spring-awakinning · 8 months
It sucks so much having a source that literally only one other person knows about. Like it's something you made with another person
It feels so weird to talk about it with people
And you can't read fix-it fics to imagine a better way things could've ended. Because all you have is the way it did
All you have is what's on your Google Drive. And most of it is not happy
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spring-awakinning · 1 year
I miss jared
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spring-awakinning · 3 years
Ahaha just rbing it here bc I need to listen to this but I will not remember it exists in the morninf and it's from your kin blog so I don't wanna rb on main
!!! omg just got this in my recs on youtube im losing it i need to go to sleep BUT i have to listen to this immediately
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spring-awakinning · 3 years
idk if y'all feel the same way as well but when ur getting to know a sourcemate do u like panic and doubt urself like 'am i like my kin enough? like am i how they expect me to be??' and ur putting so much pressure on urself but then like . . . . u are absolutely not having that same attitude towards them? like idc if they act/are like their kin at all ! like in my head im like yeah they are 100% like their kins no matter what! like u tell me abt urself then i will automatically associate that with your kin(s) !!! ur fav color is purple and u work at the grocery store ? well then sans undertale works at a grocery store and fav color is purple bc that's u ! idk if this makes sense im just saying words but yeah
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Goddard Futuristics Die Challenge
Hey gamers, are you kin, questioning, or a fictive from Wolf 359? Are you not Marcus Cutter kin? Awesome, then welcome to the piece of shit space station I run for all wayward crewmates.
The server is approaching 1 year old, and it’s still pretty active! We’re a chill group just vibing and hating Goddard Futuristics. 
Server Info:
All ages welcome (NSFW channel is 18+ and role locked.)
Systems welcome, alters are welcome to talk freely whether or not they are a fictive or have kintypes from source
Doubles friendly
No Marcus Cutter kin allowed, but if you find you’re kin post-joining just keep it on the DL you won’t be kicked
Some cool things we got:
A really cool responsive mod (me)
Self assignable roles
Funky bots (pluralkit, sheep, pancake)
A running game of Questions Only (arguably a detriment) 
No access to the server until an intro is made (safety first lol)
Spoiler roles if you haven’t finished the podcast
other stuff I’m tired sorry
Server code is SHKpC8YjVR - or you can find a link on the pinned post on my blog
@fictionkinfessions could I get a boost? hope everyone is staying safe rn because life is really whack.
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Hephaestus Bitchin’ Squad
Hey, do you kin from Wolf 359? You want to stick your middle finger up to Goddard Futuristics (even if, scratch that, ESPECIALLY if you worked for them)? I have a really bitchin place for you to land.
I run a kin server for w359 kin, the only kintype we are not accepting is Marcus Cutter.
We are:
- doubles friendly - all age friendly (w/ minor and adult roles) - noncanon friendly!!  - system friendly - we got bots fam
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Are you someone who kins from wolf 359?
well boy do i have a server for you!
come join us over at hephaestus 2 electric boogaloo my dude! 
the rules are:
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Additional kinblrs
Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu): @yamaguchi-tadashi-stuff-ig
Doug Eiffel (Wolf359): @doug-eiffel-two-point-o
Radio hosts (Sammy Stevens, King Falls AM; Adam Hayes, Bright Sessions; Avery Brightly, Magnus Archives non-canon; Cecil Palmer, WTNV): @this-boy-can-fit-so-many-radios
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Day 4
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
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me when my parents die in a mysterious fire and my new guardian starts dressing up in increasingly ludicrous disguises to steal the fortune i inherited
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
made a wolf 359 kin server on impulse, only rule to join is please don’t be kin w/ Cutter that’s it
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
well lads, months almost up and ya know what that means-
time to make another post about the podcast kin server! we like to keep it funky fresh around there so hit me the heck up for a link if you’re from any podcast or podcast-like source (ie Thrilling Intent, Critical Role, etc)
PM me if you’re interested- doubles are accepted on a case by case basis (I think there are currently three podcast kintypes that are no doubles)
Fictives welcome!!
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
wolf 359 source call
like, reply to, OR reblog this post if you are wolf 359 kin! if you reblog the post, feel free to put your kintypes or ids in the tags!
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Hephaestus Bitchin’ Squad
Hey, do you kin from Wolf 359? You want to stick your middle finger up to Goddard Futuristics (even if, scratch that, ESPECIALLY if you worked for them)? I have a really bitchin place for you to land.
I run a kin server for w359 kin, the only kintype we are not accepting is Marcus Cutter.
We are:
- doubles friendly - all age friendly (w/ minor and adult roles) - noncanon friendly!!  - system friendly - we got bots fam
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spring-awakinning · 4 years
Are you someone who kins from wolf 359?
well boy do i have a server for you!
come join us over at hephaestus 2 electric boogaloo my dude! 
the rules are:
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