spoonsandropes · 4 years
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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The original tweet is in response to a tweet about Ellen Maud who sought out medical help and was routinely told to just lose weight. She later died of cancer.
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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Yoshida Seiji  -  https://www.instagram.com/yoshidaseiji_/?hl=es  -  https://yoshidaseiji.tumblr.com
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
One of those nights where I ponder how broken I am
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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(Fact Source) for more facts, follow Ultrafacts 
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
every western movie ever made: The wild west is dying. theres no more room left for cowboys anymore…
me everytime: :(
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
I never want to hear republican’s say they support our troops again
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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this bitch empty, TWEET
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
Members of Hamilton’s legal, medical and street outreach community are demanding that police stop ticketing homeless people for not observing “physical distancing” rules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This is not going to solve the problem,” said Lisa Nussey of Keeping Six, a group that supports drug users and people experiencing homelessness.
Nussey said she and her colleagues have learned of tickets issued to homeless people for not following provincial orders that ban groups of more than five people.
In one case, a man of no fixed address was ticketed $750 for “fail to comply with an order made during a declared emergency” at the corner of King and Bay streets. The date on the ticket is April 1.
The power to penalize people congregating in groups flows from the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @abpoli @politicsofcanada @torontopoli @onpoli
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
“Yes, being in a female dominated field, I do know what it means to be marginalized. “
oh my fucking god
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
Clones and......
So the 501st helps out a civilian transport caught in the middle of some random skirmish on a mid rim world, and there happens to be a troop of “ galaxy girls” on board. They are so grateful to be saved that they rush up to the clones and thank them asking to take pictures and basically give away their whole pallette of cookies they were bringing to sell on chandrilla and a wonderful working relationship is formed.
Well, the clones learn the joy of galaxy girl cookies (having a canon sweet tooth ) and they become highly sought after additions to rations. AND because of the selfless action of a few clones the entire GAR has privilege to request galaxy girl cookies on any world where they are present ❤️
They offer a special edition cookie where 100% of proceeds go to the GAR as a special thank you to their heroes! As well as a postcard program where little kids send them thank you drawings and sweet little letters.
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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[Image: Tweet by Emily Mullin (@EmilyLMullin) and tweet by Isobelle Winter (@IsobelleWinter), both about the dangers of Facebook’s new preventative health screening tool. Images have been modified for visual ease but information has not been changed.]
Something to know about Facebook’s new “screening tool,” and advice/info that can most certainly be used outside of this specific situation.
For spoonies, the biggest deal is how this data, if leaked, could affect you in professional and insurance spheres.
Here’s Emily’s full thread, which discusses the details of the tool, and here’s Isobelle’s full thread, which extrapolates on specific dangers.
In the end? It’s another data grab. Data is worth money; don’t give yours away, especially not to Facebook.
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
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spoonsandropes · 4 years
do u ever realise that you’re gonna be an adult for the rest of your life
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