stantcn-blog · 7 years
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pacing slightly, from frustration as opposed to stress, bean pondered her options. option a; venture even further out in the cold and snow, with the faint hope that somewhere else would be open. alternatively, option b; go back to the garage and sulk for the remainder of the day. it was already obvious to her what she was going to do – she had no idea why she was even thinking about going somewhere else. “the build up to the end of the world fucking sucks. if it’s gonna end, i wish it’d end already and do us all a bloody favour,” she huffed, hand moving back through her hair before finding its way into the pockets of her overalls for warmth. “it’s fine, i’ll just go back to work and eat the stale biscuits we keep for customers.” she suppose there were worse options. “what overrated, definitely-overpriced product made you brave the snow and ice?”
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          well, he was here now so it seemed staying here was the best option for him, really. maybe he could go to the gas station and find something that wouldn’t be disgusting. that didn’t sound like an awful idea, in all reality. but he tilted his head back and forth before answered the question she shot towards him.   “ they have really great sushi here. i had been craving some all day. “   though he didn’t quite understand the mentality of just waiting for the world to end--- sooner rather than later. even if he didn’t care, he’d still like to milk as many days of possible sushi eating off this suddenly crazy-eyed earth as he could. but he kept that to himself and let her continue on her own thing.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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cal was sure this would be fun. he was nervous, of course, considering this was even bigger than other parties he had been to. he could even feel the anxiousness in his fingertips as he saw those around him, some of them obviously on something but he clenched and unclenched his fists quickly, easing the feeling. this was part of the reason he didn’t like parties, because so many people were so reckless. but he tried to ignore those select individuals, tried to just notice the amusing drunk people instead of the more hardcore ones, preventing a familiar thought from coming to mind. 
“you’re really calling what i said gay?” he smiled, finding it funny how ironic that he used that specifically. considering this thing they had, at least. he knew deep down that stan felt the same, but he knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t say it back. it might have upset him a little but he hid it well. he couldn’t blame stan for being that way, and he couldn’t expect him to flip a switch just because they were suddenly a thing. cal’s eyes follow his to the group of guys, who were still standing near them. it was nice that stan had thought to introduce him, but he really just wanted to talk to him, see him. not that he only spent his time with stanton nowadays, but tonight that’s what he really wanted. he can’t help the relief that hits him when his friends walk off, feeling less awkward about everything. he wanted to be able to kiss him without his friends eyes on them, without people staring, and now he was free to do it. but before he can, stan’s tone changes and cal is put off, to say the least. he hadn’t meant to sound like a dick about it. “hey, stanton.” he uses his full name quietly, waiting until he finishes off the beer to pull him to face him again. “i didn’t mean it like that. i didn’t think you would get plastered, i just wanted to make sure. and i was just joking about the warm beer. i’m pretty sure everyone hates warm beer, and i wasn’t trying to be a dick, y’know. you don’t have to assume i mean the worst by what i say.”
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           he knew that they were different. he just knew it. from the questions at the grocery store to the way he held himself, stanton was fully aware that they weren’t on the same playing field and really, they never were. cal didn’t pop pills and he didn’t get trashed on shit you can’t buy at the liquor store. definitely not after his sister. stanton always kept it under the table but now, after all this, he just felt judged. if he could change he would, and he definitely wouldn’t do it around him. not in a million years. he just wanted respect. that’s all it was. a respectful understanding that it was all okay and cal was okay with him.
but now he’s pouting and he’s not really looking at cal until he grabs his attention again. when he’s saying the full of his name and pulling him closer so he can feel the warmth from his body. he’s still not happy. he still wishes cal could trust him like that. sure, it’s the insecurity in himself that he hates and just wishes he could flip a switch and be the perfect guy for him but he can’t and that really scares him. how unbelievably imperfect it is.   “ if there’s someone out there who likes warm beer i don’t want to know them. “   he grumbles, looking at his neck rather than his face. he knows he was kidding about that part. he wanted to have a good time. so he sighed and rolled his head back.   “ i want you to know i’d never do that to you. “   he finally ends to look him in the eyes, wrapping his fingers around his jacket.    “ i want you to trust that i’m not going to do that to you. “   he frowns. he’s not an asshole. he gets it.   “ don’t make me feel like the cunt for getting upset. “   he wouldn’t assume the worst if this whole thing didn’t scare THE FUCK  out of him. but he lets go, his hands by his side. he wanted this to be fun. this was going to be fun. he had to keep telling himself that; fun.  
