stanfordmagnets · 6 years
How Neodymium Magnets Are Made
Ferromagnetic substances such as iron, cobalt, nickel or ferrite are different. The electron spins in them can be arranged spontaneously in a small range to form a spontaneous magnetization region, which is called a magnetic domain.
Ferromagnetic materials after magnetization, the internal magnetic domains neatly arranged in the same direction, so that the magnetism is strengthened, constituting a magnet. The magnet's absorption process is the magnetization process of the iron block. The magnetized iron block and the magnet produce attraction between different polarities, and the iron block is firmly attached to the magnet.
Natural magnets are Fe3O4, whereas artificial magnets are usually steel. Steel after magnetization will always retain magnetism generally referred to as the natural permanent magnet iron is not only ferrite, but also iron cobalt nickel alloy, iron-rare earth alloy and other permanent magnet materials, such as aluminum nickel cobalt, samarium cobalt, neodymium iron boron, these are also common, magnetic is very strong, these materials can be magnetized by magnetic field, and magnetization It is magnetic and does not disappear. The composition of artificial magnets depends on the magnetization properties of various metals. A magnet is close to a magnetic substance, which is induced at one end to form an anonymous pole and at the other end to form an anonymous pole.
Classification of magnets:
A. temporary (soft) magnet
Meaning: magnetism is transient, and magnetism disappears when the magnet moves away. Case: iron nails and wrought iron
B. permanent (hard) magnet
Meaning: magnetization can keep magnetism for a long time. Case: steel nails
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According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, a strong current can produce a strong magnetic field, using a strong magnetic field to magnetize ferromagnetic materials, and because different materials have different magnetization characteristics, some materials are easy to magnetize, and not easy to drop magnetism (loss of magnetism), can retain magnetism for a long time. The magnetization of this substance produces a magnet.
According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, electric currents can produce magnetic fields. Magnetizing hard magnetic materials by means of strong magnetic fields are generally called magnets. In fact, there are several different things: the most common magnets, such as magnets for general loudspeakers, are ferrite magnets. They are made of iron scales (flaky iron oxides) which fall off the surface of billets during hot rolling in iron and steel plants. After removing impurities, crushing and adding a small number of other substances, they are pressed into steel molds and then sintered in a reducing electric furnace (through hydrogen), so that some oxides are reduced to ferrite, cooled, and then cooled. Magnetizing is produced in the exciter.
More advanced than they are magnets: magnets are real steels, made up mainly of nickel with a higher content than iron. It is generally melted by the medium-frequency furnace, casting molding, because some of the plane precision requirements, generally need to use the grinding machine. Then magnetized and become a product. This kind of magnetic steel is used in various meters. The more advanced magnetic materials are neodymium iron boron magnetic materials. They are neodymium, iron and boron-containing rare earth elements. It is made of cemented carbide by powder-mixing-molding-sintering-finishing-magnetizing.
This kind of magnetic material has the highest magnetic field intensity, the best performance, and the most expensive price. It will be used in the national defense industry and precision equipment. The rotor of the stepping motor in the electronic table is. Ah, the magnetic suspension train is definitely used for this magnetic material. Ferrite permanent magnet materials include strontium-ferrite permanent magnet materials and barium-ferrite permanent magnet materials. There are isotropy and anisotropy in them. Ferrite magnet materials are widely used in loudspeaker magnets. Aluminum-nickel-cobalt permanent magnet materials and rare earth permanent magnet materials are the main permanent magnet materials. Rare earth permanent magnet materials include samarium cobalt permanent magnet material and NdFeB permanent magnet material. Rare earth permanent magnet materials are made by powder metallurgy process.
There are too many classifications of magnets. There are two main types of magnetic materials: the first is permanent magnetic materials (also known as hard magnetic): the material itself has the characteristics of magnetic force preservation. The second is the soft magnet (also known as the electromagnet): the need for external electricity to produce the magnetic force, we usually say that the magnet, generally refers to permanent magnet materials.
