spiritexplosion · 4 days
Tallulah: We don't like water because of our Fire typings, but it would be an interesting experience!
Nic:....Maybe if Tallulah tried it first...
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spiritexplosion · 4 days
// OOC POST \\
Starter PKMN Themed Ask Game
Bulbasaur - Do you consider yourself the nurturing type?
Charmander - Are you good at masking your emotions or are you easy to read?
Squirtle - Do you think you can outswim a Sharpedo?
Chikorita - How good are you at calming others?
Cyndaquil - Do you have good posture?
Totodile - Do you tend to be a bit rough? Are you good at dialing it down when needed?
Treecko - Are you fiercely protective of what you consider to be yours?
Torchic - Are you scared of the dark?
Mudkip - Do you think being submerged in mud could fix you?
Turtwig - Do you believe yourself capable of providing for others?
Chimchar - Have there been any rumors about you?
Piplup - How willing are you to accept another person's help?
Snivy - Do you prefer being alone?
Tepig - What are some of your favorite foods? Which ones do you crave the most?
Oshawott - Are you proficient with any kind of weapon(s)?
Chespin - Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist? 
Fennekin - Is there anything you like to chew on that you probably shouldn’t?
Froakie - Have you ever put up a facade? What was the reason?
Rowlet - Are you a night owl or a morning person? Or some secret third thing?
Litten - How long does it take for you to warm up to someone?
Popplio - What is something you are constantly working on to improve?
Grookey - Are you proficient with any kind of instrument(s)?
Scorbunny - What do you do to let out your excess energy?
Sobble - Are you a sensitive person? How do you stop yourself from crying?
Sprigatito - Do you like being the center of attention? And if so, do you get jealous when you aren’t?
Fuecoco - Do you like to sing? Are you good at it?
Quaxly - How tidy of a person are you? Do messes stress you out?
Pikachu - Can you cook?
Eevee - How easily are you influenced?
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spiritexplosion · 4 days
Pokemon Asks: TMs (ORAS)
TM01:Hone Claws - What is one sure fire way to pick a fight with you? TM02:Dragon Claw - What kind of mythical beast would you want to be? TM03:Psyshock - Share one thing you enjoyed that you didn’t expect to. TM04:Calm Mind - What relaxes you? TM05:Roar - Name something that scares you. TM06:Toxic - How does someone get on your bad side? TM07:Hail - What bad habits do you have? TM08:Bulk Up - What would you like to be able to improve about yourself? TM09:Venoshock - Talk about what can ruin your day. TM10:Hidden Power - Share some hidden talents. TM11:Sunny Day - What improves you day? TM12:Taunt - Share some trash talk/pick a fight with someone. TM13:Ice Beam - Name something that makes you cry. TM14:Blizzard - How do you react to being angry? TM15:Hyper Beam - What is something you’ve gone overboard with? TM16:Light Screen - What do you want to protect? TM17:Protect - Share what you’d give your life for. TM18:Rain Dance - Do you believe in luck? TM19:Roost - Where do you feel safe? TM20:Safeguard - Are you superstitious?  TM21:Frustration - How do you process or work through your emotions? TM22:Solar Beam - Do you have any aggressive traits? TM23:Smack Down - Are you quick to anger? TM24:Thunderbolt - What do you think is unavoidable in your life? TM25:Thunder - Share something shocking that happened to you. TM26:Earthquake - Talk about a very emotional experience you’ve had. TM27:Return - What bad habits do you have? TM28:Dig - Do you tend to avoid responsibility? TM29:Psychic - Do you believe in fate? TM30:Shadow Ball - List some things you consider scary. TM31:Brick Break - How do you think you’ve improved? TM32:Double Team - What do you think are some of your good points? TM33:Reflect - Do you treat others how they treat you? TM34:Sludge Wave - Do you suffer from any physical ailments? TM35:Flamethrower - How do you exact your revenge? TM36:Sludge Bomb - What insults do you use when pushed too far? TM37:Sandstorm - Name some