springhazer · 2 years
They used to sit here and shout fuck off to the seagulls
Wearing pants that weren’t theirs
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springhazer · 2 years
Tomatoes in Portugal and Spain. Adds up to that heat.
The girls
Got trafficked for taking from baby?
For me?
You wouldn’t.
Stop taking from your babies.
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springhazer · 2 years
Strawberry Haus
Oh the envy dripping off of them. The “celebrity” second hand filth.
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springhazer · 2 years
No I’m sure that if Syntel Roma Murthy or Enrique Iglesias or a couple of other people are giving me that look then I probably pissed off a person that they’re afraid to confront kind of thing it’s OK I’ll take care of it
Roma Murthy haha say wha
Hats though. It’s weird. A few of us are wearing a few
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springhazer · 2 years
It’s Mikasa Tsukasa that’s hurting my energy that’s what pisses me off no no that’s what pisses them off the the the the red Baron there is that Asian heat that mixes with the um this is like a sprite equation wow and I’m so bad at math you guys it’s like the it’s like the the Asian heat doesn’t mix well with the Portuguese or Spanish or something like that… No but you can’t be like trying to read stuff on TV thinking that you know what Asian people are like when you don’t know what Asian people are like so if you are not practicing just basic general courtesy toward others that hurts my feelings a lot a lot
I have a lot of people in my family who don’t believe that I should be accepted as one of theirs because I’m not I’m like human trafficking produce you know?
Well now my family wants to laugh and a holy fuck balls way… No I did weigh out the situation in the very beginning I still continue to look at things because I already know what goes through their mind and I know what makes them laugh and they are amused by cheap cheap thrills
I did something wrong I did something that I was told not to do is what I mean I didn’t do anything wrong I was told to leave something alone and I didn’t and so do you know if the red Baron is in such a terrible mood you could only imagine I am in twice as terrible of mood but I was still kind and I still gave sugar for free I think that that’s really very nice of me it’s OK though don’t worry about it maybe it wasn’t good enough you know but I just feel like I’ve been disappointed by some of you as well
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springhazer · 2 years

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Yeah but they never met men or women of money either
What I’m saying is, what the god damned fuck does Davie hewy and buttfuck know about anything? That traffic babies.
“Your sister thinks I’m funnier than you because I am okay bye asshole.”
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springhazer · 2 years
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springhazer · 2 years
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springhazer · 2 years
“I know why they do that now…”
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springhazer · 2 years
“Ahhhhh!! I don’t care about your bags! What about my bags!”
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springhazer · 2 years
“I need help! I can’t do this on my own! I’m not an adult!”
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You and Steven must be so pissed
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springhazer · 2 years
I pray that Ashley and John fred won’t traffic children.
Nancy had no problems with it. Completely deluded garbage, all of them.
Funny jokes made by men
But Nancy doesn’t have a brain
Everyone’s talking about whet trash you are
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springhazer · 2 years
Do you guys ever cry?
Debbie and Terry never could
Debbie is just another defective woman, a button we don’t normally hit.
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springhazer · 2 years
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Come one
Come all
See the circus jokes. Ha.
Right Ashley? Ha
Can’t deal with that filth here.
Out with the old. Dennis and David’s? Those aren’t men. They’re trash
How does it feel knowing that the cops have to watch you now because you and David are so trashy?
These babies having to be subjected to those monsters. Is awful.
Racism told those lesser intelligent whites men that baby traffic and porn was okay
You’re telling me you’re Dr Walker?
Isn’t it sad then that I am too aware of what scum you are?
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springhazer · 2 years
Dennis and David know that they aren’t real men.
But they had to be told. Haha. Dumb assholes
Edgar rice Burroughs primal?
Fucking jokes
Cheaters give themselves away
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springhazer · 2 years
No Ashley didn’t save my life and they know that.
But it doesn’t matter to those pedophiles like Dennis and David anyway.
David and Dennis are racist human trafficking fucking scum.
and if you women are going with it, fuck you too
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springhazer · 2 years
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They probably would have killed Ashley if she hadn’t done what she did.
Jokes? No. It’s only funny to bad men.
Child molesting men with special tastes, right Dennis willcutt and David Rigney?
Keith, you’d think would have gotten a big ego and paid someone to kill me.
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