ssarkosghost · 21 days
I know the feeling well (looks at current list of WIPs nervously) and man it was a blast to read again, ah it is still such a treat.
What These Hands Can Be
Rating: G
Words: 7,174
Pairing: Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos
Characters: Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, minor Nora, Ren, RWBY, Oscar, Ozpin, Theodore, & Rumpole
Other Tags: Post Volume 9, set in Vacuo, alternating POV
Summary: Pyrrha barely knows what to do with her hands these days. She's been gone so long that everything, and everyone, is so different now. Even Jaune. Especially Jaune.
Author's note: My gift for @ssarkosghost for @remnants-of-rwby-exchange! I am so sorry that is a day late; please forgive me. I went to edit and accidentally added 3k... It is in its entirety below but the AO3 link will be by chapters.
Pyrrha spends a lot of time looking at her hands now.
Her nails are often chipped, bitten. When she was young, her mother had her wear gloves to curb the habit. They were just thick enough to keep her from nibbling the thin keratin to ragged edges. Mittens helped protect her young hands from bitter Argus winters when she wanted to build snowmen at the park. Garden gloves kept dirt from gathering under her nails as she worked alongside her mother in the tiny flowerbed their townhouse called its own. As she grew older, darker pairs helped to camouflage the tell-tale glow of her semblance in use, carefully hiding her critical advantage. Gloves, for one reason or another, have followed her throughout her life.
The desert is too hot for them.
Without them, Vacuan sands and wind roughen her palms beyond belief. Her callouses toughen, her fingertips thicken, and her palms crack, no matter how much moisturizer she applies after showers. There are other ways to minimize the damage, but to keep one’s aura shield engaged all the time outdoors was one of many marks of an outsider. Pyrrha shrinks at the thought of attracting even more attention.
Most people don’t recognize her these days anyway. Pyrrha runs her hands through her ponytail, much shorter than she remembers. It had been like when she’d emerged from the glowing golden portal, blinking and confused, stepping into what appeared to be a war room meeting of her closest friends and many unfamiliar adults.
“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Pyrrha had whispered into the silence, rubbing her throat. Her bare feet made little plap plap sounds on the cool sandstone as she took a few unsteady steps forward before stopping just out of reach of the closest person- a young, wide-eyed boy she didn’t recognize.
The portal shrunk, fizzled, and faded into oblivion while she struggled to remember why she’d just stepped into their midst. She fidgeted with the ends of her sash in her hands. Still, the urge to rub her throat remained, as if she needed to warm her voice box before speaking any more. 
The crying and screaming broke the silence first- Nora’s shrieks, Ruby’s choked sobs, Yang’s cracking voice. Then came the questions- Blake’s skepticism, Ren’s disbelief, Weiss’ caution.
Are you really Pyrrha?
Oh, of that, she was positively sure.
What happened to you?
She had died, that was somewhat evident by the scar tissue that twisted and stretched beneath the fabric of her loose linen dress and the horrifying memory of searing heat. Ruby had nearly vomited on the spot at her halting recollection of her death, gaze pinned to the [place that Pyrrha massaged at her collar.
Where have you been?
That question haunts her, even now, a little over two weeks later.
One year, eleven months, three weeks, and five days. The number rolled off Nora’s tongue quicker than it had any right to, but with such fury and despair that no one questioned its accuracy. That was how long it had been since the Fall of Beacon, since she’d been gone, how long she’d been dead to her friends. It’s a massive amount of time to be unaccounted for and unexplainably absent. It had taken a woman Pyrrha had never met to get them to all finally believe that she was herself, that she wasn’t some trick of the enemy or especially vivid group hallucination. 
It was when she’d taken Robyn Hill’s hand that she had first noticed she was no longer wearing her gloves. Robyn was wearing fingerless ones, much like Nora’s, but black. Robyn’s grip was firm, her soft smile reassuring.
“Just tell the truth,” she said.
There was not, and still is not, much to tell.
She’d died. There was nothing. Then there was golden light and they were staring at her. She was herself. She was alive. She didn’t know why her hair was cut or why she had a sash that should be ash, just as much as she should. She answered question after question until they sort of devolved into a distressed, hopeful argument about her existence.
At that point, with the truth told and nothing more for either of them to do, Robyn helped her sit in an extra chair to watch the proceedings. The action of sitting only made her realize how exhausted she was by the affair, even if she wanted nothing more than to be accepted into their fold again.
That being said, the results of their argument mattered little. Instead, Pyrrha finally dared to look over to the one person, out of friends and strangers, that had yet to say a word.
He stared at her, blue eyes wide. His hair was cut in an unfamiliar way and streaked with white that she didn’t remember. The lines around his eyes spoke to an age that shouldn’t be possible, but his haunted expression was more than just seeing his old partner back from the dead. That expression spoke volumes, though he did not.
“Hey,” Jaune says now, knocking on her open door “You ready to go?”
Pyrrha looks up from the creases in her palms, the unbroken lifelines and calloused fingertips, the bare nails and chapped knuckles. The tanned skin there is some of the only exposed skin she has. The rest of her is covered in brown, sheer compression arm and leg sleeves, a burgundy athletic romper, copper vambraces and greaves, and long boots and UV goggles, both suited for the sand. Her sash flows to her calves as she stands and reaches for Mellon and Tora, bringing them to her side with just a thought.
Her red gaiter hugs her neck, making it difficult for her to reach up and massage her throat. Jaune nods and turns into the hallway without a second thought though, so it’s not as if he needs to hear her say anything.
Pyrrha pulls the fabric up over her nose and follows Jaune without a word.
2. clenched
Pyrrha is dead.
Three words, one truth. Through the past years, it’s the one thing he has forced himself to believe and remember, despite the pain it causes. He had promised to fight in her memory, to do what she would have done. The tattered remnants of her extra sash always hug his waist, taut when he twists or bends and flaring out when he leaps or falls. Its flowing length reminds him that its owner lost her battle so that he might win a war. Isn’t that the truth of it? Such things are unchanging, immutable. Decades to reckon with that truth and now here it is undone, just as surely as his aching bones and rusted armor.
Pyrrha is back, Jaune thought when she stepped out of the glowing portal. Pyrrha is… alive?
Her bright green eyes, darting with uncertainty and anxiety, were as expressive as ever. Her hair was shorter, though still a ponytail in that same brilliant red. Her crown was absent, though its charms hung from her ears. With the white linen dress and her sash wrapped around her waist, she looked a bit mismatched, contrasting youth with a world weary frown he often saw in the mirror.
Two weeks and three days ago. 
Jaune’s own tally picks up where Nora’s left off. 
He can hear Pyrrha’s footsteps behind him as he winds his way through the cool hallways of the Shade Academy dorms. Her footsteps don’t sound like he remembers them, less assured. He tries not to listen and focuses on finding the way out. Another quirk of Shade was a particular aversion to exit signage; early on, it was helpful to stick with some of the other students, whether those from Vacuo or those who chose to attend Shade after the Fall. Now he’s that person for Pyrrha, leading her to the open common area that exits to the main campus.
I bet Pyrrha could probably just use a compass to get out.
His chuckle dies in his throat. No longer is it a hypothetical. What once might have been a bittersweet thought is a plausible reality.
Pyrrha is alive. She’s right there. Right behind me.
His thoughts echo her name relentlessly, a plea, a prayer, a petition. It’s caught between his ears in a way that he can’t force it past his lips. 
It’s a trick. It’s just another trick- Jaune swallows, closing his eyes briefly to steady himself. In his mind’s eye, he can see Pyrrha behind him, cruel joy in her emerald eyes, a self-satisfied smirk on her face. He can almost feel the pain of Miló slicing through the gaps in his armor again. 
No, it’s not. She’s here. We both are.
He takes a deep breath, holds it, and exhales. He hears Pyrrha step around him, approach his left side, and take a deep breath of her own.
“You… didn’t actually explain… what are we supposed to be doing?” Pyrrha murmurs, brushing against his side. The gesture can’t be more than an accident but suddenly it feels like every eye in the common area is on him and her, together.
He sidesteps, awkwardly covering the flinch by heading toward the doors again. He does remember the stilted text he’d sent; it’d taken nearly three hours to compose it.
> Need you ready for combat in fifteen. I’ll come by your room.
“Oh yeah, right. Headmaster Theodore got a transmission from a couple of miles out that a relay tower was damaged badly by the windstorm last night. He wants you to clear and organize the metal before someone actually fixes it.”
Jaune times his shove of the door with the end of his explanation and hopes that Pyrrha will not ask the obvious question. They step into the hot afternoon sun. Jaune squints, but Pyrrha just lowers her goggles over her eyes. She looks even more Vacuan than some of the townsfolk. While the so-called Beacon Brigade students, like teams CFVY and SSSN had to earn their respect at the ‘Skirmish of Shade’ and Jaune and RWBY came upon their respect with their efforts in Atlas and beyond, Pyrrha managed to curry the favor of a fair number of Vacuans simply through her sacrifice at Beacon. Her new outfit, her weapons, even her rudimentary scroll- they were all gifts from local shops. In a way, she belongs to this desert kingdom more than anything or anyone else.
He flinches too hard to hide it this time, but her expression is unreadable.
“Yeah?” Jaune swallows bitter bile, waiting for the inevitable question.
“Where are we going?”
We. Right.
“West, out of the city. Come on, we’ll be faster on the rooftops.” Jaune heads for the closest wall gate, desperate to leave his thoughts behind him.
“Jaune, please accompany Pyrrha on this mission,” Oscar had asked simply this morning in Theodore’s office. Before that, Jaune had been unsure why he had been summoned; Oscar’s text had very few details. Probably because he would have already been walking in the other direction, soulless desert be damned, if he’d known what these three had planned.
Headmaster Theodore, Professor Rumpole, and Oscar- yes, actually Oscar, judging by the slightly guilty expression- watched him expectantly.
“A squall came through last night and the Western relay node has gone offline; we need the wind damage cleared before we can actually repair it,” Theodore explained further. “That’s where you come in. I’ve sent coordinates to your scroll. Clear the debris and report back.”
Jaune casually adjusted the straps of his chest plate, trying to conceal the hitch in his breathing. “Oh, well, I was supposed to-”
“Xiao Long has been reassigned to a different mission with her teammate Schnee. Mr. Daichi and Ms. Scarlatina are handling your original mission,” Professor Rumpole raised an eyebrow up at him. “You’re clear to help your partner with this.”
“I mean, sure, but what about back up?” Jaune swallowed, nervous. “I’m sure Nora would love to help! They’ve been pretty close, right? Oh, or Ren! Grimm have been really nasty in that part of the desert, yeah? Wouldn’t it be better if-”
“If her partner stopped avoiding her?” Rumpole finished, crossing her arms and glaring at him. “We’re spread too thin to have full teams on small jobs.”
The room was silent for a moment.
Professor Rumpole wasn’t quite as terrifying as Professor Goodwitch, but eventually, he still looked away.
“Fine. We’ll get it done,” he muttered, already turning to go. He could see Oscar making a face out of the corner of his eye. Good, he could stand to feel a little guilty about it. There’s no doubt this was his idea.
I don’t want to… not yet.
“What’s the problem here? Stop spitting into the wind!” Theodore retorted, standing from his chair, pressing his gloved hands to his desktop and peering at Jaune. “Didn't you miss her?”
He froze, a wave of rage passing through him. He clenched his teeth and fists as the feeling filled every crevice of his soul and simmered into a boil. Then, just as quickly, the wave receded, drawing back until he was hollow once more.
“Of course, sir.” Jaune turned and left without another word. 
It’s not as if anyone else would understand.
3. hesitant
Jaune leaps from rooftop to rooftop, with his only objective seeming to be to get out of the city in the westward direction. By the time Pyrrha’s moisture wicking underclothes have soaked up a gallon of sweat, they’re finally on the outskirts of the capital. They’re heading into the blazing sun, which isn’t relenting as it sinks lower toward the horizon.
Not once does he look back at her, only opting to look once she’s at his side in the shifting sands. Even then, he only glances at her and nods once. He pulls his scroll out,much higher tech than hers, and orients them with a map. In the distance, a blue objective waypoint blinks steadily. She nods and he puts it away as they set off.
Her words stick in her throat, like they so often do these days. As they jog through the sand, heat waves shimmer. The trick to running through the desert, as Fox Alistair graciously advised her last week, is to never give the sand a chance to know you’re there. Pyrrha springs from step to step, lightly pressing on the hundreds of grains under her sole for just a moment before pushing off again. Jaune runs alongside her, much more fit than she remembers. It almost makes her laugh, to see him so seriously engaging in exercise that would have had him gasping or swearing at Beacon.
The sun has sunk lower into the sky by a few degrees by the time the mangled tower comes into view. Pyrrha almost skids to a stop at the sight of it, slowing her gait as they approach.
“Badly damaged?” She croaks out as they slide down the dunes that have been blown into formations around the structure. Once the sand settles under her, she takes a long drink from her water pouch. Jaune does the same, moving into the shadow of what’s still left standing.
“Emphasis on badly,” Jaune quips dryly. Then he looks over, startled, when Pyrrha snorts. The sound surprises her as well. She clears her throat and busies herself with another drink of precious water.
“Blueprints?” Pyrrha asks, conserving her words. 
Jaune passes over his scroll. She peers at them, looking up at the twisted metal structure. Some of it can be bent back into shape, mainly the huge looming top half of the tower that hangs at a seventy-five degree angle. Other pieces scattered around are definitely just scrap now.
As she looks over and over the structure, she circles it and memorizes the appropriate shapes. Scattered shrapnel gathers into a pile without much thought, neatly pulled from the sand before it can pose a trip hazard. On her third circuit, Pyrrha dares to look up at Jaune.
He still sits listlessly in the tower’s shadow, sand pooling around the ankles of his boots. He has his arms folded across his knees, chin on his arms as he watches her work. Their eyes meet briefly before his gaze darts away. Still, he remains angled toward her.
Pyrrha points up at the twisted spires where the forces of nature had torn the metal apart. “Some of these are too big for me to adjust–”
“That’s fine,” Jaune says quickly. “Do what you can and we’ll–”
“–by myself?” Pyrrha finishes, trying not to look too hurt. The face coverings help with that. Nothing can hide how her shoulders curl in for a moment, betraying how much she wants to shrink under Tora and let the sand cover her.
“What am I gonna do?” Jaune snaps bitterly. His anger carries like sand on the wind. They stare at each other for a long moment, at once a few feet and a million miles away. Pyrrha coughs, reaching beneath her gaiter to massage her throat.
“You could… boost me?” Pyrrha suggests gently. No sooner than the words have left her mouth does she regret them.
Oh… I should have let him tell me. She frowns, licking her lips nervously. Would he have though?
Blue eyes snap up, wide and betrayed. Jaune’s eyebrows furrow, putting the pieces together. His accusation is swift and accurate: “Nora.”
“She’s been catching me up on what I missed,” Pyrrha says apologetically, clearing her throat again. 
That was a bit of an understatement. Nora had spent an hour or so each night in their shared room rambling about JNPR’s misadventures after Beacon. Even though Nora falling asleep mid sentence was somewhat normal for them, she’d still double checked with Ren that she was okay, or at least close to it. They hadn’t yet gotten to the part where Nora earned the sharp, spider-webbing scars that adorn her skin now; Pyrrha hasn’t been sure if she’s allowed to ask.
“It has been a rough few months for us, Pyrrha,” Ren had said over mugs of cactus leaf tea, squeezing her hand kindly. “Let her enjoy talking to you again.”
It’s hard not to enjoy their late night talks. When the desert is dark and cold and the Shade dorms cool down enough for a light blanket, it’s positively cozy to listen to Nora ramble on about events she can only imagine. Besides, Nora doesn’t expect her to talk; she doesn’t need Pyrrha to clear the scratchy, annoying feeling in her throat to contribute. Her simple hums, sighs, and giggles do just fine.
“She’s mentioned it a few times so far,” Pyrrha explains as she fidgets, twisting her bare fingers around each other until her joints ache with the strain of contortion. There’s no escaping this awkwardness. There’s only the two of them, the blistering heat, and the dead reception tower for miles.
Jaune gets to his feet, stiffly approaching despite stumbling down the small remaining dunes. She watches him flex and clench his hands as he nears, until he’s just inches away from her, standing shoulder to shoulder. He stares up at the relay tower while she stares at the smooth expanse of his cheek.
Her fingers twitch.
“Yes. I can boost you,” he says finally, after they’ve stood there for a moment. She nods. After hovering with hesitation for a half-second, Jaune puts his hand on her shoulder.
Pyrrha gasps, reeling from the sensation.
Once before, she’d felt this power- the clear, pure, and deep well of Jaune’s soul. Back then, it had been just a moment, a passing awareness. Now, Jaune’s aura flows through her, intense and all-encompassing. It’s a cool stream, a fresh snow, a crisp mint leaf, an ocean wave-
“Hey, hey,” Jaune snaps, suddenly in front of her. He steadies her by the shoulders, searching her eyes with panic. “What’s wrong?”
Pyrrha surprises herself by laughing, joy as clear as wind chimes. When she lifts her goggles to wipe the tears of mirth from her eyes, they evaporate from her skin almost immediately. He lets go of her shoulders and steps back, swallowing hard.
“I was right,” Pyrrha gasps, trying to catch her breath. “You do have a lot of aura. Jaune, that’s amazing!”
For a moment, Jaune’s face is open and hopeful, beaming with something close to joy. Then something shifts; his expression shutters as surely as the city of Vacuo before a sandstorm. He takes another step to the side, keeping his hands to himself.
“It’s… well, yeah.” He sighs, looking up at the defunct lights that line the vertical beams of the tower. “I’m not the same stupid kid I was at Beacon.”
Pyrrha opens her mouth but nothing comes out. She squeaks, furious at her voice for abandoning her. She reaches out for Jaune, but draws back almost immediately. He side-eyes her, gaze dropping to her hand, then to the sand at their feet.
“I can do less, if it’s easier. Just figured you’d want to get back to campus as soon as possible, you know?” Jaune continues, concentrating until his hands shimmer with aura. “I also don’t have to touch you. I should have asked. That’s on me.”
She frantically massages her throat with both hands, trying to get her fingers to find purchase on the sweat-soaked skin under her chin. Jaune frowns at the ground again, hand hovering near his belt now.
Finally, her voice struggles free. “Jaune, I–”
He hushes her. Somehow, that hurts more than anything else.
“Do you feel that?” He whispers, hand firm on the hilt of Crocea Mors now. Pyrrha feels anger swell and flare in her heart at the dismissal.
“Jaune, this is important–!”
It doesn’t matter how important what she needs to say next is. 
The ground beneath them explodes.
4. sweaty
Beware sudden dunes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Jaune shouts as the burst of sand sends him flying several feet into the air.
The brisk advice had come from a fair number of people, namely members of CFVY who he'd tagged along with on missions in the early days of their return. The vagueness was purposeful, as any number of wildlife, geographic features, ruins, weather, or worse, Grimm, could cause new sand dune to arise. Velvet had at least elaborated with a story about a huge family of mole crabs.
