We’re still here! Life has been so hectic lately but we plan to bring you a new chat soon!
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KK and Steph discuss
Black with Autumn Rain by @whimsicule​
As always spoilers ahead! Chat is under the cut.
TL;DR An intriguing fic with supernatural tones. Both enjoyed and recommend if supernatural is your thing.
KK: This is a fic I love to scream about. It’s so unique in its lack of romanticism, and the fact that Harry and Louis’ relationship sort of takes a back seat in some ways until the very end, yet it’s such a page turner. Considering this was the second time I’ve read it, I’d definitely say I could read it again. Not for a while, since I’m emotionally damaged. But, maybe one day.
Steph: KK, how did we chose this fic again?
KK: I believe it was due to the fact I read it when it was a WIP and I was absolutely adamant that you read it. I think I might’ve mentioned it when we were just starting up this blog and so we waited for it to be complete.
The thing that strikes me immediately about this fic is the beauty in the writing and the insane attention to detail. You forget you’re reading a fanfic, that you’re reading something you downloaded for free on the internet. By the third paragraph I’m blown away.
Steph: YES! I love the way this author uses words to help the reader with the imagery. You can see everything so clearly by the details and verbiage used in this fic. All of this author’s fics are this way. I feel and imagine everything in their fics.
KK: And I’m a sucker for romance. OBVIOUSLY. But something about this fic caught my attention when I wouldn’t normally read something so dark and not romance centered. I actually really enjoy that this story isn’t romantic and the romance in the story is very matter-of-fact and realistic in terms of when real life has to come first.
Steph: Oh absolutely! I was surprised by the lack of romance honestly when Harry and Louis were starting out in this fic. Then you get thrown into their backstory and it’s intriguing and you KNOW they were so into each other and while for now (I’m on chapter 9 and I’ve just gotten to a pivotal moment in the story relationship wise) I’ve been wondering if that will resurface in the next bit of the story. KK, what did you think about the supernatural elements of this fic? What about the fact that the “spirit” likes biscuits?
KK: I think the supernatural theme was very slow burn. I’m not a supernatural fan really but it sort of slowly sneaks up on you which was great for me. By the end it was a lot but I couldn’t put it down. And haha I loved the biscuit thing. I love random details like that. Steph, how do you feel about fics being chaptered vs all in one chunk?
Steph: I enjoy fics that are chaptered. I feel like if I stop at the end of a chapter, then I can come back later and pick up. I’ve gotten some type of finality and I can move to do something else and then come back and start the next chapter. When fics aren’t chaptered, I personally have a harder time finding a good stopping point if I need to do something else. However, if I’m being completely honest, I’ll read either! When a fic is good, I don’t mind moving on through and staying up until the wee hours of the morning to finish.
KK: I agree. I feel like this fandom favours posting as a chunk but I prefer reading chapters. As someone who doesn’t tend to binge on fics, it’s much easier for me when they’re chaptered. And it helps me not to keep reading and reading when I should be doing other things!
Steph: What did you think of Louis’ grandmother? (Again, currently just beginning chapter 10 so more may come out about her) I’m curious as to your initial thoughts on her and the town in general.
KK: Not sure how I felt the first time. When I was re-reading, there was things I sort of half-remembered which made it almost more mysterious to me because I was second-guessing my memory. Hahaha. As for the town, as someone from London, the thought of these small towns makes me feel claustrophobic. It almost felt like a different era, and both times I read it I had to remind myself it was set in the modern day. Do you know what I mean?
Steph: It did have a different era vibe to it! I live in a small town so I can see it being close knit and everyone knows your business, but yeah, definitely felt a bit of a long ago time.
KK: The whole “they want him back” thing was pretty terrifying, if I’m honest.
Steph: It was. I was like, “Who. Why?” Lol. So I've just read the near death scene. Wow. That left me breathless wondering what was going to come of it. Then the fact that the “spirit” is seen by Harry! Gah!
KK: When you Whatsapped me to say that Louis had just gone after Harry, my heart was in my mouth for you. When I read that the second time, I was scared because I knew what was coming!!
Steph: That whole incident was a ride from start to finish. Just...yeah. It’s one of those things I don’t want to go into a lot of detail about because as a reader, that part should be left unspoiled, but there’s sooo much about it. Ahhh!
KK: It was a definite heart-in-the-mouth moment.
Steph: Yes, it really was!
KK: Something that was jarring to me at no fault of the author was the fact that a Kelpie to me is a dog. Hahahaha.
Steph: Oh! Really?