There are also two categories of permanent magnet materials: the first category is: alloy permanent magnet materials include Nd2Fe14B, SmCo, NdNiCO. The second category is: Ferrite is divided into Sintered Ferrite, Rubber Magnet, and Plastic Ferrite according to the different production process, and these three processes are divided into isotropic and heterogeneous magnets according to the orientation of magnetic crystals.
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stanfordmagnets · 6 years
What Are Neodymium Magnets Used For
The composition of the magnet is formed by the arrangement of iron, cobalt, nickel and other atoms in a special way through the internal structure, and the original magnet itself has magnetic moments. In general, the arrangement of these mineral molecules is relatively confusing. Their magnetic regions interact with each other and show no magnetism, but under the guidance of an external force (such as a magnetic field), their molecules tend to align in the direction of the magnet, and their magnetism will be significantly different.
Magnets are divided into permanent magnets and soft magnets, permanent magnets are added with a strong magnet, so that the spin of the magnetic material and the angular momentum of electrons are arranged in a fixed direction, soft magnets are added current (also a method of adding magnetic force) and other current to remove the soft iron will slowly lose magnetism. The first magnet to be found and used should be the Chinese "compass", the compass is one of China's four great inventions.
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Basic properties of magnets
1. Magnet properties: magnets are magnetically attractive to iron objects.
2. Magnets have magnetic poles. Each manufacturer produces magnets with N and S poles, which exist in pairs.
3. Temporary magnets and permanent magnets: when ferromagnetic materials are magnetized, easy to lose magnetic properties, known as temporary magnets (e.g. iron); when ferromagnetic materials are magnetized, not easy to lose magnetic properties, known as permanent magnets (e.g. steel).
4. When two magnets are close to each other, the same pole will repel each other, and the different poles will attract and stick to each other. Therefore, it is the same reason to repel each other with the same polarity.
Environmental protection and energy saving of neodymium magnet is becoming an important factor affecting the development of manufacturing industry in various countries, and NdFeB is one of the main raw materials for environmental protection and energy saving products.
For example, the application of neodymium in automobiles, compressors, wind turbines and other fields is precisely for the consideration of environmental protection and energy conservation.
Neodymium iron boron as an environmental protection and energy saving functional material, it is widely used. In an era of increasing energy shortage, the conversion of wind energy into electricity will undoubtedly be supported by government policies. Wind power generation is now being implemented on a large scale in Europe. The previous one-megawatt unit used about one ton of NdFeB. Thanks to the rapid growth of the wind power industry, the amount of NdFeB used in wind turbines will also be increased. Increase rapidly. In view of this, the demand for neodymium magnets will increase greatly in later life.
For more information, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/
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stanfordmagnets · 6 years
Rare Earth Permanent Magnets in Computer Market
The computer is one of the main application fields of ferrite soft magnetic and rare earth permanent magnets. The development of computer technology has promoted the new changes in magnetic materials.
As the clock frequency of electronic components in the laptop is increased and miniaturized, the applied components must be correspondingly high frequency and flake, such as the ferrite soft magnetic common mode filter which reduces the noise of the power line and the ground, and eliminates the noise shielding of the high harmonic noise, which makes the digital signal distorted. The absorber is clamped with the noise filter on the cable line.
The DC voltage of the battery is changed to the DC voltage required for the circuit to use the DC-DC converter core. The high AC voltage of the LCD backlight source is DC-AC inverter, so the magnetic loss is greatly reduced to achieve the low heating and energy saving transformer core of the computer and the HDD/DVD/FDD drive. Actuator, giant magnetoresistance head, sound coil motor magnet, spindle motor and optical pick-up motor magnets, IEEE1394/USB interface anti-jamming chip magnetic beads and common mode filter cores, mainly used in sound equipment and blower motor magnets, which require thin and high-performance neo magnets.
At present, in the display market, the liquid crystal display market has shown a strong growth momentum, the market sales volume set a new high, occupying the leading position of the display market. Liquid crystal displays are typical digital electronic consumer goods, and provide some important magnetic electronic components to make the flat display thinner, higher quality, and lower electromagnetic noise.
