sslplanning · 7 years
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"Where did Sama run off to?" *sweats*
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sslplanning · 8 years
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I was gonna take my time fixing it buuut it’s been so long, I forgot what the words were so I yolo’d the entire thing hardcore in the end, whoops
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sslplanning · 8 years
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Watching something entertaining, what exactly, I dunno?
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sslplanning · 9 years
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not the right game to make a sprite out of but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sslplanning · 9 years
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I don’t know a good font or style to use for these so I’m just gonna wing it until I find something right 
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sslplanning · 9 years
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changed up an old wip. very much still a wip tho
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sslplanning · 9 years
important otp christmas question: who has placed mistletoe in every room of the house to get in as many kisses as possible and who is exasperatedly questioning ‘this is the 5th timE TODAY WHERE IS ALL THIS MISTLETOE COMING FROM?’ before sighing and leaning in
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sslplanning · 10 years
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sslplanning · 10 years
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sslplanning · 10 years
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I am everywhere with this child tonight
Tried sketching like the sketches in the artbook
If I'm gonna learn how to kinda draw like this, might as well start with the basics.
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sslplanning · 10 years
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Found some neat tricks for coloring so the first thing that came in mind to try it on...
Sorry Sonomimi.
Rest in pieces again.
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sslplanning · 10 years
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i was bored and wanted to draw so have a kou doodle
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sslplanning · 10 years
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Casual clothes are very important to me
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sslplanning · 10 years
Remember that song I said I made about Kaoru?…this is it.
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sslplanning · 10 years
General Relationships with Sonomi! ...Kind of.
Sonomi is rather awkward and is the type to wring her hands together while trying to fumble over a sentence after a long pause, taking time to consider her words if she has to initiate conversation with a stranger/acquaintance. Despite that, because she is the type of person to walk around with a warm smile and offer a pleasant greeting when making eye contact, it’s easy for her to draw out a conversation from giving off an inviting presence. She honestly enjoys talking and hearing good things about people’s lives and well being.
She’s honest to a fault and will tell people she hardly knows things others may consider personal, and trusting to a point where she seldom stops to wonder if something said may be a lie or a joke. She’s well attuned to emotions, but often second guesses what she’s picked up because of what she’s heard. She also pushes herself into seeming very outgoing.
In combination that she’s very friendly, worries often and easily considers someone a friend, she’s simple to fool. Someone says something is a good idea although it seems not so wise? “Perhaps I should try it, maybe something good will come out of it!” Someone ‘not feeling well’ although they’re clearly faking it to others? “Please, rest!”
Her problem is that most of these were traits her elder brother possessed, being the entirely open, trusting and carefree type. While she was friendly and genuinely cared about people, she was once guarded, had a harder time feeling completely comfortable around others and held at least a level of suspicion with what she was told. Once her brother passed away and she made the decision to follow his goal of becoming a doctor and taking over the family clinic, she also assimilated many of his qualities as a way to assure herself she can do it, and has almost forgotten who she once was and what she really wanted from life. The only habit that stays true to how she really was is her typical hand-wringing.
Through observations she makes and relationships she forges with others, she will start questioning what she really wanted and who she once was, working towards becoming ‘herself’ again, coming to terms with the loss of her brother and not having to do what he wanted or become him to please her parents and make up for the loss of their heir.
While a relationship would not necessarily be the best idea, she cannot help her growing affections for Okita nor cannot find herself putting a halt to confessing when the time comes. She believes that his influence will push her positively while hoping to possibly do the same in return.
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sslplanning · 10 years
(Mineko's Relationship Issues) Part I out of gosh knows how many...
Relationships to other people in general: She’s very personable and friendly to almost everyone she meets. She’s got a rather keen sense for discerning the emotions and thought processes of the people around which she uses to her advantage. She’s very good at being manipulative when she wants to be. People, as a whole, are a distraction for her. A very necessary distraction, so she takes care when it comes to how she treats others (with a few exceptions). 
She becomes attached mostly to people she finds interesting for one reason or another. These people receive a higher dose of Mineko’s meddling interaction than people who are simply friendly acquaintances. She makes it a point to pay attention to them, to ask how they’re doing, tease them, and meddle in their private lives with the best of intentions in mind. (You know what they say about those…) 
So while she’s very interested in getting to know other people, she’s very selective of what other people get to learn about herself. She’s got this smiley, sweet, and cheerful persona she puts forth and hides behind.
-Also it’s probably worth noting that Mineko’s at that “16/17 year old with an existential crisis” stage.  'Who am I really? What do I want to do with my life? Am I fine with things as they are? If not what would I even do to change that? Am I just a product of the environment that nurtured me? Where does who am I based on outside expectations end and my real feelings begin? What are my real feelings? Do I have those of my own?' are examples of the thoughts running through her head in the background.
Over the two years of SSL her main goal will be struggling to figure herself out, rather than focusing on any romantic relationship. Maybe the early feelings of a crush might happen, but until she can stabilize and come to terms with herself there will be no fertile ground for those seeds to develop in. 
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sslplanning · 10 years
In the event that anyone needs a list of the official characters (and what they do) that are in here, here be, since the OCs have their own tab and are easy to find.
I think there's only one person who hasn't actually played any game and may not know someone or the others' personality, but if that's ever the case, let me know who and I'll help with that. I want to involve all the canon characters too, even the ones that never really get attention but deserve it, like Inoue, yo. ;;
Chizuru Yukimura- 1st year student Hijikata Toshizou- Homeroom Teacher of Year 2, Form One, Classic Japanese Teacher, Vice Principal Okita Souji- Year 2, Form One student. Member of the Kendo Club Saitou Hajime- Year 2, Form Two student. Member of the Discipline Committee.  Member of the Kendo Club Toudou Heisuke- Year 2 Form One student. Member of Kendo Club. Harada Sanosuke- Health and Physical Education Teacher. Homeroom teach of  Year One students Kazama Chikage- Year 3, Form Three student. President of the Student Council. Grown ass man. Kyuujyu Amagiri- Year 3, Form Three student. Also part of the student council. One of Kazama’s escorts. A grown ass man as well. Shiranui Kyo- Year 3, Form Three student. Member of the student council. One of Kazama’s escorts. Last part of the grown ass men trio. Nagakura Shinpachi- Teaches Math and Science. Home room teacher of Year 2, Form 2 students. Kondou Isami- The Founder, head principal and Kendo coach at Hakuou academy. Owner of the currently closed down Sheikan Ibuki Ryunosuke- First year student. Has a little shop at the entrance of the rooftop to earn some cash Serizawa Kamo- PTA Chairman Inoue Genzaburou- School’s nutritionist Shimada Kai-  School’s Janitor Sannan Keisuke- Part of school management and the School’s health physican Yamazaki Susumu- Year 2, Form Two. Works with Sannan in the Health Committee Suzuka Sen- Old friend of Chizuru’s. Attends Shimabara Girl’s school. A Year 2 student Suzuka Kosuzu- Sen’s foster sister. Also attends Shimbara. A Year 1 student
Kimigiku- Heck if I know if she's really in SSL, but I'll find someway to put her in there. I love Kimigiku. If you don't think she should be in here, fight me. Okay I'm kidding. Seriously I have no idea if she's in or what she does, but hell if I'm leaving her out.
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