I can imagine you as a fairytale character
Do I even want to know which one?
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How To Report A Cyberbully on Tumblr
Dear Tumblr Community,
We’ve been receiving increasing amount of requests for help with cyberbullies. If you or anyone you know are getting unwanted messages, here is some advice for you!
1. Stop replying. Responding to the cyberbully will only encourage them to continue their harassment.
2. Gather evidence. Do not delete the conversations! Take screenshots on your computer so you can send the proof to the site administrators!
How to take screenshots on Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361
How to take screenshots on Windows: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/take-screen-capture-print-screen#take-screen-capture-print-screen=windows-7 3. Report. If someone is harassing you through Tumblr, you can report them using this link, https://www.tumblr.com/abuse. Most Social Media sites have a report button! Don’t be afraid to use it.
4. If you feel you’re in immediate danger, please contact your local police.
If you need any help reporting the cyberbully, we can help you through [email protected]! There are also an abundance of free resources online to help you through this! 
 We love our fans and we hope you’ll all do your part to keep our fandom awesome! 
Your Friends, 
The Pixelberry Team
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Everyone has challenges to deal with. School, job, family, relationships. Everything is a challenge, even not looking like one, but you must keep going. Nothing can stop you if you persist. But the biggest challenge of all of them is GETTING A GODDAMN FEMALE FAIRY TALE IN HWU! OMG, THIS SHIT IS IMPOSSIBLE!
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Tried creating a hijab-hairstyle/outfit in HSS/HwU style.
I remember seeing a suggestion about this quite a long time back - if anybody knows/remembers/can link to the post, please add it to this post! I’d like to give credit to the person that originally came up with the idea, but I just can’t find the post anywhere…
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ok so imma come out and say this real short and quick
if u like the way someone writes tell them or if you like the way someone looks, talks, tell. them. b.c i can assure you no matter what number of followers they have they will always be astounded that someone actually likes something they do and its nice to get a little appreciation once in a while.
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Those affected by the cyclonic storm those on the east coast of New South Wales. While I’m lucky enough to not be as affected by the floods and extreme weather conditions, my heart goes out to those experiencing the brunt of the storm.
Remember to try and stay off of the roads as much as you can. Stay inside and keep safe.
You are in my thoughts for those who have lost their homes, have damaged cars from falling trees and telegraph poles. I am so sorry that this has happened to you.
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New members when entering the fandom and seeing all the MCxHunt posts
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“people look at their phones 2 much in public places!” 
u have no idea what that person is looking at it may very well be their dissertation, the last letter they got from their grandma, or a book that’s too big to carry. who care that they wanna look at insta more than at u
people used to be bored/self-isolating in public w/newspapers + books don’t act like we were all chatty + friendly before the internet
ppl w/anxiety find it comforting and this generation has the highest rate of anxiety on record
on that note, phones are transitional objects, which means that they function as a comfort device (a piece of “home” in an unfamiliar place)
go touch a soft animal and calm down 
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I’m sorry that I’ve been so inactive - I’m coming back now because to be honest I really miss the fandom XD
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Mia status: still gay as heck
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FTM Crash is forever going to be my favourite headcanon.
Fading back and forth gif (used images from previous headcanon post if anybody remembers it) for HWUPOCAM.
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The hairstyle… A sneak peek for a new hairstyle?
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I’ve always imagined/written Danny as really hot and I think I’ve specifically mentioned his jawline before, so I’m kinda glad that, although Hunny is a fun ship, Danny and Hunt aren’t gonna end up together. Imagine the children… They would be too much for this world…
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You can’t bring me down!!!
Hah, you guys I finally finished!  Hope it’s worth the wait. 
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raise ur hand if ur tired of the words gay and lesbian being treated like swear words around children
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Thank you, Pixelberry, for adding another date with the bae (Victoria Swenson). I also must curse you, because I only have 9 diamonds. So “grrrr!” *shakes fist and bites thumb at pb*
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