quite a few countries, but that wasn't enough to stop you love.
“i already have way too many gifts for you, when you come to visit me again” shinsou chuckled. “everytime i see something i think you'd like, i can't help but buy it. and now i'm stuck with boxes full of things for you!”
you giggled softly. that really sounded like shinsou. never buying anything for himself, but so eager to spend his money on you.
“i'll have to bring an extra suitcase with me when i visit then! otherwise there's no way i can take all of that back home with me”
“you could also just stay here, with me….”
shinsou and you fell into silence. there was nothing you wanted more than to stay with him. if you could, you'd move to japan in a heartbeat and live with him! but you had other things to consider too. family, friends, education or your job…
“i wish i could… one day, we'll move in together! when we're older, i'll move to japan. but you have to make it big as a pro hero first, so we can even pay rent on our apartment~!”
shinsou chuckled. you could imagine him shaking his head softly at your words. but there was no way to know for certain.
“i'll become the greatest hero in japan, if it means i'll get to live with you! just you wait!”
“i'll believe it when i see it!”
the two of you started laughing, until falling into a comfortable silence. you shifted around in your bed, resting your phone on the pillow next to you and just quietly listened to the static.
“are you tired?”
shinsou knew you too well.
“then i'll stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep. i can tell you all about my training! i'm sure it's boring enough to make you fall asleep in no time–!”
you chuckled softly into your pillow.
“don't say that. anything you talk about is interesting, because it's coming from you”
you yawned quietly.
“and… you have such a comfortable voice. i could listen to you forever…”
“then just close your eyes and listen to me…”
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Long-Distance date/bonding ideas I've learned while making it work with my femme
Streamed Movie Night: Discord has a function that let's you stream video and gaming alike! I'd recommend Nitro because otherwise stream quality is gonna SUCK (and you need to do some weird fiddling to get services like Netflix to work) but you can enjoy movie night with your boo
Tabletop Simulator: If you both have about $20, and a computer with even a low budget graphics processor, this program is invaluable. The base games are neat but the real trove is in the Steam Workshop. Mod makers upload hundreds of boardgames from Catan to Azul to outright heavy ones like D&D and Warhammer. My femme and I now have a weekly boardgame night (she actively challenges me at strategy games and it makes me so happy to have a partner that does 🥰)
Coffee shop dates: Go to a place where the shop has wifi (or you have a really good data plan with your phone), pop your headphones in, and just video call. I promise you, there will be more people there who find it sweet than those who find it weird.
Spotify Jam Sessions: I don't know about other music apps, but we both have spotify and it now has a function that let's you invite others to a shared listening session. Music is really important to both my femme and myself, and the ability for us to literally listen at the same time and talk about the music is truly quite lovely.
Parallel crafting time: Admittedly, I'm Neurodivergent as hell, and parallel play baseline is big for me. But pop on a videocall and make some crafts together. Bonus points if you get similar materials and share what you've made together
Call every night: no seriously, even if you both are busy the entire day and can't talk, call for at least a half hour or so to round your day off. That lack of certain forms of intimacy means you need to be really on top of other forms. On top of affirming love for one another. If you're trying to make long distance work long term, calling to just. Be with eachother is so important.
Schedule Time: As an extension of the above, just because you're calling every day, doesn't mean ensuring you have dedicated time for eachother isn't important. I'm talking like. An afternoon/evening once a week type thing. Be together for a long period of time while you can't be physically together.
Technology has honestly made what I always thought impossible for myself feel possible. The advent of videocalling my femme every day helps so much of the potential pitfalls that could have happened, and the best part is its more or less free (I pay for discord nitro but I digress). Don't get me wrong I'm having my hard days still. The inability to hold her when I want to take care of her is particularly bad. I show care and love through things like physical touch and food so much. But getting creative, and being consistent have really made this feel possible and sustainable until we get to the "next stages" bridge.
If you have ideas you found fun/helpful please toss em in the replies, tags, etc. Always open to more date ideas with my girl 💕
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poemsonmars · 7 months
you're sleeping right now
and all i can think about
is how much i miss you.
how i miss you when you're gone,
or when you're busy,
or when you're right next to me,
with your hands in mine
and my attention, as undivided
as my brain will allow it to be.
even when we have spent
the entire weekend together,
i miss you the moment
that i drop you off at home.
my bones ache when i have to
pull away from your driveway
and the only way to drown out
the ringing in my ears
is by playing your favorite songs
as loudly as my car will allow.
i feel it in my entire body.
it's like a homesickness.
i miss you every second
of every minute
of every hour that we're apart.
i miss you everyday
that i have to come home
to somewhere that isn't you.
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lady-lostmind · 8 months
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Love is: Missing each other.
a @steddielovemonth prompt Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this!
WC: 891 | Rating: T
ao3 link
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Steve hurries in the door, throwing his bag down and rushing to the phone, snatching it off the hook. “Eds?”
Eddie’s voice rings through the line. “Hey, Sweetheart.”
Steve sighs, slumping against the wall, heart still pounding in his chest. “Thought I was going to miss you. I got out later than I thought.” 
Eddie sighs. “You kind of did, baby. I’m sorry. I’ve been calling for like twenty minutes. We have to leave soon. I just…really wanted to hear your voice so I’ve been stalling.”
Steve feels a lump form in his throat and he tries to push back the tears welling in his eyes. “Fuck. Okay, I’m sorry. I uh– fuck.  I miss you.” 
Eddie pulls away from the phone and Steve can hear a muffled argument happening on the other end of the line, probably with one of the guys from the band. Eddie comes back, full volume, and clearly frustrated. “I miss you too, Stevie. I’m sorry, I have to go. I’ll try to call tomorrow, okay?” 