This was no mole crab.
Jaune recovers midair, twisting to get his bearings as huge claws flail menacingly, reaching for purchase and prey. In mere seconds, the creature uncovers itself, shaking off sand to reveal its inky black carapace, ashen boney plates, glowing red markings, crimson eyes, and golden stinger.
“Deathstalker!” Jaune calls out, unsure where Pyrrha is. He expands his shield and lets its hard light wings catch the wind, carrying him out and away from the relay tower. He stumbles into a run at the far edge of the crater made of dunes. Now that he turns around, frantically sweeping his gaze across the landscape, it’s relatively obvious that the dunes that allowed the tower's full height to be revealed were hiding something dangerous. Relay towers didn’t sit in craters of their own making, not in this ever-shifting landscape.
Not again. No, no. Where is she?
He searches for bright red among the settling sand cloud, shielding his eyes as the Grimm hisses. It swivels its body toward the communication tower. Jaune’s heart sinks as he sees the object of its focus.
Pyrrha crouches within the twisted spire of the relay tower, precariously balancing one of the remaining beams. Her newly forged weapons, not too dissimilar from Miló and Akoúo̱, glint in her hands. The blade of Mellon, in its short sword form, retracts on its cord as she watches warily, making the sound that the creature hones in on. Though she is still, the whirring is like catnip; this Grimm is on the hunt.
“It can hear you!” Jaune shouts to her, running down the dune to the fight. Nothing else is likely to be here, right? A Grimm this big shouldn’t tolerate too many others. But a Grimm this big shouldn’t be so close to the settlements either! …I guess anything’s possible with three Kingdom’s worth of stress calling every Grimm on Remnant.
As he’d expected, the Grimm swivels toward him, its beady red eyes glimmering in the sunlight. With the scattered sand settling, the heat becomes oppressive again. He ducks and parries the pincher that swings toward him with his sword, then blocks the other with his shield. The impact nearly squashes him, but he activates his shield to force it back. His timing is perfect, almost instinctual now.
“Jaune!” Pyrrha shouts from above. As the deflected claw rears into the sky, a swarm of shrapnel attacks the creature’s face, piercing its eyes until they weep black and red sludge. Jaune scrambles out of the way as it flails and screeches in agony. Pyrrha clambers down the ladder-like structure, face unreadable behind her goggles.
The sand explodes in front of them as the Deathstalker slams its stinger into the sand where he’d just been standing.
“Great!” Jaune shouts bitterly as they sprint away from it, putting the relay tower between them and the monster. “Now it’s pissed and blind!”
“I’m sorry! It was about to crush you!” Pyrrha cries out. “What else was I supposed to do?”
He rolls his eyes and doesn’t answer. What else indeed.
The Deathstalker screeches behind them, drowning out Jaune’s harsh bark of laughter. Still, Pyrrha looks at him oddly, tilting her head. He ignores her, looking around. The Grimm itself is nearly half the size of the crater. The only thing nearby is the tower, its twisted metal, and the concrete platform that anchors it in the desert. Above them, the bulk of it twists to the side like a misshapen crane arm.
“Get us up there!” Jaune demands, gratified that Pyrrha questions neither his order nor his tone. She immediately crouches and launches him off her shield. Carefully composed as he soars upward, Jaune grabs one of the steel beams and pulls himself onto it. Pyrrha follows, wrapping Mellon’s grappling cable around a piece of metal a few feet away. It carries her to safety for the second time today just as the Grimm scuttles over, ramming its stinger into the sand again. Its struggle to remove the stinger conceals the sound of the cord retracting this time.
Small mercies.
Pyrrha looks over her weapons in her hands, perched next to him. “Jaune-”
“I’m thinking!” he hisses, watching the beast howl with frustration as sand sprays up into the air and its stinger comes up empty. 
She yanks her neck gaiter down to her collar and lifts her goggles into her bangs. “Listen to me!”
“What part of thinking-”
“Jaune,” Pyrrha cries out. “I’m not going to lose you again!”
“You didn’t lose me, Pyrrha!” Jaune snaps back. “You can’t lose something on purpose.”
This high in the air, the hot, dry wind whips around them. Pyrrha licks her lips, expression pinched in a rare moment of irritation.
The tide within Jaune swells. The wave crests, but it doesn’t break. He looks away, trying to spot the shimmering mirage of Vacuo city in the far distance. At this time of day, it’s too hazy with the darkening sky to see much of anything.
“I thought you remembered everything,” he mutters. Then he swallows, “this isn’t the time for this.”
Get it together.
“I fail to see any other time for it!” Pyrrha exclaims, voice cracking. “Why is it that it takes mortal peril for us to talk to each other?”
“No way! You don’t get to put this on me!” Jaune snarls, unable to quell the vicious bite in his voice. “All I ever wanted to do was talk to you! You couldn’t even let me return the favor! You kept me going at Beacon, day in and day out, but when the time came for you to actually trust me, you shoved me away! You didn’t even give me a chance-”
“Ozpin didn’t even want us fighting her!” Pyrrha puts her shield on her back so she can balance better, coiled like a spring on the precarious perch. Jaune mirrors her, except he sheaths his sword instead. Old, buried anger comes to the surface. He’s kneeling amongst the rubble of Vale again, trying to make sense of the locker he’s just crawled out of and hoping against hope that he’s having a particularly bad nightmare.
“Exactly! Ozpin died fighting Cinder! But you thought you could do it by yourself?” Jaune laughs bitterly, all too aware that there are tears streaming down his face. “Do you know how many times I’ve defended you and your last choice? Surely, I thought, surely my partner didn’t ship me off and go get herself killed in a fight she knew she'd lose! Of course she thought she stood a chance! Of course she just needed to get me out of her way!”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. Even the Grimm is quiet beneath them.
“Did you… Did you just think I thought you were in my way?" Pyrrha shouts, eyes wide in disbelief. 
Jaune doesn’t hesitate to snipe back. “What else was I supposed to think?”
Pyrrha’s face twists with pain or anger; they’re so unfamiliar on her countenance that it’s hard to tell. She clenches her empty hand, pressing her fist against her thigh. 
“I was protecting you!”
“I didn’t need you to protect me!” Jaune counters, as the wave of anger finally crashes to shore. “I needed you, Pyrrha!”
5. gentle
In two weeks and three days, Jaune has not once said her name.
His initial silence was unsettling. His surprised stare was unyielding. After all of the excitement and questions had settled, he’d finally spoken, cutting across the chatter.
“Robyn, could you?”
She’d taken Pyrrha’s hand again, almost apologetically, then nodded at Jaune. He’d taken a deep breath, before looking her in the eye, seeing her and not just past her. She’d shivered, feeling undone by his intensity.
“What are you?”
Those three words inspired nothing but confusion. “I… I don’t think I understand. What am I? I’m… a huntress-in-training? A girl?”
Your partner? 
She’d kept that one to herself.
Despite wanting to puzzle out the expression on his face, she glanced down in time to watch Robyn’s aura shimmer from pale purple to bright green. She looked back up at Jaune, at Ruby and her team who looked between her and him with varying levels of disapproval and understanding. Finally, Jaune sat back in his chair and sighed, apparently content with that answer. The tension still did not leave his shoulders.
“Alright then,” he said quietly into the silence. “Welcome back.”
The greeting felt hollow, especially since he went out of his way to avoid her from that moment onward. In fact, between her miraculous return and their current mission, she could count their conversations on her fingers. 
Now, she rubs her fingertips on the woven texture of her compression tights, savoring the distracting sensation. There’s nothing else to say but the truth.
“I knew I was going to lose you,” Pyrrha insists, using the word that had started this entire argument. “But I wanted you to at least be alive if I had to.”
Jaune is pale, his fury waning by the moment. The tear tracks on his cheeks dry almost as quickly as they’re created. “What did that matter? We could have both made it out. It wasn’t… You didn’t… Damn it, Pyrrha.”
“Jaune, hear me please. Running would have killed me, even if I still drew breath,” Pyrrha swallows nervously, but the lump that has plagued her all these days is completely gone. She continues, “I thought if I fought, I might survive. I could live or die with that, if you were okay. I hadn’t abandoned my duty and I hadn’t failed you.”
“But you made me abandon you.”
Pyrrha smiles, just for a moment. “That was selfish of me, wasn’t it?”
“It was!” Jaune shouts, flinging his free hand out so hard he nearly loses his balance. Pyrrha flings her own hand out, yanking his breastplate toward her with her semblance. He yelps as he stumbles forward over the metal trusses, nearly colliding with her. He flails for a moment, but quickly regains his balance.
The tower groans. With both of them tipping the scale away from the base, its stability compromises rapidly. Pyrrha glances down at the scuttling Grimm beneath them, still wandering in the fugue of its own rage and agony.
“Yes. It was,” Pyrrha whispers. She relaxes her semblance, allowing him to move away from her. 
Jaune doesn’t budge. Neither of them do, knelt precariously across from each other. Her hand hovers between them, still outstretched and bare. Gently, she places her hand on his cheek, expecting him to flinch. But he doesn’t. He leans into it, sighing and letting his eyes slip closed. His skin is rough to the touch, with soft barely-there hairs that tickle the ridges of her finger pads. It’s a wonder all of its own, the feeling of her skin pressed to his.
“I have always loved fighting by your side, Jaune,” Pyrrha murmurs, stroking her thumb along his cheekbone and wiping his tears away. “It terrified me that you might die by mine.”
“Then let me choose that,” Jaune whispers. “You owe me at least that much.”
The metal scaffold beneath them shudders, nearly throwing them off. Pyrrha keeps them both pinned to it, gasping with the force of the continued ramming. Below them, the Grimm has finally given up on trying to reach them directly. It slams its pinchers into the heavily fortified poles at the base, screeching in frustration. They gawk at it, then at each other as the metal beneath them begins to creak and sway even more. The Deathstalker screeches and turns in a circle, viciously  stabbing into the stand with its claws.
“Okay,” Pyrrha promises quickly, though the thought of it seizes her heart in a familiar vice grip. “I swear I won’t… I won’t make that choice for you again.”
Jaune nods into her hand, closing his eyes briefly. He sighs.
“To be clear though,” Jaune says with a tiny, watery laugh, “I’m not trying to die by your side anytime soon. Or ever?”
Pyrrha responds with a tiny giggle of her own as the Deathstalker begins to slam the tower again, jostling them. “So not today?”
“Definitely not today!” Jaune yelps. “Fight and live?”
“Fight and live!” Pyrrha repeats, pulling away to put Mellon back in her belt. They scramble to their feet, running for the main tower as the metal twists and groans beneath them. Jaune turns back to grab her hand, helping them both stay steady as they leap for the tiny grate that acts as a service platform within the main body of the tower. Some twenty feet below, the Deathstalker continues to bellow and batter the foundation, its single-minded hatred fueling it beyond reason. That fury makes it dangerous to fight up close, but in a few more hits, they won’t have a choice.
“Jaune?” Pyrrha shouts over the cacophony of bestial rage and structural collapse. He tears his gaze away from the furious Grimm and raises an eyebrow at her. She squeezes his hand and grins. “Help me?”
He smiles in understanding. This time, when Jaune activates his semblance, Pyrrha is ready for the burst of power and energy that flows through her. She flings out her free hand toward the huge piece of tower that had been their perch, seizing it and flipping her wrist to twist it off the main structure.
The motion shakes the tower, but Jaune catches her by the waist, anchoring them both by clinging to the foundation beam nearby. Pyrrha gasps her thanks, then continues to focus on the task at hand. She lifts the huge chunk of metal as easily as a handful of ball bearings, then crushes her fist, shaping it into a wicked javelin of steel.
Then, with Jaune holding her steady, she flings the makeshift weapon at the Deathstalker’s back. The Grimm screeches in agony as its carapace rips in two, expelling viscous sludge several feet into the air. Flailing its stinger, it struggles where it's skewered into the sand, then finally goes limp. It, and its sludge, dissipate, carrying black ash onto the wind and into oblivion.
They both relax their semblances as one, exhaling with relief. Still Jaune doesn’t let go of her; she makes no effort to move away. Further beyond the relay tower, the sun sinks below the horizon, throwing reds, oranges, and dark purples into the sky.
“Uh, well… if headmaster Theodore asks…” Jaune clears his throat, looking down at the metal carnage below them. The Grim had completely destroyed every bit of the distribution box and shredded the cable connection. CCT technicians, they were not, but anyone could see it was beyond hope. “It was like that when we got here?”
Pyrrha snorts once, then again and again until she’s howling with laughter. She turns and throws her arms around his neck, gratified when he hugs her back with the same intensity. The tower trembles a little underneath them, but it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Neither are they.
She’s been back for two weeks, three days, and a handful of hours, but only now does Pyrrha feel that she’s home.
“Hey, Pyr?” The love in the nickname punches the wind out of her lungs. She nods into his shoulder until he continues. “The next time you want me to leave, just ask, okay?”
She nods again, clinging to him even tighter. However, she knows, just as well as he does, that she could want nothing less than that. She pauses, concerned.
Does he know? Please… I need him to know.
Choked, Pyrrha murmurs, “I never want you to leave me again, Jaune.”
She can hear the tears in his voice as he replies, “Okay, good, we’re on the same page then.”
Let’s stay that way.
Their trek back to Shade takes much longer than their breakneck outgoing pace. They take down small Grimm here and there, chatting about pasts both separate and shared, walking shoulder to shoulder in the cooling desert. He hugs her before leaving her at her room door, promising breakfast together. It’s both the most normal and oddest thing that has happened in her whole second life.
Exhausted, Pyrrha showers and crawls under her blanket. Whatever missions she had today, Nora isn’t back yet, though it’s plenty late enough for their nightly life updates. Somehow though, she knows she wouldn’t be able to listen for very long. Her eyelids droop shut and she snuggles into her pillow, grateful for its softness.
“I can only do this for you,” whispers the memory of an unfamiliar voice, just as she’s drifting off. “You’ll arrive just when you’re needed and you’ll arrive just when you need it. You’ll say what you need when the time is right to say it and you’ll listen when you need to hear. Everything beyond that is up to you.”
When she wakes the next morning, it’s because Nora is bouncing on the end of her bed.
“Pyr, wake up! It’s Friday! It’s five-thirty and it’s already hot!” Nora announces gleefully. Moreso than other mornings, she can’t help but notice her energy seems more genuine than usual, more like the joy she once had at Beacon. “Get up, get up! I want breakfast!”
Pyrrha sits up slowly, combing her fingers through her hair. Small grains of sand fall to the blanket. She also has the distinct sensation of a dream slipping through her fingers. She frowns, grasping for the memory to no avail.
“Pyrrha?” Nora asks, coming to rest on her knees in front of her. “What’s wrong?”
She blinks at her friend and smiles. “I had a dream I think… I just can’t remember it anymore.”
At this Nora beams and crows, “Dreams, scheams! Who needs them? We have the whole day ahead of us!”
Her hope and enthusiasm is contagious. Pyrrha grins and sweeps her into a tight hug. Nora squeaks and hugs her back, obviously startled but not unhappy about it. When she finally pulls back, neither of them mention the tears on the other’s cheeks.
“You said something about breakfast?”
Nora takes her by the hand and drags her out of bed, then throws her combat outfit at her face. She catches it easily.
“Yep! And it waits for no one! Come on, we have so much to do today!”
Pyrrha can feel her heartbeat quicken with joy, tugging her lips into a smile.
Today, and everyday after that…
It’s a life worth fighting for.
Thursday Evening
Theodore sighs. “Oz, this is a risky gamble you’re taking.”
The nickname makes him twitch a little bit.
Half a dozen conversations have come and gone, not to mention a host of different people needing their audience. Oscar makes no decisions without Theodore’s council and he makes none without Rumpole’s. They’ve been in this office for hours, and yet there’s no question of the gamble to which he refers. It’s been a few hours since he’d called Jaune in for a mission assignment.
“Oscar,” he reminds the headmaster. True, it was Ozpin’s memory of JNPR’s initiation shenanigans that had given him the idea, but it was a plan all of his own. “And it’s nothing they can’t handle.”
 “How long do you think it’ll take for them to realize we’ve sent them to a defunct relay tower with an active Deathstalker den?” Rumpole mutters.
“Hopefully longer than it takes for them to say what they need to say to each other,” Oscar replies, sipping his cactus leaf tea.
Rumpole is even shorter than Oscar, but her unimpressed glare manages to make him shrink into his chair a bit, chagrined.
“I may… also have Ren and Nora on standby at the current Western relay node, just a half mile way?” Oscar admits, flushing. “If something goes wrong, they’ll handle it.”
This made Theodore laugh loudly, his voice booming in the tiny office. Oscar winces at the sound, but it’s impossible to escape it. By the time the older man finishes, he has tears in his eyes.
“Ah yes, the other partner duo famous for currently getting along!”
“How convenient,” Rumpole drawls, dusting off her vest with a roll of her eyes.
“Two Nevermore, one bullet,” Oscar quips. He salutes them with his teacup and heads for the door.
Well, you certainly seem rather pleased with yourself, says Ozpin, amusement plain as day.
Oscar smiles into his tea, a small smile just between them.
By magic and miracles beyond his own power, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren had each other once more. With these little nudges, team JNPR will surely ride again, changed but whole.
It’s the least we could do, don’t you think?
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ssarkosghost · 26 days
Oh this is amazing, thank you, this hit so many things I like to mull over with a revived Pyrrha and how to roll it into Arkos. Ah it felt so good reading it😊.
What These Hands Can Be
Rating: G
Words: 7,174
Pairing: Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos
Characters: Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, minor Nora, Ren, RWBY, Oscar, Ozpin, Theodore, & Rumpole
Other Tags: Post Volume 9, set in Vacuo, alternating POV
Summary: Pyrrha barely knows what to do with her hands these days. She's been gone so long that everything, and everyone, is so different now. Even Jaune. Especially Jaune.
Author's note: My gift for @ssarkosghost for @remnants-of-rwby-exchange! I am so sorry that is a day late; please forgive me. I went to edit and accidentally added 3k... It is in its entirety below but the AO3 link will be by chapters.
Pyrrha spends a lot of time looking at her hands now.
Her nails are often chipped, bitten. When she was young, her mother had her wear gloves to curb the habit. They were just thick enough to keep her from nibbling the thin keratin to ragged edges. Mittens helped protect her young hands from bitter Argus winters when she wanted to build snowmen at the park. Garden gloves kept dirt from gathering under her nails as she worked alongside her mother in the tiny flowerbed their townhouse called its own. As she grew older, darker pairs helped to camouflage the tell-tale glow of her semblance in use, carefully hiding her critical advantage. Gloves, for one reason or another, have followed her throughout her life.
The desert is too hot for them.
Without them, Vacuan sands and wind roughen her palms beyond belief. Her callouses toughen, her fingertips thicken, and her palms crack, no matter how much moisturizer she applies after showers. There are other ways to minimize the damage, but to keep one’s aura shield engaged all the time outdoors was one of many marks of an outsider. Pyrrha shrinks at the thought of attracting even more attention.