Three-terminal filter: A component that eliminates noise by using a choke coil and a capacitor on a single chip. It can be used to prevent degradation of video quality.
Choke and patch inductor: used to eliminate the high-frequency noise of DC to DC converter, and also used as low pass filter.
Clamp filter: the filter core is divided into two parts in a box, and the filter is installed on the cable to eliminate noise.
Flake magnet: a noise filter that reduces high-frequency noise.
DC to AC converter: converting the direct current into the high voltage alternating current to brighten the LCD's backlight.
Chip rheostat: absorb surge (abnormal high voltage) and static electricity to prevent electronic circuit failure or damage.
For more information, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Coercivity and the Horseshoe
Magnets have been in use for ages and currently the shape that is most recognized and is used to represent magnets is the horseshoe. Why is it that magnet is usually made in this shape and why does it provide an advantage over the other shapes?
Many people say that magnets are designed like horseshoes because putting two poles together brings about much greater force and this increases the strength of the magnet’s hold. This is true but it may not be the only reason. You can still be able to put two poles together if you place two magnets side by side. Think about the horseshoe and specifically the circular part. This part does not get used and may be viewed as extra material. This therefore disqualifies this theory as being the only reason for the horseshoe shape being used in magnets.
A magnet is usually considered strong depending on the pull force experienced when it is in use. A magnet’s strength can also be measured by finding out the magnetic field strength that will be able to demagnetize it. This is what is known as coercivity.
 Earlier magnets had such a low coercivity that their own magnetic fields were able to demagnetize them. These magnets were mostly made of iron. More powerful magnets have been developed over time and this includes an increase in coercivity as well. Neodymium magnets are stronger than most magnets and they also have a higher coercivity and this allows them to maintain their magnetism over time.
The significance of the horseshoe shape
The shape of a magnet influences how much magnetization is lost. A long cylindrical magnet will stay magnetized longer compared to a thin disc magnet. It takes a little more to demagnetize a horseshoe because it is like a stretched version of a cylindrical magnet.
The permeance coefficient (Pc) of a magnet is defined as how difficult it is for a magnet’s field lines to move from the north pole to the South Pole. This means that taller magnets will have a higher Pc and shorter magnets a lower Pc. A horseshoe has a high Pc as well. This prevents it from easily getting demagnetized. This is further increased by using a steel keeper.
This explains why neodymium magnets are not made into the horseshoe shape. Neodymium is a very strong magnet that does not demagnetize at all. In the event that a neodymium magnet gets demagnetized, you will find that the magnet was probably very thin or it was exposed to very high temperatures.
You can even place two neodymium magnets together without causing them to demagnetize each other. Their coercivity is very high which makes them more flexible for use in different applications. Neodymium is also a hard and brittle material. Shaping it into horseshoes would cause them to break very easily.
This shape is therefore applied to magnets with low coercivity like Alnico and iron. They will be able to keep their magnetization for longer with this shape.
For more information about various magnets, please visit https://www.stanfordmagnets.com/.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Facts you need to know about magnets that are used in the present world
Being called "magnetic" by somebody is a radiant compliment for sure. It intimates an imperceptible, compelling draw that is greatly magnetic to everybody in the outskirts. Wouldn't we all affection to be called so? The reply, in actuality, is a reverberating yes.
In this way, what are magnets, and where do they get their unbelievable attraction from?  In fact talking, a magnet is any protest that makes a magnetic field. This magnetic field basically pulls ferromagnetic articles like iron, nickel, and cobalt towards it. In spite of the fact that imperceptible, the magnetic field is the most characterizing characteristic of magnets.
Since we are talking about magnets, it is important to check about their history as well. One of the first common drives that people found was most presumably attraction, despite the fact that the true ability of the properties of magnetic substances has been acknowledged just as of late. Gadgets utilizing semiconductor engineering which are so basic nowadays couldn't be utilized without their magnetic segments. The most punctual magnets were alluded to as lodestone or magnetite.
Legend says that a shepherd from Crete (Greece) named Magnets was the first to run across these magnetic rocks when the iron tip of his staff was pulled towards a stone as he passed over it. Consequently, these rocks were named lodestones, and happened to be called magnetite, potentially after Magnets himself.
