ik this account is dead but i had no idea yall had a tumblr and im Losing It
Fucking mood. If I didn’t have this connected to my many other accounts even I’d forget it was here. 
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Update: Since I deleted an ask (whoops)
I love everyone who came on this journey with us. It was a fun passion project that started in my freshman year of high school over 10 years ago and will always be a part of me. I wish this was an update to say there's more and look forward to next week.
But fuck, man, do I wish. This was one of the most fun projects I have been apart of and I miss it every day. But the two of us haven't spoken in almost 2 years and it just wouldn't feel right to start again without both of us together again. It happens and I miss the feeling that writing this with her brought and I hope it showed in every chapter.
Maybe one day you'll find something but for now you can always find chapter that havemt been moved over at our fanfiction page Hjaltalin's Owl
Or my own writing place at AO3
Honestly and for the best
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Hey, I got your ask and yes prompts are open but Tumblr on mobile deleted it so if there was more than that can you resend or shot me another message. The only thing is that it's slow as the mods don't live near each other that the moment.
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I think I may have accidentally deleted your ask but there is no order to the story. We purposely left it open so we could write whatever we wanted.
Here is a link though to our fanfic page for easier reading and there’s more posted over there.
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Gonna start moving over the latest few chapters from our where it is on fanfic. But to let you know we got a cool thing going on over there and I’m going to be hanging out on this blog for a bit. If you want to prompt anything or have questions or wanna talk.
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Starclan Academy: Prom Arc- Promstalgia
Summary- Flametail goes to prom
Flametail walked into the school parking lot where an open canopy draped over, keeping teenagers inside and the cold April air out. It was clear topped to allow them to dance under the stars and full moon. He had one goal in mind as he dragged his best friend, Kestralflight, behind him. He might only be a junior but he was going to make this the best night ever for as many people he could.
Sometimes the movies aren't always right when they say prom is the "end all be all" of high school. Some people will always be disappointed going far into the hype of the dance. Some want prom hierarchy and will spend all year campaigning for it while others will regret not going. That's life, but it wasn't going to be on Falmetail's watch.
He'd spent all day dressing himself and Kestralflight up. Spent the whole day convincing the shy boy to go. He made Kestralflight dress in a simple black suit with a simple black tie, while Flametail chose the most obnoxious blue he could so it clashed horribly with his red hair.
The first thing he had done, other than marvel at the sight of so many beautiful people dancing in glamourous dresses and neat suites under bright lights, was drop Kestralflight off with Jayfeather and Willowshine. The easy going duo would help the blond relax a bit. The four of them had always seemed to have a secret understanding between them. Something akin to friendship although they didn't hangout enough for that to be. Flametail didn't like to think about it, content just to know he had three people who would have his back no matter what.
He looked around for a way to start his fun when he noticed his brother. The jock was dancing with his date Dovewing, her bright green dress fading to silver in the middle where it was tight around her waist. He long silvery hair was tied up in a simple bun. Flametail used his smaller body to squeeze between the two and used his shoulders to push Tigerheart back and steal his spot.
His brother shouted after them but Flametail had already danced away with Dovewing. Taking a last look over her shaking shoulder he caught sight of his brother awkwardly fixing his emerald tie in the middle of the dance floor. Flametail had fun as he dramatically danced with Dovewing, her laughter the only music he could hear as they danced. After their dance ended, or more like their gossip circle, Flametail tried to find his brother, but neither of them were able to find him. He saw Dovewing suddenly turn around from the corner of his eye. The red head followed suit only to see Bumblestripe. The gray haired boy had his hand outstretched as he offered it to Dovewing. The hand shook as the other came up to loosen his silver tie. Dovewing gladly took his hand, waving off Flametail as they whisked off into the crowd.
Flametail stood back and watched the couple dance for a few minutes. Icecloud was standing in the middle of the floor, stark white dress standing out as the lights twinkled off her jewelry. Her boyfriend was standing stiff backed and she looked like she was pushing him away slightly. He'd have to rescue her later. He saw Tawnypelt sway her hips at Blackfoot, trying not to laugh at his glare, as Rowanclaw and Russetfur seemed to be jumping around to the music. While Tawnypelt and Russetfur might be seniors, they must have gotten their friends in. He smiled at them when Rowanclaw saw him, his bright pink suit standing out, especially next to Russetfur's uniform.
Flametail made his way towards the food and refreshments, chatting with everybody there as he went. He waved at his sister's date Crowfrost where he sat by himself. He started a conversation with an irritable Rosepetal after her brother and Foxleap were dragged away from the punch bowl by an even more irritable Lionheart.
"Hey Flametail, don't you have a date?" Mudclaw's scratchy voice yelled out from behind him. Flametail turned to find the dark haired boy smirking coolly, his arm around a scowling Mapleshade.
Flametail just grinned at the bully, trying not to allow his mind to flash back to the year before. "Nope, I'm everyone's date tonight."
To prove his point, Flametail held out his hand to the girl next to him. It happened to be Nightcloud. She glared at Mudclaw before taking the offered hand smugly. Nightcloud might be cold and harsh, but she wasn't one to tolerate other people's issues. It was different dancing with the cheerleader than his friends. She was usually distant and it showed in her steps. Precise and exact with the bare minimum of touch between them. But as he looked over her shoulder awkwardly he caught a small smile from the senior.
"Thanks for doing that." Flametail said nervously as their dance came to an end. He stepped away from her, not allowing his touch to linger and bringing a hand up to rub his head.