Most people don’t recognize her these days anyway. Pyrrha runs her hands through her ponytail, much shorter than she remembers. It had been like when she’d emerged from the glowing golden portal, blinking and confused, stepping into what appeared to be a war room meeting of her closest friends and many unfamiliar adults.
“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Pyrrha had whispered into the silence, rubbing her throat. Her bare feet made little plap plap sounds on the cool sandstone as she took a few unsteady steps forward before stopping just out of reach of the closest person- a young, wide-eyed boy she didn’t recognize.
The portal shrunk, fizzled, and faded into oblivion while she struggled to remember why she’d just stepped into their midst. She fidgeted with the ends of her sash in her hands. Still, the urge to rub her throat remained, as if she needed to warm her voice box before speaking any more. 
The crying and screaming broke the silence first- Nora’s shrieks, Ruby’s choked sobs, Yang’s cracking voice. Then came the questions- Blake’s skepticism, Ren’s disbelief, Weiss’ caution.
Are you really Pyrrha?
Oh, of that, she was positively sure.
What happened to you?
She had died, that was somewhat evident by the scar tissue that twisted and stretched beneath the fabric of her loose linen dress and the horrifying memory of searing heat. Ruby had nearly vomited on the spot at her halting recollection of her death, gaze pinned to the [place that Pyrrha massaged at her collar.
Where have you been?
That question haunts her, even now, a little over two weeks later.
One year, eleven months, three weeks, and five days. The number rolled off Nora’s tongue quicker than it had any right to, but with such fury and despair that no one questioned its accuracy. That was how long it had been since the Fall of Beacon, since she’d been gone, how long she’d been dead to her friends. It’s a massive amount of time to be unaccounted for and unexplainably absent. It had taken a woman Pyrrha had never met to get them to all finally believe that she was herself, that she wasn’t some trick of the enemy or especially vivid group hallucination. 
It was when she’d taken Robyn Hill’s hand that she had first noticed she was no longer wearing her gloves. Robyn was wearing fingerless ones, much like Nora’s, but black. Robyn’s grip was firm, her soft smile reassuring.
“Just tell the truth,” she said.
There was not, and still is not, much to tell.
She’d died. There was nothing. Then there was golden light and they were staring at her. She was herself. She was alive. She didn’t know why her hair was cut or why she had a sash that should be ash, just as much as she should. She answered question after question until they sort of devolved into a distressed, hopeful argument about her existence.
At that point, with the truth told and nothing more for either of them to do, Robyn helped her sit in an extra chair to watch the proceedings. The action of sitting only made her realize how exhausted she was by the affair, even if she wanted nothing more than to be accepted into their fold again.
That being said, the results of their argument mattered little. Instead, Pyrrha finally dared to look over to the one person, out of friends and strangers, that had yet to say a word.
He stared at her, blue eyes wide. His hair was cut in an unfamiliar way and streaked with white that she didn’t remember. The lines around his eyes spoke to an age that shouldn’t be possible, but his haunted expression was more than just seeing his old partner back from the dead. That expression spoke volumes, though he did not.
“Hey,” Jaune says now, knocking on her open door “You ready to go?”
Pyrrha looks up from the creases in her palms, the unbroken lifelines and calloused fingertips, the bare nails and chapped knuckles. The tanned skin there is some of the only exposed skin she has. The rest of her is covered in brown, sheer compression arm and leg sleeves, a burgundy athletic romper, copper vambraces and greaves, and long boots and UV goggles, both suited for the sand. Her sash flows to her calves as she stands and reaches for Mellon and Tora, bringing them to her side with just a thought.
Her red gaiter hugs her neck, making it difficult for her to reach up and massage her throat. Jaune nods and turns into the hallway without a second thought though, so it’s not as if he needs to hear her say anything.
Pyrrha pulls the fabric up over her nose and follows Jaune without a word.
2. clenched
Pyrrha is dead.
Three words, one truth. Through the past years, it’s the one thing he has forced himself to believe and remember, despite the pain it causes. He had promised to fight in her memory, to do what she would have done. The tattered remnants of her extra sash always hug his waist, taut when he twists or bends and flaring out when he leaps or falls. Its flowing length reminds him that its owner lost her battle so that he might win a war. Isn’t that the truth of it? Such things are unchanging, immutable. Decades to reckon with that truth and now here it is undone, just as surely as his aching bones and rusted armor.
Pyrrha is back, Jaune thought when she stepped out of the glowing portal. Pyrrha is… alive?
Her bright green eyes, darting with uncertainty and anxiety, were as expressive as ever. Her hair was shorter, though still a ponytail in that same brilliant red. Her crown was absent, though its charms hung from her ears. With the white linen dress and her sash wrapped around her waist, she looked a bit mismatched, contrasting youth with a world weary frown he often saw in the mirror.
Two weeks and three days ago. 
Jaune’s own tally picks up where Nora’s left off. 
He can hear Pyrrha’s footsteps behind him as he winds his way through the cool hallways of the Shade Academy dorms. Her footsteps don’t sound like he remembers them, less assured. He tries not to listen and focuses on finding the way out. Another quirk of Shade was a particular aversion to exit signage; early on, it was helpful to stick with some of the other students, whether those from Vacuo or those who chose to attend Shade after the Fall. Now he’s that person for Pyrrha, leading her to the open common area that exits to the main campus.
I bet Pyrrha could probably just use a compass to get out.
His chuckle dies in his throat. No longer is it a hypothetical. What once might have been a bittersweet thought is a plausible reality.
Pyrrha is alive. She’s right there. Right behind me.
His thoughts echo her name relentlessly, a plea, a prayer, a petition. It’s caught between his ears in a way that he can’t force it past his lips. 
It’s a trick. It’s just another trick- Jaune swallows, closing his eyes briefly to steady himself. In his mind’s eye, he can see Pyrrha behind him, cruel joy in her emerald eyes, a self-satisfied smirk on her face. He can almost feel the pain of Miló slicing through the gaps in his armor again. 
No, it’s not. She’s here. We both are.
He takes a deep breath, holds it, and exhales. He hears Pyrrha step around him, approach his left side, and take a deep breath of her own.
“You… didn’t actually explain… what are we supposed to be doing?” Pyrrha murmurs, brushing against his side. The gesture can’t be more than an accident but suddenly it feels like every eye in the common area is on him and her, together.
He sidesteps, awkwardly covering the flinch by heading toward the doors again. He does remember the stilted text he’d sent; it’d taken nearly three hours to compose it.
> Need you ready for combat in fifteen. I’ll come by your room.
“Oh yeah, right. Headmaster Theodore got a transmission from a couple of miles out that a relay tower was damaged badly by the windstorm last night. He wants you to clear and organize the metal before someone actually fixes it.”
Jaune times his shove of the door with the end of his explanation and hopes that Pyrrha will not ask the obvious question. They step into the hot afternoon sun. Jaune squints, but Pyrrha just lowers her goggles over her eyes. She looks even more Vacuan than some of the townsfolk. While the so-called Beacon Brigade students, like teams CFVY and SSSN had to earn their respect at the ‘Skirmish of Shade’ and Jaune and RWBY came upon their respect with their efforts in Atlas and beyond, Pyrrha managed to curry the favor of a fair number of Vacuans simply through her sacrifice at Beacon. Her new outfit, her weapons, even her rudimentary scroll- they were all gifts from local shops. In a way, she belongs to this desert kingdom more than anything or anyone else.
He flinches too hard to hide it this time, but her expression is unreadable.
“Yeah?” Jaune swallows bitter bile, waiting for the inevitable question.
“Where are we going?”
We. Right.
“West, out of the city. Come on, we’ll be faster on the rooftops.” Jaune heads for the closest wall gate, desperate to leave his thoughts behind him.
“Jaune, please accompany Pyrrha on this mission,” Oscar had asked simply this morning in Theodore’s office. Before that, Jaune had been unsure why he had been summoned; Oscar’s text had very few details. Probably because he would have already been walking in the other direction, soulless desert be damned, if he’d known what these three had planned.
Headmaster Theodore, Professor Rumpole, and Oscar- yes, actually Oscar, judging by the slightly guilty expression- watched him expectantly.
“A squall came through last night and the Western relay node has gone offline; we need the wind damage cleared before we can actually repair it,” Theodore explained further. “That’s where you come in. I’ve sent coordinates to your scroll. Clear the debris and report back.”
Jaune casually adjusted the straps of his chest plate, trying to conceal the hitch in his breathing. “Oh, well, I was supposed to-”
“Xiao Long has been reassigned to a different mission with her teammate Schnee. Mr. Daichi and Ms. Scarlatina are handling your original mission,” Professor Rumpole raised an eyebrow up at him. “You’re clear to help your partner with this.”
“I mean, sure, but what about back up?” Jaune swallowed, nervous. “I’m sure Nora would love to help! They’ve been pretty close, right? Oh, or Ren! Grimm have been really nasty in that part of the desert, yeah? Wouldn’t it be better if-”
“If her partner stopped avoiding her?” Rumpole finished, crossing her arms and glaring at him. “We’re spread too thin to have full teams on small jobs.”
The room was silent for a moment.
Professor Rumpole wasn’t quite as terrifying as Professor Goodwitch, but eventually, he still looked away.
“Fine. We’ll get it done,” he muttered, already turning to go. He could see Oscar making a face out of the corner of his eye. Good, he could stand to feel a little guilty about it. There’s no doubt this was his idea.
I don’t want to… not yet.
“What’s the problem here? Stop spitting into the wind!” Theodore retorted, standing from his chair, pressing his gloved hands to his desktop and peering at Jaune. “Didn't you miss her?”
He froze, a wave of rage passing through him. He clenched his teeth and fists as the feeling filled every crevice of his soul and simmered into a boil. Then, just as quickly, the wave receded, drawing back until he was hollow once more.
“Of course, sir.” Jaune turned and left without another word. 
It’s not as if anyone else would understand.
3. hesitant
Jaune leaps from rooftop to rooftop, with his only objective seeming to be to get out of the city in the westward direction. By the time Pyrrha’s moisture wicking underclothes have soaked up a gallon of sweat, they’re finally on the outskirts of the capital. They’re heading into the blazing sun, which isn’t relenting as it sinks lower toward the horizon.
Not once does he look back at her, only opting to look once she’s at his side in the shifting sands. Even then, he only glances at her and nods once. He pulls his scroll out,much higher tech than hers, and orients them with a map. In the distance, a blue objective waypoint blinks steadily. She nods and he puts it away as they set off.
Her words stick in her throat, like they so often do these days. As they jog through the sand, heat waves shimmer. The trick to running through the desert, as Fox Alistair graciously advised her last week, is to never give the sand a chance to know you’re there. Pyrrha springs from step to step, lightly pressing on the hundreds of grains under her sole for just a moment before pushing off again. Jaune runs alongside her, much more fit than she remembers. It almost makes her laugh, to see him so seriously engaging in exercise that would have had him gasping or swearing at Beacon.
The sun has sunk lower into the sky by a few degrees by the time the mangled tower comes into view. Pyrrha almost skids to a stop at the sight of it, slowing her gait as they approach.
“Badly damaged?” She croaks out as they slide down the dunes that have been blown into formations around the structure. Once the sand settles under her, she takes a long drink from her water pouch. Jaune does the same, moving into the shadow of what’s still left standing.
“Emphasis on badly,” Jaune quips dryly. Then he looks over, startled, when Pyrrha snorts. The sound surprises her as well. She clears her throat and busies herself with another drink of precious water.
“Blueprints?” Pyrrha asks, conserving her words. 
Jaune passes over his scroll. She peers at them, looking up at the twisted metal structure. Some of it can be bent back into shape, mainly the huge looming top half of the tower that hangs at a seventy-five degree angle. Other pieces scattered around are definitely just scrap now.
As she looks over and over the structure, she circles it and memorizes the appropriate shapes. Scattered shrapnel gathers into a pile without much thought, neatly pulled from the sand before it can pose a trip hazard. On her third circuit, Pyrrha dares to look up at Jaune.
He still sits listlessly in the tower’s shadow, sand pooling around the ankles of his boots. He has his arms folded across his knees, chin on his arms as he watches her work. Their eyes meet briefly before his gaze darts away. Still, he remains angled toward her.
Pyrrha points up at the twisted spires where the forces of nature had torn the metal apart. “Some of these are too big for me to adjust–”
“That’s fine,” Jaune says quickly. “Do what you can and we’ll–”
“–by myself?” Pyrrha finishes, trying not to look too hurt. The face coverings help with that. Nothing can hide how her shoulders curl in for a moment, betraying how much she wants to shrink under Tora and let the sand cover her.
“What am I gonna do?” Jaune snaps bitterly. His anger carries like sand on the wind. They stare at each other for a long moment, at once a few feet and a million miles away. Pyrrha coughs, reaching beneath her gaiter to massage her throat.
“You could… boost me?” Pyrrha suggests gently. No sooner than the words have left her mouth does she regret them.
Oh… I should have let him tell me. She frowns, licking her lips nervously. Would he have though?
Blue eyes snap up, wide and betrayed. Jaune’s eyebrows furrow, putting the pieces together. His accusation is swift and accurate: “Nora.”
“She’s been catching me up on what I missed,” Pyrrha says apologetically, clearing her throat again. 
That was a bit of an understatement. Nora had spent an hour or so each night in their shared room rambling about JNPR’s misadventures after Beacon. Even though Nora falling asleep mid sentence was somewhat normal for them, she’d still double checked with Ren that she was okay, or at least close to it. They hadn’t yet gotten to the part where Nora earned the sharp, spider-webbing scars that adorn her skin now; Pyrrha hasn’t been sure if she’s allowed to ask.
“It has been a rough few months for us, Pyrrha,” Ren had said over mugs of cactus leaf tea, squeezing her hand kindly. “Let her enjoy talking to you again.”
It’s hard not to enjoy their late night talks. When the desert is dark and cold and the Shade dorms cool down enough for a light blanket, it’s positively cozy to listen to Nora ramble on about events she can only imagine. Besides, Nora doesn’t expect her to talk; she doesn’t need Pyrrha to clear the scratchy, annoying feeling in her throat to contribute. Her simple hums, sighs, and giggles do just fine.
“She’s mentioned it a few times so far,” Pyrrha explains as she fidgets, twisting her bare fingers around each other until her joints ache with the strain of contortion. There’s no escaping this awkwardness. There’s only the two of them, the blistering heat, and the dead reception tower for miles.
Jaune gets to his feet, stiffly approaching despite stumbling down the small remaining dunes. She watches him flex and clench his hands as he nears, until he’s just inches away from her, standing shoulder to shoulder. He stares up at the relay tower while she stares at the smooth expanse of his cheek.
Her fingers twitch.
“Yes. I can boost you,” he says finally, after they’ve stood there for a moment. She nods. After hovering with hesitation for a half-second, Jaune puts his hand on her shoulder.
Pyrrha gasps, reeling from the sensation.
Once before, she’d felt this power- the clear, pure, and deep well of Jaune’s soul. Back then, it had been just a moment, a passing awareness. Now, Jaune’s aura flows through her, intense and all-encompassing. It’s a cool stream, a fresh snow, a crisp mint leaf, an ocean wave-
“Hey, hey,” Jaune snaps, suddenly in front of her. He steadies her by the shoulders, searching her eyes with panic. “What’s wrong?”
Pyrrha surprises herself by laughing, joy as clear as wind chimes. When she lifts her goggles to wipe the tears of mirth from her eyes, they evaporate from her skin almost immediately. He lets go of her shoulders and steps back, swallowing hard.
“I was right,” Pyrrha gasps, trying to catch her breath. “You do have a lot of aura. Jaune, that’s amazing!”
For a moment, Jaune’s face is open and hopeful, beaming with something close to joy. Then something shifts; his expression shutters as surely as the city of Vacuo before a sandstorm. He takes another step to the side, keeping his hands to himself.
“It’s… well, yeah.” He sighs, looking up at the defunct lights that line the vertical beams of the tower. “I’m not the same stupid kid I was at Beacon.”
Pyrrha opens her mouth but nothing comes out. She squeaks, furious at her voice for abandoning her. She reaches out for Jaune, but draws back almost immediately. He side-eyes her, gaze dropping to her hand, then to the sand at their feet.
“I can do less, if it’s easier. Just figured you’d want to get back to campus as soon as possible, you know?” Jaune continues, concentrating until his hands shimmer with aura. “I also don’t have to touch you. I should have asked. That’s on me.”
She frantically massages her throat with both hands, trying to get her fingers to find purchase on the sweat-soaked skin under her chin. Jaune frowns at the ground again, hand hovering near his belt now.
Finally, her voice struggles free. “Jaune, I–”
He hushes her. Somehow, that hurts more than anything else.
“Do you feel that?” He whispers, hand firm on the hilt of Crocea Mors now. Pyrrha feels anger swell and flare in her heart at the dismissal.
“Jaune, this is important–!”
It doesn’t matter how important what she needs to say next is. 
The ground beneath them explodes.
4. sweaty
Beware sudden dunes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Jaune shouts as the burst of sand sends him flying several feet into the air.
The brisk advice had come from a fair number of people, namely members of CFVY who he'd tagged along with on missions in the early days of their return. The vagueness was purposeful, as any number of wildlife, geographic features, ruins, weather, or worse, Grimm, could cause new sand dune to arise. Velvet had at least elaborated with a story about a huge family of mole crabs.
This was no mole crab.
Jaune recovers midair, twisting to get his bearings as huge claws flail menacingly, reaching for purchase and prey. In mere seconds, the creature uncovers itself, shaking off sand to reveal its inky black carapace, ashen boney plates, glowing red markings, crimson eyes, and golden stinger.
“Deathstalker!” Jaune calls out, unsure where Pyrrha is. He expands his shield and lets its hard light wings catch the wind, carrying him out and away from the relay tower. He stumbles into a run at the far edge of the crater made of dunes. Now that he turns around, frantically sweeping his gaze across the landscape, it’s relatively obvious that the dunes that allowed the tower's full height to be revealed were hiding something dangerous. Relay towers didn’t sit in craters of their own making, not in this ever-shifting landscape.
Not again. No, no. Where is she?
He searches for bright red among the settling sand cloud, shielding his eyes as the Grimm hisses. It swivels its body toward the communication tower. Jaune’s heart sinks as he sees the object of its focus.
Pyrrha crouches within the twisted spire of the relay tower, precariously balancing one of the remaining beams. Her newly forged weapons, not too dissimilar from Miló and Akoúo̱, glint in her hands. The blade of Mellon, in its short sword form, retracts on its cord as she watches warily, making the sound that the creature hones in on. Though she is still, the whirring is like catnip; this Grimm is on the hunt.
“It can hear you!” Jaune shouts to her, running down the dune to the fight. Nothing else is likely to be here, right? A Grimm this big shouldn’t tolerate too many others. But a Grimm this big shouldn’t be so close to the settlements either! …I guess anything’s possible with three Kingdom’s worth of stress calling every Grimm on Remnant.