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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cal looked around the porch quickly, getting familiar with the scene in front of him. he wasn’t really one who minded crowds, much less drunk crowds. most of his job revolved around being able to deal with drunk crowds, so this was just like another day of work for him. except he got to spend it with someone who seemed to make the crowds disappear, who made it easier for him not to notice the smell of alcohol surrounding them or how close everyone was crowding around each other. it was easier to forget those things when he was with stanton, which was the only reason he came to this party, really. before this thing between them had happened, he had planned on maybe making a quick appearance and then ditching. 
his breath catches at the small action, the littlest things stan did still being enough to mess up his train of thought. however, he’s gotten used to it enough to remember quickly, looking down at his outfit before his eyes were back on stan. “you would say that even if i was wearing pajamas, though. but i tried, even though it’s basically the same thing i wear every day.” he laughs, because when was he not wearing his leather jacket from the thrift, jeans, and any shirt he could find underneath it? it was rare to see him wearing anything else, most of the time. “an hour? damn, i was even later than i thought.” he pauses, “i guess so, but i missed you.” he can’t help the cheesy remark before he’s brought back to reality, realizing they weren’t alone. “oh, hey, nice to meet you guys.” he hasn’t ever actually met stan’s friends, considering they’d just reconnected, but the guys almost immediately go back to their own conversation, so he refocuses, nodding at the beer in his hand. “how much have you had to drink?” cal reaches for the bottle, gently taking it from his hand as he takes a drink, cringing in the slightest. “wow, i forgot how much warm beer sucks.” 
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            this thing they found themselves in was great, that wasn’t a lie in the slightest. however, it was still very new. stanton wasn’t used to be completely into someone who was completely into them back. especially with this being callen, the callen. the one even his mom said was nice one time she stumbled to the dinner table with the rest of his so called family. he’d wonder what it was like bringing him around now. seeing his garbage sister and rubbing it in her face that he found someone to make him happy that she couldn’t take away from him. maybe even make martin happy ( not like he cared what martin thinks ). but he thinks about it. dancing their fingers together at night, he considers going back to the block he hasn’t been to in years.
honestly, if callen did walk in wearing pajamas, stanton would tell he looked great. he looked great in just about everything. maybe he was biased but who cares. so he just shrugged it off. looking to cal as he spoke, he grinned, only to scoff a second later before rolling his eyes about being missed.   “ that’s really gay, man. “   he teased, grabbing him by the pocket to pull their hips together. even if he was crazy about stan, expressing everything inside him was still a challenge. saying  i missed you didn’t come to easy. he wasn’t that guy who’d tell him to hang up first if they were on the phone. he turns to look at his friends, registering that now it must be kinda odd seeing him like this. he always prided in his friends really not giving a shit how he lived but a dramatic change in character is what it is. but he didn’t really want to explain. he kinda just wanted to be left alone right now.   “ we’ll catch up with you guys again later, okay? “   he nodded at them, and they said their goodbyes before departing, just in time for cal to grab his beer.   “ what are you, my mom? “   he pulls his eyebrows together to grab his beer back,   “ yeah it sucks because i wasn’t trying to finish it before you go here. “   he tried not to be offended by the question, as if he’d be plastered already in the first hour of being here.   “ it’s my first one. “   he tries to make his attitude sound light, but it comes out a bit bitter, still, finishing the rest off before tossing it in a nearby trash. now that he was here, he had no issue finishing it.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
       his hand moves to steady on stanton’s shoulder briefly before dropping with a scrunch of features.   “   that’s one way to put it.   ”    says the man with a bag of meow mix settled in his free arm,  thanks to his height he’s narrowly managed to avoid the crowd briefly  —  more like split it & in turn have one too many elbows poking at his stomach. few things would’ve made tyler brave this amount of people but of course his cat’s needs went above a few bruises he’s surely acquired already today.    “    all those safety procedures out the window.   ” 
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       stanton raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes at the comment as a silent and sarcastic agreement with what he’d said. it really was insane being here, and he just wanted out at this point.  he looked over the man for a second and let out a tiny chuckle.   “ mind being my barricade so i can get to checkout? “   he figured in any other situation this would be extremely weird, but given he’s a tiny twig boy, he could use all the help he could get to not get mutilated. 