An alternate variant has it that the Greek researcher, Archimedes was the first individual to have made utilization of magnets. The story goes that he empowered foe boats to sink by utilizing lodestone to haul out the iron nails utilized within the boat's body. Old Indian specialist, Sushruta pioneered the utilization of magnets in surgery, c. 500 BC. Previously, lodestone was utilized by mariners as a support to route. They had run across that when they suspended a bit of magnetite by a string, it generally pointed in a north-south heading. Metals like iron, nickel and cobalt make up a magnet. Tesla is the name of the unit used to measure the force of a magnet. The unit was named so in the honor of a standout amongst the most productive researchers of the twentieth century, Nikola Tesla. A magnetic field compasses a restricted zone, which is the reason one needs to push an article near the magnet to watch the impact.
Magnets are of two primary sorts: Permanent and Induced. Substances that are for all time polarized are known as perpetual magnets. Actuated magnets are those which get to be incidentally polarized when brought into nearness with a lasting magnet. Case in point, on the off chance that you utilize a magnet to get a stick, the pin will additionally get polarized, and has the capacity to get an alternate pin. Notwithstanding, once the lasting magnet is uprooted, the pins will lose their magnetic properties.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Usage of Rare Earth Magnets In Children’s Toys
While plain fridge magnets are useful for holding up pictures, report cards, and different things to the ice chest entryway, they are excessively extensive and massive to be useful in most youngsters' toys and recreations. Notwithstanding, an exceptional sort of magnet, called rare earth magnets, has gotten to be much less expensive. This has permitted toy producing organizations to start utilizing these capable gadgets as a part of youngsters' items.
Rare earth magnets are not especially rare; they are really produced from characteristically happening components that are some piece of the "rare earth" bunch. The components that make up these magnets incorporate neodymium and samarium-cobalt. Magnets from these materials were created in the late twentieth century for their mind blowing quality. These metals are 1.5 to 3 times stronger than customary fridge magnets, which implies that they are still influential actually when cut into small sizes.
Presently, rare earth magnets are getting less expensive, and this makes them accessible to numerous diverse commercial ventures, including toy producing. Numerous youngsters' toys now utilize these magnets as a part of everything from doll attire to robot building packs. They pull in with the goal that toys can stick together yet still dismantle effectively.
Frustratingly, notwithstanding, when these magnets drop out of the item, children can lift them up and ingest them. While one minor magnet may pass through the digestive framework easily, different magnets can pull in one another while inside the guts. The magnets can pull in through dividers of the insides, which causes a large number of issues.
Magnets can tear through delicate tissue, bringing on openings in the digestive organs. This can permit microbes to hole out into whatever remains of the body, prompting destructive diseases. An expected 15 million kids' items have been reviewed because of these dangers, and numerous folks are calling for stricter regulations with respect to rare earth magnets in toys.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Types and characteristics of rare earth magnets
Earth magnets, particularly those of the rare sort, are solid forms of magnets originating from rare earth composites or components. These got prevalent as they were created in the turn of the 70's and 80's. They are viewed as stronger than different magnetizers made out of alnico and ferrite. The quality of these magnets is demonstrated as takes after.
Earth magnets and their quality may be credited to a great deal of qualities. To begin with is the minor certainty that their crystalline structures are just concentrated on charging particles in one heading than in different headings. In light of this, the magnets are not abused therefore making it solid and have the capacity to grow their lives. As such, they can serve their motivation for a more extended time of time. Other than quality, there are yet a few things to think about this item.
In the realm of magnets, there are a few properties used to analyze one from the other. The main on the schedule is remanence or that specific component used to demonstrate the attractive field's quality. An alternate is coercivity or the magnet's ability to oppose demagnetization. Curie temperature or the level of temperature when the material has a tendency to lose its attractive properties is regularly measured in the connection of analyzing one or two manifestations of magnets. Obviously, the attractive vitality's thickness is likewise being respected. In all these viewpoints, earth magnets win in light of the fact that they have higher remanence, attractive thickness and coercivity however seen to have more level Curie temperatures.