As he’d expected, the Grimm swivels toward him, its beady red eyes glimmering in the sunlight. With the scattered sand settling, the heat becomes oppressive again. He ducks and parries the pincher that swings toward him with his sword, then blocks the other with his shield. The impact nearly squashes him, but he activates his shield to force it back. His timing is perfect, almost instinctual now.
“Jaune!” Pyrrha shouts from above. As the deflected claw rears into the sky, a swarm of shrapnel attacks the creature’s face, piercing its eyes until they weep black and red sludge. Jaune scrambles out of the way as it flails and screeches in agony. Pyrrha clambers down the ladder-like structure, face unreadable behind her goggles.
The sand explodes in front of them as the Deathstalker slams its stinger into the sand where he’d just been standing.
“Great!” Jaune shouts bitterly as they sprint away from it, putting the relay tower between them and the monster. “Now it’s pissed and blind!”
“I’m sorry! It was about to crush you!” Pyrrha cries out. “What else was I supposed to do?”
He rolls his eyes and doesn’t answer. What else indeed.
The Deathstalker screeches behind them, drowning out Jaune’s harsh bark of laughter. Still, Pyrrha looks at him oddly, tilting her head. He ignores her, looking around. The Grimm itself is nearly half the size of the crater. The only thing nearby is the tower, its twisted metal, and the concrete platform that anchors it in the desert. Above them, the bulk of it twists to the side like a misshapen crane arm.
“Get us up there!” Jaune demands, gratified that Pyrrha questions neither his order nor his tone. She immediately crouches and launches him off her shield. Carefully composed as he soars upward, Jaune grabs one of the steel beams and pulls himself onto it. Pyrrha follows, wrapping Mellon’s grappling cable around a piece of metal a few feet away. It carries her to safety for the second time today just as the Grimm scuttles over, ramming its stinger into the sand again. Its struggle to remove the stinger conceals the sound of the cord retracting this time.
Small mercies.
Pyrrha looks over her weapons in her hands, perched next to him. “Jaune-”
“I’m thinking!” he hisses, watching the beast howl with frustration as sand sprays up into the air and its stinger comes up empty. 
She yanks her neck gaiter down to her collar and lifts her goggles into her bangs. “Listen to me!”
“What part of thinking-”
“Jaune,” Pyrrha cries out. “I’m not going to lose you again!”
“You didn’t lose me, Pyrrha!” Jaune snaps back. “You can’t lose something on purpose.”
This high in the air, the hot, dry wind whips around them. Pyrrha licks her lips, expression pinched in a rare moment of irritation.
The tide within Jaune swells. The wave crests, but it doesn’t break. He looks away, trying to spot the shimmering mirage of Vacuo city in the far distance. At this time of day, it’s too hazy with the darkening sky to see much of anything.
“I thought you remembered everything,” he mutters. Then he swallows, “this isn’t the time for this.”
Get it together.
“I fail to see any other time for it!” Pyrrha exclaims, voice cracking. “Why is it that it takes mortal peril for us to talk to each other?”
“No way! You don’t get to put this on me!” Jaune snarls, unable to quell the vicious bite in his voice. “All I ever wanted to do was talk to you! You couldn’t even let me return the favor! You kept me going at Beacon, day in and day out, but when the time came for you to actually trust me, you shoved me away! You didn’t even give me a chance-”
“Ozpin didn’t even want us fighting her!” Pyrrha puts her shield on her back so she can balance better, coiled like a spring on the precarious perch. Jaune mirrors her, except he sheaths his sword instead. Old, buried anger comes to the surface. He’s kneeling amongst the rubble of Vale again, trying to make sense of the locker he’s just crawled out of and hoping against hope that he’s having a particularly bad nightmare.
“Exactly! Ozpin died fighting Cinder! But you thought you could do it by yourself?” Jaune laughs bitterly, all too aware that there are tears streaming down his face. “Do you know how many times I’ve defended you and your last choice? Surely, I thought, surely my partner didn’t ship me off and go get herself killed in a fight she knew she'd lose! Of course she thought she stood a chance! Of course she just needed to get me out of her way!”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. Even the Grimm is quiet beneath them.
“Did you… Did you just think I thought you were in my way?" Pyrrha shouts, eyes wide in disbelief. 
Jaune doesn’t hesitate to snipe back. “What else was I supposed to think?”
Pyrrha’s face twists with pain or anger; they’re so unfamiliar on her countenance that it’s hard to tell. She clenches her empty hand, pressing her fist against her thigh. 
“I was protecting you!���
“I didn’t need you to protect me!” Jaune counters, as the wave of anger finally crashes to shore. “I needed you, Pyrrha!”
5. gentle
In two weeks and three days, Jaune has not once said her name.
His initial silence was unsettling. His surprised stare was unyielding. After all of the excitement and questions had settled, he’d finally spoken, cutting across the chatter.
“Robyn, could you?”
She’d taken Pyrrha’s hand again, almost apologetically, then nodded at Jaune. He’d taken a deep breath, before looking her in the eye, seeing her and not just past her. She’d shivered, feeling undone by his intensity.
“What are you?”
Those three words inspired nothing but confusion. “I… I don’t think I understand. What am I? I’m… a huntress-in-training? A girl?”
Your partner? 
She’d kept that one to herself.
Despite wanting to puzzle out the expression on his face, she glanced down in time to watch Robyn’s aura shimmer from pale purple to bright green. She looked back up at Jaune, at Ruby and her team who looked between her and him with varying levels of disapproval and understanding. Finally, Jaune sat back in his chair and sighed, apparently content with that answer. The tension still did not leave his shoulders.
“Alright then,” he said quietly into the silence. “Welcome back.”
The greeting felt hollow, especially since he went out of his way to avoid her from that moment onward. In fact, between her miraculous return and their current mission, she could count their conversations on her fingers. 
Now, she rubs her fingertips on the woven texture of her compression tights, savoring the distracting sensation. There’s nothing else to say but the truth.
“I knew I was going to lose you,” Pyrrha insists, using the word that had started this entire argument. “But I wanted you to at least be alive if I had to.”
Jaune is pale, his fury waning by the moment. The tear tracks on his cheeks dry almost as quickly as they’re created. “What did that matter? We could have both made it out. It wasn’t… You didn’t… Damn it, Pyrrha.”
“Jaune, hear me please. Running would have killed me, even if I still drew breath,” Pyrrha swallows nervously, but the lump that has plagued her all these days is completely gone. She continues, “I thought if I fought, I might survive. I could live or die with that, if you were okay. I hadn’t abandoned my duty and I hadn’t failed you.”
“But you made me abandon you.”
Pyrrha smiles, just for a moment. “That was selfish of me, wasn’t it?”
“It was!” Jaune shouts, flinging his free hand out so hard he nearly loses his balance. Pyrrha flings her own hand out, yanking his breastplate toward her with her semblance. He yelps as he stumbles forward over the metal trusses, nearly colliding with her. He flails for a moment, but quickly regains his balance.
The tower groans. With both of them tipping the scale away from the base, its stability compromises rapidly. Pyrrha glances down at the scuttling Grimm beneath them, still wandering in the fugue of its own rage and agony.
“Yes. It was,” Pyrrha whispers. She relaxes her semblance, allowing him to move away from her. 
Jaune doesn’t budge. Neither of them do, knelt precariously across from each other. Her hand hovers between them, still outstretched and bare. Gently, she places her hand on his cheek, expecting him to flinch. But he doesn’t. He leans into it, sighing and letting his eyes slip closed. His skin is rough to the touch, with soft barely-there hairs that tickle the ridges of her finger pads. It’s a wonder all of its own, the feeling of her skin pressed to his.
“I have always loved fighting by your side, Jaune,” Pyrrha murmurs, stroking her thumb along his cheekbone and wiping his tears away. “It terrified me that you might die by mine.”
“Then let me choose that,” Jaune whispers. “You owe me at least that much.”
The metal scaffold beneath them shudders, nearly throwing them off. Pyrrha keeps them both pinned to it, gasping with the force of the continued ramming. Below them, the Grimm has finally given up on trying to reach them directly. It slams its pinchers into the heavily fortified poles at the base, screeching in frustration. They gawk at it, then at each other as the metal beneath them begins to creak and sway even more. The Deathstalker screeches and turns in a circle, viciously  stabbing into the stand with its claws.
“Okay,” Pyrrha promises quickly, though the thought of it seizes her heart in a familiar vice grip. “I swear I won’t… I won’t make that choice for you again.”
Jaune nods into her hand, closing his eyes briefly. He sighs.
“To be clear though,” Jaune says with a tiny, watery laugh, “I’m not trying to die by your side anytime soon. Or ever?”
Pyrrha responds with a tiny giggle of her own as the Deathstalker begins to slam the tower again, jostling them. “So not today?”
“Definitely not today!” Jaune yelps. “Fight and live?”
“Fight and live!” Pyrrha repeats, pulling away to put Mellon back in her belt. They scramble to their feet, running for the main tower as the metal twists and groans beneath them. Jaune turns back to grab her hand, helping them both stay steady as they leap for the tiny grate that acts as a service platform within the main body of the tower. Some twenty feet below, the Deathstalker continues to bellow and batter the foundation, its single-minded hatred fueling it beyond reason. That fury makes it dangerous to fight up close, but in a few more hits, they won’t have a choice.
“Jaune?” Pyrrha shouts over the cacophony of bestial rage and structural collapse. He tears his gaze away from the furious Grimm and raises an eyebrow at her. She squeezes his hand and grins. “Help me?”
He smiles in understanding. This time, when Jaune activates his semblance, Pyrrha is ready for the burst of power and energy that flows through her. She flings out her free hand toward the huge piece of tower that had been their perch, seizing it and flipping her wrist to twist it off the main structure.
The motion shakes the tower, but Jaune catches her by the waist, anchoring them both by clinging to the foundation beam nearby. Pyrrha gasps her thanks, then continues to focus on the task at hand. She lifts the huge chunk of metal as easily as a handful of ball bearings, then crushes her fist, shaping it into a wicked javelin of steel.
Then, with Jaune holding her steady, she flings the makeshift weapon at the Deathstalker’s back. The Grimm screeches in agony as its carapace rips in two, expelling viscous sludge several feet into the air. Flailing its stinger, it struggles where it's skewered into the sand, then finally goes limp. It, and its sludge, dissipate, carrying black ash onto the wind and into oblivion.
They both relax their semblances as one, exhaling with relief. Still Jaune doesn’t let go of her; she makes no effort to move away. Further beyond the relay tower, the sun sinks below the horizon, throwing reds, oranges, and dark purples into the sky.
“Uh, well… if headmaster Theodore asks…” Jaune clears his throat, looking down at the metal carnage below them. The Grim had completely destroyed every bit of the distribution box and shredded the cable connection. CCT technicians, they were not, but anyone could see it was beyond hope. “It was like that when we got here?”
Pyrrha snorts once, then again and again until she’s howling with laughter. She turns and throws her arms around his neck, gratified when he hugs her back with the same intensity. The tower trembles a little underneath them, but it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Neither are they.
She’s been back for two weeks, three days, and a handful of hours, but only now does Pyrrha feel that she’s home.
“Hey, Pyr?” The love in the nickname punches the wind out of her lungs. She nods into his shoulder until he continues. “The next time you want me to leave, just ask, okay?”
She nods again, clinging to him even tighter. However, she knows, just as well as he does, that she could want nothing less than that. She pauses, concerned.
Does he know? Please… I need him to know.
Choked, Pyrrha murmurs, “I never want you to leave me again, Jaune.”
She can hear the tears in his voice as he replies, “Okay, good, we’re on the same page then.”
Let’s stay that way.
Their trek back to Shade takes much longer than their breakneck outgoing pace. They take down small Grimm here and there, chatting about pasts both separate and shared, walking shoulder to shoulder in the cooling desert. He hugs her before leaving her at her room door, promising breakfast together. It’s both the most normal and oddest thing that has happened in her whole second life.
Exhausted, Pyrrha showers and crawls under her blanket. Whatever missions she had today, Nora isn’t back yet, though it’s plenty late enough for their nightly life updates. Somehow though, she knows she wouldn’t be able to listen for very long. Her eyelids droop shut and she snuggles into her pillow, grateful for its softness.
“I can only do this for you,” whispers the memory of an unfamiliar voice, just as she’s drifting off. “You’ll arrive just when you’re needed and you’ll arrive just when you need it. You’ll say what you need when the time is right to say it and you’ll listen when you need to hear. Everything beyond that is up to you.”
When she wakes the next morning, it’s because Nora is bouncing on the end of her bed.
“Pyr, wake up! It’s Friday! It’s five-thirty and it’s already hot!” Nora announces gleefully. Moreso than other mornings, she can’t help but notice her energy seems more genuine than usual, more like the joy she once had at Beacon. “Get up, get up! I want breakfast!”
Pyrrha sits up slowly, combing her fingers through her hair. Small grains of sand fall to the blanket. She also has the distinct sensation of a dream slipping through her fingers. She frowns, grasping for the memory to no avail.
“Pyrrha?” Nora asks, coming to rest on her knees in front of her. “What’s wrong?”
She blinks at her friend and smiles. “I had a dream I think… I just can’t remember it anymore.”
At this Nora beams and crows, “Dreams, scheams! Who needs them? We have the whole day ahead of us!”
Her hope and enthusiasm is contagious. Pyrrha grins and sweeps her into a tight hug. Nora squeaks and hugs her back, obviously startled but not unhappy about it. When she finally pulls back, neither of them mention the tears on the other’s cheeks.
“You said something about breakfast?”
Nora takes her by the hand and drags her out of bed, then throws her combat outfit at her face. She catches it easily.
“Yep! And it waits for no one! Come on, we have so much to do today!”
Pyrrha can feel her heartbeat quicken with joy, tugging her lips into a smile.
Today, and everyday after that…
It’s a life worth fighting for.
Thursday Evening
Theodore sighs. “Oz, this is a risky gamble you’re taking.”
The nickname makes him twitch a little bit.
Half a dozen conversations have come and gone, not to mention a host of different people needing their audience. Oscar makes no decisions without Theodore’s council and he makes none without Rumpole’s. They’ve been in this office for hours, and yet there’s no question of the gamble to which he refers. It’s been a few hours since he’d called Jaune in for a mission assignment.
“Oscar,” he reminds the headmaster. True, it was Ozpin’s memory of JNPR’s initiation shenanigans that had given him the idea, but it was a plan all of his own. “And it’s nothing they can’t handle.”
 “How long do you think it’ll take for them to realize we’ve sent them to a defunct relay tower with an active Deathstalker den?” Rumpole mutters.
“Hopefully longer than it takes for them to say what they need to say to each other,” Oscar replies, sipping his cactus leaf tea.
Rumpole is even shorter than Oscar, but her unimpressed glare manages to make him shrink into his chair a bit, chagrined.
“I may… also have Ren and Nora on standby at the current Western relay node, just a half mile way?” Oscar admits, flushing. “If something goes wrong, they’ll handle it.”
This made Theodore laugh loudly, his voice booming in the tiny office. Oscar winces at the sound, but it’s impossible to escape it. By the time the older man finishes, he has tears in his eyes.
“Ah yes, the other partner duo famous for currently getting along!”
“How convenient,” Rumpole drawls, dusting off her vest with a roll of her eyes.
“Two Nevermore, one bullet,” Oscar quips. He salutes them with his teacup and heads for the door.
Well, you certainly seem rather pleased with yourself, says Ozpin, amusement plain as day.
Oscar smiles into his tea, a small smile just between them.
By magic and miracles beyond his own power, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren had each other once more. With these little nudges, team JNPR will surely ride again, changed but whole.
It’s the least we could do, don’t you think?
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ssarkosghost · 27 days
A Penny Ahead
Alright well here is my gift to @golddragon387 for @remnants-of-rwby-exchange day. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoy it to. It was a blast to write again on here and I look forward to putting more out😊. Here we get Penny dealing with knowledge from the future since she was awoken and trying to keep it all on track, as she attends the Beacon Dance for the Vytal Tournament. Wish her luck.
Bright lights and the upbeat tunes of music flowed throughout the converted hall, as the students of all four academies mingled with one another. Jokes and stories were traded, as the various refreshments were consumed. It was a joyous occasion as many enjoyed the party atmosphere, with several busting some moves on the dance floor.
Well except for one party-goer. Penny Polendina, who though outwardly was having her systems do a little jig, was inwardly barely holding it together. Ever since she had…awakened, her mind was flooded with memories of the future, past? Never mind that, whenever she thought and tried to rationalize what had happened to her, well that was no longer a major issue for her.
No, instead it was trying to implement her new, past, knowledge. She had so many conflicting points, her father, General Ironwood, and all of Atlas were in danger. Originally her focus had been trying to prep for the oncoming storm, but her status as an experiment left her few options. Anything too hard and she could see the worry on her father’s face, too soft was simply brushed aside by General Ironwood. She was trapped between being a daughter and a weapon, a fact that hindered her in other ways in Atlas too.
She couldn’t get close to anyone; she couldn’t make a friend that deep down she so desperately needed. The loneliness she now experienced was overwhelming, especially as she tried to keep up her façade of being the obedient girl. Sure, she could reach out to her father, but he would just keep pulling her back, to the false safety of his home. No, she needed someone to be willing to listen to her, to let her say what she needed to say.
Her new memories had pointed to one such individual, a person who prompted her to stick to the old/normal routine. A person that caused her to freeze over and over again. Someone that she had to see in this life to see just what these memories of her were about.
Ruby Rose, a name, and face that did the worst torment to Penny as she processed everything she had in her head. Sure, the deaths she saw came with their feelings of pain and terror, however, those paled compared to the fact that the fair-faced dark-haired girl in her new memories always made her soul yearn. At first, she only had a vague idea. The memories explained much but there was no way she had these feelings, at least until she met her again.
Penny had tried to model the first encounter as close as possible; she still froze when she gazed into the silver eyes of Ruby.  Even with the awkward first words, Penny could see why her past/present self had fallen for the young huntress. Ruby was just so kind, and she saw her as someone to talk with. The following evening had Penny trying to cope with her own feelings for Ruby and detangle the ones coming from her own memories. After all this Ruby wasn’t that Ruby right, it would be unfair…right?
So, she had continued just following the steps her memories laid down, except when they found the criminal Roman Torchwick. Penny would not distract Ruby from that man and instead had moved to deflect Roman’s sneak attack. The rest of the night was a blur as Penny ripped through the White Fang’s airships without even a glance. Instead, her mind had focused on how Ruby looked at her, in wonder and excitement. Sadly, before she could move to talk, the security detail from Atlas bundled her off the scene at the docks.
For weeks she was kept within the hotel as the head of her detail, her father, and General Ironwood berated her for engaging in such a public space. It was grating, and yet she knew she had to take it less they send her back. That was something she couldn’t risk, not when she was so close. Still, she did have to sneak out once, if only to meet Ruby again, to give her side of the incident of course.
However, unlike the time in her memories, Penny was much more careful, staying away from the potential patrols of Atlas personnel. She really didn’t want to cause any issues for Ruby, especially since she didn’t have much information for her. Instead of a harrowing chase and reveal, Penny instead got to listen to Ruby for a while. It was sweet, a nice calming moment that just felt right.