KK: I’m just too familiar with dog breeds, what can I say. But on that note, I loved Louis’ relationship with Puck. And when Louis was passed out in the garden and Puck couldn’t follow him out and was frantic when he came back in, it actually choked me up. It’s not a dynamic you tend to find in fics.
Steph: YES! I adored that relationship. I kind of saw Puck as Louis’ therapy dog. You know Puck just had a sense of when Louis needed him and was really a best friend for Louis when no one else could really know how to be. I mean Louis had Liam, and that was a great relationship, but Puck was just amazing.
KK: Puck really was his best friend, with him through thick and thin.
KK: I left myself a note in my Kindle when Louis was in… the other place, that just said “I’m scared.” I think I texted you and told you I was scared and wanted to cry. It was just so tense and I hadn’t the foggiest what was going to happen. It was unpredictable which made it real compulsive reading, and I had to FORCE myself to slow down because I just wanted to cram it in and I felt like I was skimming. (A few paragraphs after my note that said ‘I’m scared’, I left myself another note that said ‘like really fucking scared’.)
Steph: Oh, gosh. Yes, when you texted me saying you were scared, I wasn’t to that point in the story yet and I was ??? and kind of afraid of what was going to happen that would cause that kind of reaction. Then I got there and it was agonizing. The reader can almost feel the burn of what was going on and the inner turmoil of Louis caught between worlds and feeling that tug to stay or go. And of COURSE him legitimately being scared made me scared for him as well. It was not what I had expected when you texted, I think, I can’t recall if I asked for spoilers, but I know I didn’t get any and I’m glad for that.
KK: I know you love spoilers but I hate giving them to you hahaha especially when it’s a fic we’re going to chat about for the blog. I need those genuine reactions, man, but yes. Remember when I read this as a WIP and the last two chapters hadn’t been posted? I was all like “if it doesn’t get finished, I think that the story was pretty much wrapped up anyway so I don’t feel like I’ve been left hanging.” HAHAHA!!! How could I think that? That penultimate chapter is just… THE MOST.
Steph: I recall that. I didn’t even start it because it was a WIP. I can’t do those very well. I’ve tried. But I agree, had it stopped before those last two chapters, we’d be missing an entire emotional ride! So, it took a while for the reveal of what/who Louis is and the town’s history. It was a bit curious that there was such a lead up to it. It kept me hooked into the fic because I can’t stand “not knowing”. Then the reveal to Harry about it all. I still have some questions that were not completely answered, but I was glad there was a conclusion of sorts about all of the goings on within the fic.
KK: I guess I’m very character driven when I’m reading. The town stuff was just a backdrop for me, although a very rich and intriguing one. So! Would this be a fic you would recommend to people and are you likely to read it again?
Steph: I would recommend this fic if you enjoy slow burn, supernatural elements. That's the genre I'd put it into. May not be for everyone, but if you're into those things, then yes, I would recommend.
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The fic we’ll be chatting about next is Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule!
I have a feeling it’ll be a long chat this time! :)
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Let me know if you want me to add an Exchange to this list :)
Also the season assigned to each exchange is relative to the month where the fics will be due/published.
All year long :
Larried In Vegas Fic & Art Fest : @larriedinvegasficfest , more infos
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❄️️ Wordplay Prompt Challenge : more infos
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🌸 Potter direction Fic Exchange : @potterdirectionficexchange , More infos
🌸 HL Movie, TV, and Book AU Fic Exchange : @hlmovietvandbookexchange  (schedule not fixed for sure)
🌸 1D Big Bang Round 5 : @1dbigbang , more infos
🌸 High School AU Challenge : @softasurcheek,  more infos
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☀️️ 1D A-Spec fic exchange : @1daspecficexchange . More infos
☀️️ H/L Summer Exchange : @hlsummerexchange2017.   more infos
☀️️ H/L MPREG Fic exchange : @hlmpregficexchange , more infos
☀️️ HL Historical Fic-Exchange : @hlhistoricalexchange2k17 , more infos
☀️️ 1D Canon Based Fic Exchange : @1dcanonbasedficexchange , more infos
☀️️  HL Yearly Fic Fest : @hlyearlyficfest, more infos
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🍂 30 Days of Smut : in October, more infos later …
🍂 Larry Remix fics Exchange : more infos
🍂 One Direction Reverse Bang : @1dreversebang , More infos
🍂 Tomlinshaw Fic Exchange : @tomlinshawexchange2017
(last update on March 29th 2017)
(list of the exchanges of 2016)
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The fic we’ll be chatting about next is Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule!