There are really two sorts of magnets in the earth magnet classification - first is the samarium cobalt and alternate is the neodymium. The samarium cobalt is the precise first kind of earth magnet that has been produced by science. They are more unmanageable and are weaker than neodymium. This is the motivation behind why they have not been made in vast scale commercial enterprises. Its advantage over neodymium is its higher Curie temperature making it equipped for looking after its attractive properties.
Much the same as other modern items, earth magnets are presently distinguished everywhere throughout the globe in view of the numerous commercial enterprises that support the utilization of these things. The most widely recognized requisitions incorporate the assembling of sound speakers, workstation hard drives, angling reel brakes and bike dynamos. Different provisions where the item is used incorporate more extensive scales, for example, wind turbines, diamagnetic levitation investigations, roller coasters and stop movement animations.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
The importance of rare earth magnets to the global industry
The vast majority of us possess no less than one thing that holds rare earth metals. The hard drives in our workstations hold Dysprosium and Neodymium, the batteries in mixture autos hold Lanthanum, and their utilization is even now expanding. Rare earth metals are amazingly critical to assembling.
There is a limited measure of rare earth metal on the planet. In spite of the fact that we can reuse them, there's never going to be any more than what's in the ground, and what we've officially recovered. Some rare earth metals may not be as rare as their designation propose, some are truly inexhaustible, yet getting at them and refining those remains troublesome.
The essential tenets of matters in profit making can demonstrate to us that they will get to be progressively more significant about whether. This is on account of as the world gets more created, individuals in less generally created nations will crave things like advanced mobile phones, tablets, vehicles and even screen TVs. All of which hold rare earth metals. There are likewise a few innovations which are generally new and expanding in notoriety, that rely on upon the handling of rare earth metal.
At the point when the interest for a product is expanded, yet the supply holds consistent, there's one and only possible result. The worth of that item will go up. What's more any stocks you hold in that thing will climb with it.
The greater part of the nations that are creating the speediest on the HDI (Human Development Index) are nations with expansive populaces. Nations like Brazil, India and China are rapidly seeing an ascent in their personal satisfaction. Also things that individuals in the west may have underestimated, are discovering their route into commonplace use in these nations.
An individual in country China, might have found that owning a smart phone or an auto was past their methods. Presently it’s an achievable objective. Furthermore numerous individuals in creating nations are yearning to claim items that hold rare earth metal.
-Lanthanum. As long ago specified, this rare earth metal is utilized as a part of half and half auto handling. Batteries holding Lanthanum are substantially more effective than an accepted battery in the ability to weight degree.
-Europium. This was utilized within TVs, and has been out of standard utilization for very much a while since the cathode beam tube TV was traded with better innovation. Yet it’s anticipated to make something of a rebound in LED TVs.
-Neodymium. Most engineering that needs to turn, obliges the utilization of magnets. Whether it’s a wind turbine or a workstation hard drive. This rare earth metal is broadly utilized as a part of magnet preparation. Magnets made utilizing this back earth component are to a great degree effective. So these magnets might be little. Therefore, Neodymium has been behind a considerable measure of the contracting of innovation that we've seen. Furthermore as constantly intricate hardware gets more modest in size, its utilization is liable to build.
  These commodities are utilized as a part of everything from movable x-beam machines to lasers. There are numerous rare earth metals not even secured in this article. Be that as it may the majority of the 17 recorded on the occasional table are extremely imperative to assembling. Furthermore getting progressively significant by the day.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Can we really use rare earth magnets outdoors?
Rare magnets are made of compounds fitting in with the lanthanide gathering of components. Samarium (Sm) and Neodymium (Nd) are two of the most far reaching Lanthanide components utilized as a part of the handling of rare magnets. Lanthanide components are ferromagnetic metals. This implies that they the ability to be charged much the same as iron. Be that as it may, their curie temperatures (the temperature at which they lose their attraction) are generally underneath the ordinary room temperature. This clarifies why rare magnets are not suitable for outside utilization. In most cases, open air temperatures are typically higher than room temperatures. This prompts demagnetization of the magnet and consequent waste. Hence, utilization of rare earth magnets in outside environment is not prudent.