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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she might never get used to these sorts of things; places that seem entirely unfit for people to actually be in, where everyone is either on something or not having a great time. kimberly falls into the latter category. she tries though, to put on a brave face and smile back at him and pretend like this isn’t an actual nightmare. lord knows what needs to have happened to someone in order for them to feel at home here.
“ i— that’s so sweet, ”  she shouts back, surprised and slightly shameful for feeling so surprised in the first place. suppose it’s become a habit, to always expect the worst from him, or simply to expect nothing at all. she takes the bag and puts it in the pocket of her jacket instead, which is technically stanton’s jacket— it all comes full circle in the end.  “ i’m gonna go get a drink, you should go say hi to your friends. ” she smiles, quite honestly this time, as the previous concerns seem to fade into irrelevancy now. aside, of course from the silent implication that his friends are far from being her friends.  “ i’ll find you later, okay? ”
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            this place isn’t an ideal date spot. he got that. he was also going to try not to make this a horrible experience for kimberly either. though, just as kimberly didn’t expect much from stanton, he didn’t expect much from himself either and he just let himself do whatever he wanted. it seemed that’s how these things played out anyway. he wasn’t trying to kid himself. he wasn’t some upstanding guy. and while she certainly deserved better, here she was, so this is what she gets.
he gives her a smile and nods to her words to show he understood what she’d said. he watches her walk away before drifting his eyes away to look for those he’d consider friends. relationships much easier than something more, as he’s found. he moves his feet to meet the small crowd of guys he’d find himself hanging out with in these scenes. doing their usual greeting he look to see what it was they were passing around. he considered taking a hit for himself but instead he just shook his head, bouncing a bit to the music as they made small talk, stanton mentioning something about having someone with him. the guys never really gave a shit if he did or didn’t bring someone. 
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
calm for you know who !!
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[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
            stanton didn’t really go on dates. he never found them worth it and if he did, it was mostly fake. he was pulling a stunt to try and get someone between the sheets and he’s be putting on some show he knew they’d want to see. however, he actually  wanted to go on this date. where he wasn’t trying to be another version of himself, or planning to get something out it (even if that wouldn’t be too bad of an ending). sitting at the booth with menus between their fingers, stanton couldn’t help but to have his feet knocking into callen’s, smirking to himself as he looked over the options. dinner was on him, he already said. no need to fight him on it because he’d already declared, and one stanton was set on something…
when the waitress finally came around, she asked stan what he wanted and he replied easily with a specialty burger. cal, on the other hand, seemed not to be ready. a gush of words came from his mouth, asking about multiple things on the menu that were offered. stan was pretty sure he wasn’t even taking a breath in. eyebrows raised in amusement he chuckled, lightly running his foot along the inside of his leg.   “ cal? just breathe. “   he grinned, not at all bothered by his inability to decide. looking to the waitress, she was finally able to give a response, helping him finally narrow down his choice, picking one thing.
she finally left, and stan sat back, hands folded over the table.   “ see? that wasn’t so hard. “  he gently kicks him under the table, giving a glowing smile.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
[ beckon ]
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[ beckon ] your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking .
          TRYING  was a word rarely found in stanton’s book. it took a lot for him to want to get out and actually apply  himself to something. let alone people. but kimberly’s world was not clothes on the floor and having weed-scented sheets. instead she liked crop tops and smelling like perfume ( which, he admitted, smelled amazing ). so maybe he vaccuumed before she came over. he washed his sheets, washed his hair. actually bought some substantial groceries. at least let her feel a little more in her zone than feeling like an alien. 
clicking on his phone with the darkness around him, he looked up now and then to the light pouring from under the bathroom door. the water had since shut off but he could only imagine what she was still doing in there. so when she finally did come out, her long hair twisted and tangled with dampness and her body hugged with a towel, he looked to the pile of clothes he’d set out for her earlier but instead he just pulled them out of her reach, a smirk on his face as he watched her displeasure. he just nodded his head back, his tilted chin telling her to come closer. it was dark but he could see her roll her eyes, a hand on her towel as she stepped closer until he could finally reach out to grab her, pulling her onto his lap. hands twisted around her waist and he pressed his nose into her neck. his bodywash smelled good on her. 
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
[ teach ]
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[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
           stanton watched carefully, with his hands crossed over his bare chest and tried to make sense of exactly what was happening before him. he was pretty certain she was just going to end up getting herself hurt, so he pushed himself from the door frame with a sigh, his mouth still tasting like morning as he reaches for the knife she has in her hand.   “ first, let’s take that away. “   his voice is groggy, still coated in sleep. he reaches over her to the stove to twist the knob from high to medium.   “ i’d prefer you didn’t burn my place down. “   he looks over to see exactly what she was doing. it wasn’t like stanton had a great selection of things to use to cook, but some sort of scrambled eggs seemed like a decent pick.   “ second, you’re going to chop your fingers off doing it like that. “   he moved behind her to grab her hand, picking up the knife in the other. his fingers move to curl her finger over the greens, so her knuckles are the forefront of everything.   “ maybe you like the danger of it but i really don’t want to clean up your mess. “   he hums, cutting the greens himself with her hand holding it down.   “ see? much better. “   he lets go of her hands when he’s done chopping to slide into the bowl, his hands sneaking back to her sides.   “ can you handle the rest or do you need me to show you how to crack an egg, too? “  his tone was dry, always dry. maybe not annoyed but holding back infliction as he speaks to her, watching carefully as he takes a step back to see how she does.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
☠, ♡, ൠ
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☠ - angry/violent headcanon
      stanton used to be way more fucking fighty than he is now. in high school, fights were rather common. considering how much anger is in that boy’s body it was only bound to happen that he was going to take it out by fighting. however, as he got older, his anger now just tends to get covered by substances. he also thinks getting into fights is pointless for him, considering he has the build of a twig and his hands are fragile. no, he’d rather not bother anymore. unless it’s like, really really worth it.
♡ - romantic headcanon
        romance ?? stanton king ?? are you sure you’re asking about the right person because i’m not so sure you are. well, i think the only time he’s pulled a romantic gesture is when he’s wanted something (sex, most likely) out of someone. flowers are usually a go-to. i think once he managed to convince he was worthy to some relatively normal hot girl and then did a whole bubble bath and roses and ,, the whole thing. did he get laid ?? yes. 
ൠ - random headcanon
       once time he stole the biology skeleton model because… idk he’s stan and why not? and he’s had it ever since. it’s in his room. his name is frank. he’s decked out w some rays and a snapback and his birds like to perch on him. it’s very adorable. 
