leah3477sblog · 9 months
About under the harvest moon
It s from this rec https://www.tumblr.com/nottooldforthisship/145301178641/hello-do-you-know-any-farmer-harry-fics
I Google the author but maybe it s not the good one 😭
Thanks Anon.
From your link I’ve been able to get this via the Wayback machine : https://web.archive.org/web/20170414091912/http://archiveofourown.org/works/6291238/chapters/14416369
Unfortunately for the Anon asking @twopoppies only the first chapter can be read.
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
Hi! I just posted my first larry fic and I'm proud of myself for actually finishing something and seeing something through for once BUT I'm already filled with regret. Even though I haven't posted about it and no one has even read it yet I can't help but feel like it's the worst thing on the site and I'll be laughed from the fandom. Have you ever dealt with these types of feelings? Any advice?
Oh, anon! I just want to give you a big hug! First of all, I'm so proud of you for finishing a fic and then posting it! There was an ask I reblogged the other day that had someone ask what the hardest part of writing a fic was and the writer answered "writing it down". lol. And you already did that part!
I want you to know that you are absolutely not alone in your feelings when posting a fic especially a first fic. I remember writing the first three chapters of my first fic before I ever told anyone. I was a beta for my best friend and one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done was send her those first three chapters to see what she thought of them.
Even after I had committed to writing the fic, I did not think I would post it. I thought I would send it to my friends, so they could read it if they wanted to. And I thought that would be the end of it. So I wasn't even as brave as you are.
And then a very random thing happened. I never talked to anyone on tumblr at the time. I just stayed in my little corner reblogging Louis photos lol. But one day @nottooldforthisship (B) was making lyric edits for anyone who wanted one. And in my first fic Harry sings Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande, so I sent an ask asking for a lyric edit for that song just because I was thinking about it. And it made B curious because obviously everyone was sending One Direction lyrics lol and here I was sending Ariana. So she asked why. And B was the second person I ever told I wrote a fic.
She made me the lyrics edit and told me I could use it in my fic post when I was done writing the fic. And I didn't know how to tell her I wasn't going to publish it lol. Instead, I now felt like I had to if only to show my appreciation for this kind stranger on tumblr.
I definitely don't regret posting that fic. It didn't just bring me B's friendship. It opened the door to a lovely community of writers here and it brought some of my best friends into my life.
I promise you that your fic isn't the worst fic on the site because there's no such thing. Every fic has importance whether it has 1 reader or thousands of readers.
Anon, I hope you do make a post for your fic. And I hope you'll send it to me so I can reblog it and read it. Sending you so much love! And congratulations on posting your first fic!
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hi Gina, there was a mp in your fic rec that was included mp from an blog, which only gave fic rec until 2018-2017.It was reblogged about 3.5k, sorry can't find it, can you help me.
Hmmm. Not sure I know exactly what you’re talking about, but maybe you’re looking for @nottooldforthisship She used to do a lot of fic recs.
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fundamental-blue · 9 months
For Under the harvest moon I find the rec here https://www.tumblr.com/nottooldforthisship/145301178641/hello-do-you-know-any-farmer-harry-fics
I Google the author so maybe I m wrong…
Darn I wasn't able to find this one then. I'm so sorry!
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christinesficrecs · 5 years
Heya ! In 2018 (and 2017 and 2016) you made a fic rec with all the fandom favorite fics of the year. Is there one in 2019 too ? (Sorry I was away for a looong time and I can't find it by scrolling). Thanks a lot, have a nice day !
Of course I did! 😊 The 2019 list is here. 
If anyone is interested in the others, all the years are on the tag page here. 
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kingsofeverything · 6 years
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The Second Hand Unwinds
by @kingsofeverything
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
Louis/Harry | E | 51K words | On AO3
written for @thestagandship for the @hlsummerexchange2018
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larryholidayfest · 6 years
Author signups are open!
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||Author Sign Up Form||
Sign-ups will be open Sunday August 19th through Saturday September 8th
When you sign up, you’ll need to include your AO3 username, your Tumblr URL, and your email address.
There is a section where you’ll need to list ten (10) prompts from the list that you’d like to write. Please use the prompt numbers.
Below that is a section where you can list any prompts that you feel you cannot write. Again, please use the prompt numbers.
||Beta & Brit Picker Sign Up Form||
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popularryculture · 6 years
Author Signups Are Open!
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Author Signup Form
Sign-ups will be open August 1st through August 31st.
When you sign up, you’ll need to include your AO3 username, your Tumblr URL, and your email address.
There is a section where you’ll need to list at least three (3) prompts from the list that you’d like to write.But you can list up to five (5). Please use the prompt numbers and title of the source material. (For example: #57 Leap Year)
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girldirectionfest · 6 years
Coming soon!
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Girl Direction Fic Fest!
Prompt submissions will be open Friday June 1st through Saturday June 30th.
Sign-ups will be open Sunday July 1st through Saturday July 28th.
Prompts will be assigned by Sunday August 5th.