DEFB magnets are made up of a compound of neodymium, iron and boron (Nd2fe14b). They are the most strong and financially savvy sort of rare earth magnets. These magnets have comparative properties to Samarium Cobalt rare earth material aside from, that they are effortlessly oxidized. This implies that Nd2fe14b magnets have an affinity of erosion. The Fe some piece of their name speaks to iron and iron is a standout amongst the most consumption inclined metals. Then again, this issue is not difficult to manage. Various defensive surface medicine systems, for example, nickel, zinc, gold and tin plating give the essential consumption insurance as and when needed. Epoxy tar covering is an alternate defensive surface medication system that is additionally truly regular.
These surface medication systems guarantee that the attractive material does not experience dampness. Notwithstanding, if the covering endures any manifestation of harm, moistness or water may experience the attractive material underneath and reason rusting. Ndfeb magnets have one of the most noteworthy vitality items. Subsequently, they are mechanically stronger than Samarium based magnets. Their high-vitality item makes them suitable for creative provisions that oblige a conservative outline and low assembling expenses.
Other helpful aspects of these magnets could be their exorbitant coercive power and normal temperature strength. Much the same as whatever viable material that exists on earth, Ndfeb magnets have their own particular detriments. This incorporates low imperviousness to erosion when crudely plated or covered and low mechanical quality. Rare magnets are connected with tremendous engaging strengths. This characteristic accompanies its own particular novel risks. Rare earth magnets that have measurements of barely a couple of centimeters have the potential of bringing about genuine real damages. This is particularly thus, if a body part gets trapped amidst the two magnets. In a few occasions, these magnets have even brought about broken bones. That is the way influential rare earth magnets might be.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Possibilities of the New Magnetic Material
Prof Schuller presented his groundbreaking finding at the American Physical Society meeting conducted in Denver.  It is a magnetic sensitive material, which can alter the use of hard disks and storage devices. He has created a metal bilayer, using thin layers of nickel with vanadium oxide and the resulting structure is sensitive to heat. This means, only minor changes in temperature is needed to alter the magnetism of the drives. This finding could be very useful in electronic engineering. According to Prof Schuller, there’s nothing close to the material found and it can be engineered. He further states that magnetism can be controlled using this, without real application of magnetic field. He states it could be possible to control current or voltage, with it.
He further adds, when at minimal temperature, it functions as an insulator and at higher temperature, it turns into a metal. In the interim, it is a unique and different material. Unlike other major systems that require ample heat using lasers, his finding uses very less heat and that’s great. Also, he states in magnetic memory, it is difficult to reverse memory and yet remain stable. He says an option is using it in electrical networking. For example, when there’s a surge in voltage or current like in the case of power surge or lightening, normal transformers don’t withstand it. This could probably give way to a more stable transformer than can withstand such sudden changes.
Though he agrees it is an incredible finding, he does not limit the uses for it. Every other discovery has had many uses and applications. Quite a few inventions and discoveries were originally sought for something, but turned entirely different after new applications were identified for the same. Likewise, he says it is difficult to comment on the possible uses at this stage, but believes it can help come up with innovative technologies and unexpected uses.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Magnetoresistance new promises
Magnetoresistance is an alteration in electrical resistance as a result of a magnetic field’s presence. Magnetoresistance is when the property of a material changes value when magnetic field is applied. First discovered by William Thomson, popularly known as Lord Kelvin, he was however not able to reduce electrical resistance by more than 5%. But the different of 5% was considered minimal, yet a remarkable discovery back then. Since the difference was marginal, it was termed ordinary magnetoresistance (OMR).
Recent researches and discovery of new materials have made it possible to improve the resistance, thanks to multilayer devices. Now the resistance percentage can be varied greatly, and it is termed as giant magnetoresistance (GMR). Resistance depends on the magnetization or the magnetic field. Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg scientists from France and Germany have won Nobel Prize for Physics, in the year 2007. Thanks to their discovery of "giant magnetoresistance" phenomena, electrical resistance can be reduced greatly. Using this phenomenon, intuitive tools that can get data from hard drives like iPods, PCs and other electronic gadgets were developed. It made radical changes to the once huge hard drives, which are now miniscule and handy.