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
0 notes
stantcn-blog · 7 years
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
( @stantcn​ )
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cal sat in his car, having just shut the engine off as he spotted an unfamiliar scene: teens and adults alike drinking together, piling outside of the huge building rented out for this party as others brought kegs and various bottles in. he was actually going to a party. it’d been at least two months since he had, maybe even longer. but he thought why the hell not? the world was apparently ending anyway, he might as well come and catch up with people, maybe even drink something and have fun. that’s what guys his age were supposed to do. maybe he came because stanton invited him, too.
finally gathering up the courage to get out, he makes sure to lock it before sliding his hands into the pockets of his jacket, smiling at familiar faces as he attempts to look for the one he really wants to see. he finally sees him in the middle of the crowds, a slight flutter in his heart as he pushes past a couple people while quietly mumbling apologies. and then he’s there and slipping an arm around stan’s waist before pulling him close enough for a quick kiss, a goofy smile highlighting his features as he pulls away. “hey, sorry i’m a little late. i didn’t really know how to get ready for a party, i guess.” he laughs, dropping his arm as he looks at him, trying to see if he was drunk yet, and if so, how drunk. “you weren’t waiting too long, right?”
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           of coruse, no matter if it was the end of the world or just a regular saturday night, you’d be able to find stanton at any sort of party. adults, young adults, kids from the high school. it was crowded and packed. to the point where all the bodies felt clustered. hence standing outside on the porch with his jean jacket and beer. and what other way to spend his night than with the one and only callen. with his fingertips and kisses and giggles still swimming in his mind, he didn’t want to spend much time away from him. even if it wouldn’t be shocking to be seen with someone, looking at them the way he looked at cal. standing with his friends, he knew it’d probably be a sight to behold to see stan around cal. and honestly, at this point, he really didn’t give a shit. 
with a lukewarm beer between his fingertips, having only been nursing his first one since he got here. he didn’t want to get too far ahead of cal, he didn’t want to be TRASHED  by the time he got here. but his eyes lit up when he saw cal starting to push through, trailing off from his conversation as he came closer, pulling stanton in by the waist to kiss him sweetly, something he still wasn’t used to.   when he explains trying to get ready, stanton gave him an non-discreet once over and smirks.   “ i think you look great, “   his hand reached over to grab his shirt, pulling him closer to kiss his jaw.   “ i’ve only been here for an hour. you haven't missed much. “   his smile dripped with sugar and honey and his dropped his hand from his shirt only to touch his wrist playfully, looking back at the couple guys he had just been talking to.   “ cal, these are a couple of my friends. “   he points to them as they nod. it’s all pretty casual. stanton didn’t really owe them any explanation either. they weren’t the kind to care, really.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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“i’ve never seen the matrix,” greta admitted, snapping a hunk of chocolate from the bar, sliding it between her lips. she loved to let it sit on her tongue, soak up the warmth of her mouth, and slowly dissolve. it was almost cathartic, the way it reduced to almost nothing. “–never seen fight club, either. pulp fiction. the breakfast club. i never saw any of those.” her shoulders offer a lethargic shrug, fingers chipping off another block of chocolate, gaze fluttering between the strange creature at her side and the stranger happenings of the stars. she could have been one of those girls, with peach lip gloss, who always smelled like cherries and soft shampoo. sometimes, she was that girl. but she was also ripped fishnets, chipped varnish, screams in the twilight hour and bleach covering a kitchen floor. there were too many people inside of her. rita. evie. louise. margo. she no longer knew who she was – and so in times like this, when she felt like being honest – greta didn’t know who that person was.
she offered little in way of response to his jest, an eye roll, and the toss of her head. speed dating seemed apt – but perhaps she was merely trying to pick him apart, fish his insides out with a spoon, and then sew him back up again to leave him almost the way she found him. “fuck,” was her only response to stanton’s answer, a hiccup intercepting the sigh that broke from her lips. “usually people say like, jesus, hitler, marilyn monroe. which is fine but fuckin’ boring.” her mind lulled the intricacies of his answer, fingers snatching the joint from him to take another drag. shoes kicked off, laughter ripe on her lips, greta found herself dragging the toe of her sock across his leg, rolling onto her side. “it’s obvious why you picked karl marx. but why jack black? school of rock – now there’s a movie i’ve seen.” there’s a feral part of her that craved affection, attention. she wanted wrap herself around him like a pretzel and burrow her head into his chest – but the rational side of her mind knew that was merely the dope. she’d learnt at the ripe age of fifteen that smoking made people horny or giddy, and if you were lucky, both at once. 