I have a feeling it’ll be a long chat this time! :)
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Is it too late to send appreciation? I wanted to send some to greenfeelings. She has been writing for this fandom for so long, I can't remember a time where she didn't share her fics with us. She's still blessing us with her fics, and I'm the most grateful we have her xx
Hi, lovely anon! It’s never to late to send appreciation. :) 
@greenfeelings, this anon is so happy you have been and continue to be blessing us all with your fics!
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I want to appreciate @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee. Not only is KK a fantastic author, she has also Britpicked so many of the fics we all enjoy. Thanks for making the fandom a little bit brighter, darling.
Look @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee! You are appreciated for your writing and Britpicking skills! I may be a bit biased, but I wholeheartedly agree with @kiwikero!
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I know you're doing fic apprections but I hope you'll post this as well. I wanna send love and thanks to 'B' aka nottooldforthisship for making the most amazing fic recs so I get lots of good things to read!
This is a lovely ask to round off Author Appreciation Week! 
@nottooldforthisship - B, thank you very much for all your hard work making recs (and of course for the fic rec masterpost!!!) Authors and readers alike are immensely grateful to you!!
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Thank You!
We wanted to send a big thanks out to our readers and those of you who sent in your appreciation for our amazing fandom writers! I (Steph) would call this appreciation week a success. We love the authors in this fandom so much and we appreciate each and every one of you!
On another note, we’ll be announcing our next fic in the coming days so keep an eye out for that. As always, feel free to send us any recommendations or questions! We are always happy to chat with you. 
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I want to send lots of love to Addy aka tvshows-addict, because she is a great writer and an amazing person and i love her ♥♥
Dear Addy, @tvshows-addict, this anon wants you to know they appreciate you!
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
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I want to send appreciation to taggiecb! She is most definitely one of my favorite writers in the fandom. She writes so many different types of fics, and she's such an incredible storyteller. Whatever her latest fic is always becomes my new favorite of hers. So with that, the latest one she's published is Reduce Me to a Pleading Cry, which is THE best sub-Harry fic ever written. Just saying.
@allwaswell16 is sending @taggiecb some love for their fics including, “Reduce Me to a Pleading Cry”! 
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
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I would like to send some appreciation to allwaswell16 she's such an amazing writer "You're the Light" is my favorite, it sucked me in from the start. She's also so enthusiastic about other authors and it's contagious!
This anon is sending appreciation out to @allwaswell16 for their fic, “You’re the Light”! 
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
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I want to send all my appreciation to @mizzwilde (velvetoscar on AO3) I love her writing wholeheartedly! Her style is simply beautiful, her characters have so much life because her characterisation is impeccable. And I absolutely adore how she handles her storylines and progresses her characters along with it! Thank you mizzwilde for sharing your amazing work❤️
@mizzwilde, some love for your writing is here for you. 
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
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I want to send some love to phd-mama for her fic "Dance Me to the End of Love" - I finally got a chance to read it this week and it was sappy and perfect!
Hey, @phd-mama! You’ve got some love for your pic, “Dance Me to the End of Love” from @afirethatcannotdie!
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
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I want to send some love to not only all of the great writers in this fandom, but also the podficcers who bring these fics to life. Theirs is such a labour of love and each audiobook they make is such a gift! I know of @frecklebombfic and @rosecreighton but I don't want to leave anyone else out! Xo
Oh, anon! This is great! YES! To you pod-ficcers out there, you are appreciated as well! @frecklebombfic and @rosecreighton, thank you so much for your hard work!
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
Come celebrate our fandom writers! It’s Author Appreciation Week!
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Sending love to all the authors no one recs in their posts and have a small readership. The amount of attention you get is not indicative of how well you can write. Send a link to your fic to your fav blog this is never a bad thing to do we all love reading new fic
This sweet anon wants to shout out to all authors no one recs and have a small following. You are IMPORTANT to this fandom! 
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
Come celebrate our fandom writers! It’s Author Appreciation Week!
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Sending love to all the authors no one recs in their posts and have a small readership. The amount of attention you get is not indicative of how well you can write. Send a link to your fic to your fav blog this is never a bad thing to do we all love reading new fic
This sweet anon wants to shout out to all authors no one recs and have a small following. You are IMPORTANT to this fandom! 
Disclaimer: Please make sure to read tags in any story that is mentioned. The views of the ask are solely that of the ask author.
Come celebrate our fandom writers! It’s Author Appreciation Week!
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