spontaniasthechiawa · 4 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptiance: Day 1
Hi, I am Julie! I am almost 23 (my birthday is the 16th) and I just graduated collage this past December. I work as a pre-school teacher, specifically with toddlers. I love it so much, the children are always so funny, sweet and adorable. They are easy to relate to in comparision to adults and I geninely find their shows and books interesting as well. I was diagnosted with the outdated term Ashburger's when I was in middle school (6th or 7th grade, not sure). I am new to the autism community becuase there was a large time when I forgot that I was autistic. I never got any school accomidations and my parents only had me do therapy for a year or two. I was glas that autism was covered in one of my classes, becuase it keep hitting me in the face that this was me. Thanks for taking time to read a little about my life!
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spontaniasthechiawa · 4 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptiance: Day 1
Hi, I am Julie! I am almost 23 (my birthday is the 16th) and I just graduated collage this past December. I work as a pre-school teacher, specifically with toddlers. I love it so much, the children are always so funny, sweet and adorable. They are easy to relate to in comparision to adults and I geninely find their shows and books interesting as well. I love reading, my favorite genres or sci-fi and fantasy, and I am also a hige ners, l love Marvel, Doctor Who, magical anime and table top role playing games. I was diagnosted with the outdated term Ashburger's when I was in middle school (6th or 7th grade, not sure). I am new to the autism community becuase there was a large time when I forgot that I was autistic. I never got any school accomidations and my parents only had me do therapy for a year or two. I was glas that autism was covered in one of my classes, becuase it keep hitting me in the face that this was me. Unfornatly this leads to a double life, as I am unsure how my parents feel about ms being openly autistic. So for the time being, I only accomidate myself when alone or with my friends. Thanks for taking time to read a little about my life!
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