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            be it where they met, caught between stock photo posters between coughing children and meth-addicted adults with horrific life stories, there were examples like stanton and greta. the troubled youths. and while stanton was a type, so was greta. the wild card. just because she displayed manic tendencies and was grander than life, and ultimately, hard to figure out, he knew that type well enough. to know if was a ticking time bomb of destruction. but a hot one. one that provided burning fingertips and sharp teeth to dig into his shoulders. twisting and pulling at every corner. doing questionable things under diner booth tables and laughing when they got kicked out. stanton was just that type. the asshole who’s too cynical with an ego the size of a country and frankly, just wants to do drugs and have sex and be full of himself. they were a match made in hell and he planned on exploiting it.
because he smelled like weed and wilting roses and dying dreams but he plucked at the flannel he wore as she asked about how choices, dismissing her comments about the movies at first.   “ i’m going to ignore the fact that you’re fucking UNCULTURED to answer your question. “   he shakes his head with a disappointing sigh. how she managed to live this long and not see any of those movies boggles his mind.   “ with questions like that, though, people tend to think of it from a them standpoint. who do they want to talk to. i really couldn’t give a shit who i talked to. but it’s also important to think about who’d go together. marx? stalin? two brooding and serious individuals with conflicting ideas, stuck right between one of the most over-the-top comedians of our time? shit, i wouldn’t say a fucking word i’d just watch them go at it for hours. “   he chuckles, throwing his arm back to tuck under his head, closing his eyes. he knew he could sound pretentious, but he didn’t give a shit.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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it takes a long moment for mickey even realize that the joint is being handed to him again, head tilted back against the back of the couch, hazel eyes staring at an odd stain on his ceiling he had never noticed before. he takes the joint, giving it a good hit before sluggishly moving to grab the remote for the tv. “here.” he throws it back at stanton’s stomach rather harshly, snickering at the sound it makes. “i don’t got shit in mind, my plan was to be a sad fuck all day, but i can’t let you go around saying i’m a bad host or whatever.” he replied, eyes back to the ceiling stain. “we could order some food, play a video game or something?” mickey shrugged. “we could also go rob a liquor store, but i’m not sure if you’d be down for that.”
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           if he wanted to get high with someone boring, he would have just smoked up with his stepdad and called it an evening. it wasn’t as if he was planning to set fire to the town or shit on everything, he just didn’t want to take a nap on someone else’s couch.  he scoffed taking the remote.   “ yeah, you don’t want me leavin you a bad review on yelp, man. “   he twists to turn on the tv resting his head further onto the pillow, his face getting squished.   “ just because the world is ending doesn’t mean i’m using it as an excuse to be a delinquent. “   besides, robbery WASN’T  his forte.   “ just get some chinese or something and we’ll watch gay porn. “   he suggests casually, turning back to drape an arm over his eyes.
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stantcn-blog · 7 years
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    if it were not his second nature to go head first into any confrontation he saw, he could have perhaps avoided the old memories coming from the periphery of his mind   —   ones that he rather forgot than remembered.   “   surprise seeing you here,   ”   he muttered through gritted teeth, as it were nearly inevitable making their paths cross after their eye contact. he just wished he had not looked back.   “   how’ve things been   ?   still acting as much like an asshole as you did back in the day   ?   ”
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          luca was special in the sense that he wasn’t mad or actively trying to run away. maybe it was luca’s reactions, and stanton enjoyed TWISTING THE KNIFE in the wound.  but the comment made him chuckle and he crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head so the hair to fall away from his face.   “ still a drama queen as always, luca. “  he grins, almost slimy in the way he bears his teeth. maybe he’s out for blood, or maybe just fun.
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