It was a moment that Penny wanted to keep going on forever, but she knew she had to get back. For a moment she almost asked if Ruby would save a dance with her, but she hesitated. She wasn’t sure if it was right, as due to her caution, there was no need to run, no incident with a truck almost hitting Ruby, and thus no reveal that she, Penny Polendina was…was built instead of born.
So, Penny packed it away and waited patiently for the dance to arrive, there she would ask Ruby. Or at least that was the plan. However General Ironwood was still concerned about her movements, and as such Penny found her protection detail being doubled for the night. Sure, she was annoyed, but the greater issue was that things were changing, becoming different from what her memories had shown her. She had accounted for slight variations at this stage, but these drastic measures by General Ironwood worried her. If too much changed, she couldn’t strike Cinder Fall’s plans at the exact—!
Cinder Fall, she would strike tonight targeting the CTTS Tower, and more dangerously confront Ruby. Her mind was a wash of the probabilities, with too many being unacceptable. A shift in priorities was needed. So, she made her opening.
“Excuse me, may I be escorted to the restroom?” she asked the corporal in charge of her detail, giving the man a brilliant smile. She knew they didn’t want to be here, guarding what they assumed was someone’s kid. As such it was easy for her to get reasonable requests, especially since she had stayed in her hotel room for the past few weeks. The corporal nodded and, in a few minutes, Penny found herself alone in a nearby girls’ restroom. Quickly she located a vent and scrambled into it. The blueprints of Beacon Academy were relatively easy to acquire for her. With a path selected, she hustled toward the tower.
The next few minutes were the most harrowing for Penny as she tried not to over-analyze what she knew of this incident. Time frames, potential attacks, and disastrous outcomes all rushed through her head. No matter how hard she tried to focus on her task her thoughts always seemed to track back to the fact that she was racing against time. If she was too late—
Penny shook her head as she finally managed to find an exit. Slipping out she hit the ground running, regretting not pressing her father for the jet boots her previous/future self had. Still, she filed that complaint for later, as she deployed her blades. She knew Cinder Fall was not someone to hold back on. A first strike would—
“Penny?” a familiar voice stopped her as she reached the entrance, and she turned to meet the concerned and armed form of Ruby Rose. “What are doing here?”
“Ruby it's fine, please return to the party, there is no need to worr—hic!!” Penny felt her eyes go wide at the startled hiccup that came out of her mouth. Ruby’s eyes narrowed in concern as she stepped closer.
“Penny is something wrong, I saw someone sneaking—”
“It's nothing—Hic!! No, it is just a HIC!!” Penny was not prepared for the rush of emotions as she tried to assuage Ruby that she didn’t need to get involved just yet, she didn’t need to be a target of Cinder. It would just be her Penny that would earn Cinder’s wrath, it is what she was designed for it was her purpose for being built. She—!
Her panicked thoughts stopped when Ruby stepped forward holstering Crescent Rose and brought Penny into a quick hug.
“Penny breath it's fine whomever she is we can—”
“No!” Penny quickly jerked back, wide-eyed, “I mean Ruby please you can’t she’s dangerous.” She pleaded as she stepped closer to the main entrance.
“If she is that dangerous then I can’t let you go alone Penny,” Ruby pressed, subtly swearing as her heels caused her to stumble on the bottom steps.
“I…I’ll be fine, this, this is what…” Penny felt her words stop in her non-existent throat, as her internal computers churned through vague explanation after vague explanation.
“How Penny what possible could, make you…fine,” Ruby trailed off as Penny turned her back to her, and the light shimmers of the thin lines that connected her blades revealed to be going directly into her. “Penny, what—!?” Ruby’s question was stopped as Penny had an auxiliary charge port at the base of her neck.
“I, I was built Ruby, I, can be rebuilt,” Penny answered as she turned back around, with a sad smile. “I can sustain more damage than a person and still fight,”
“What, but that just doesn’t mean you can do this alone, who knows just what that person is—”
“I am well aware of her combat capabilities Ruby,” Penny declared, as she interrupted Ruby’s questions before she gave her friend a small smile.
“How!? There’s no way that…” Ruby trailed off as her face scrunched in thought, which she quickly shook off. “No matter I’m still coming with you.” Ruby declared as Penny began to fidget. She knew it was a long shot, her memories told her as much, but perhaps there was a way.
“Ruby please,” Penny started again as she entered to door frame of the CTTS Tower’s entrance, in the attempt to block Ruby’s access as she tried to push forward.
“No Penny, it doesn’t matter that you're mechanical, you are still my friend, and I won’t just stand by and let you do this alone, now we can stand here arguing till whomever this woman is leaves or you can let me follow you.” Ruby promptly declared.
“You are my friend, Ruby,” Penny started, “but I—”
And with an impulse she never expected Penny bent down and gave a quick peck on Ruby’s cheek shocking said girl. In a flash, Penny had stepped back into the tower proper and immediately locked the entire building down. She knew Cinder would have already dispatched the guards, and most likely had one of Dr. Watts’ viruses in the computer systems. However, the lock-down protocols were easy for her to find and set to maximum. Penny then hustled toward the stairs. There would be questions, but it would all be worth it, as long as Cinder Fall did not leave this building alive.
“I promise you Ruby,” Penny whispered to herself, “I will ease your burden.”
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ssarkosghost · 1 month
hiiiii, your remnants of rwby exchange giver here! ive been chewing on your prompts for a lil bit and i was wondering— do you have a preference between beacon era arkos or post-fall, post ressurection arkos? i have ideas for either, with a slightly stronger one for the latter, but i wanted to ask!
Hello so sorry for the late reply, and honestly I'm always a sucker for Beacon Arkos, but I really don't mind at all were the Arkos lands😁. Again Sorry for the late reply and hope this helps you.
0 notes
ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 8 - Bonus Day
The final day of @bumblebyweek-blog and while I choose the bonus option of today for my writing, I definitely have to give a massive thanks to both Arryn Zech and Barbara Dunkelman for the marvelous performance with these two characters and their support for this ship, it wouldn’t be the same without their help in bringing both characters to life. Now I hope you’ll enjoy this final story for the Bumbleby Ship Week this year as I try to make the moment we’ve all been waiting for in the show, plus some other predictions for Vol 9.
It was honestly surprising how hard this task seemed to be, Blake mused as she stood amongst the trees slightly away from the camp they had been staying at. Perhaps it was because while nothing explicit had been said she and Yang had expressed so much the past few…days. Honestly, that was another part of what was keeping her hesitant. Who knew just how much time had passed. She even feared that this could all just be a dream that she was still falling somewhere.
Grant that thought was really only reserved for the darker nights when Yang had to take watch. They all knew this place was not friendly. Sure Little and their kind were nice but Ever After had always seemed to be pressing them for something. It had picked at their faults and made them question just what they were doing with their lives. Ruby had particularly been hit hard, as the weight of everything came crashing down with her finding Penny’s fate. That incident had held Yang’s attention, even after she and Yang had a tearful moment upon reuniting.
Blake didn’t blame Yang for dropping what was happening between them to focus on Ruby. To be honest she too was happy to drop that line of thinking to help Yang in keeping Ruby okay. Sadly the island did not make it easy and more than a few times they all find themselves alone with only their thoughts.
That’s how Blake found Neo was alive and her fury took over again. She really didn’t know what had happened, only snapping out when Yang had apparently tackled her to the ground. That had only heightened her worry about just what she was planning to do. Yet it was hard to ignore the feelings as she and Yang spent time closer together. Weiss’s arrival had allowed the two to have some time alone, but Blake felt the creeping anger in her soul. The fact that Neo got away and could potentially take any of her teammates away for real this time only added to her stress.
Yang did her best but with her own avoidance of her issues, the two often just cuddled together and basked in each other’s company. There still was too much to worry about so just being able to grab a moment of quietness was all they needed from the other. For a few nights that was their routine, until Neo showed herself again.
It was one of those times when emotions had exploded and the group separated when Blake caught a flash of pink. After that Blake went hunting, she would nip this problem here and now. She would not tolerate another person she should have confronted slipping away. It had almost been freeing to just go after a problem, however, she wasn’t counting on the fact that she would find Jaune.
Or what the island had turned Jaune into. Granted she had also fallen a bit into the island’s magics but Jaune had fully been subsumed by his guilt. In essence, he had been diluted to a single thought to protect. The island had been working on Blake to do the same, except with the regret of something coming to bite those she held dear being the driving force, seemingly enjoying the fact that the person both of their thoughts focused on had been Neo. Which of course led to another surprise for Blake, Neo trying to help…maybe.
Regardless of the tri-colored girl’s reasons she had ran to find the others and stop her and Jaune from killing each other. Said fight was a blur to Blake though she recalled Yang pleading with her to come back, promising they would talk. It wasn’t enough to fully break her out of whatever had fallen over her. The romantic in her had hoped for a kiss, but Blake knew that she wasn’t exactly cooperating with Yang at the moment for such a maneuver so accepted that getting dunked in a lake was the better choice. It cleared her shocked mind enough for her to claw herself back from whatever the island had tried to conjure on her. Plus the hug from Yang felt nice.
Afterward, they had all done their best to stick together, to keep everyone from falling again. They were in this together till they found a way out of Ever After. Still, some things were easier than others.
The talk Yang had promised still had yet to happen and again Blake couldn’t blame her. If not done in the proper way one or both of them could fall to the island’s games. Besides, it was just so much easier to accept what they had with each other. Yet Blake knew she had to say something, especially as it seemed that the magics the island used seemed to be dimming. Something was about to happen and if she didn’t push soon who knows when she’d get the chance.
“Admiring the view,” Yang’s voice suddenly jolted Blake from her musings. Turning around she gave her partner a soft smile.
“Not really, just lost in thought,” came her response as she drew her arms around herself. She knew Yang would notice, and true to form Yang instantly dropped the humor as she moved to inspect her.
“Everything alright?” came the question and Blake knew she had to take her chance.
“No,” she started and she hated the panic that filled Yang’s eyes, but she pushed on. “Yang, you know we need to do this,”
“Blake listen--”
“And it has to happen now,” Blake pushed past Yang’s half-hearted words. “Yang we’ve become so close and it is been wonderful,” Blake started enjoying the swell of joy in Yang's form at that statement. “But you need to know that…I love you Yang,”
“Blake of course I--”
“Yang you hold my heart,” and with that uttered Yang’s mouth stopped as she hissed in a shocked breath. Blake however continued to push on, taking slow steps toward Yang. “You have given and done so much for me and I can not hold it any longer, but you must know that my love is all for you and I just…I just…” Blake couldn’t finish, but Yang however could. Closing her arms around Blake, Yang pulled her in tight.
“You have my heart too Blake,” she breathed softly into Blake’s ear, “and thank you for all you’ve given me as well,” she finished. The moment had finally happened and as the two held each other tighter, the world around them bloomed.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 7 - AU Day
Here we are day 7 @bumblebyweek-blog with AU and definitely took some inspiration of the John Wick films and Bullet Train (great action movie) for this little AU. Absolutely a candidate for some more continuations when my muses hit, but until then I hope you’ll enjoy the story.
Blake was surprised at how easily her infiltration of the mansion had been. Her handler, Funnel, had mentioned that four other thieves had been thrown at this place by the customer. At first, she had assumed it was a trap. She knew she had slighted many in this world and not just by inconveniencing the. Many places had people that would spend their entire lives to see her dead. 
Yet none of her own scouting could reveal such a trap, and her initial insertion had revealed why the others had failed their contracts. Atlas Arms robots, a whole networked set of their Chess series, that would give even experienced housebreakers a run for their money. Blake however had dealt with such security measures, even besting the more dangerous Suit and Die series of automatons. However, this type of security didn’t come cheap and not without knowing someone connected to Atlas Arms. This would be another that would probably list her on their shitlist and a dangerous one if they still held such potential influence once her theft was found. 
Blake didn’t really care though, she hardly ever cared these days. If the target was someone rich she was always game to take from them. Most times it was just something that didn’t even belong to them in the first place. Plus it was always fun to watch the news reports as these assholes tried to explain despite all the security they bought why they still got something stolen.
Still, she had to get the item first, and honestly, she wondered if she was in some sort of lovers’ quarrel, as the item she had been told to take was a simple locket. Oh, sure it could have held codes, blueprints, or even a deadly poison. However, the fact that its supposed location was in the main bedroom within an actual closet, if Funnel’s intel is correct, pretty much confirmed it was just an expensive piece of jewelry. Which suited Blake just fine, it was easier to get rid of a trace in such a theft.
The sudden appearance of a Knight forced Blake to shove her thoughts down as she shot to the hallway’s ceiling. Using all four limbs she anchored herself and continued on to the master bedroom. She knew the room would be empty, the resident here had left for a long-term business trip and Blake’s own stakeouts had shown that the cleaning staff left long before sundown. It was easier then for the roving robots to simply operate on kill patrols during the night, letting their higher functions rest. 
Sticking to the ceiling as she inched closer to her goal, Blake easily evaded any other surprises. Once she reached the spot above the bedroom doors she dropped down silently. With a quick flick, she sent a camera wire through the door’s crack. Seeing the room empty she swiftly made her way through. After another scan of the room, she made her way over to the closet and began to search for the jewelry box. Funnel had given her a detailed picture of the box, a blue and gold encrusted piece with a simple flip-lock. Blake was almost surprised when she found it right in the open on a shelf. Wary of a final trap she flipped it open.
Emptiness greeted her and for once she knew she had been had. A soft step alerted her of something’s presence. She waited with bated breath, her right hand slowly drawing one of her knives. The steps stopped and Blake felt eyes peering at her back.
“You know I’m never going to get tired seeing you in your work outfit,” a familiar voice quipped, filling Blake with a tide of emotions. However, she pushed that all down violently, letting the violence color her words.
“Something you want Xiao-Long?” her eyes matching the hostile tone in her words.
“Oh Blake come on,” Yang said as she leaned against the doorway, radiating smugness. She looked great, the suit fit her well and her face was much more lively than the last they saw each other. “Can’t I wish to see a friend?”
“We are not friends,” Blake hissed, flashing her dagger. Yang’s smile instantly vanished as she went back to professional, a small mercy but a look that was easier for Blake to look at.
“Well then how about a job opportunity,” Yang asked taking a step forward, her prosthetic arm drifting toward her waist.
“Kind of in the middle of one, so no thanks,” Blake quipped as she tried to plan an escape though her eyes kept meeting Yang’s
“Blake come on,” Yang pressed as she took another step forward, “you knew this was a trap, you’ve been taking traps the last two years,”
“Good to hear that the agency is doing its best to keep tabs on me,” Blake replied icily.
“Blake you're driving yourself off a cliff,” Yang pushed forward, “this isn’t sustainable--”
“So I should just head back with you then,” Blake hissed, anger now blooming on her face “be the good little asset that helped you then?”
“You know it wasn’t like that,” Yang whispered as she stood inches away from Blake, “It's going to be different, I stake my life on it,”
“You always do,” Blake whispered back, closing the gap between them, “it’s what drove me crazy,” and with that, she pulled Yang into a kiss. Oh, the memories came flooding back as Blake tried not to lose herself in the moment. It was hard, especially as Yang threw everything into the kiss, which made Blake’s next choice all the harder.
In a brief moment the two separated to breathe, Yang barely caught the word sorry exit Blake’s lips before Blake slammed her kneepad straight between Yang’s legs. Pain flooded Yang’s nerves, and before she could give thanks that she wasn’t a dude, felt Blake slam her elbow into the side of her head. Disoriented she stumbled to the side as Blake blitzed out. Running just like always, but this time Yang was ready for that. Thrusting her brain’s signals to stay down out of her head, she quickly tore off after her former partner. She would not lose her again.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 6 - Fairy Tales
Hello everyone, here’s to day 6 of @bumblebyweek-blog prompts, fairy tales, perhaps one of the most prominent bits to why we have RWBY itself. Here’s my attempt to make a fairy tale/fablesque tale for the Bees, another short one but my muses liked it so I hope you’ll do to.
Once deep in the woods there laid a small hut with two sisters, Red the youngest a blur of motion as her color warns, and Yellow the eldest a color of joy and determination. It was a simple life for the two sisters, and yet one day something changed. For Yellow, it was when she was out late for a hunt, and the moon did not show itself.
"Halt!!" Cried a voice from the gloom and Yellow stopped. Her periwinkle eyes scanned through the trees. Numerous beasts roamed these woods many with the ability to mimic words. “Fear me for I am Darkness,” the voice cried out again.
“How can I fear you if I can’t see you?” Yellow asked aloud, and for a moment she thought she heard a disappointed sigh in the cold air.
“Behind you,” the annoyed voice of Darkness muttered, and Yellow turned around and saw Darkness. At least what she thought was the Darkness as it was just the vague form of a person barely separate from the encroaching cold of the night. “Fear me, now mortal!” the Darkness again bellowed, but Yellow merely smiled and waved.
“Hello Darkness, would you like to rest by my fireplace for the night, it is awfully cold here,” Yellow offered with a smile and Darkness blinked in surprise. This being stood in front of it and offered it shelter. Silence reigned for a moment as Darkness tried to process this information, while Yellow merely took said silence as acceptance and started marching back home. Darkness followed in silence, and even as Yellow opened the door to her hut nothing was said, the form merely melted into the background. Yellow watched on for as long as she could before she lost sight of Darkness. Yet she could not shake the benign’s presence from her mind and as sleep took her she dreamed of the being called Darkness.
She did not see Darkness for some time after that but definitely felt them near especially as the sun fell from the sky. Every night she would offer the hut with an open door and every night she would sense Darkness leaving. Until one-day Darkness seeped in, except it wasn’t Darkness it was lighter and more reserved. This new entity noticed Yellow’s surprise and spoke.
“I am Gloom and thank you for your hospitality,” Gloom now said, her voice now much softer and perhaps fearful. “Thank you for your home on these cold nights,”
“Always a pleasure Gloom,” Yellow spoke as she showed Gloom the guest room, “please stay as long as you like.” With that Gloom joined Yellow and Red in the hut. At first, she hung back, occasionally helping the two sisters. Yet as time drifted past Gloom became more open and more friendly. Her coldness slowly thawed and at times was comfortable to relax in her gloom. Until one day Yellow awoke to find Gloom had again transformed.
“I am now Shade,” Shade said, her form more open and relaxed as she lounged about the hut after work was done. Red often found Yellow ensnared within Shade’s grasp, regardless of the position they were slumped in. Red enjoyed the distraction Shade gave her sister, while Shade kept silent about the flecks of snow on Red’s cloak. Yet Shade wasn’t content with this she wanted to show Yellow all that she could be so for the first time in a long time Shade showed her true colors.
Yellow awoke from one of her many naps with Shade, yet something felt different again. However, this difference was not a simple change like the previous times. No Yellow felt something solid next to her, something more akin to her and Red and not the vague sense of surrounding she had gotten used to with Shade. So she was ready for anything when she opened her eyes.
