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BRONWYN ROJAS & NATE MACAULEY | eyes, hands & touch
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Going feral at the ending of episode 3, Bronwyn calling Nate, her smile when he picks up WHEN HE SAYS "SO YOU WANT MORE TROUBLE, ROJAS" goodbye i have passed away
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Oouil Show Review: (first 3 episodes)
Okay. This show. Is amazing. Better than I expected. I love it. Obviously they changed up some stuff and i think it adds an element of surprise for people who have read the books... Like the Simon's laptop thing and all. So there's that.
And I like the portrayal of the characters a lot too. Addy being super dependent on Jake, being anxious and insecure.. It really captures early book Addy. I'm super excited for her character arc. And Annalise Cochrane is a very talented actress. Bronwyn's great! The know it all - ness, her just in general Bronwyn-ness... Love it. (Side note: Marilyn Tejada is SO pretty) and then Nate. Nate. So sassy omg yall his snarky comments 👌👌 he's a little more out there than he was in the books but I'm here for it. Oh and that scene with Cooper and the painkillers when he said he helped him because he knows what's it like to have people depend on you and him not dealing painkillers cuz of his dad I WANTED TO HUG HIM my poor baby. Adding Stan here: Best character obviously. We all agree on that I hope hehe. Next up Cooper: he's a little more uptight and confrontational than in the books and tbh i miss the sweet chill sunshine book cooper but yeah. I like him well enough. Janae and Simon.... Jessie and Mark really portrayed them amazingly. And Jake pretending to be all over Addy but you can literally see his underlying disgust? At Addy. His villianness? Anyhow u can tell he's not as sincere as he seems right from the start. Oh and Maeve. Maeve my sarcastic girl. Love her. Her scenes were iconic. Especially at Simon's wake lololol.
I don't like how they changed up some stuff like show Kris was weird and even Evan and the plot twist with Maeve and Simon was ???? I was shook tbh. So yes. That whole thing I don't vibe with. Other than that. Love it. Recommend it.
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Another fan criticism i heard was that Cooper's secret was that he was gay and we live in the 21st century how could that 'ruin his life'? Because he's into sports. That's why. Yes there's a lot of support now for lgbtq members, but homophobia is still present. Literally the other day I was reading a news of some sportsman who was banned for standing upto homophobia or something i don't remember the exact details but. And the colleges who were recruiting cooper withdrew their support for some time after he was outed. And he's a 17 year old, still not comfortable enough to share his identity with the people he's closest to, so obviously it's a closely guarded secret and he wouldn't want the whole world to find out.
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Cam confirm, i was trying to make a playlist for them while listening to Taylor Swift but every song was abt them??? In the end i was like no need to make a playlist just listen to the whole discography when u wanna think abt them lmao
the entire taylor swift discography can be about natewyn if you listen hard enough
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Okay long rant but I've read some fan criticism on this point that Addy's secret was that she cheated on Jake but Cooper cheated on Keely for months and faced no consequences for it so that doesn't make sense and/or this makes it a misogynistic book. I think i choose to look at it this way: Karen was highlighting the patriarchy. That's how it is in the world. A girl makes a mistake once and it is a black spot on her literal personality forever. Boys on the other hand, get to do what they like, date as many women as they want, have flings, cheat on their girlfriends and its all fun and games and part of "boys will be boys" and society protecting them using this lame excuse. So Karen was just showing through her characters how awful the double standards are. It may seem exaggerated in the book but really, it's not. It's actually how it is in real life. And i think Addy's character development was absolutely wonderful: How she chose to make this past mistake remain just that, a mistake in the past. She realized her worth was wayyy more than some boy, she became so independent and free and the best version of herself and she is the sort of inspiration that all girls need.
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Please, i need to see cooper and addys character development on screen it was the best part of the books 😭😭 i love Natewyn with all my heart but i would absolutely hate it if the show is all over them im worried too bestie
They may give Kris a bigger part in the tv show since Cooper lost his best friend tho so plus side?
i hope so !!!
there’s only 13 characters so surely SURELY kris will get a bigger role?
or cooper’s storyline is gonna get paid dust and the whole show will revolve around natewyn…
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cooper calling marianly “mari” and her calling him “coops” and telling each other they appreciate each other and when the live ended they said “bye mari” and “bye coops” ITS ALL JUST TOO MUCH
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one of us is lying + one of us is next
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Can we talk about Bronwyn undoing Nate’s bow tie before I lose my mind
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Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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Bf who majors in chemistry, gf who (almost) failed highschool chemistry
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I love Adam and Zaneb from Love From A to Z (by S. K. Ali) so much and i want to write about them. If anyone has any asks or head canon prompts I'd love to answer!! :)
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You can also pirate it!! Lol illegal but there's lots of free websites that will stream it... U can msg me and ill send u links. There's ads tho but i use ad blocker and they run mostly fine
just found out peacock tv is not available outside of the us which SUCKS, such a bummer, i was looking forward to oouil tv series:((
yeah it's not but I thought Karen said something about another platform that would make it available outside of the us? i'm not sure though
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No cuz in oouib I want so many character interactions, friendships and relationships both, at this point Karen should just forego the plot fully and just publish a bunch of scenes where the characters just hang out and enjoy life. They deserve it too, man. God knows, all sorts of brotps and otps better be there i need canon shit to function properly.
To list a few:
-Cooper and Kris
-Maeve and Luis
- Nate and Bronwyn closure
- Ashton and Eli
- Knox and Phoebe
- Not the biggest shipper of Addy and Keely but mostly everyone loves them so im down.
- Maeve and Nate
- Cooper and Addy
- Kris and Bronwyn (they're both nerds let them interact)
- Addy and Maeve
- Addy and Nate
- Addy and Bronwyn
- Addy and Phoebe (ive seen people saying theyd be iconic friends and i wanna see)
- Basically Addy with everyone i love my badass queen
- Cooper and Luis
- Luis and Nate (I think they'd be friends)
- Nate and Knox (i love the idea that they become close friends)
- Bronwyn and Maeve (iconic sibling duo)
- Addy and Ashton!!
Ill update more if i think of anything else
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Okay Nate, what’re you doing in Megamind?
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I just saw this tweet, and i wanted to say that Karen knows her characters as well as the actors better than us. And she's part of the film crew so we should just trust her to bring the characters on screen in the best way possible. Even if some aspects of the plot will be different, the essence will be the same and that's what matters. I'm a little sad too, of my favorite book scenes not being in the show or like Luis not being present in S1 but I'm sure I'll love whatever they create.
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