sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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You know, I just, I just feel…I just feel like…women, they…They have minds and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. And I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it. But I’m…I’m so lonely.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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D’arcy Carden as Greta Gill S01E02 “Find The Gap” |  A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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we are the s a m e.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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thinking many thoughts all of them gay.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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soft 🥺
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
Maroon – And I chose you
The one I was dancing with
In New York, no shoes
Greta walked up to the door of her studio apartment, keys in hand. She could hear the soft sound of music playing behind the door. She smiled to herself, as she unlocked the door- it had been a particularly busy day and she couldn’t wait to drop her customer service persona and finally relax.
Greta pushed her way into the apartment, stepping into the kitchenette, heels clicking on the vinyl floor as she set her bags down. Carson hadn’t heard her come in and was still gently swaying to You are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis in the living room by herself.
Greta shook her head, a grin slowly spreading across her face as she watched Carson moving her hips back and forth to the chorus- completely off beat. God she’s a terrible dancer Greta thought to herself, memories of their first dance at the bar in Rockford sprung into her mind. She usually tried her best not to think about that night, what should have been a beautiful moment ruined by the reality of the world they live in. A world that would rather see her dead than happy with another woman. A world that made it impossible for her to love Carson in all of the ways she wanted to. She shook her head gently, trying to stop herself from spiraling any further. Bringing herself back into the moment.
She quietly slipped her heels off, padding over to the short brunette, who somehow remained completely unaware of her presence. When she got close enough, she reached out for Carson, caressing her arm from her bicep up to her shoulder. Carson jumped, startled by the sudden touch. The concern on her face quickly faded into a dazzling grin, cheek dimpling as she smiled up at Greta.
“Greta” Carson said breathlessly.
“Hi Chickadee, having fun?” She said with a wink.
Carson blushed, waving her hands around frantically as she explained “I didn’t even hear you come in, I just- I found this record and it’s one of my favourites and-I was waiting for you to come home and I guess I just lost track of time and- ”
Greta laughed at Carson’s rambling, taking her hand, and standing back to examine her for a minute before pulling her in tightly- chests pressed together lips almost touching. “I could teach you how to dance if you’d like” Greta whispered against Carson’s lips.
Carson’s gaze flickered up from Greta’s lips to focus on her eyes. “Really?” she asked unsure. “I don’t know if I’ll be any good- I never have been, Charlie always used to make fun of me for stepping on his feet…” she started.
Greta’s jaw tensed. She knew Carson and Charlie were over, she knew Carson had chosen her. She was here- in New York- with her. But it didn’t mean she didn’t get jealous, thinking of Carson spending her time…sharing her space with anyone other than Greta.
Greta tightened her grip on Carson’s hand trying not to be too possessive while she slid her other hand down to Carson’s hip squeezing gently. “Here, put your other hand on my shoulder, I’ll lead” Greta explained.
Carson followed her instruction, resting her hand lightly on Greta’s shoulder. Greta began to lead them in a slow waltz, swaying as the stylus moved into the next grove on the record and a new song started playing.
Greta noticed Carson looking down at her feet, desperately trying to keep pace with Greta’s as she moved them in slow box steps. Greta started to speed up her pace as the song reached its chorus and Carson’s steps faltered, stepping forward into Greta when she was supposed to be stepping backwards. Their shins collided roughly causing Greta to wince and step back from Carson who looked mortified.
“Greta- I’m s-so sorry, I told you I’m a lousy dancer – we should just stop, I’m a lost cause” she said looking down.
Greta hooked her finger under Carson’s chin bringing her gaze up from the floor. “The Shaw I know wouldn’t give up that easily- the Shaw I know goes for what she wants and doesn’t stop until she gets it” she said with a knowing smile.
Carson gave a small nod, “I just can’t follow the beat the same way you do” she said, frustrated.
Greta looked at her in quiet contemplation before she said, “Come here”, pulling Carson close again “put your feet on top of mine”.
Carson hesitated “I-I don’t want to hurt you” Greta brushed off her concern with a flick of her wrist “don’t be silly Carson, get up here.” She grinned wiggling her toes.
Carson slowly stepped on top of Greta’s feet, the new position leaving even less space between them than the time before. Greta wasn’t sure if she had ever been this close to someone – unless of course she was sleeping with them. As experienced as Greta was, this level of intimacy was new for her. None of the women she had slept with in the past had ever wanted to spend time with her like this- just existing in each others’ arms.
She took a deep breath and slowly began their waltz, counting the steps in her head until they fell into rhythm with the music. Moving with Carson on her feet was not nearly as difficult as Greta had expected it to be. She picked up her pace and Carson’s eyes were shining in the dim light of the apartment “hey – we’re doing it” she said excitedly.
Greta smiled down at her, moving them effortlessly across the living room and towards the kitchen. She was suddenly too aware of the way Carson was looking at her- at the way she was looking at Carson. Her chest tightened with a deep yearning – she moved towards the kitchen counter, purposely letting Carson’s back collide with the counter.
“Ow Greta, wha-” Carson started but before she had the chance to finish her sentence Greta hooked her arms under Carson’s thighs lifting her up onto the countertop, moving between her legs to pull her into a deep kiss. Greta’s nails dug into Carson’s thighs, pushing her skirt up around her waist to gain access to as much of Carson’s soft skin as possible. A moan caught in Carson’s throat as Greta slipped her tongue into Carson’s mouth.
