spyromak · 3 years
hey all, I've been thinking about this for a while and this blog is suuuper old. i've moved to @faultychips and will be doing my liking/reblogging from there now. Feel free to follow im gonna treat it just like this one i just hate having posts from 13 year old me on here lol
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spyromak · 4 years
hey all, I've been thinking about this for a while and this blog is suuuper old. i've moved to @faultychips and will be doing my liking/reblogging from there now. Feel free to follow im gonna treat it just like this one i just hate having posts from 13 year old me on here lol
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spyromak · 4 years
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spyromak · 4 years
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Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus), L6 Female Photos by Frupus
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spyromak · 4 years
Unlearning How White People Ask Personal Questions
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spyromak · 4 years
Tumblr users are often so arrogant and it shows. They can draw a full cast of POC characters but when POC say "Hey we want more than just our skin tone" they're suddenly deaf as shit.
Representation on Tumblr has become a way for white people to win brownie points just because they took a Hershey's bar and slapped it onto a person's skin tone.
The most disgusting thing is that they insist on making JUST African-Americans. They insist on making JUST one facial type, one nose type, one lip type, one hair type, one slang type, one skin tone.
And when they make a person Asian, it's Japanese. And when they make a person Hispanic, it's Mexican. And when they make a person indigenous, they never specify on which tribe/nation they came from, but you'll bet they're Native AMERICAN.
But my favorite part is when other POC demand representation and those same fucking white people are like "But but but look at all my black characters!!!!"
POC isn't just confined to America.
POC isn't just black.
POC isn't just Japanese.
POC isn't just Mexican.
POC isn't just Native American.
It's from the Miskitu in Nicaragua, from the highlands of Ethiopia, from the deserts of Saudi Arabia, from the mountains of Indonesia. It's from the arroz con gandules, from the folk music, from the festivals. It's many cultures blending, it's speaking more than just English, it's dealing with racism unique to our countries of origin.
It's more than just one universal experience, and white Tumblr isn't willing to show that.
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spyromak · 4 years
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Shared with permission from lilearthgirl on Instagram
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spyromak · 4 years
does the mortifying ordeal of being known guy know that his paragraph from a six year old NYT opinion piece about emailing pictures of goats to coworkers has become God Tier Tumblr Gospel ? like does he KNOW though
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spyromak · 4 years
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I mad agree with this.
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spyromak · 4 years
Black bi nonbinary and chronically ill parent needs ur help!
Urgent: I’ve been hit with bank fees
I’m negative 115 dollars in debt, pls spare what u can, I can’t believe this is happening again
Venmo: Riot-Diaz
Cashapp: $RiotDiaz
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/DiazPaniagua
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spyromak · 4 years
since people are asking, here’s a list of places you can donate to help the australian bushfires. donating literally $1 means you have done more than our prime minister. (* = can donate internationally; for the other ones you might have to google it) 
cfa (VIC firefighters) 
rfs (NSW firefighters)*
rfbaq (QLD firefighters) 
cfs (SA firefighters) 
red cross*
WWF NSW bushfire crisis*
WWF koala crisis* (both WWF links are in aud so use a currency converter if you’re outside aus)
St Vincents NSW (partnership with channel 9)
St Vincents SA 
here is a list from the abc (but maybe don’t donate to the salvos bc they suck) (x)
i’ll keep it updated as i find more
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spyromak · 5 years
so you’ve probably seen the post going around detailing the horrific human rights abuses in what are, undeniably, concentration camps in the US…. accompanied by the suggestion that the only thing you can do is call your senators.
it’s unfathomable to me that someone would see we have actual nazi death camps in our country, and think the solution is writing to the politicians who allowed it to happen.
i have yet to see a post on any social media that has meaningfully helpful suggestions for how to get involved, so:
this article offers a number of suggestions including getting involved with your local chapter of Sanctuary Not Deportation, which connects faith groups to offer sanctuary to immigrants fleeing ICE. it also has a comprehensive list of immigrant-lead organizations to get involved with or donate to, as well as a link to crowdfund for detainee’s phone bills, which allows them to contact their families, legal counsel, and inform the outside world of the realities they are facing in detention.
here is a link for finding detention centers near you. there are many rallies directly outside of these camps you can participate in, and physically going to them is crucial in liberation efforts.
