What is Peace? Where it comes from? Is it inner or outer | Spirit Yoga
  Spirit Yoga Foundation It is either haunting terrible memories of past or future uncertainty which breaks delicate thread of #peace. It is the conflict of mind with body which induces pain and removes peace from your life. A newborn baby remains happy and contended, as he is unfamiliar with “past” and “future”, the worst enemies of peace. Peace and #spirituality goes hand-in-hand. Gautam Buddha renounced his kingdom for the sake of peace. The soulful peace comes only when you attain serenity in mind. Silence is magic potent which can bring two arch-rivals closer. The entire effort of ‘think-tank’ is to propagate the slogan of #peace_and_unity”” to strengthen brotherhood. Inner peace is foremost and the foundation of #yoga_tranquility.
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Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh | Spirit Yoga
Spirit Yoga Foundation believes in sculpting #spiritual_seeker to work for humanity and unity among different people of society. Our #YTTC_in_Rishikesh is traditional #hatha_yoga with ingredient of transformation from gross to subtle level. In practical part, we touch physical balance with #awareness and then deviate towards subtle level. In theoretical part, we impart yoga wisdom and its applicability in personal and #spiritual_growth. Seed of yoga soon grows into essence of life. We imparts 100 hour YTTC, 200 hour YTTC and 200 hour Vedanta, which is affiliated to #Yoga_Alliance, #USA. #Spiritual_discourses to void state of meditation, shodhan kriya (purification from subtle to gross), Vedic psychology
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Extending Helping Hand | Spirit Yoga foundation
We are in operation since 2009. Lessening the burden of hill community in #Himalayan state of #Uttarakhand is paramount priority in our #social_initiatives. We focus on #vocational_skill training, honing their existing skills with sustainable use of available resources. We advocate self-sustainability by making local youth self-reliant by filling indigenous demands. Expressing humanity, especially in tough time, is the real devotion. It is the essence of all religion. Small drops of water can quench the thirst of small creatures.
• Suggest ideas on hill community development • Can participate as a #yoga_voluntary • Teaching village community’s children • Participate in local cultural celebration
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What is  Hatha Yoga | Spirit Yoga foundation
 Spirit Yoga Foundation You can’t reach at the peak of mountain summit without reaching at its base. #Hatha_yoga is #yogic_purification by commitment and devotion. It is warming up at physical and mental level. It prepares you for mission impossible that culminates at #meditation and #Samadhi.
The Sanskrit word “#hatha” relate for sun (ha) and the moon (tha). The practice of classical yoga involves #asanas, yogic breathing (#pranayama), locking energy (#bandhas) & gestures (#mudras). Hatha yoga is to harmonize your internal geometry with the geometrical pattern of cosmos. When everything comes attune with nature, there is no conflict in mind, body and senses.
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What is awareness? | Spirit Yoga Foundation
What is awareness? | Spirit Yoga The crux of yoga philosophy is: “#Expand_awareness_by_physical_stability, #balance_breathing_and_void_state_of_mind.” It makes you charioteer and warrior at the same time. Five senses correspond to horses of your chariot under #yoga & #meditation. If horses move in weird directions, it makes you collapse in the battlefield of life. It is awareness which checks and balances each and every horse. A sheep cautiously drinks water from river. She remains vigilant to under-water crocodile and lion hiding in bushes for ambush. A #spirituality explore must begin with being watchful outwardly and then expand #inner_consciousness.
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Sex Life Circle | Spirit Yoga Foundation
Sex is divine, when it dwells in subtle consciousness. It becomes sin, when it overpowers mind and pollutes your thoughts. It makes you nymphomaniac or satyriasis. Excess of anything is bad, and sex is no exception. It is #kundalini_yoga which transforms your carnival energy into #spiritual_energy. Sex is #transformation_of_energy. Life is not possible without it. If the union of male & female stops, the whole creation stops. “#Yoga is union”, as says #ashtanga_yoga. In other words, you can say that sex is life or life is sex. It is physical ecstasy of #hatha_yoga which disconnects you from outer world momentarily.
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Shatkarma Kriya in Rishikesh | Spirit Yoga Foundation
The word “#shatkarma” is a Sanskrit word formed by combining two syllables “shat” and “karma”. Purification actions are intended to keep body clean, pleasing and active. It also removes all “#doshas” or imbalances from gross body. An imbalance in any one of these “doshas” results in illness. #Shatkarma is subtle approach in #hatha_yoga_teacher_training_course to attain holistic purification. The holistic healthcare of #ayurveda affirms that there are three impurities in human body. These are mucus (kapha), bile (pitta) and wind (vata). They are called “tridosha”. The shatkarma removes all three imbalances from the body. It removes bulging flesh, mucus blocking the respiratory tract and gas in the stomach including intestines.