Carson’s hands found Greta’s hair, pulling at the red locks. She was gentle at first and then rougher, more commanding. With intention she pulled Greta back and pushed her head down to the crook of her neck. Greta happily complied, placing soft kisses on her neck that became increasingly desperate as she sucked a mark onto Carson’s collarbone. She couldn’t help herself – not when Carson was rewarding her with small whimpers as she made her way across the newly exposed skin. She could feel Carson shaking beneath her touch but before she could move her fingers up her thighs any further, she felt another tug on her hair. Carson pulled Greta back by the hair until they were face to face, eyes locked on each other.
“I need you” was all Carson said, using the hand still wrapped in her hair to push Greta down between her thighs. Greta kneeled on the kitchen floor, spreading Carson’s legs further apart, taking a quick glance at Carson’s already soaked lace panties. She loved it when Carson took control like this. She could feel her own wetness dripping down her thighs in anticipation. She looked up at Carson with a smirk, “Now this is the Shaw I know.” She said with a wink, leaving the “and love” unspoken.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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Let them write poems about what we’re about!
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
I’m starting a series of short aloto fics! Each one is going to be named after a song from Taylor Swift’s Midnights, some are inspired by song content some are inspired by the title on its own. These will be posted on AO3 soon as well!
Lavender Haze – I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
“Come with me” Greta grinned grabbing her hand, pulling her off the barstool.
Carson followed her helplessly. She wasn’t joking when she said that Greta was like no one she had ever met before. She felt a strange clenching in her stomach walking hand in hand with Greta towards the back of the bar. She wasn’t quite sure what the feeling meant but she knew she didn’t want it to stop.
Greta pushed through a small door at the back of the bar into what appeared to be a storage room. She pulled Carson inside, turning around with a gentle smile on her lips. Carson suddenly felt too aware of all of her limbs standing awkwardly in the dark room, engulfed in a quiet tension.
“W-what did you want to tell me?” she stuttered.
Greta didn’t say anything, just took a few slow steps towards her grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her back against the brick wall.
The gasp Carson let out at the sudden contact was swallowed by Greta’s soft lips. The kiss was slow at first – tentative. She could smell Greta’s floral perfume, feel her chest moving slowly up and down, growing more rapid as she deepened the kiss. And all too soon it was over, Greta pulling away, softly pushing Carson back as she leaned against the wall.
Carson’s pulse was racing, mind hazy with desire. What she desired exactly? She wasn’t too sure all she knew is that she wasn’t the one that had pulled away from the kiss, she wasn’t the one who had wanted the kiss to end. In fact, the longer she looked at Greta the more she wanted to kiss her again.
Greta’s expression was hard to read, she was smiling when she pulled back from the kiss, but the longer they stood in silence, the more masked her expression became. Carson couldn’t wait another second, she surged forward pulling Greta into another kiss, this one much deeper and more frenzied than the first. She turned her head, slotting their lips together, hands sliding from Greta’s cheeks down to her hips pushing her back against the wall with more force than Carson had originally intended- earning a small gasp from Greta.
She felt Greta’s tongue brush against her lip. It was so brief Carson almost thought it was an accident until she felt it again, a soft swipe of her tongue- cautiously asking for entrance. The third time it happened Carson didn’t hesitate - she opened her mouth allowing Greta’s tongue to collide with hers.
Carson couldn’t help but wonder if this is how her friends had felt, when they would talk about the boys they had a crush on, when they would swoon over a kiss in his car. They would giggle and blush and Carson could never understand. Sure she had liked Charlie, he was her best friend, but when they started going steady she had never swooned over him. Truthfully she wasn’t sure if she had ever even kissed him like this- with this much need.
She was pulled from her thoughts by the feeling of Greta’s hands in her hair, desperately grabbing at her locks. An involuntary moan escaped Carson’s mouth as Greta’s nails scraped the back of her neck, she felt Greta smile into the kiss at the sound.
Carson wasn’t sure if it had been minutes or hours when she felt Greta gently pushing on her shoulder again. She reluctantly stepped back- leaving Greta’s space, still breathing heavily. Greta pushed herself off the wall, without her knees bent she was easily 5 inches taller than her. Carson stared up at Greta with a mix of awe and arousal painted clearly on her face.
“I thought so” Greta said with a small smile, wiping at the remnants of her lipstick with her pointer finger she flattened her dress, turned and walked out the door.
Carson couldn’t move, she wasn’t sure she wanted to break the spell of the moment the two had just shared. She leaned her forehead on the cold brick that Greta’s body had just been pressed against. Her fingers coming up to brush against her own swollen lips.
What was she thinking. Carson was married. She was a housewife from Idaho. She didn’t slink around in dark rooms kissing strangers. Kissing women. She went to church and to choir. She baked pies. She was normal. She didn’t look at women like that. She didn’t kiss women like that.
Except she just had, and she was fairly certain if she was given the opportunity, she would do it again.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
If anyone needs a 3 minute reason why A League of Their Own should be renewed.
Watch it in 4K
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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it has never been so clear to me that there are queer people in the writer’s room.. i have never seen such a clear representation of the feeling of community and seeking out others who are like you. it’s what feels so incredible about this show <3
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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Friends can mean a lot of different things.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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I love them being together
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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the creation of adam // the destruction of eve
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
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You changed my whole life. You opened me up again.
A League of Their Own (2022–)
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