Completed fics are due by Wednesday October 31st.
Posting schedule TBD.
Prompt Guidelines
Follow @girldirectionfest for updates!
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larrydrabble · 7 years
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Drabbles are located in this collection on ao3.
There are more than seventy 100-word fictional stories in the collection and I hope you enjoy reading them. If you do, please leave comments & kudos for the writers 🧡
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this challenge!
These are the prompts that were randomly assigned:
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Mini Sterek Fic Rec
@nottooldforthisship sooooo… i made you a little rec. it’s just what i read and reread most often (i’ve probably rec’d half of this to you already and you probably rec’d the other) but i hope you like a few.
Familiar Poblems by BeniMaiko  (21.5k)
Stiles thinks he needs a familiar to be a stronger witch. He’s wrong. 
Oh my (let me look at those eyes) by Gorgeousgreymatter (41k)          
“A few months ago, he might’ve been able to solve this with some force—a little man-handling, a snarl, a glimpse of teeth. But he looks at Stiles’s broken face, knows he’s seen too much horror and blood and evil, the whole Big Bad Wolf routine is just going to fall flat. Because Derek looks at Stiles and he doesn’t carry himself like a teenager anymore. He carries himself like a soldier.”
i can smell it on your skin (i bet i can taste it in your blood) by brokentoy  (10k)
Stiles’ cover is blown the day Derek gets hit by Allison’s arrow.
The Price by theroguesgambit  (18k)
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Miner For Truth and Delusion by blackofade  (21k)
Stiles stumbles across what he thinks is a cult in the preserve and ends up cursed so that everyone wants to get with him. It makes it harder for him to get things back to normal, but luckily there’s one person who’s unaffected.
Fault Line by MadcapRomantic  (11k)
When Derek comes to, his head hurts.
No, hurts is the wrong word. It’s not strong enough. His head feels like it’s being split in two, down the middle. His ears are ringing, and his vision is blurred.
But despite it all, strong and crisp and clear, is the underlying scent of home, pack, and mate.
brOken by HolyWater  (10k)
The day Derek comes back from his trip with Cora, he comes back alone. Stiles is the first one to see him, mouth hanging open slightly after he opens the front door to his house and sees him standing there awkwardly on his porch. He looks the same; leather jacket, permanent scowl, brooding eyebrows… but then again… he looks very different. His skin isn’t as pale as before, he doesn’t have any dark circles under his eyes, and it looks like he…
“You lost weight.”
It was suppose to come out as a question, he swears.
Derek rolls his eyes and sighs. “Nice to see you too, Stiles.”
“I mean, not that you where fat before, like, at all, but you don’t look as… muscle-y.” Stiles finishes lamely.
Wake Up Call by SylvieW  (10k)
Derek has nightmares and now that Laura is gone there’s no one to wake him up and comfort him.
Kiss Me on This Cold December Night by Leslie_Knope  (19k)
The hairs on the back of Stiles’ neck tingle, and he swallows hard against the unmistakable sensation of someone staring at him. He’s tempted to just ignore it, but after a few seconds, his curiosity wins out and he looks up from his phone instead. He doesn’t notice anything right away, flicking his gaze along the people on the other side of the intersection until he suddenly stops and backtracks. It’s a little hard to see, what with the thick drizzle and the cars whizzing between them, but he would recognize that glorious bearded face anywhere, even after six years. Holy shit.
An Alpha’s Mark by Piscaria  (12k)
Stiles never thought he’d get a tattoo – then he found out human pack members could grow stronger by taking an Alpha’s Mark.
Rare Books and Special Collections by KuriKuri  (15k)
Derek Hale hates libraries.
Unfortunately, not all books can be ordered on Amazon.
(Or: in which Derek is a grumpy omega writer, and Stiles is an annoyingly attractive alpha special collections librarian.)
Until the end starts by gottalovev  (16.7k)
When a distraught Stiles kisses him, Derek stops it for Stiles’ own good. It’s the right thing to do, even though he likes Stiles too. When weeks later Stiles falls for somebody else, Derek is happy for him. Really.
- or: Derek is self-sacrificing and pines like a champ, but eventually gets his happy ending. No partner betrayal.
Strong, Stronger, Strongest by Green  (16k)
Close to death, Stiles can choose to die or accept Derek as his Alpha. It’s up to the rest of the pack to heal him and face the Alpha pack threat.
Bite to Break Skin by Leela, Qafmaniac  (13k)
“You and Scott decided that the big bad wolf should get a chance to redeem himself, and guess what? I was punished for your bad decisions. Again. I’d say ‘silly human’ but I’m not that either. Not anymore and not by my fucking choice.”
I Just Need You by beckybrit  (10.8k)
“Derek?” He’s surprised at how steady his voice is, considering he’s absolutely terrified. It’s been a long time since he’s been afraid of Derek, but the eyes looking back at him now are full of hate and the promise of death. Stiles shudders but steadfastly refuses to look away. “Derek, I know it doesn’t look like it, but it’s me… Stiles.”