Yet nothing could ready her when she turned and saw a girl similar her age, all in violet. Amber eyes gazed into her own as a smile donned this mysterious girl’s face. Well not mysterious as Yellow knew who it was, as no matter what forms she took it was still the same person who had accepted her invitation.
“Hello Yellow,” came the soft greeting of her sleeping companion as she nuzzled into Yellow’s neck.
“Hello Violet,” Yellow responded dragging Violet deeper into a hug, work could wait, this was a moment she didn’t want to stop.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 5 - Arranged/Political Marriage
Ah day 5 of @bumblebyweek-blog and this is one of my favorite prompts, so much to work with. Bit of backstory for this one, much more feudal world and Raven kept Yang, so hope you'll enjoy and who knows this might be one of the few prompts that I try to continue afterwards.
Blake held herself still as her mother's handmaidens carefully dressed and applied makeup on her. A mass of blues and whites soon decorated her form along with flashes of other colors, each one to represent the main families within the Kingdom of Menagerie with her own family's colors, the black and gold, dominating her face. Yet amongst all the colors her own purple was absent. A conscious choice she made despite her mother's insistence. This was to be a wedding for Menagerie not for her. It was for the safety and security of the people, not for her heart.
Her heart had been gone for a long time. Ever since General Khan had dragged the White Fang, the kingdom's elite warriors, to assist Mantle's defense against Atlas's conquest. Her heart had gone with them to their deaths if the letters were to be believed. Her father had been right in his caution to hold her home. Sure she had raged and cried but with the news from Atlas and it's threats to expand it's war to her home, she had to push down her emotions to help provide a bulwark for their now weakened kingdom.
For Atlas to reach them, they would have to cross through the Kingdom of Mistral, a kingdom they have signed numerous treaties with. However not all of Mistral's lands were under its control. Many of the lands closest to Menagerie were actually under the dominion of the Brawen Tribe. A ruthless band of outlaws that had broken Mistral's hold in the Mistwoods, forcing many of the cities in and nearby to swear allegiance to the Maiden of Ravens. Atlas had sent scouts and elite warriors to try and dislodge the bandits to fulfill parts of its obligations with Mistral. Though those earlier attempts failed, the Brawens now had the threat of Atlas's entire army crashing down on them. Blake still had no idea how her father had contacted them for this alliance. The deal was simple, the Brawens would forestall Atlas's forces, while Menagerie quickly reinforced it's army with new blood, and Menagerie would supply the bandits with food, weapons, and even provide medical assistance to them. All in all it should have been a simple treaty but the Maiden of Ravens had demanded a tenable symbol of this new bond so that Menagerie could not betray her and cut a deal with Atlas. At first her father had balked at the insults and nearly broke down negotiations there, especially with the Brawen representative clearly looking at his daughter. Blake however quickly stepped forward and offered herself as a hostage. That was when the representative surprised the chamber again by saying the Maiden of Ravens would accept no hostage but her as her progeny's bride.
This was what led to Blake's current situation, dolled up as the seal for the Brawen and Menagerie newest treaty. Today was the day that her new…partner would come to claim her hand. A hand that Blake had offered, but that was all they would get. This was for Menagerie and nothing else.
"Oh you look so beautiful my little Nightshade," her mother Kali Belladonna said as she stepped into the room. Dismissing the handmaidens she set about fixing her daughter's hair.
"Mother," Blake pouted, but made no move to stop her. Fear of messing anything up more powerful than the embarrassment of being fretted over by her mother.
"Oh relax honey," Kali stated as she masterfully undid a knot that was pulling at Blake's ear. "They may know how to do the style but I've know your hair since the first tuff appeared on your head,"
"...Thank you Mom," Blake finally said, fighting the rush of emotions that filled her head. This could be the last day she is home with her family. Kali, noting the tears forming in her daughter's eyes, quickly wrapped her in a hug.
"We can end this right now," she whispered, "there are other options--"
"None that can help us now," Blake said as she steeled herself again. " It will be fine mother, I promise," she finished as she resumed her calm outlook. It was her duty to bring safety to the kingdom's citizens and as the last representative of the once vaunted White Fang, she needed to help atone for the war that was brought on.
Kali could only smile sadly. Her daughter was always drawn to duty and nothing could change her mind once set on a course of action.
"Very well," she said standing up, "then shall I bring them to you?"
"They don't want a ceremony?" Blake asked puzzled.
"They said the ceremony would happen back in their home," Kali mentioned sadly. She had tried to convince Ghira to let her go with the first wave of medics and supplies, but she knew it was wrong to ask him to let both his daughter and wife venture into possible danger. She would have to trust that the Brawens were honest and that if the worst would come to pass then Blake's skills would be enough to escape.
"Ah that does make sense," Blake muttered, after all she was to be the Brawens' guarantee. " Very well best to get this over with," Kali nodded and left the room, leaving Blake alone with her thoughts. Visions and ideas of her potential partner began to swirl inside her head. Small things like would they be tall or short, what were their eyes like, to larger concerns such as her new partner's temper and morality. She had heard numerous rumors as to what these bandits took part in. It could be a real monster--
"Knock, knock,"
A soft rapping perked her ears up, her new fiance must have arrived. Not yet ready to give them satisfaction Blake merely grunted in response. Petty for sure but she did need an outlet. A minute passed and Blake wondered if they had already locked each other in the first battle of their potential union.
"Man you'll are quiet, is it nap time already," an energized voice spoke from behind her.
"Perhaps it is quiet because this is supposed to be a revenant occasion," Blake quipped and took stock of the person who would take her away from her home. They were clad in the standard black and maroons of the Brawens' yet she could also spot flashes of orange and yellow amongst their gear. However the main draw was her eyes. Prinpicks of lilac that gazed at her, filled with humor and light. These were no eyes of a monster.
Her future partner also seemed to be shocked at her appearance. Their eyes roamed over her getup before settling on her own eyes. For a minute the two merely stared at each other, gauging whatever emotions they could read through the other's eyes. Suddenly the Brawen sat down and flipped off her hood. Blake was nearly blinded as the mass of blonde hair billowed out.
"Ah much better," her blond haired partner said as she sat down, "well guess it's time for some introductions then, I'm Yang the Phoenix Fire,"
"Blake Belladonna," came Blake's reply her voice slightly off as her mind was still trying to process just what was going on, though there was still ice in her tone.
"Well Blake, firstly I'd like to apologize for my mom's bullshit," Yang started as Blake's eyes widened in surprise, but was quickly cut off as Yang continued on. " Yeah she's always going of on power this power that and it tends to make things so complicated, still I am going to have to bring you back to our main camp till this war blows over, just know I will do my best to make sure you make it through this time without you losing anything, that is unless you want to," Yang finished with an eyebrow wiggle.
Blake instantly felt a flash of fury as this Yang took this very serious moment with frivolity and and insinuations. In a blink of an eye she had lunged and knocked Yang down. Yang let lose a brief laugh before stopping when a thin dagger hovered over her eye.
"I could end it, claim you couldn't contain yourself," Blake pressed her mouth locked in a snarl, but Yang merely grinned.
"Then Mom would just assign you to the next person, but first let me ask you a question my beautiful assassin, do you think my title was merely just that?" Yang asked as a warm glow surrounded her downed form and those once clear eyes harden into fonts of crimson. There were the eyes of the killers Blake knew was her partner. With a viscous yell she got off Yang threw the rooms door open and stalked off
"We leave at dawn tomorrow!" Yang called out with a massive grin, before her expression turned into a scowl. "Fuck," she muttered before she to left the room
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 4 - Beacon Days
Day 4 of @bumblebyweek-blog prompts, with some nice moments at Beacon, before they all get involved in a war for the fate of the planet. A bit of a shorter story today but hope you'll enjoy it still😁
Blake never really had any thoughts of what she would be doing in her free time at Beacon. She was here to atone not engage in frivolous activities.
Yet here she was, in one of Beacon's gyms, clad in borrowed workout gear, having been coerced by her partner into joining her for a morning workout.
"Are you feeling okay Blake?" Yang asked, trying to break the quietness around the two started their stretches, only to receive a glare from Blake as an answer. Yang gave a slight chuckle, feeling a bit of trepidation for having managed to push her new partner to join for her regular workout session on the weekend. It had been…weird was probably the best way to describe the two's relationship. Blake was still a shadowy mystery to her. Granted it had only been a few weeks but still even Ruby had figured out what Weiss liked to eat while she was still wondering just what Blake was reading.
In the end the silence remained for the rest of their stretches, Blake still trying to jump start her head for the morning while Yang started questioning her decision to initiate this whole ordeal. The awkward silence continued with their warm-ups as Yang tried to think of something to say that might get a response from her partner. She tried to focus on Blake, to see if there was something her head could figure something out via association.
"Something wrong? " Blake suddenly asked as she flipped up from her sitting position and was now staring at her partner.
"Ah no just-you look good," Yang stuttered as she was surprised by Blake's sudden words and piercing gaze as her brain just went straight to autopilot for her response. Blake quirked an eyebrow up at her partner who clearly was avoiding her gaze, before finally addressing what she was wearing.
When she had pointed out that she didn't have any workout clothes to sweat in(combat could take place anywhere so her usual outfit was fine for such fights but no one was comfortable in wearing their sweat the whole day) Yang had dug through her drawers and thrown a black undershirt and blue athletic shorts. If she was honest it wasn't that bad looking on her, granted she always looked good with black on.
"Thanks, I'll definitely have to get something similar next time I go out,"
"Oh you don't mind--"
"I don't know if I'll be joining you every morning, but it's nice to not have to do this alone," Blake quipped, "so you ready to spot me?"
"Definitely," Yang said, happy at both the fact Blake was willing to do this with her and that she might be able to learn more about her partner
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 3 - Single Parent
Hello this one's definitely going to be close😅 but just managed to finish it up before day 3 of @bumblebyweek-blog prompts. Also apologies of the format is a bit off, first time posting via phone as holiday travels have finally taken into effect. Enjoy this modern RWBY AU, where Yang coaches Blake's son.
“Alright everyone good job today Sabers on three, one two three!”
“Enjoy your weekend kids,” Yang shouted after the quickly dispersing gaggle of kids made their way to the sidelines of the field.
“We are going to crush the championship!!” Nora cried at her fellow coach as the parents began to hustle their children to the parking lot.
“Let’s focus on getting them ready for the start of the season,” Yang quipped back as she started packing up the remaining equipment.
“Ah come on,” Nora groaned, “Where’s the passion, we’ve got to keep the energy--”
“Honk! Honk!”
Fortunately, Yang was saved as Nora’s ride announced its presence. Especially when Jaune poked his head out to yell at his friend.
"Hurry up Nora, we've got to pick up the others," he shouted.
"Coming!!" Nora shouted back before she turned back to Yang. "Listen if we're going win it all we need to be pumped now with me. We're going to the championship!"
"We're going to the championship," Yang stated, almost jokingly which caused Nora to narrow her eyes.
"We're going to the championship!!" She shouted louder, staring hard at Yang.
"We're going to the championship!" Yang responded a bit louder.
"HONK!! NORA!!" Jaune's combined voice and car horn broke through Nora's attempted cheer. Yang chuckled as Nora now shot a glare at Jaune. Nora quickly gave Yang a hug before marching over toward her impatient friend.
"Heh, glad that's not my ride," Yang chuckled before going back to packing up the training equipment. Usually by the time she finished locking it all up in the park's equipment shed she was alone in the park. Today however was not to be the usual.
On her way toward the parking lot, she spotted a lone kid sitting on the curb staring at the park's entrance. As she approached she saw it was Grant Belladonna, one of the newest kids to join the club, having apparently just moved into Patch last winter.
"Heya sport what's with nightly watch?" She asked as she stood next to him.
"Oh just waiting for Mom," Grant said as he idly kicked his feet in boredom.
"Ah is she going to be long?" Yang pressed, a bit worried at how late it had already gotten, "anyone else around that can get you?"
"Probably she works in the city and no it's just me and Mom," Grant answered a bit too calmly for Yang's taste. Though she did wince sympathy at the drive Mrs. Belladonna must be making. Even on the best days getting here from Patch proper was a challenge. She almost offered to drive Grant home when she remembered two things. Firstly Grant hand mentioned it was just him and his mother being just the two of them, and secondly, as she cast a glance to her motorcycle, Bumblebee was not the best option for a small child, especially when she still only had a helmet for herself.
"Welp looks like you're stuck with me till she gets here," she said sitting down next to the kid. Grant merely nodded and an awkward air settled between the two. Well awkward for Yang at least, sure she had experience with kids, her own time with Ruby and coaching the little monsters. Something about this however seemed off, Grant seemed way to calm about this.
"Does this happen often?" Yang asked before mentally slamming herself for asking such a question.
"Sometimes, but Mom always comes she's always there for me," Grant replied nonchalantly, unknowingly hitting Yang hard. Such faith in a mother's return was something Yang was not ready for.
"Yeah…" she muttered her mind whirling with a thousand thoughts, "sounds like an awesome mom,"
"Oh she is," Grant responded, this time a smile breaking his usual monotone voice. " She always remains calm no matter what the situation.
Blake was going to murder every single person involved with making her late. She definitely was not ever going to get wrapped up with assisting Mr. Port, even if she had to remove him. She had plenty of time to compile this list as the traffic around her crawled forward an inch.
Yang herself was also getting close to swearing as she stood under the park's main pavilion with Grant as the rain poured in sheets. She knew she should have checked the weather, the spring showers were always heavy and often sudden. She had just managed to carry Grant to the safety of the pavilion before their clothes got soaked.
"Well we should be dry here," she started as she watched the water pelt Bumblebee, not too worried. She had made sure that nothing could stop Bumblebee, plus it did need a wash. However, concern turned to Grant, who was now clambering on top of one of the picnic tables staring at the rising waters. "Hey hey you okay Grant?" She asked as she made her way over to him, gently grasping his shoulders.
"Don't like water," Grant muttered, still staring at the pooling water. Yang quickly sat next to him and threw an arm around him
"Well don't you worry Grant," she started, "your Coach Yang will keep you afloat!" She finished drawing out her best smile to give him confidence.
"But Coach Nora said you sink like a rock," came Grant's semi-innocent response.
"Well maybe Coach Nora needs to reflect on not blabbing," Yang gritted through her teeth. "Well good news is that my secondary plan is that the park's drainage will be able all this water,"
"Really?" Grant asked finally turning his head toward Yang.
"Oh absolutely, these fields can take so much water," Yang proclaimed, "see." She pointed at the now stabilized water level. For a time the pair watched the water rise and lower as the rains continued to fall.
However Grant suddenly perked up, his head tilted toward the entrance. Yang was about to ask what it was when she saw a wave of water coming from the road as someone tore through the water-soaked roads. For a minute Yang was worried that Ms. Belladonna (for who else would be driving here this late) would hydroplane but in a masterful move Ms. Belladonna swiftly glided her truck into the closest parking spot. However Yang could still see a problem, the rains where still pounding heavy and it would soak anyone that tried to make that run.
"Hold on Grant," she stated and before Grant could say anything she tucked him underneath her jacket and sprinted.
Blake, extremely worried for her boy, his hydrophobia must be playing havoc with him, was so surprised when suddenly the blonde hair figure of Coach Xiao-Long suddenly came sprinting at her truck. For a minute she was stunned by what she saw before it all suddenly clicked. Quickly she unlocked the passenger door and kicked it open. Yang dove through catching the door with her boots and slamming it shut.
"You good little man?" She asked Grant as she let him scramble up and into his mother's lap.
"Uh-huh," he affirmed before hugging his mother tight.
"Awesome oh right, I'm Yang," Yang said finally taking note of the final person in the car as Blake could only stare in shock. With his face pointing away from the two Grant could only smile as his plan began
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 2 - Meet the Parents
Day 2 of @bumblebyweek-blog set of prompts and its meeting the parents, always a fun one, though I think mine turned a bit serious/angsty but hey its Bumbleby after V3 they’ve always had a bit of angst over them (at least to me, they really do need this island vacation). Still liked where this went and hope you’ll enjoy it too.
To say that Yang was nervous was an understatement. Which of course was crazy for anyone else to imagine. She was the blinding star of Team RWBY, the heavyweight brawler that personally threw hands at Salem herself. Yet here she was frozen in the team’s tent trying not to overthink what was about to happen.
After coming back from Ever After, where she finally grasped her heart and asked Blake to be with her together. Granted it had come after Blake tearfully tore into her for her sacrificial nature for them all. That had been an ugly conversation, especially when Yang had snapped back asking what was she supposed to do. Neither was able to answer the other and they had stormed off to cool their minds. Of course, neither was ready for the island to react to their emotions and the two soon found themselves slammed back together. It had been painful, emotional, and ultimately needed time that helped them clear whatever was between them. In the end, they both just wanted to be with other during and after the war.
It was a bond that had helped them escape Ever After, and even helped beat back Salem’s agents' attempts to infiltrate Shade. Their nights were easier together and both were finding out more about each other. At this point, Yang knew she could keep going as long as Blake was with her, heck she even managed to get Blake and her dad to enjoy a brunch together, despite both being terrible morning people, a fact the two bonded wonderfully over.
Now though she was on the receiving end of meeting the parents and truth be told her nervousness was quickly turning into genuine fear. Oh sure Blake had done everything to assuage her fears, but deep down Yang knew that maybe just maybe she might drop the ball. She did not want to mess this up, this was Blake’s parents. Parents who she had only recently reconnected with, parents who had willingly let their baby go into fight a war that could end the world. Parents that had almost lost her to one person Blake had given her heart to. 
Yang suppressed that thought, it would only make her angry, and that was the last thing she needed to be. This was to be a joyous occasion, if somewhat muted. Salem was slowly gearing up for a full war, and the people of Remnant would need more than a smattering of Hunters to protect them. They needed an army, and only the Kingdom of Menagerie Guards, along with the reborn White Fang, had the numbers to provide a solid foundation for the rest of the world’s buildup for the final fight. So not only was Yang going to meet her girlfriend's parents but also two of the most influential individuals alive in the world.
“Yeah, I’m the one who's supposed to overthink things,” Blake’s voice whispered into Yang’s ear which caused her to jump with a shriek.
“Blake!!” she cried out as Blake chuckled, and Yang felt her indignation disappear. Blake’s laughter was precious and absolutely a delight to hear.
“Sorry Sunshine,” Blake said and grinning as Yang flushed at the nickname before she enveloped Yang in a hug. Yang melted back into Blake with her own hug as her heart enjoyed the calming moment. “You know it will be okay,” Blake continued on, “I wouldn’t have you doing this if I thought it would end badly,”
“I know, I just…want to give them my best,” Yang stated, somewhat embarrassed that she was this obvious.
“And you will, now come, dad managed to figure out how to make a sandfish taste like it's a tuna,” Blake said planting a quick kiss on Yang’s lip, as she dragged Yang out of their tent toward her parents’ temporary shelter. The walk was far shorter than Yang could ever imagine, and though she tried to focus on her hand holding Blake’s, her early worries started to creep back. So much could go wrong and--
“Yang,” suddenly she found herself staring deep into Blake’samber eyes, oh she could look into those gems all day. “If you’re not ready we don’t--”
“No, if I don’t do it now it's gonna just make it worse,” Yang quickly interrupted her girlfriend’s sentence, already steeling herself for the worst. “Besides I do need to see just how well your dad managed with the sandfish, that stuff has been nothing but leather.”