pet peeves. TM38:Fire Blast - What is something others do that bothers you? TM39:Rock Tomb - What do you do when someone backs you into a corner? TM40:Aerial Ace - What kind of skills do you have? TM41:Torment - Do you ever feel guilty about your choices? TM42:Facade - Have you ever pretended to be something you are not? TM43:Flame Charge - Are you prone to being reckless? TM44:Rest - Can you sleep easy at night? TM45:Attract - How can someone get your attention? TM46:Thief - What do you envy of others? TM47:Low Sweep - Are you willing to use underhanded tactics? TM48:Round - How do you handle betrayal? TM49:Echoed Voice - Do you talk to yourself? TM50:Overheat - What does it take to get you flustered? TM51:Steel Wing - What do you do to express your gratitude? TM52:Focus Blast - How well do you focus on tasks? TM53:Energy Ball - What gets you pumped up? TM54:False Swipe - Share some moments when you were merciful. TM55:Scald - Name an instance you were burned by someone. TM56:Fling - What are you careless about? TM57:Charge Beam - Are you tactical or impulsive? TM58:Sky Drop - When have you let someone down? TM59:Incinerate - What have you done in anger that you regret? TM60:Quash - What sort of goals do you have? TM61:Will-O-Wisp - Who seems out of your reach? TM62:Acrobatics - Do you have trouble saying no to others? TM63:Embargo - What can you not go without in your life? TM64:Explosion - Do you have a temper? TM65:Shadow Claw - Do you tell lies? TM66:Payback - Is there anything someone might take revenge on you for? TM67:Retaliate - Can you forgive and forget? TM68:Giga Impact - Share something that changed your outlook on life. TM69:Rock Polish - What do you like to do in quiet moments? TM70:Flash - What do you find disorienting? TM71:Stone Edge - Would you be willing to surrender? TM72:Volt Switch - Do you have any advice to share? TM73:Thunder Wave - When have you been unable to act out of fear? TM74:Gyro Ball - How do you handle failure? TM75:Swords Dance - When you gain the upper hand do you gloat? TM76:Struggle Bug - Are you inclined to avoid hard work? TM77:Psych Up - Name a popular trend you fell into. TM78:Bulldoze - Do you have social grace? TM79:Frost Breath - What do you do when you give the cold shoulder? TM80:Rock Slide - Share an accident you had that had consequences. TM81:X-Scissor - How do you handle success? TM82:Dragon Tail - Name something you thought you’d lost that you hadn’t? TM83:Infestation - List some things that frustrate you. TM84:Poison Jab - What do you do when slighted?  TM85:Dream Eater - What fears do you worry will become reality? TM86:Grass Knot - Share some obstacles you’ve overcome. TM87:Swagger - What do you do when your pride is wounded? TM88:Sleep Talk - What do you dream about? TM89:U-Turn - How do you get out things you don’t want to do? TM90:Substitute - What bores you? TM91:Flash Cannon - What fantastic things you believe in? TM92:Trick Room - Are you a gambler? TM93:Wild Charge - Do you consider the consequences before acting? TM94:Secret Power - What do others look for from you? TM95: Snarl - What do you hate to be told? TM96:Nature Power - Which weaknesses do you hate? TM97:Dark Pulse - Name some childhood fears. TM98:Power-Up Punch - What do you fight for? TM99:Dazzling Gleam - What amazes you? TM100:Confide - Who do you trust?
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spiritexplosion · 4 days
café remix themed ask game just dropped baybee!!!!
Eevee Latte: How do you take your coffee?
Lilligant Floral Tea: What's your favorite type of berry?
Nutty Buneary Frappe: How long did it take you to befriend your first Pokemon?
Hot Litwick Cocoa: What's the spookiest ghost story you can think of?
Poppin' Pachirisu Float: How are your swimming skills?
Miltank Mix au Lait: Have you ever been to a farm? What's your favorite farm Pokemon?
Bouncy Brionne Soda: What do you like to do at the beach?
Teddiursa Iced Coffee: What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
Roasted Furret Latte: What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Gratin a la Pumpkaboo: What's something that scares you?