Many say GMR is a very practical and useful discovery, which made storage easy and hassle-free. If only GMR wasn’t discovered, we would not have had a handy iPod with a huge playlist, instead, it would just have one song! GMR uses structures that are composed of thin layers of magnetic materials. It is considered as one of the first and most promising application of nanotechnology. It is now possible to store ample data in compact disks as a result of this discovery and paved way for cheaper and better solutions. Now, we are able to store terabytes of data in a compact hard disks, thanks to GMR!
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
Latest trends in the rare earth magnet industry in China
For a considerable length of time organization after organization has discussed America's green future. But then, no readiness was made to secure the materials we require as a country to make that future an actuality. Notwithstanding, that we have left upon that way, we find that the materials we need are not secure. American preparation was stopped on the grounds that we could get them modest from China, and the EPA does not need any employments in America that don't include a white lab coat and working in a clean room.
The truth of concentrating minerals and metals from the world's outside layer oblige forethought to minimize ecological harm. We require more individuals to imagine the new clean techniques for mineral and metal extraction, and less individuals sitting behind work areas concocting approaches to close American organizations.
The cost of rare earth metals utilized within lasers and plasma Tvs have multiplied in the most recent two weeks as China tightens control of mining, handling and fares. 97 percent of the 17 components known as rare earths hail from China, and China is flexing its rare earths muscle by cutting fares, boosting costs and starting concern around abroad clients including the US Military.
The sum of the rare earth components are found in aggregation 3 of the intermittent table: they incorporate the components Scandium; Yttrium; Lanthanum; Cerium; Praseodymium; Neodymium; Promethium; Samarium; Europium; Gadolinium; Terbium; Dysprosium; Holmium; Erbium; Thulium; Ytterbium; Lutetium.
In spite of the fact that this emergency has been preparing for a few years, however just as of late has the US Congress presented bills, HR 6160 and Sb3521, to address the effect a lack of these materials will have on our economy and our military readiness.
Bills don't generate rare earths, mining operations produce rare earths. What's more, in the event that we begin mining operations now it will a few years before we could prepare a small amount of our current interest.
The expense of only one of the rare earths, dysprosium oxide, a key part in magnets, lasers, and in addition atomic reactors, has climbed from $700 to $1,470 a kilogram since the start of June of this current year. The composite cost of eight rare earths has surged to $203.60 a kilogram on June 13, from $92.84 in March 2011, and from $11.59 in 2007.
The cost of each gadget that uses a battery is going to ascent and rather drastically, as makers pass the expanded expenses of assembling on to purchasers. Rare earths are additionally utilized within autos and resistance requisitions. Truth be told, 20 to 25 pounds of rare earth components are found in every last cross breed auto fabricated. Rare earth metals are utilized within other cutting edge products, for example, cell telephone handsets, wind turbines and weapons direction frameworks, and additionally, in laptops, even screen TVs, and for medicinal gear, for example, MRI filters.
About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 10 years
History And Uses Of Neodymium Rare Earth Magnet
Neodymium magnet is the most famous sort of magnet. It is made of iron, boron and neodymium. It has tetragonal crystalline structure. Nd2fe14b is the compound synthesis of Neodymium Magnets. In 1982, it was established by Smitomo Special metals.
It is one of the strongest magnets on the planet these days. It is additionally a standout amongst the most lasting kind of magnet on the planet. Past strongest magnet named Alnico was effortlessly supplanted by Neo Magnets with its solid atomic synthesis. Since 1982, it has ended up extremely paramount some piece of today's reality. This exceptionally solid magnets are utilized as a part of numerous assembling products. Despite the fact that since it is rare, the utilization of Neo Magnets are exorbitant.
