God, I want these. They're so cute! Mushroom squishmallows?! 🍄🧸
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My stuffed animal collection grows by the day. Soon we will have amassed enough little guys to conquer the world
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The squish is named as if the creator was put on the spot and asked this lobster’s name immediately upon showing it off so they panicked and said “Lob…ert”
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Name: Robert and Ham Species/Brand: Squishmallow frog and gator Acquired: Dec 2022 (Free)
About: I got these large Squishmallows for FREE. There was a ‘squish tour’ truck rolling right into town last year and i had no idea what it offered. I thought i might as well see and took my sister along. We stood in line for over an hour and had no idea what was at this truck. It was a pachinko game!!!! Everyone was a winner. It was just a matter of the size prize you got. My sister and i were lucky enough to both get large prizes and she gave me hers. 😳
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Drew a quick little guy, a little lad, a little fella
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I made a giant Totoro Squishmallow for my Step-Niece's first birthday.
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I was telling my mum how I find it funny my new squishmallow is meant to be a male angler-fish but his design resembles a female angler and she just said "Ah gender identity."
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fuck your zodiac sign, is there a squishmallow with your name? Reblog with answers I wanna see <3
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What crack do they put in squishmallows cause I bought one and I already want more
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The new love of my life, Gio the Gargoyle Squishmallow
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Went to the store and found one of my DISOs today! Nico has always been one of my faves and I was so hyped when I saw him on the shelf! They also had 12 inch Archie, 12 inch Miss Vi, more 13 inch Nico, 8 inch Avery, 8 inch Babs and some others I can’t remember the names of rn, I don’t think I’ve ever had better luck when it comes to Squishmallows :D
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Me when I’m in the squishmallow isle of the continence store and see another person:
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I went shopping the other day and found Joelle the bigfoot and Bubba the cow! I bought Bubba for a friend of mine and gave it to them today and they really liked it so I’m pretty happy about that :)
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Finally got one of my first ever DISOs today! She had the wrong tag (it was Camden’s instead of Astra’s) but that’s fine, I’m just glad to finally have her!
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Went charity shopping again and got 5 inch Jacob the lamb, Brenda the butterfly and Cookie the flamingo. They also had a 5 inch Mila the elephant and Harrison the dog but we left them for someone else to find :)
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♡ we got squishmallow backpacks!! ♡
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