Piquant Pikachu Curry: What's your favorite gigantamax Pokemon?
Glossifleur Combo Plate: Is there anybody in your life who you disliked at first, but are close with now?
Happy Snorlax Loco Moco: How much sleep do you get on average?
Torchic Rice over Omelet: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cheesy Whimsicott Meatloaf: How much have you changed over the past 10 years?
Playful Pancham Fried Rice: What was your favorite game as a kid?
Dugtrio Sandwich Trio: If you had to give up all of your belongings but could pick three things to keep, what would they be?
Yummy Yamper Pasta: Lights, camera, action! How are you in front of a camera? Do you like the spotlight or do you prefer to be backstage?
Cheesy Rowlet Pizza: What's somewhere you'd like to go for a vacation? What would you do there?
Rainbow Oricorio Popcorn: What's your favorite movie? What about your least favorite?
Eiscue Caprese Salad: Did you eat your vegetables as a kid? What about now?
Chikorita Bruschetta: Tell us about a legend/myth from your home region!
Sneasel Burger with Pickles: Do you have a friend you would do anything for, no questions asked? What about a friend who would do anything for you?
Comfey Fruity Sandwich: Have you ever been to the hospital? What was the reason for your last hospital stay?
Fluffy Eevee Pancakes: How tall are you? Do you wish your height was different?
Combee Waffles with Honey: Do you like bug-types? Do you have a favorite bug?
Swablu Shaved Ice: What are your favorite weather patterns?
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
Decorated Alcremie Cupcakes: How is your room/home decorated?
Ribombee Chocolate Cake: What's something you want or want to do for your next birthday?
Pikachu Fruit Flan: What's something really popular that you're not the biggest fan of?
Scorbunny Berry Sandwich: Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch any sports on TV or in person?
Sylveon Custard Slice: @ another user you appreciate and tell them why!
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spiritexplosion · 23 days
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Wow what a neat [VERIFICATION LINK] that is randomly in my inbox
I’m sure it’s [TOTALLY LEGIT] and not at all a [SCAM]
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spiritexplosion · 3 months
Reblog if your rotomblr needs some asks!
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spiritexplosion · 4 months
Open for asks
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My bad, sorry again :(
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spiritexplosion · 5 months
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she would like to offer an apple!
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spiritexplosion · 5 months
Yet Another OC Ask Game
After hoarding them for months, I decided to make my own. Let’s go from fluffy to angsty, shall we >:)
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
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spiritexplosion · 5 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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spiritexplosion · 5 months
*Nic dips his head at her, and Tallulah waves her paw*
Nic- Greetings Ms. Ivy, it's a pleasure meeting you.
*He extends a paw, and motions his head for Tallulah to do the same*
Tallulah- Hiya hun, nice to meet'cha!
*She notices Nic motioning, and also offers her paw*
Nic- Ah, just checking, thank you.
Maybe we'll try the savory one if that's all right?
Tallulah- Though you don't know you don't like something until you try it, with some exceptions, but it's a general concept! 😊
We could be missing out on something great!
Neither of us are allergic to anything, as far as we know!
*Try everything from Zootopia starts from somewhere*
I'm sure she'd love that!
She's a pink Umbreon with shiny Latias wings!
*Nic grabs the bag from Tallulah and hands it to Ivy*
@spiritexplosion Tallulah and Nic
*They wander over to where the Ogerpon is situated, Nic sniffing the air, intrigued by her treats*
Nic- Greetings madam, care for some chips in exchange for whatever those are that you brought.
*He points to the tray she's carrying.
He's usually very reserved, but he's trying to come out of his shell, so to speak*
Tallulah- Is anything Dry by any chance?
He doesn't like sweet, and I don't like spicy!
(Would ya mind if Lola @umbreonlatias visits you too? She's a BIG sweets fan. I was gonna send her to ya, but I haven't done anything with these two yet!)
"Name's Ivy, and I'm sorry, I don't have any dry treats with me, only sweet and savory ones." The Ogerpon explained. "But you have a friend you like sweet and savory food, I'll gladly give you a dango and mochi for those chips if you could take them to said friend."