The Way We Began (or, What We’re Supposed to Be) by avioleta  (20k)
Stiles is attacked and ends up in a coma.  Derek is acting strange when he wakes up, and everything deteriorates quite rapidly from there.
But Not With Haste by uraneia  (20.7k)
It’s been years since Derek escaped from the hunters who killed his family and bound him in his human form. He travels solo, never staying in one place, keeping under the radar–until a skinny, smart-mouthed kid stows away in the back of his truck.
Four months ago Stiles’s first kiss put his best friend in a coma. His dad gave him a couple hundred bucks and a hug and told him to run. By the time Stiles witnesses the cage fighter known as Wolverine take out a shotgun and its wielder with his bare hands, he’s got a plan. He knows there’s a school in New York for kids like him. All he has to do is get there.
OR, in which Derek is the werewolf version of Wolverine and Stiles is Rogue and the plot of X-Men progresses accordingly, with a few notable deviations.
Testing the waters by grimm  (4k)
Prompt fill: “I would LOVE a future!fic where Stiles randomly bumps into Derek, maybe in nyc. He’s in college now or maybe even post college, and this is their first time interacting since Derek left Beacon Hills. Stiles is obviously SMOKING HOT now and Derek finally got his shit together and is a successful 30 something.”
A Story To Tell The Grandcubs  by mass_hipgnosis (3.6k)
Stiles asks the stranger standing next to him at the bar for help avoiding his creepy ex boyfriend.
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worksbeautifully · 6 years
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🌸Buy both to save £1!🌸
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
thinking about me not even a year ago saying I’d NEVER read abo. Sounds too confusing/weird/strange. Knotting and ruts and heats? Ew I don’t wanna read about wolves. Cut to now, I love all the nesting scenting ect. Its now one of my favorite tropes. Wonder if down the line I’ll be saying that about tropes I don’t think I like at the moment: Kid fics. Girl direction. Supernatural elements. Sad ending/MCD… (actually no don’t think I’ll ever like that last one haha)
Do you have any tropes you either put off reading or didn’t think was for you and suddenly became something you love to read?
haha oh yes, I have definitely been there. When I first came to fandom in 2014, my only interest was in canon Larry fics. I don't think it took too long to venture into AUs and then I had almost zero interest in canon after that lol. There were SO many things I wasn't reading back then...girl direction, a/b/o, definitely MCD, cheating, bdsm, rare pairs, fantasy...I'm sure plenty more, too. And I almost always chose to read Explicit rated fics.
But the more immersed I became in fandom and fic, I ventured into these things I once had no interest in reading. I'd say the first big one was reading Midnight Dancer by hazmesentir about a year after I joined fandom. That was the first rare pair I'd read and I was blown away.
I also was really big on reading recommendations from fic rec blogs...like I was opening @nottooldforthisship' s blog every morning like I was reading the newspaper. And since she recced so many different things, I got a little more adventurous bit by bit.
There were still things I wasn't reading, but then when I started reccing fics myself in 2017 and doing fic recs on a regular basis...especially ones that were requested by other people...that's when it really became a case of I guess I read everything now. lol. For me (someone with basically no triggers), it just felt like why wouldn't I try to read some girl direction fics or a/b/o fics or ones with no smut so I can make a fic rec for someone?
And of course, it always helps when a fav writer dips their toe into a trope you don't normally read.
So now if you were to look at my favorite fic list you'd find plenty of tropes that I once thought I wasn't interested in reading.
While I'm always going to have preferences, I don't let my preferences sway me from checking out other things, too. As of now, I'd say I tend to not seek out kid fics, canon fics, or established relationship fics. BUT if you look back at my last few monthly fic recs, I'll bet you'd find all three of these tropes!
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setsailtomorrow · 6 years
nottooldforthisship replied to your photo: there she is, Olympia
Aawwww pretty (also in love with your mirror tbh)
thank you, and the mirror is ikea!
@vardathatdonnylad you are so sweet 💖
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geneticistlarrie · 6 years
nottooldforthisship replied to your post “why pathetic? i dont understand”
I knoooooow it makes me so angry when they’re hitting at it when it can’t happen before a long time.
I think its a way to avoid uncomfortable questions. They have arguably the most passionate fanbase. That’s why they lied all the way through while promoting MITAM. And that’s why Harry avoids talking about anything. Liam is a people pleaser. He says things ppl wanna hear .. A lot..
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crosstheuniverse · 7 years
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on a thousand miles and more
by Eliane
“That’s why, after Granada, they decide to stick to the places they went to together. Retrospectively, maybe that’s when it becomes less of a holiday and more of a pilgrimage. Louis thinks he’s beginning to understand what they’re searching for. It’s something akin to closure, but not closure exactly. Something more tenuous than that. More difficult to put into words. Something like the first exhalation you take after a particularly horrendous nightmare and you think god, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real. Except that, in their case, it was.”
[Harry and Louis go back to the places that made them who they are.]
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