srfmp · 4 months
Renders of my model
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These are all the still renders of my model from each angle.
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The main reason I chose to make my model as big as he was in scale, was because he's similar to a god or omnipotent being in the aspect of he's very powerful and loves to feed off of people's nightmares.
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Another reason is because he's like an omnipotent being, he's got the height to show his superiority to other beings along with making him seem more sinister and fearful. In addition he's this scale because he's a cyclopes, and typically they're portrayed as being gigantic so naturally that's what I did with my model/character.
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srfmp · 5 months
More Concept Artwork
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srfmp · 5 months
360° show reel of final model
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srfmp · 5 months
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srfmp · 5 months
Adding extra details in
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I went back into the model with the scrape tool and took more off the torso, collarbone, neck and legs so he looks thinner as it then looks like his ribs are showing a bit along with his collarbone being more prominent for that reason too.
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srfmp · 5 months
Fixing UV map
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The UV map for my model was really messed up, as there were too many polygons that weren't aligned properly so I had to send it to MAYA and retopologize it to 40000 polygons; this made it looks smoother as well.
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Once I'd done that I sent it back to Mudbox got rid of the old UV and re-did it, which clearly then worked as the model's polygons were all connected nicely. (before and after above)
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This is the before and after, as the before shows you can see the lines from where I would paint as the UV was a mess. Th other one is the after which shows how smooth and clean it look now; much better.
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end result^^
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srfmp · 5 months
Google form responses
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Based on what these responses say, I'm going to go with option 2 as most preferred that one.
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There reasons^^
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This is the option I'll be going with.
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srfmp · 5 months
Making the eyelashes
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So I wanted to see if I could do the eyelashes in mudbox. However, it didn't have a triangle mesh so what I did was I used a sphere mesh and then used the grab tool to bring the parts of the sphere in more to make it into that triangle shape.
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Once I'd roughly gotten the shape, I smoothed it out and rescaled the sphere so it'd be thinner. I then used the grab tool again to curve the lashes out more to give them that generic lash shape.
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I had successfully made it I duplicated all the others and just moved them into place.
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With painting I had 4 options I wasn't sure to go with, so I made a google form and asked people to fill it in that way I had an idea of what the audience would prefer.
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srfmp · 5 months
Painting the model
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Once I'd finally had my model in his pose and was happy with it, I moved him back to Mudbox and started to do the painting.
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For this monster I envision him being all white as it'll give a simplistic look meaning I can make his other features bring out his personality, because although he's not colourful or has an interesting colour him being white makes it more ominous in my opinion as then your more confused/unsure as to what he is.
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This is a close up of the face after painting.
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I then added another layer of paint so I can paint the inside of the mouth and the eye pupil.
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Before painting on more body details, I decided to use the scrape tool to make marks on the ribs and chest area along with on the neck and collarbone so that they looked more prominent.
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srfmp · 5 months
Character posing
So because Unreal Engine's 5.4 control rigging wasn't working no matter what I tried or did, I decided to go back to MAYA and try to use it as best as I could.
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I made my model bigger so I could see, as a last attempt, if that would help anything in UE (it didn't).
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So I tried to carefully position him in the pose I wanted him to be in and it ended up looking okay, I figured out that the issue was the length of the first half of the arms were slightly longer than average (why they were I wasn't sure about).
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After that I made him slightly bigger and also added some additional parts to the pose like a tilt of the head and lean in closer, just to give it the extra look making it more ominous.
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srfmp · 5 months
Two Week Plan
What have I created so far?
So far I've created quite a few sketches and concept design sketches for my monster, a prototype model of the monster however it was just his head and shoulders, a character sheet and the actual full body model of the monster in his pose.
How much more do I need to make?
I need to make a few more drawings of the character, along with finish painting the model and adding finer details.
Is it achievable within the time remaining?
I would say that I'll be able to get those final bits done with the time I have left yes.
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srfmp · 5 months
Using the modular control rig (UE 5.4)
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After importing my character model into unreal as a skeletal mesh, I made control rig (modular rig) which is what I would be using to put my character into it's pose.
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Once I'd made the modular rig, I added my character into it ready for rigging.
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However, when I put it into the modular rig, it didn't look right like what the video had and at first I thought nothing of it and just carried on.
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When I added the spine root into the thing, it all went to the floor between the models feet and just wasn't connecting at all. So that made me come to the conclusion that although it was a skeletal mesh it might not of actually had a skeleton assigned to it, which caused all the connectors to fall to the floor as they has nothing to link to.
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I then went back into MAYA and imported the model with the auto rigging included to see if that would help in anyway.
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It did help a little, as the character now has the connectors linking to where the should be. However, he's now really small and missing his fingers and a part of his chest area.
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srfmp · 5 months
Importing my model to Unreal
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I moved my monster model into MAYA so that it would be easier for me to send into Unreal. I then made the model into an FBX file and exported it into Unreal Engine
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I then imported it in and I he managed to make it in one piece.
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Next was for me to the rigging using unreal as the version I was using was the latest one, UE 5.4 which contains rigging in it.
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srfmp · 5 months
I used this video by Ryan Laley, to help with learning how to use to the rigging system in UE 5.4
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srfmp · 5 months
Follow-up on Rokoko
Rokoko ended up not working well, as if would capture the person but the pose would end up looking not right and made the model tilt and wobble. So instead I've been told to give Unreal Engine 5.4 a try as it has a rigging system that might work with my model and capture his pose how I want it to be.
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srfmp · 6 months
Goal for Today
Finish the character posing on Rokoko for my model,maybe come up with character deisgns for more concepts around my theme.
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srfmp · 6 months
Today's evaluation
I didn't manage to get my character model's pose done as the camera we used wasn't being picked up by Rokoko, so I know have to get a webcam to do it another day. I did manage to get some of my self evaluation written up today though.
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