(I don't mind at all! ^^)
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spiritexplosion · 6 months
Tallulah- Yowzers Nic!
Our first event, and with so many mons!
If you need a break, let me know and we can go outside/to the roof- if Reshiram and co aren't up there!
Ya got the chips?
Nic- *Nods their head and presents the chips to her*
This is nothing like Hisui, even the party for that human that fell out of the sky wasn't this busy!
At least it seems similar temperature wise, I don't know how I'd be in a warmer or colder climate
Tallulah- I usually like the cold areas better, and you like the temperate areas better, despite us having our own heat sources in tow.
I wonder who else is here!
We don't have "gijinkas", and we're not legends, but I hope we can still poke around!
Someone said there's a game being played, wonder what it is.
Coming from Hisui, the two have no idea who Reshiram is, or that she's associated with the truth, and why such a game is being hotly debated.
They may or may not accidentally stumble over there by accident. (IDK. 🤷‍♀️ Nothing to hide, so either way with them!)
Nic- Hmm, and there seems to be a lot of mons wearing clothing that look perfect for sleeping.
Do we have anything like that?
*Tallulah nods her head, and shows two outfits to them, both with pillows and blankets*
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*Tallulah and Nic have arrived and are checking things out*
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spiritexplosion · 6 months
Hi again. I wanna ask a thing to whoever sees this.
If you're a pokeblog, can you reblog this? I wanna try and interact with more people should I become more active again. Also looking for more people in the community to follow in general. owo/
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spiritexplosion · 6 months
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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spiritexplosion · 7 months
These guys are still a work in progress, as I literally JUST got them the 16th and 17th of February 2024!
I dunno what gender identity the black one is/their relationship.
Yes, male, female works, having them as a pair works,
Brother/sister works.
I DO like the Tanjiro/Nezuko STRONG bond kinda idea!
-But what if they're both girls- hence the flat chested comment
-What if Nic/Lionel is a Butch Lesbian?
I myself am LGBTQA+!
I dunno 🤷‍♀️
But they're like digital toys, and toys you can, ahem, toy around with and change whenever you want!
I can take a stuffed Labrador Retriever, one day make it male, the next female, one day make it Tommy, the next Tammie etc...
It's just you can't do that with Pokémon as is- unless you got something in the Azurill line, though online forums like this make it easier to do such things.
Basically, stuff is not set in stone.
I'm pretty happy with Tallulah, but Nic/Lionel I'm kinda still playing with.
(I was gonna have her be Impish/Naughty in nature, but I let the competitive side get to me, despite me not being into the competitive side at all!
I really like the sneaking up on others part! 🤭
Scare people, but not real terror, that's not her thing.
If it's REAL terror, she starts wigging out!
Pacing around, leaving a trail of fire behind her, maybe mumbling like Izuku Midoriya from MHA!
I go online and get my butt whopped, so I don't even try...😅
Nic/Lionel was gonna be Brave/Quiet...
Maybe once I get talking with people, their gender will "evolve"! 🤭 - Among other things.
No matter what I decide to do, they'll NEVER do the deed with each other, or at least it'll be implied, or hey, suddenly there's an egg here kinda thing like they do in the games!
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spiritexplosion · 7 months
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spiritexplosion · 7 months
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-Tallulah- can leave the H off, like Hanna/Hannah
-Likes Dry, Hates Spicy
-She DOES have a cheeky streak though!
And will sneak up on others to spook them.
But if a real crisis, with real terror arrises, depending on the cituation, she will either go comfort someone involved, or start panicking herself, leaving fire in her wake, and accidentally singing stuff.
She's a pacer too! 🤭
-Shadow Ball- or Inferno Parade
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
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-Likes Dry, and abhors Sweet
-Flame Wheel
-Inferno Parade
-They like keeping to themselves, just quietly watching from afar, but can be polite if approached
-Sibling to Tallulah!
-They're usually the one to calm Tallulah down when she gets in a tizzy.
Though if Nic is freaking themselves, you know it's bad...
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