They are likewise utilized generally within the electronic innovation. For instance, your workstation hard drive has head actuator that is made of Neo Magnet. It is likewise essential segment of distinctive sorts of assembling items, for example, autos, motors and engines.
Shockingly, gems are one of the commercial enterprises where neodymium is utilized. Gems that offer for a huge number of dollars consistently, has attractive properties in them. Likewise, attractive adornments is known for their recuperating utilization since the old times. This sorts of adornments are utilized for medicine of bone related issues. Specialists even recommend to utilize attractive gems for sadness and mental issue medication.
In 1982, Smitomo Special metals was first who uncovered neodymium magnets. The organization began the advancement of it in light of the fact that they required to trade past strongest magnet due to its high cost. Smitomo Special Metals worked with General Motors on formation of Neodymium.
The new magnet caught the business sector quick. Ferrite magnet was immediately reinstated by neodymium magnets in all the assembling production lines.
  About Stanford Magnets.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 11 years
An Idiot-Proof Guide on Neodymium Magnets
Neodymium is one of the rare-earth elements on the periodic table of chemistry. It is used to manufacture neodymium magnets which belong to the type of rare-earth magnets. The whole world recognizes the incredible magnetic force possessed by the neodymium element. Also called NIB, NdFeB or Neo magnets, neodymium magnets are made of boron, iron and neodymium with the first element being metalloid and the latter two being metallic. All the elements are mined and the mixture is crushed to powders. These are pressed further with a milling machine that uses high pressure gas to create molds. The mixture is heated under a vacuum (called sintering), cooled off and chipped into desired shaped.
This is why customers are able to find Neo magnets in assorted shapes to fit the desired applications. After shapes are produced, they are coated or plated to prevent corrosion. Eventually all the pieces are exposed to a very strong magnetic field (over thirty KOe) where the magnetization is taking place. As a potential customer, one should get familiar with the N rating (grade) of the magnet. It refers to Maximum Energy Product or MEP of the raw material that a magnet is produced with. Simply put, maximum energy means optimum magnetic density of what a magnet is composed of.
N-rating of neodymium magnets is quoted in MGOe (Millions of Gauss Oersted). Therefore if a given magnet is rated N38, it possesses a MEP of 38 MGOe. In short, the higher the grade of a magnet the powerful it is. It is difficult to drill or make holes through neodymium magnets. They are extremely solid that many locally available drilling machines cannot help. They will become too hot or even break. If one must cut or drill NIB elements they must find an expert machinist. They are more informed on potential dangers of machining NIB materials. Usually the machine experts used Electrostatic Discharge Machines to shape Neo magnets.
These machines provide a suitable way to mess with neodymium without causing breakages. This type of a magnet is known to be brittle. What is more, when heat is used to drill a Neo magnet, demagnetization could happen and in return trigger fire. Although this strong magnet is seldom demagnetized, by high temperatures, just be aware of the fire risk it could pose. On the same, machining neodymium blocks would obviously produce dry particles that are extremely flammable. To avoid combustion of the particles, take stern precautions.
It goes without saying that one cannot weld to an NdFeB magnet without demagnetizing it and causing it to catch fire. Standard N-rated Neo magnetic products cannot withstand temperature that goes beyond 80 degrees Celsius. Exposing this magnet to extreme temperatures might make it lose a portion of its magnetic force. There is also the Curie temperature (TC) that neodymium magnets should not be heated beyond 310 degrees Celsius. If it goes up to 310 degrees Celsius, a standard N-rated Neo magnet will lose the magnetic strength completely and cannot be re-magnetized.
About Stanford Magnets, http://www.stanfordmagnets.com/.
Based in California, Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D and sales of licensed Rare-earth permanent magnets, Neodymium magnets and SmCo magnets, ceramic magnets, flexible magnets and magnetic assemblies since the mid of 1980s. We supply all these types of magnets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and grades.
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stanfordmagnets · 11 years
Stanford Magnets has over 10 years experience of supplying Neodymium Magnets. We manufacture Neodymium magnets according to the requirement of customers and provide the products at very competitive prices.
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stanfordmagnets · 11 years
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stanfordmagnets · 11 years
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