srdyyy · 1 year
On June 2, 2023, our instructor gave us a final term assignment that involved discussing and presenting our innovative innovation. This task provided us with the opportunity to analyze the nine crucial elements that play a role in the success of our product, including Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Partnerships, Key Activities, and Cost Structure.
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srdyyy · 1 year
On June 2, 2023, we had a concise conversation with the professor where he provided us with an outline of the remaining tasks for our final term and the upcoming presentation scheduled for the following week.
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srdyyy · 1 year
The Wellness Week celebration for trailblazers, known as PAUGNAT:2023, was a successful and entertaining event. All departments and organizations participated, resulting in a lengthy break for students. Some adjustments were made, especially for classes scheduled during that time after the CEA Days. Despite enjoying the moment, there are still concerns about the matter at hand, prompting discussions among my group. However, we are grateful for the opportunity to have fun and temporarily set aside our academic concerns. Overall, the week was filled with well-managed events, and many students appreciated the one-week academic holiday.
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srdyyy · 1 year
We conducted our third significant presentation. This presentation allowed us to identify the flaws and deficiencies in our company's operations, particularly in the area of Market Sizing and its benefits to our business. While the presentation brought some consolation, it was still challenging for us to address these issues. However, we remain determined to persist in our efforts. I have confidence in my groupmates' ability to contribute valuable insights and adhere to our business principles. Looking ahead, I feel a mix of fear and excitement as we plan for our next set of ideas.
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srdyyy · 1 year
During our recent presentation, Sir Jael provided valuable feedback that improved our understanding of market size identification, traction channels, and strategies. This week, he specifically asked about the reasoning behind our selection of five strategies.
We carefully chose these strategies to effectively promote and sell nuts and bolts by covering diverse channels and approaches to reach potential customers in the industrial sector. Our chosen strategies include viral marketing through online marketplaces, direct sales through building relationships with manufacturers and attending trade shows, advertising in industry-specific publications and trade magazines, search engine optimization, and business development through partnerships with established distributors, wholesalers, or retailers.
Through these strategies, we aim to maximize our reach and impact in the market by targeting online platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and Facebook Marketplace, as well as engaging directly with potential customers. We also utilize advertising in industry publications to reach professionals and decision-makers, employ digital marketing techniques to raise awareness and establish our brand as a trusted resource, and collaborate with existing distributors to expand our reach and leverage their networks and marketing channels.
By implementing this comprehensive approach, we cover both online and offline channels, target specific industries, establish ourselves as a trusted resource, and tap into existing networks and distribution channels. This strategic combination increases our chances of reaching a wide range of potential customers and driving sales for our nuts and bolts business.
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srdyyy · 1 year
One of the crucial steps we took involved conducting a survey with the objective of identifying the advantages of our innovation for businesses. As part of our innovation process, we carried out a focused survey within specific industries that would find value in our innovation. The survey specifically targeted businesses in the designated barangay area and waste management companies. Its aim was to determine the benefits they would derive from implementing the Automatic Waste Garbage Segregation System and how they would integrate it into their operations. The survey findings indicated a high level of enthusiasm among businesses in the area regarding the potential of our innovation. They expressed that the Automatic Waste Garbage Segregation System would enhance their waste management processes, leading to improved efficiency and reduced costs associated with waste disposal. Furthermore, they emphasized that the system would help them meet the increasingly stringent environmental regulations. During our consultation session with our instructor, he inquired about the possible models or outcomes of our Automatic Waste Garbage Segregation System. We were pleased to share with him the various envisioned outcomes and models we had developed. Our Automatic Waste Garbage Segregation System has been meticulously designed to assist businesses in streamlining their waste management practices. The system will incorporate sensors that automatically sort waste into different categories such as plastic, paper, metal, and organic waste. The sorted waste will then be stored in separate bins allocated for recycling or disposal, based on the type of waste. We also provided a detailed explanation of the different components that comprise our prototype.
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srdyyy · 1 year
In our Midterm presentation on April 23, we shared our progress regarding the interviews conducted and the product development. Our focus was on gathering feedback from young adults, and we successfully completed 35 interviews. Throughout these interviews, we discovered a recurring issue related to water temperature. A significant majority of the participants expressed a strong desire for heated water when making coffee in cold environments. However, the remaining individuals preferred cold water due to working in hot environments. To address this divergence in preferences, we came up with the concept of a temperature control system for water. This system would allow our interviewees to select their preferred water temperature, accommodating their individual choices.
Subsequent to the presentation, on April 26, we had a consultation session to discuss our product. Our professor advised us to conduct further interviews on this particular topic and emphasized the importance of intensifying our efforts to achieve fruitful outcomes.
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srdyyy · 1 year
Week 4
On our 4th week we presented our value proposition canvas where we explained how our product can have a good impact in our environment, we explained how it can affect the users, surroundings, and even boost small businesses.
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We were task to conduct an interview, where we will interview individuals that lives close to our oceans, (since our product is a submirsible cleaning robot.) and get their thoughts about our product.
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srdyyy · 1 year
Week 3
During the third week of our technopreneurship course, which occurred on March 11, 2023, we held an online session as a result of the transit strike that took place the previous week. Additionally, our instructor asked each team about their involvement in the third week's activity.
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srdyyy · 2 years
WEEK 2-Intro to Technoprenuer
This week was full of new learnings, and we also had fun at the same time. We had lots of discovery during our activity last friday. since we did this activity where we were grouped into 4 members, and we were task to give our insights about one of the sustainable development goals. The activity was to engage in conversations with your groupmates so all of you can build a trust to one another.
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Another activity was to give your first impression towards your members before doing all of the activities, at first I thought that my groupmates would be hard to work with, and that they would not cooperate in group works. Next is to give your impressions after doing the activity, I found out that my groupmates are very kind to each other, verry cooperative where all of us gave our individual thoughts about the topic, and all of us were open for suggestions.
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srdyyy · 2 years
WEEK 1-Intro to Technoprenuer
During our meeting for the technopreneurship, the presenter instructed us to take the test and the BII so that the we can be put in groups based on the results of the tests. The groups would then develop and present a concept. I received an Adventurer personality type with a specific trait (ISFP-T) on the personality test, which is what I have expected. After the test , I then answered the Berkeley Innovation where I received a score of 59.83 out of 100 :)
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Our instructor gave us directions to form groups of eight members and pick one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus on. As part of our activity, we had to choose a specific SDG and create a plan to address it. Our group decided to focus on SDG 14, which aims to preserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas, and marine resources. We came up with an idea to build a robot that could clean up waste and explore the ocean's depths using claw machines and a camera.
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As we performed our activity, I realized that while we all have great ideas in solving different world problems, our know is not advance enough to actually perform these world changing machines. Nonetheless, it was exciting to think that some of us might become advocates and help the community in the future.
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