“Alright, Mom! Dad! We’re here!” Blake announced through the tent’s entrance and was quickly answered by a soft come-in, as well as shuffling sounds of people moving. Blake threw Yang a quick smile before dashing in, and Yang followed in. Now Blake had shown pictures and talked about her parents to Yang, so she easily knew just what Kali Belladonna was. The older woman seemed to glide toward her daughter, sweeping Blake up in a hug.
“It’s so good to see you,” Kali crooned as she peppered her daughter’s face with kisses.
“Mom, we saw each this morning,” Blake playfully complained before touching her forehead to her mother’s, before turning her head back toward Yang. “Anyway, Mom here’s Yang, my girlfriend,”
“Hello, Mrs. Belladona, a pleasure to meet you” Yang instantly straightened herself and stiffly extended a hand toward Blake’s mom. The two Belladonnas looked at her for a brief second before Blake had to turn away to stifle a giggle, while Kali gave Yang a wide smile.
“Oh you are just as sweet as Blake mentioned dear,” she started before opening her arms out for a hug. “Please no need for formalities,” she continued, while Yang shot Blake a look, who nodded and then hugged Kali. “Ah it is nice to meet you too, Blake has been giving tidbits of your adventures.
“All yangtastic ones right?... Oh shades,” Yang’s face bloomed red in embarrassment at what she said. The feeling was not helped as Blake’s giggles turned into chuckles and Kali herself let out a laugh as she stepped back.
“And she was right about your humor,” Kali started grin still on her face as Yang tried to hide her face with her hands, “but now let us get seated, I can smell my husband finishing tonight’s dinner,” Kali finished and Yang soon also smelled the wonderful aromas that were wafting from the tent’s rear. No sooner than the three had taken their seats, Blake’s father Ghira Belladonna arrived carrying a massive skillet, still steaming with four sandfish and a bevy of herbs and spices that enthralled Yang’s nose. In a flash after Ghira had set down the skillet then two of the fish had moved from the skillet to the plates of Kali and Blake. The atmosphere soon became a homely one as the Belladonnas plied the two girls about their adventures, with the two partners easily focusing on the better parts of their time together. Yang had no idea how much time had passed and honestly was ready to keep talking till they all dropped asleep when a sudden cough cut through their discussions.
“Make it quick,” Ghira announced sitting straighter as one of the Menagerie Guards swiftly made their way over and whispered something in Ghira’s ear. It obviously wasn't the best of news as his lips went straight before he turned to Blake. “Dear can you go with him and help Ilia, there’s a slight scuffle between some of the recruits and our allies?” he asked and Yang instantly knew just what was about to happen. To be fair she too had left Blake with her dad, via a long bathroom break, but this seemed a bit much to her. A thought Blake seemed to agree with by how her eyes narrowed, but before she could Yang placed her hand over Blake’s.
“It will be fine, besides you know I’m best for ending fights not preventing them,” she quipped flashing her signature smile at her girlfriend. The tension in Blake eased away before she leaned in for another quick kiss and turned to face her parents and the guard.
“Lead the way please,” and with that, the two disappeared out of the tent and into the night.
“Hm perceptive she is,” Kali quipped as she leaned against her husband, who maintained his stoic expression. Yang knew that she needed to say something, proclaim her love and devotion to Blake, promise that she won’t hurt Blake ever. Yet just as she opened her mouth Ghira held up a hand.
“Please Ms. Xiao Long, before you pour out your heart for Blake please allow me to start,” he said as Yang could only nod, “Firstly thank you for defending her against…Adam.” Yang couldn’t blame the man for the hesitancy, even she and Blake were rarely able to say anything when those nightmares struck one of them.
“Sir that was something anyone of us would have done--”
“And yet I missed it,” Ghira interrupted her, “I let myself out of her life, which is why I must thank you again for letting Blake be herself again,”
“Uh wait what do you mean?” Yang asked not exactly sure what he meant by that, sure Blake had the issue she tended to close herself off, but it was still her…right?
“What my husband means is that around our daughter chooses that the person to be is herself,” Kali stated, “not a lieutenant, not a criminal, but her honest self, and it is so good to see her make that choice,”
“My wife is correct,” Ghira pushed “Blake with you has been the most we’ve seen her be true to herself, and we can not thank you enough,” Yang herself was shocked at the news, she honestly assume that Blake mostly just kept to herself before opening up to others. Hearing that Blake had apparently always had her barriers up and that she had helped let her be herself again was definitely a bit much.
“I…I don’t really have words for that,” She started as the two Belladonnas let loose a chuckle, “but other than your daughter has helped me to, given me the strength to live for her and others that are in my life,”
“Well then, let's get going before my daughter again decides the best response is to burn a house down,” Ghira stated as he stood up.
“And that is the best way to live,” Ghira stated his voice a bit melancholic, “too many have died for their loves these days,”
“Agreed,” Yang stated, and for a moment the three let the silence honor those they lost.
“Wait what did she do?” Yang asked now thoroughly confused.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Bumbleby Week DAY 1 - Domestic Bees
Alright let’s get started, day one of @bumblebyweek-blog with domestic bees, doing a bit of a challenge since I’ll be traveling a lot this week but wanted to do something for this 😊 (might end up as blurbs for most of the prompts but hey part of the fun). Anyway hope you’ll enjoy the story.
It was a low hum that greeted Blake when she arrived home. It was a simple place, a nice stilted house on the beach quite some distance away from Kuo Kuana. Yet it was worth it to Blake, especially when she returned from work.
The hum quickly stopped as she closed the front door and her ears picked up the approaching steps of her wife. Soon Yang's smiling face popped out from the kitchen's entrance. Her visage warm to Blake's tired eyes as Yang's aura radiated around her.
"...why is your aura active Honey?" Blake asked as her brain suddenly realized that her wife's aura was active.
"Ahahaha, oh nothing much," Yang chuckled, though Blake could hear the embarrassment in Yang's voice, plus the cute crinkle of her eyes gave Blake enough to doubt that statement.
"Honey please don't--"
A strange cry suddenly interrupted Blake's words. A cry that came from the kitchen.
"Was…was that--"
"Nothing to worry about," Yang pressed on even her head shifted to the side to glare back into the kitchen. "Why don't you get cleaned up and I'll have dinner--"
"Crash!!" And the sound of falling metal, along with a…scuttling. Yang swore and dove back into the kitchen and Blake quickly followed after her.
"Yang what's going…on…" her voice trailed off as her eyes viewed just what was going on in their kitchen. Pots and pans were strewn about and there splayed on top of the counter was a Greater Land Lobster, easily two Zweis long, and holding a mallet threateningly at Yang in its claws. Yang meanwhile glared at the beast as she shuffled around the beast and picked up the fallen kitchenware.
"Alright listen you overgrown shrimp, my wonderful wife is back, and regardless of what you think we will have a nice dinner," Yang stated after cleaning the lobster's latest attempt to avoid its fate.
"When I'm done with you, there will be enough to shell you to others and they will want to lobster you,"
"Yang," Blake chuckled as Yang turned to face her again with a smile.
"Too much?" She asked Blake, who shook her head as she made her way toward Yang. Slipping behind her oh-so-bright wife Blake wrapped her arms around Yang and pulled her back into her letting the momentum carry her backward as well. The pair’s descent was soon stopped by the counter behind them and for a moment the two enjoyed being close to each other. Still, Blake needed answers. She was used to Yang’s surprises, twenty years of this had given her the ability to process the typical madness that followed Yang and her family, but it was great to listen to her wife explain. Yang’s voice was her favorite sound, especially after a tiring day.
“No, though I’m surprised about the lobster,” Blake finally spoke her eyes now staring at the creature. It had yet to move from its spot, mallet still held threateningly at the pair.
“Ah well, I know work has been getting a bit demanding for you,” Yang started, as she knew Blake still had the tendency to burn herself out, especially when it pertained to building a better future. “So I thought about getting you a nice dinner from the sea, but nothing bit my line for the whole afternoon, and just when I thought I’d have to make a run to the markets for something when this monster decided that my wrap was something it could snip at,”
“The green one that Weiss gifted you?” Blake asked softly and Yang tried not to think too much about how Blake’s words felt so close to her ears.
“Yeah, how did you know?” she managed to ask instead.
“Cause their species are vegetarians,” Blake answered as she kissed the back of Yang’s neck before stepping out from behind her. Yang caught herself on the counter as she watched her wife make her way to the fridge. The lobster moved, tracking Blake as she moved past the animal. Opening the fridge Blake grabbed a rather large leaf from the salad bowl. The lobster’s attention, originally split between the two suddenly snapped all its eyes toward Blake. “There you just wanted something to eat,”
“Yeah my clothes,” Yang barked as she watched amazed as Blake slowly traded the leaf for the mallet.
“Only cause their blind, right you old fossil,” Blake defended the beast as she ran her hand down the back of the animal’s shell, admiring the creature's patterned armor. Being so close she noted the various notches and cracks along the blended browns and reds of its carapace. It was a survivor, something that was probably alive before she was born.
“You’re thinking about keeping this aren’t you?” Yang asked as now she slid behind Blake, in awe at her wife’s ability to calm the lobster. She had spent a better part of the day fighting the beast, trying not to damage it too much before she got it into the pot. It had earned her respect for that adventure.
“Well you did always want a pet for company when one of us was stuck here,” Blake answered as she leaned back into Yang’s chest. 
“Yeah, don’t think something that I was trying to make into dinner was ever in my head,” Yang stated still trying to wrap her head around what had just happened.
“Well I might be a bit out of it, but you could also imagine Weiss’s face when she sees them,” Blake muttered, the start of a smirk appearing on her face.
“Oh that would be a great day,” Yang said as the infectious idea spread into her imagination. “Well welcome aboard Tri,” she said, and the now-named Tri swiveled their eyes from the leaf to their new owners. It had been a strange day, but if this was what it could get then it was content with the bright and the shadow.
“So pizza and soaps?” Blake pressed, as her stomach growled.
“Ha, of course, we can’t miss if Scar gets his comeuppance this time,” Yang chuckled, and the two quickly found themselves crammed on the living room couch, snuggled together for the night, with Tri now laying down at the door. Another day finished for the two together.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Prelude to Destiny
Hi again, so here’s a bit of a prequel bit I wrote down for the last prompt I did for Arkos Week this year (here) on why Pyrrha is heading to Beacon when I got bit by a world-building bug for this AU, and thought why not share it. So enjoy😁
“Hiya!!” Pyrrha yelled as she bisected another training dummy with her spear. Not even a second had passed before she had pulled it back and spun, decapitating another dummy behind her.
“Your daughter continues to improve her skills,” an elderly woman dressed in purple and bronze stated as she lounged on a cushion, goblet in hand.
“Thank you, Matriarch Melan,” her companion said, another woman dressed in blues and greens.
“Oh, come now Tetha,” the older woman said as she placed her goblet down and adjusted herself to lock eyes with the other woman. “We have known and even bled for each other, no need for titles to separate us,”
“I disagree matriarch,” Tetha stated, and though her voice was neutral, her eyes simmered with annoyance. Matriarch Melan sighed and set down her drink before speaking again.
“Ah if that is how you want to be Tetha, I’m guessing you’re waiting for me to apologize for volunteering your daughter,”
“Yes, and an explanation why you’ve used my daughter for your games within the Synedrion,” Tetha bit back, “she is already a blooded companion, her life should be her own, not some pawn in a foreign land,”
“Ah yes, the Synedrion…” Matriarch Melan mused, “tell me Tetha, what have your husband’s merchants been saying amongst their drinks?”
A beat and the silence stretched on as Tetha recalled the various rumors and tales told among the workers that manned the ships of her family. Any Mistralian worth their station always took account of the whispers and loose stories, but the hard part is always which threads were one to follow. Course now that the matriarch had given her the keyword to focus on, Tetha could begin to piece together a picture.
“The archons of Dion are planning to try and raise a tyrant to head the league,” she stated, her voice a bit faint at the incredulous notion.
“That is the prevailing theory,” Matriarch Melan said as she grabbed her goblet for another drink. “Supposedly they are cozying up to Atlas so they can have military assistance should the vote not go their way,”
“It explains why they have leased Atlas a significant part of the Argus port…and so the rest of the Synedrion now wants to see if aligning with Vale will help keep Atlas from interfering militarily?”
“No,” Matriarch Melan’s voice hardened significantly, her eyes narrowed and a scowl formed on her face as she turned to watch Pyrrha impale one of the ranged targets with perfect accuracy. How she earned to be able to just be a companion again like the younger girl. To deal with issues bluntly by force with only her fellow sisters around her. Sadly, those days were long over and now she had to solve issues subtly less her enemies attempted to interfere for their own gains.
“No?” Tetha asked her angry slowly returning, “then why have you pushed for her attendance to this Beacon? She should be out with her sisters in the interior or among our kingdom’s ships, earning herself glory,”
“And what makes you think glory is not here Lady Nikos,” came the matriarch’s response as she finally sat up and stared down Tetha. “Is not performing a favor for the Matriarch of the Amazons a glorious endeavor?”
“Not when she is being sent on a task that a spy would be better suited for,” Tetha bit back. Yes, serving for the Amazons was a glorious calling, one she herself had been a part of. This task however just smelled like a political spectacle, a feeling that was only further enhanced with this conversation.
“Oh Tetha,” Matriarch Melan drawled, “I don’t want her to spy on Vale’s methods, I want her to crush them,” she finished as she crushed the goblet in her hand.
“What?” Tetha asked, somewhat confused by what was going on.
“I want Pyrrha to show that Vale needs to align with us, to provide a counterbalance to the encroaching Atlas influence, or potentially face a Great War where both of their enemies are now stronger, while they have weakened.” The matriarch finished as she reached for the grapes.
“So, it’s a show of force then?” Tetha asked, to which she was given a nod. “Not exactly a better reason either,”
“Of course, no one likes their child being a simple showpiece, though I feel like this can be an opportunity for young Pyrrha,” Matriarch Malen stated as she stood up
“How?” Tetha asked
And with that Matriarch Malen smirked, “Pyrrha!” she called out, and as the young girl turned, hurled the crushed goblet at her. Pyrrha reacted in an instant, stretching out her hand to stop the incoming bolt of metal. In mid-air.
Silence dominated the area as all there took in what had just happened.
“You…you knew?” Tetha asked as she stood up and made her way to stand with her daughter.
“Yes, though you are to be commended, her skills were well hidden,” Matriarch Melan said as she sat back down, “and you needn’t worry, I would never give someone so skilled over to the Seers or Hecatite Cults,” she finished, “your skill Pyrrha is too much to be stuck behind those ancient has-beens,”
“But they’re getting suspicious aren’t they,” Tetha stated, worry creeping into her voice.
“Yes, moves are being made, but so far it’s just feelings from them, for now, they can’t act just yet,” Matriarch Melan responded.
“So, this is also for my protection?” Pyrrha finally spoke up, moving out from behind her mother.
“Partially, like I was telling your mother I see an opportunity for you,” the matriarch said as got herself comfortable again.
“Which is,” the young warrior asked as she and her mother joined the matriarch.
“To harness your gift, of course,” spoke the matriarch as she grabbed some more grapes. “After all, if you can fully incorporate it into your fights by the end of your time there, then perhaps we can push for new forms of integrating those gifted by the gods into our nation other than leaving them locked up in temples or bound to archons.”
“You want to remove their power,” Tetha stated, her mind now wondering just how much her old mentor had planned for this move.
“Yes,” Matriarch Melan responded, “they have enjoyed strangling the development of our nation, keeping so many bright and skilled youths for themselves, all the while they plot to keep the Synedrion aligned with them.”
“So not only is this a move against those at Dion, but you also seek to disrupt those factions as well,” Tetha bit out. Her anger was returning, this was something far larger than she envision.
“Yes Tetha, because no one else sees the danger they are welcoming to our home,” Matriarch Melan said, “the other factions do not see it…” she paused for a moment, her eyes staring unfocused at the horizon. “But I will not push, this is still Pyrrha’s choice—"
“I will accept this task,” Pyrrha suddenly spoke out, startling the two women. A moment passed as the two older women looked at the young girl
“Haha, the exuberance of youth,” Matriarch Melan said while Tetha simply sighed. She had seen the look in Pyrrha’s eyes, the fire of duty blazed brightly, just like her father. There would be no stopping her daughter now.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Misfired Morning
Hello, and welcome to the next part of the RWBY DND AU I’m sort of made for Nuts and Dolts week this year. You can read the first post here and I hope you all enjoy this next part of the story.
Penny’s systems slowly rebooted back up, the left-over magic from the mace’s sleep charm still fighting to keep her down, adding to her annoyance about her predicament. Her mission had already been extended well past her normal operating period. Her…creator would be upset, but she could not disobey the Lord General, especially when her mission was concerned with such a critical objective. Forcing through the remnants of the spell, she opened her eyes to a ceiling.
She found herself puzzled. The room that she was in was a simple bedroom at first glance, not exactly what she had expected after being knocked out. However, she did not have time for that, she needed to secure the talisman she had located. Hopefully, it was still close by.
“Scan,” she mumbled, extending her hand out, fingers clenched. Arcane energy swirled and entered her hand. The green energy glowed across her runes as it traveled to her eyes. Slowly she let her eyes travel across the room, waiting to see if potential traps were waiting for her.
Nothing stood out to her, not even basic wards for potential intruders. It really was just a plain bedroom of sorts.
“Odd,” she mumbled before quickly realizing that she had potentially lost her only clue. Launching herself out of the bed, she scrambled to unlatch one of her travel pouches. Out of it, she pulled a rolled-up paper. Unrolling it to reveal, what appeared to be a regular map of Remnant.
It was however much more than that, as once again Penny began to channel her magic through her arms. The green energy slowly seeped into the paper as it bloomed to life. Colors started to appear as the various biomes of the world began to show, creating a beautiful picture.
And yet Penny was not focused on that, no instead she watched as small patches of ice formed in certain locations. These icy marks showcased where similar fonts of magic to the one she had chased down had appeared.
Unsurprisingly Atlas was encased with such marks, being the originator of such magics. Elsewhere marks appeared in Mistral, where Penny’s superior led the hunt. Penny herself was supposed to be off in Vacuo, her construction made it easy to handle the hostile environments there.
She had only crossed into Vale because an ice patch had appeared within the border forests of the two kingdoms. Then it quickly turned into a chase as she tracked the bandits down. That had not been her first fight, but it had been her first combat without backup. She now wondered what would have happe—
“Oh, so that’s what James has been up to,” another voice spoke up. Startled, and with a potential leak possibility, Penny whirled into combat mode.