posting bond for detained immigrants is still one of the best ways to get people out of the death camps, even though ICE is increasingly unwilling to participate. the linked article has a list of both federal and state-by-state bail funds/organizations.
host a refugee if you have the room. Room For Refugees is still trying to build a network in the US. keeping people out of ICE’s grip and preventing detention in the first place is the best thing we can do because these camps are becoming more and more impenetrable.
help the legal organizations helping immigrants near you; if you’re anywhere close to NYC the New Sanctuary Coalition needs volunteers/donations, and if you’re on the border get involved with Texas Civil Rights Project.
on top of free legal aid, the NSC specifically also organizes rapid responses to ICE raids, which is one of the most important things you can do – there are many local networks already in place, but here is how to organize a rapid response network if your city doesn’t have one.
one of the easiest things we can all do is learn the rights of immigrants in this country, and how to react to ICE raids. spread this information to everyone you know and keep the toolkit in easy access on your phone.
the only government policy that can make an immediate and tangible impact is municipal policy; push your local politicians to support or build sanctuary city initiatives – here is a toolkit for local political action.
finally, get involved with local antifa and leftist orgs! follow their social media to get updates on calls to action and protests happening near you. i cannot stress enough how important it is to be aware of efforts in your own city. antifa international’s tumblr is one page you can follow, but please research the orgs specifically in your area that are fighting the rise of fascism. the torch network has a list of chapters in several cities around the US, but again this is just a place to start.
i encourage everyone to find at least ONE thing from this list you can do, beyond donating. i know we are all stressed and have our time/energy zapped by capitalism, but if we do nothing, nothing will change. and please share these links wherever you can – copy and paste this post or at least share the first article i linked.
fascism is here, NOW, and we need to step up, because no one is going to invade us to free the camps this time.
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spyromak · 5 years
As per @big-tipi-goth-gf‘s excellent suggestion, I just made a donation to the Sovereign Bodies Institute. SBI operates a trans-inclusive database of missing and/or murdered indigenous women, and disseminates information on the epidemic of violence and continuing genocide Native people (especially Native women) face. They also do research, which the publish on their site for free.
I’m not telling everyone here about my donation for good girl brownie points, but because research suggests that people are more likely to do stuff if they see other people doing it.
This Thanksgiving, don’t be one of those tedious settler leftists who calls it “Thankless-taking” and then does nothing. A donation is little more than nothing, but it’s going to make the mashed potato feast you subject your lil guts to go down smoother. More important, it aids in the coverage of a grotesquely underreported issue that IS an issue, in part, due to what Thanksgiving is meant to commemorate.
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spyromak · 5 years
thanksgiving is a holiday based on a falsified narrative full of white guilt and the erasure of history so what are some good native organizations to donate to this coming thursday
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spyromak · 5 years
help two trans lesbians pay rent
I wasn’t originally going to make this post, but we need help.
My partner just had to quit her job due to harassment from a frequent customer who would say transphobic things to her with no protection from the staff. She had just started and protections for us are limited so she was forced to simply quit rather than be put in danger.
I’m currently disabled and having interviews still. We have enough to get by for now, but rent is coming up fast… We need to make sure we have $750 for rent as well as costs for eating and other things, and even if we both get jobs relatively quickly we’re in over our heads.
We could really use help to carry us to finding jobs where we won’t be harassed. 
Paypal: paypal.me/moonvevo
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/V7V7AK
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spyromak · 5 years
gi cho, a guy i’ve known since elementary school, has just been detained by ICE. he and his family don’t have the means to pay the fees, so they’re relying on donations to raise enough money to get him legal representation.
if you’ve been keeping up with the news at all, you know the reports that have come out about the conditions in ICE detention centers and the impact that detention can have on a person’s life. if you have the means to donate, please do. if you don’t, please reblog.
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spyromak · 5 years
Hey, so an Omaha Jewish cemetery was recently vandalized. Roughly 75 headstones were pushed off their bases and some of those were broken, with the damages at over $50,000. The temple is taking donations on their donate page, just make sure you select Cemetery Improvement Fund if you would like it to go to the cemetery. They hope to have completed the restoration by Spring of 2020.
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