“Okay, I lov–” Steve sighs as the dial tone rings out in his ear, and slumps against the wall. 
He hates this. Hates that he only gets to talk to Eddie for a few minutes every couple of days. Hates that every conversation is rushed. Hates that he feels anxious if he’s out of the house for too long, not knowing when Eddie might get the chance to call. 
He hates that he kind of hates the band. That he hates this tour. Because he’s thrilled for Eddie. He is. He’s so glad that he’s getting to live his dream. That the band got signed. That the tour is almost sold out. He is. Eddie deserves for all his dreams to come through. It’s just– things are moving so fast. And they were just really settling into a life together and now…
Steve just misses him. He misses him so fucking much. Misses coming home to his crazy loud music. Misses falling asleep in his arms. Misses the way he would hop up from whatever he was doing to give Steve a kiss goodbye. He misses him all the time. 
So, yes. He’s so happy for Eddie. And wants nothing more than for this to go well. He hopes he’s having the time of his life. It just also…really sucks.
Eddie shoves Gareth who just hung up on Steve, and tries to grab the phone back from him. “What the fuck, man. He’s going to think I hung up on him!”
Gareth rolls his eyes, holding the phone out of Eddie’s reach. “We’ve been waiting on you for like half an hour, man!”
Terry sticks his head out of the bus. “LET’S GET A FUCKING MOVE ON!”
Eddie sighs, dropping his hold on Gareth and rolling his eyes at him when he just stares at him, waiting to make sure he’s actually heading back. Eddie turns around and jogs over to the bus, hoping they make a pit stop early tomorrow before Steve heads to work. 
No one ever tells you that having all your dreams com true is going to like, kind of fuck up anything good you already had going on in your life. And Eddie had it fucking made, okay? He landed Steve Harrington. Steve motherfucking Harrington. And this tour is fucking it up. 
Sure, it’s fucking amazing. It’s everything he ever dreamed it would be. Playing to thousands of people a night, hearing them scream the lyrics to his songs back at him. Getting to do the whole rockstar thing. Which, okay. That’s maybe being a little generous still. They’re not playing sold out stadiums or anything. They’re not fucking Metallica. But like, they have fans. They’re selling out venues. Sure, small ones. But a sold out show is a fucking sold out show. And they’re making like, actual real money. Eddie can say that he is a professional musician. Because he is currently supporting himself with his music. And that shit is cool, okay. He is goddamn ecstatic about that shit. 
But he misses Steve. A lot. And he hates that he can hear the hurt in his voice every time they talk. He would never tell Eddie. But he can tell. That this is fucking killing him. And he’s not doing so hot himself. Turns out you get used to it when a pretty boy is constantly smiling at you and giving you kisses when you walk by. He’s in fucking withdrawl, okay? Plus like…he was getting laid. Like, regularly. That’s not something he ever thought he’d have. He misses snuggling up to Steve at night, their hands wandering, and getting to hear Steve’s voice turn all breathy. 
And it’s not just the sex. He misses the sex, okay? He’s only human. But he misses Steve. He misses their shitty little apartment. He misses going to pick him up from work and take him to dinner. He misses the way Steve hums in the shower. He misses when he gets all sleepy when they watch a movie on the couch, clearly dozing against Eddie’s chest but insisting that he’s still watching. He misses the way he lights up when Eddie walks in the door, going all puppy eyes and smiles. 
So, yeah. He gets to be a rockstar. But he misses his fucking boyfriend. 
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cool-i-hateme · 3 months
Creo que nunca he tenido la oportunidad de decirte por qué me encantas tanto, el porqué me atraes de esta manera tan intensa, tan real o tal vez sí la he tenido, pero no la he aprovechado como debería. La realidad es que a veces es inexplicable porque tú significas tanto para mí que es casi imposible ponerlo en palabras, pero va, lo voy a intentar. 
Me gusta que eres crudo y que hablas sin rodeos, sin pelos en la lengua, que dices siempre las cosas como son; me gusta que aunque eres crudo, y tienes un carácter de la chingada, a mí siempre me tratas bien, me gusta que te preocupes por mí, que me llamas por nombres bonitos, me gusta tu personalidad, la forma en que sabes exactamente de qué hablo sin yo tener que explicártelo, y todo esto es apenas la punta del iceberg, porque aún ni siquiera he hablado de cómo me fascina tu voz, tu risa y tu sonrisa, la forma en que tienes los ojos achinados y tus cejas, pero, lo que más me encanta de ti, es que contigo puedo ser yo misma, sin miedo de que me juzgues, me gusta que me gustes tanto porque eso solo es prueba de que el amor en el que he creído desde niña es real.
Que me gustes de esta manera, me aterra porque me puedes destruir si así tú lo quisieras, pero yo te conozco tan bien que sé que jamás lo harías. ¿Sabes también qué me gusta de ti? que sin darte cuenta tú siempre mejoras mi día y me das la valentía que la mayor parte del tiempo me falta. 
No sé si vas a volver, no sé si ese fue nuestro adiós, de cualquier manera yo espero que tú sepas que, como te amo, no he amado a nadie, y que yo por ti haría cualquier cosa, Andrés. 
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newrelationshipgoals · 8 months
Someone being patient with you is one of the purest forms of love.
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cool-i-hateme · 2 months
Daría lo que fuera por estar acostada contigo, haciéndote piojito y viendo series.
A 💕
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newrelationshipgoals · 8 months
Update me, disturb me, tell me about your day. I love all that.
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