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Hatha Yoga teacher Training in Rishikesh | Spirit Yoga Foundation
No life is possible without sun, as it is primordial source of energy on earth. It sustains all life forms from microscopic to gigantic animals. #Natraj_asana under #YTTC is surrendering to deity which is governing the entire universe. Align your inner matrix with the geometrical pattern of stars. It infuses light, energy and divinity within you.
One can worship sun in a dozen ways, representing all months of a year. It expresses your love, gratitude and devotion to life-sustaining sun. #Hatha_yoga is must in #teacher_training usually practiced in pristine environment of #Rishikesh. 
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What is Asana ? | Spirit Yoga Foundation
#Spirit Yoga Foundation When you learn to sit motionless like a rock, it enhances your physical stability. Yoga begins at asana which is at gross level and finally concludes in subtle level of meditation. By balanced breath with steady flow of air by constant awareness in inhalation and exhalation, train of thoughts halt. It paves the way for void state of mind.
#Patanjali writes in ashtanga yoga’s text, “#sthiram_sukham_asanam.”
Asana is comfortable position in which you can sit steadily for a longer time. Adjustment & alignment in asana induces stability and strength at gross level. Asana under #yoga_teacher_training improves circulatory system, and stirs up digestive and excretory system, which are life-sustaining processes. It nourishes you physically for #200_hour_YTT course which includes #hatha_yoga.
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No Law in Spirituality | Spirit Yoga Foundation
#What_are_the_indicators_of_spiritual? Is it freedom from bondage of pain and sorrow? Or new dimensions of awareness where nature’s law are not apply. Spirituality gives you absolute freedom to fly high in the limitless sky. As you reach new horizons of awareness, you discover religion, guru and mediator have left behind with no trace in glance. Spirituality is essence of your identity even when five elements of your body had not combined. Senses gives you vision for perceiving outer world, but it can’t go inwards. Mind pollutes your thoughts. But a spiritual man remains unaffected just as lotus grows and blooms in mud water.
#Is_spirituality_freedom_from_the_fear_of_death? Death is lurking every moment, and it spare none---be it king or beggar. Monster of death lives only in mind. It is imaginary, and worst than real death. But only the spiritual one celebrates even his death. For him, it is migration of spirit to its original place. In the vast space of spirituality, there is no truth and untruth, life and death or ethical and unethical polarity. All unites and merge in vast sea of spirituality, just as all water merge and become one big ocean.
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#Patanjali says #dhyana (meditation) is not possible with-out “dharana” Controlling of mind for higher experience of #yoga is concentration.
Patanjali says Dhyana (meditation) | Spirit Yoga Foundation
#Patanjali says #dhyana (meditation) is not possible with-out “dharana” Controlling of mind for higher experience of #yoga is concentration. 
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Patanjali says Dhyana (meditation) | Spirit Yoga Foundation
#Patanjali says #dhyana (meditation) is not possible with-out “dharana” Controlling of mind for higher experience of #yoga is concentration. 
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Meditation is an experience, and you can understand only, if you yourself indulge in this Yoga Teacher Training. You will get new experiences in life in countless of ways, while meditating in the lap of Himalayas.
All the locations for meditation in Himalaya are flowing in continous spiritual vibrations. The Himalaya is treasure of strong meditation centers, whose beauty and serenity is indescribable.The secret of perfect meditation, course, would be to spend some days in beautiful Himalayas where Lord Shiva abodes with his consort Shakti.
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Making a to-do-list is not enough. Focus on how long you have to work on each task to complete it.
You need peaceful environment, perfect asana for concentration, cool & calm mind, no disturbance or distraction of thoughts. In the beginning, a yoga guru prepares you for meditation Course.
Meditation combined with action is suitable for beginners. Patience and perseverance are indispensable for the attainment of success in meditation
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Rare of the rarest guru knows how to reach and realize self-illuminated light. Through touch, he can transmit his spiritual power to some of his most obedient and faithful student. There are mentions of some extraordinary gurus who just touched his disciple and later had extra-ordinary experiences which they couldn’t described in words. His touch and sight can do wonders to his disciples.
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You may join the meditation classes for personality grooming or to choose the career of meditation teacher. What you need is receptive mind ready to follow instructions from yoga guru. You need total devotion & dedication as you reach here. The old tradition of teacher-disciple relationship is still in practice in the divine town.
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If you are spiritual-seeker vying for learning yoga & meditation in the lonely place inundated with spiritual vibrations, then go for Rishikesh. The place is known as the “Tapas Bhumi” where reclusive and hermit roams from time immemorial.
Know the importance of place and its surroundings for meditation. It should be free from hustle and bustle of mundane life. The atmosphere should be charged with strong spiritual vibrations conducive for meditation.
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