 Ruby sat back, again bored out of her mind. Sure, the fight with the bandits had been intense, even with the sudden interruption of the warforged. However, the fact that said warforged had gotten knocked out (that was a nifty enchantment on that mace) and she had to drag her home had dulled that experience.
Not to mention her father had a bit of a freakout when she returned home. Granted it wasn’t every day your youngest daughter sneaks off for a mission only to return with a knocked-out individual. So, his reaction to hustling the two inside, demanding Ruby stay on house grounds for a week should have been seen.
A slash of light caught Ruby’s attention as the rising sun refracted its light through the snowflake crystal that she had set up to observe. Its craftsmanship was absolutely breathtaking, but the magic embedded within it was what truly amazed her.
Its concept was simple. A bunch of charged magic that exploded outward to ward off danger, but with the added benefit of revealing to the wearer exactly where such attacks came from. However, that only seemed to be the tip of what could be offered by the gem. It had easily refilled itself from its last use only limited by how attuned the user was in both magic and the crystal itself, or so Ruby theorized.
“Just who made you?” she wondered as she moved to look closer at the artifact. She started to wonder just what was so important about it. Its appearance and the follow-up of the warforged caster spoke of something much bigger going on. An adventure of a lifetime was hanging in the air, she was sure of it. She just had to figure out how to snag a ride on it.
An explosion rocked the area as Ruby shot up from her seat in her workshop and dashed outside to see what was going on. Once outside she stopped as she spotted the massive hole in the side of her family’s home. She winced, hoping that not too much had been destroyed in the blast.
“Can’t believe Yang is already back,” she groaned as she made her way over assuming her sister had gotten in another tussle with their dad. A common occurrence ever since Yang started working on her own fighting style.
“Ugh…Ruby?” the slightly crisped form of her father asked as he sat up from the ground. It was mostly his clothes that took the brunt of the damage, though he’d probably have a headache for the rest of the week.
“Hi dad,” Ruby said as she walked toward him, “did Yang get the drop on you again?”
“No, I—”
“Attention citizens,” and out of the gaping hole flew out the warforged, “apologies for the damages, I will amend to report to my superiors so compensation can be paid in full, now—”
“Yeah!” Ruby shouted, now very annoyed that someone she saved had attacked her dad and damaged their home. “If you think you can just blast anyone here after I dragged your heavy ass here,” and summoned her mother’s scythe, “you’ve got another thing coming!”
“Again, apologizes,” the warforged stated, “but your father was attempting to view kingdom secrets—”
“Ugh,” Ruby groaned, “secrets, secrets, well if that’s the way you want, how about we get some answers out of you,” she declared readying herself for a fight.
Penny disliked how this was all turning out to be, but she knew she could not reveal anything. She should just flee, but she still needed to locate the necklace.
“Very well then,” she stated as she charged two spells up, “If you win then I shall answer a question, but,” and Penny’s gaze harden at her new opponent. “If I win then you shall hand over the necklace.
“Deal!” Ruby said and she blitzed forward.
0 notes
ssarkosghost · 2 years
Arkos Week DAY 8 - Free Day
Ah the final day of @arkos-week-2022, firstly thanks to all you readers I really hoped you enjoyed what I wrote for the week 😁 . As for today I’ve gone for another AU setting, a more medieval world where our two soul once again meet for the first time(May do more of the verse eventually).
The Beacon’s Glory Masque, though perhaps not the grandest of court celebrations, was definitely the liveliest. It was the favor of the Protector Regent, Lord Ozpin the Unfathomable, who despite having a reputation for being distant, thoroughly enjoyed the vast swaths of color and merriment the event brought. It also provided the perfect opportunity for all of Vale’s social strata to gather tighter. Even the final part of the celebration, held within Beacon Castle itself which was often closed to only the most elite of the kingdom, found itself filled with guests invited by such individuals.
Hence why the Arcs found themselves being allowed into the castle. Once they did rank amongst those who could gain entrance to the Vale King’s keep. Their warrior ancestors helped forged the very kingdom they all now live in. Peace and abundance have reduced the need for such warrior families. Plus, the Arcs themselves have also settled for the farming life. Too much tragedy had dampened their family’s tendency to send their offspring to battle.
With such a loss they fell to relative obscurity, but their sacrifices were not to be forgotten. This is why Her Ladyship, Glynda Goodwitch the Unbowed, Supreme Magician of Vale, had extended the customary invitation to the final act of the night.
Jaune also assumed it had to do with his sister, Saffron, having recently managed to engage Lady Cotta. A minor Mistral noble that his sister had met during one of her ventures. It spoke about how Lord Ozpin had been trying to align at least parts of the Kingdom of Mistral so that Atlas, whose growing military might have worried some, would not have its old ally.
Thus, his sister’s engagement was perhaps an unexpected boon, and the Arcs' presence would help ease the Mistral delegation. Then again that could all just be speculation at this point. Greater people had tried to predict Lord Ozpin’s plans, and they have all failed to this point.
So, it was best to probably just enjoy to party, and perhaps he could see if he could again gain a recommendation to attend the capital’s knight academy. After all, even though most could guess who everyone was, it was custom to assume everyone was a mystery. It had its downsides for sure, but it allowed those in attendance to speak their thoughts without fear. Many a crisis had been adverted by the inciting individuals being able to air their issues in such a form.
Honestly, the ones he’d have to avoid would be his parents. His father would probably be the first Arc to die of old age and not of complications with wounds. A trend his mother full-heartedly agreed on starting. Which was exactly the opposite of his goal of becoming a knight of the realm. So, when the Arcs made their entrance, clad in their new cloths of yellow, with their mask simplistic depictions of the animals they now called their charges, Jaune, or Mane as his stage name was for the horse mask on his face, quickly made his way to slip into the crowd.
Sadly, as the night drew on, his quest seemed hopeless. Firstly, it turned out to be much more difficult to find those who could help him. Turns out many of the knights also preferred to dress in their civilian lives. Honestly, the only ones that stood out were Lady Goodwitch (who was friendly to his parents and posed too much of a risk) and Lord Brawen, though that was mostly due to said man’s current camping of the punch bowl at one of the tables. Which lead to his second issue, the few knights he did find often found his request hilarious. This was Vale, anyone could apply for the chance to attend the academy. Even the most helpful of the bunch a grey-clad man with a multi-eyed bird mask had asked why he didn’t simply ask his parents.
Jaune smiled ruefully at that. He didn’t need to ask his parent to gauge their reactions. He had seen it in their faces when in his youth he played knights in the fields. The looks had turned to words as he got older and his interest failed to wane. He knew his parents simply didn’t want to see him mauled on the battlefield, but over the year the steady attempts to discourage him had worn his trust in them.
So, it wasn’t surprising that after finding no help amongst the partiers Jaune decided to seclude himself on one of the private balconies outside of the hall. Here he could be out here with the stars. His ever-present companions when he needed space from his family. It was a clear night and the wind was gentle calming his racing mind.
“May I join you?” a soft voice, though their tone was far from timid. For a moment Jaune thought about saying no, but perhaps destiny had decided to smile on him.
“Sure, and you areeee,” his voice trailed as he was stuck with how beautiful the owner of the voice was. She was dressed in crimson and bronze, an outfit of silk and armor. Her mask was a decorative masterpiece of scales and feathers that formed a rainbow across her face, highlighting her bright green eyes. She giggled at his shocked expression before answering his question.
“Sir Nike, of the Kingdom of Mistral,” Nike introduced herself before asking for Jaune’s name. A moment of silence passed before Jaune realized she had asked in return, and tried to answer. Sadly, his mind was still hooked on her beauty and so his words were a jumbled mess. Nike gave him another bought of her laughter and simply pushed on to what he was doing out where.
“Ah just letting my thoughts drift,” Jaune sighed as he was brought back to his current problem.
“Oh…does it have something to do with attempting to attend Beacon’s Knight Academy?” Nike asked much to Jaune’s surprise.
“Ho—How?” he stammered; he would have remembered if he had talked to her before.
“You were rather loud with your last conversation,” Nike stated, their tone similar to when one of his sisters stated the obvious.
“Ah…well if you’re here to enjoy the story, I’m sorry to disappoint, but I will—”
“Oh, no no,” Nike cut in as she moved closer to Jaune, “I wanted to help,”
“How, no offense sir, but you’re a Mistal Knight, you don’t exactly have the authority,” Jaune pointed out, unsure just what was happening
“True, but I will be attending said academy myself, and I will need someone who is familiar with this kingdom’s ways,” Nike answered, partially confusing Jaune more.
“But you are already knighted and in Mistral your home,” he pressed, “what would you gain from attending our kingdom’s academy?”
“It is a test run,” Nike answered, her head next to Jaune’s, “my Queen has asked that a warrior of Mistral learn to see if Vale is still able to produce great warriors against the Grimm threat. So, what do you say?” Jaune had no idea what to think of this chance. Oh, sure he knows he was being used, but it’s still a chance.
“Sir Nike, I Mane of House Arc will accept your request to accompany you to the Beacon Knight Academy if you will have me,” he stated proffering a bow to his new benefactor.
“Very well Mane Scion of the Arcs,” Sir Nike replied, “I will notify the Lord Protector of this, and make sure your letter of acceptance is sent,” and with a bow, Sir Nike departed to ensure her word was kept. Deep down Pyrrha Nikos, Sir Nike’s real name was ecstatic. She would have to thank Sir Grey for pointing out Mane’s plight. She could see the determination in him and knew he would be an excellent partner to help her survive the incoming trial. She also smiled at how easy it was for the two to chat and hoped when the time came for them to truly meet, he would not change himself.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Arkos Week DAY 7 - Future
Day 7 of @arkos-week-2022 and a bit of a softer tone for today’s prompt. A glimpse into what Pyrrha might have been thinking early on.
Pyrrha knew her future was set when she won the second Mistral Regional Tournament with ease. Sure, she had decided when she was young, that she would help make the world a better place so that all could feel safe, but it was that moment she knew she could be a Huntress.
It was also the moment most of the civilized world came to the same conclusion as well, with many already clambering for her form to grace their products.
Perhaps I should have not gone as hard as I did, she thought. Then again if she hadn’t then perhaps, she wouldn’t have received a personal letter from Headmaster Ozpin. It had been a bit of a shock to get such a letter, but she was excited to get a chance to leave the popularity that had sprung up around her.
It had been suffocating. People had swarmed her when she got her third Mistral Crown, all clambering to get a piece of her fame, body, and/or potential fortune. She was worried that if she went to Haven, without her parents to provide a buffer she would have to isolate herself from her fellow students. It would have been a tense environment.
Beacon provided an opportunity to escape all who professed they knew her. Vale was a very reclusive nation. Much of its taste for conquest was killed in the Great War. There she could perhaps slip in amongst her class and just be Pyrrha.
Or perhaps she was just letting her imagination get the better of her. After all, no matter what she did or who she talked to, everyone at Sanctum quickly found out who she was. Then, in the end, even her closest “friends” had all turned. Not out of malice, but greed as apparently no one could resist the urge to try and use her new status for themselves.
Pyrrha told herself the lie that their actions hadn’t hurt, after all, they hadn’t really stopped being her friends. A lie that got harder each year as more and more simply joined the masses of wanting the Invincible Girl to be their boost.
It was the Mistral way, or so she had been told. Pyrrha wasn’t ignorant of how her home kingdom was run. An exchange was the heart of any Mistralian’s agreement, for one to hold a Mistralian’s hand one must be willing to sell their own hand, went the saying. It rankled Pyrrha, who preferred clear words and reasons, not the supposed underhandedness that pervaded the world’s understanding of Mistral.
However, she couldn’t just ignore that a person’s status was heavily fought for in Mistral. It would be foolish to ignore what people would do to try and leverage her status to their advantage. Such a skill would have served her well in Haven.
She hadn’t expected to use it in Beacon, her heart almost soared when there was no fanfare at her arrival at the academy. Of course, she then had to find her way about the academy, but she treated it like an adventure.
By the time the orientation had started, she had already explored much of the campus. It had felt so freeing for her as she didn’t have to worry about any fans running about her trying to curry favor with her. No instead she had been able to enjoy the impressive visage of the oldest academy on Remnant.
Still, her future beckoned as she heard the announcements for the orientation. She understood what the headmaster was alluding to. Many of her fellows, both in Sanctum and here, were just here for the legends and victories. She already had her tale in place, the story of Pyrrha Nikos the Invincible Girl. She knew what her future held; she was secure in the knowledge. Her purpose was chosen by her in youth and destined by her skill. Beacon would be a time to develop her skills even further and hone herself to truly earn her title.
For now, though she would enjoy the relative anonymity that being in another kingdom’s academy. Honestly, she was surprised that no one had even seemed to realize just who she was. It made her feel giddy as she settled in for the night. Hopefully, this would last the rest of the time here.
 Sadly, that was not the case, as it seemed at least one individual was aware of her fame. Weiss Schnee, the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, announced her intent even before speaking. The way she walked toward Pyrrha, full of herself and eyes shining with greedy intent.
Thus, when Weiss began her attempt to recruit her, Pyrrha already tuned most of her words out. She knew what people like Weiss wanted. Power and prestige, things that Pyrrha knew only poisoned a person’s perspective. It was—
“You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you.”
A new voice cut both her and Weiss’s thoughts as the blonde-haired boy that she saw at the orientation. She gave a quick hello and then found her promptly shoved aside. More surprised than anything else, Pyrrha settled herself to watch Jaune’s attempt to woo Weiss. At least that’s what she assumed, but the fact that he seemed to think the teams were only two members each and felt like she had to intervene.
Never would she have guessed what that decision would lead to. Sure, she had been hit on before, but Jaune, simply going for it surprised her. Plus, the fact that even when Weiss had tried to explain just who she was he seemed to have no idea who she was made her feel…warm. His compliment must have been sincere and though rather blunt she did feel it fit to stand for him when Weiss tried to put him down. It was often the most unexpected packages that held the best results, though she did have to make sure he didn’t intrude on Weiss’s space.
But here and now in the trees of the Emerald Forest, as she spied his falling form, something in her heart pressed her to help. Her mind tried to point out that to best prepare for her future perhaps one of the more experienced candidates would be a better option. After all, Jaune wasn’t the only one that seemed to not realizes just who she was.
Yet as she watched the blonde tumble through the sky, she remembered her future was finally her own. She could make the choice she wanted. Besides if fate saw fit for him to be the first to talk to her as simply Pyrrha who was she to argue.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Arkos Week DAY 6 - Reunion
Ah Day 6 and I guess I should lead with a bit of a warning, mentions of death and actual dying, but it all ends well I swear. Thanks again to @arkos-week-2022 and hope you’ll enjoy.
Jaune never knew that he’d make it to old age. Life on Remnant had never been completely safe. Oh, sure the kingdoms often proclaimed how the various villages under their domain were safe. That each one had the best factors for offering protection and the chance to live a Grimm-free life. All part of the propaganda for which kingdom was the best one. Not that it wasn’t partially true, but Jaune knew that a few of his childhood days held danger that a Grimm could have ended his life right there.
Then there was his life as a Huntsman, nearly dying in initiation at the start of his career and the danger only increasing every since. From criminal gangs to invading Grimm and…the worst day of his life, it was a miracle that he survived physically. Mentally he knew his last year at Beacon had roughed his thought process, a wound he still carried to a degree.
He was glad his friends had not given up on him during that time, even if when it came down to it, he was more of a liability than an asset early on. By rights, he should have died in the Battle for Haven, but again destiny seemed to have other ideas for that day. While unlocking his semblance should have been a glorious moment, but he never reached that, just relief that death hadn’t taken someone before him.
Yet the war did not get easier, instead, it only increased with their journey to Atlas. The memories of Atlas itself were drenched in death. That battle had rightly earned itself the moniker the Ending’s Start by historians and biographers. The destruction of perhaps the most powerful kingdom plus the disappearance of Team RWBY, who were well on their way to being labeled heroes, had made it a dark time for Remnant.
That had only been the start of Jaune’s worst time though, as his time in Wonderland, as those that fell there termed it, was not pleasant. Still, death did not take him and after they all returned to Remnant, though he had many happy memories, the rest of the war blurred together. It wasn’t until his third showdown with Cinder did, he think of death.
But not his, as by this point Cinder had nearly been consumed by the Grimm arm Salem had given her. Mercy was given that day, even if Cinder fought for her life, against the Grimm and Team JNR. Then a massive blast of white light covered the world, and it was over. Salem was gone, and Oscar said he was the last of the Ozs.
The resulting break was nice but short, and much had to be done. The world was still broken, Grimm prowled now leaderless, and everyone looked to them for help. Thus, between his twenties and fifties, he had helped repair and defend the world. His sixties to nineties had been him passing the mantle on and teaching, along with becoming the grumpy grouch of the village.
Well not really, he couldn’t bring himself to grouse at the kids that asked for his stories. For he was the last of the heroes alive, at the ripe old age of a hundred and twenty (he blamed his aura and semblance for outlasting everyone else).
Now however as the sun fell over his simple cottage, he knew it was probably time. Barely a flicker of aura graced his skin the entire day, and his breaths slowed. Yes, it was time, and he was ready. As he let darkness fall over his eyes, comfortable in his bed, Jaune Arc, the Shield of Light, Leader of Team JNPR, breathed his last on Remnant.
When Jaune next awoke, he noted the sheer vastness of blinding whiteness that surrounded him. Carefully sitting up he noted that his body was younger, much younger. It looked like he had returned to his looks and build of his last year at Beacon. It wasn’t his first choice, but it did still feel right. As he wondered what was going on a familiar voice came from behind him.
“Hello again.”
With a slow turn, not wanting this to be some terrible nightmare, Jaune came about and saw her. Pyrrha Nikos, just as she was when he last saw her alive. To say the moment was emotional would be an understatement. The two crashed into a hug, as emotions, once held in check by their opposing states flowed out. Much was needed to be said between them and just as much needed to be forgiven. Eventually, their words slowed as the two finally let go of each other.
“So…uh where are we?” Jaune asked as he looked around at the ever-expanding whiteness.
“Holding for recently departed souls,” Pyrrha answered, “It helps sort of figure out which souls are stable versus those who may need additional help,”
“Ah guess I’m a bit of a—”
Jaune’s words were stopped by a stern glare from Pyrrha, she had already watched him beat himself down his entire life, and she would not tolerate it anymore.
“Jaune, I came because I wanted to be with you so we could make the choice together.”
“Choice?” Jaune asked as he tilted his head to the side.
“Yes, our world is one of many connected,” Pyrrha started as she waved her hand and the vast plain of white disappeared and, in its place, a stary sky appeared. Thin wisps connected every mote of light, each, as Jaune looked closer, a world stood.
“Wow…the Brothers were busy,” Jaune stated in amazement
“Yes, they were, and many such worlds also have troubles caused by those two’s…lack of tact,” Pyrrha said, her tone turning harsh for the first time in…ever Jaune thought.
“So, this choice is either stay here or—”
“Venture on another world,” Pyrrha finished for him, “and perhaps give ourselves the chance we both wanted.” Jaune looked back toward Pyrrha, her form still as brilliant as ever, and immediately knew what his choice would be.
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