squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"Everyone is capable of love, Hook." Nerina muttered, giving him a somewhat hard glare. "Magic has been in this land since the curse broke. That is nothing new." Nerina muttered, slightly rolling her eyes. She didn't get why everyone was obsessed with magic. It made no sense to her. Shrugging her shoulders at her own thought, Nerina raised her glass and tapped it along the neck of his beer bottle. "To dull pasts and hopefully not as dull futures." Nerina downed her drink and winked at him. "Do you, by any chance, know how to dance?"
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"True love is enough to make anyone look past a lost cause." Nerina muttered, skimming the top of her drink with her fingertip. "What do you mean it was a lie?" Nerina raised an eyebrow then sighed heavily. She hated talking about herself. It was the worst thing anyone could have asked of her. "There isn't much to my story. I had a sister. Her and I grew up as outcasts because we weren't mermaids. It drove her insane and I just didn't give a shit. She went psycho trying to change herself and I lost my family because of it." Nerina shrugged her shoulders and took another hit of her cigarette. Talking about her past made her slightly uncomfortable. "Not really that interesting, really."
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"Thank you." Nerina smiled at him. "I haven't ever met her, but I have heard my stories." Nerina made a face that showed she wasn't all to interested in meeting the girl either. "I agree with you completely. Mr. Gold is a very dangerous man, but you have to admit that he is very powerful. A coward he may be, but he is a deadly coward." Nerina paused for a moment. "And how do you plan to kill him, if I may ask?"
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
“My name is Nerina Tellings, in this world at least. In the old world, I was known as Morgana. Feel free to call me either one.” Nerina straightened herself in the stool and smiled at him. "I already know who you are. Captain Hook..." Nerina kept smiling then her face changed into a slight frown. “There is one thing that makes Mr. Gold tick. The pretty little Belle of his. I hear that true love resides within him because of her. Take that away and poof, he’ll be broken.” Nerina smirked triumphantly. She listened to way to much gossip in Storybrooke. She knew the ins and outs of everyone’s lives. People needed to learn to keep their mouths shut.
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:... 
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Nerina took a swig of the refilled glass. "People are very strange here. Wait until you watch Peter Pan..." Nerina snickered at the joke she had just made. She knew all to well who the pirate was in front of her now. Captain Hook, a famed villain in this world. "Oh I can out drink everyone in this bar and then go home and drink. I doubt any amount of spirits would lighten the mood here." Nerina smriked slightly, watching the man with interest. "So because he took your hand, you're going to kill him? I don't see the fairness in that. Why kill him, when you could just as easily make him suffer?" Nerina paused for a moment to light a cigarette. She took a deep inhale of the toxic smoke. "You see if you outright kill the man, his life is over. He thinks no more. There is no suffering. No pain. It is instant. Snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Instead of killing him, take something of value from him. Take one of his limbs or even take someone from him. Make him suffer. Killing him does nothing. Making him suffer on the other hand would bring about endless amounts of joy from many parties." Nerina mulled over her words for a few moments. "Suffering is by far a better option than killing. Plus, you can just sit back and watch as he tears himself apart with pain." 
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Nerina slipped onto one of the bar stools and watched him speak. "You'll be called stranger things while you're here, I'm sure." Nerina smirked and took another sip. "We should be able to drink as much as we want, but in society it is frowned upon." Nerina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Rumpelstiltskin? You mean Mr. Gold? You're after Mr. Gold?" Nerina let out a loud laugh. She shook her head, her curls falling in front of her face. "You are out of your mind." Nerina stated factually, pushing her hair out of her face. "Why are you after him, anyways?" Nerina wondered out loud.
Nerina Tellings.: captainhooktoyou: Nerina Tellings.:...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Nerina rolled her eyes at the mention of Mermaids. "I am no mermaid." Nerina watched him grabbed the bottle and snorted. "And I thought I was the only alcoholic in town.." Nerina grabbed yet another bottle of Vodka and threw the cap of the bottle over her shoulder. "A crocodile? And who would this crocodile happen to be?" 
Nerina Tellings.: Drunk and Disorderly || Open
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"Ahhh." Nerina took a swig of the bottle and placed it down on the table closest to her. "I am from a place called Atlantica. A underwater city within the old world. You could say that I am fish out of water." Nerina shrugged her shoulders and then proceeded to finish off the bottle. "So what's your story? How did you end up in storybrooke?" 
The Rabbit Hole was packed for the night. Nerina was sitting in the back corner, her hand...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"To knew to listen to know what good music is? You must be from the enchanted forest I presume?" Nerina smirked slightly and poured him a glass out of the bottle, offering him the drink.
The Rabbit Hole was packed for the night. Nerina was sitting in the back corner, her hand clutched around her favorite bottle of Vodka, a cigarette burning in left hand. “Let’s make things a little...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
"That noise, sir, would be good music. Oh and call me lass again and I'll shove this bottle up where the sun doesn't shine." 
The Rabbit Hole was packed for the night. Nerina was sitting in the back corner, her hand clutched around her favorite bottle of Vodka, a cigarette burning in left hand. “Let’s make things a little more interesting.” Nerina muttered, taking a drag of her cigarette and stamping out the but in the...
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Drunk and Disorderly || Open
The Rabbit Hole was packed for the night. Nerina was sitting in the back corner, her hand clutched around her favorite bottle of Vodka, a cigarette burning in left hand. "Let's make things a little more interesting." Nerina muttered, taking a drag of her cigarette and stamping out the but in the ashtray in front of her. After finishing the last of the bottle, Nerina pushed herself from her seat and made her way towards the bar.
Sliding onto one of the bar stools, Nerina motioned towards the bartender, silently telling him to place another bottle in front of her. "Play some good music before I set this place on fire." Nerina demanded with a smirk and then grabbed the bottle off the bar. Before she even had time to hit the dance floor, loud music blasted through the speakers and Nerina began swaying to the rhythm. "Who's up for a dance?" 
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Would you rather give out bad advice that the person follows or receive bad advice and follow it?
"I love giving bad advice. It's hilarious watching idiots follow it to their own demise."
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
"Worried Genius. Being a simpleton is not in my nature."
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squidinkandvodka-blog · 11 years
Would you rather make out with Hades or spoon with Hook?
"Because I am one that believes in the sanctity of marriage, I wouldn't ever dare do anything with Hades. I am not a home wrecker. Therefor, I would spoon with Hook, though I would much rather clothes and spooning not be involved at all." 
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