"He's a pig." Nightcloud jerked her head towards where Mudclaw had been. She started off towards her friends, the other cheerleaders, and he chose to follow her. As the night waned on he danced with each girl, and each one differently. Icecloud he took in long sweeping steps allowing her to get lost in the twirls. Cherryfall he jumped around with dancing to some pop song she appeared to love and getting lost in the crowd. He even took lead with Owlclaw, the male cheerleader, ignoring both the nasty and cheerful whistles thrown at them.
He saved the best for last though, as Crookedstar came on stage to announce the prom's queen and king. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were smiling brightly at each other as their dumb plastic crowns were placed on their heads. Next Lionblaze and Cinderheart were named prince and princess. The crowd started to cheer and clap for the couples as they started their obligatory ruler's dance.
Flametail stepped in front of Heathertail's line of sight. Her big blue eyes were wet as she watched Lionblaze, a mix of nostalgia and regret in them. When she looked down at Flametail she gladly moved with the red-head on to the dance floor. He made sure to tell her jokes about anything and everything to keep the smile on her face as he kept her back towards the now kissing couple. Even when the dance was over and there was not more spotlight on the new hierarchy he could still see the sadness in her eyes. She looked about to break as he led her to Breezepelt and Ivypool, her long since best friends. She layed her blond head on Breezepelt's shoulder and allowed herself to breathe again. He looked towards Ivypool and she just waved him off before reaching for a napkin to wipe Heathertail's running mascara away.
Finally, Flametail walked back towards his best friend who had collected even more people since Flametail had last seen him. Kestralflight might act like he was anti-social but the minute you got him talking it was hard to get him to shut up. While most of those standing around them were Jayfeather's group, a few were people he didn't talk to often. These included Smokey, Floss, and Speckle. The first two were getting their cuddle on as they listened to Kestralflight talk. Speckle was a little further from the group, hunched over slightly hiding the slightly rounded belly she had developed over the last few months. When she caught him looking, he gave her the kindest smile he could muster up but she quickly looked away from him.
He stayed and talked with them, letting the music wash over him. The rest of the night quickly became a blur. The thing about prom though was that it wasn't the best night he had ever had. It was fun and great, but he'd definitely had worse, like the night Tigerheart and Dawnfur got into a huge fight that lead to his sister storming out for the weekend, and it wasn't the best, like the night he finally convinced Kestralflight to have dinner with him.
He hardly even remembered the night itself, at least not the details. There were things that would stick with him over the years when he recalled the night, like his best friend's smile as he dragged him out of the canopy or Heathertail's sweet smile when she hugged him. Even better was the look on Briarlight's face when he asked her to dance the last song of the night, ignoring the glare he felt on his back from Jayfeather. As the years went by it was a night to look back on with fondness but not something he would allow to define his life.
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Starclan Academy: Gang Arc III- Flower Amongst the Chaos
Summary- Goldenflower and Tigerheart meet again after he’s been let out and Goldenflower reflects on their past.
The sleek black car purred up the drive, and Goldenflower frowned, stepping out onto the porch to meet it with bare feet and crossed arms.
What could he be doing here?
The car pulled to a halt at the foot of the stairs and her ex-husband slid from behind the wheel and gave her a charming smile. He was back in a tailored suit and expensive haircut, looking every inch the rich CEO without a trace of the jailed convict he'd been for the last two years.
"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice as even and cool as if he were a door to door salesman. His smile broadened. She'd never been afraid of him, his Flower. It was one of the things he'd liked about her.
"I have a gift for you." he told her, and paused there, waiting until she'd raised a skeptical eyebrow before reaching into the car and drawing out a small white and gold box about four inches square. "Sasha regrets she won't be able to make your engagement party," he began, climbing the porch steps, but he was cut off by an insistent buzzing sound that emanated from the depths of his suit jacket like the noise of a trapped hornet.
He paused on the second step from the top, and pulled his phone from an inside pocket. He glanced at the screen as he moved to silence it, and his finger stopped halfway to the button. A frown furrowed his brow.
"Your pardon." He told Goldenflower, and made an apologetic gesture with his hand. "Business."
Which meant it had nothing to do with his expansive banking enterprise.
"Tigerclaw." He said into the phone.
Goldenflower couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the line, but the longer they talked the darker Tiger's expression grew. "How long?" he demanded, and then after another moment of listening, "I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention." Then he ended the call, returned the phone to his pocket, and finished climbing the stairs.
On impulse, as he reached the top, Goldenflower reached out and seized his wrist tightly.
"Whatever's going on," she told him fiercely, "Whatever that was about. You leave our children out of it. They deserve to be safe."
His gold eyes met hers.
"Safety may be a difficult state to achieve." He told her, and reaching down, began not ungently to unwrap her fingers. "With Bloodclan prowling about."
She jerked her hand back sharply.
"Bloodclan? I thought they were gone. That you-"
"As did I." he agreed. "Yet here they are, crawling back out of the woodwork like the vermin they are."
"Are you going to do something about it?"
"That remains to be seen." He took her hand again, lifting it palm up. "And as to our children, Flower; they aren't children anymore." He placed the gift box in her palm, closed her fingers around it, and before she could retort had retraced his path back to the car and closed the door between them.
She watched him drive away, then turned on her heel and stalked back into the house, grip on the box white-knuckled and rage and fear warring for supremacy in her chest. She marched into her kitchen and placed the box on the counter, staring at it without seeing.
She'd learned early in their marriage that owning and running the only banking chain in the county was just a front for Tigerclaw's real business: working in and eventually ruling an underground organization dealing in secrets and power. Together with a group of trusted lieutenants, he used blackmail, bribery, and various shadowy deals to run the town behind the scenes, accomplishing his own goals and acquiring money and influence without appearing to ever be involved in anything that went on. It had been hard for her to cope with at first, especially when she learned that his organization, called Dark Forest by those involved, recruited students at the local high school to act as spies and messengers for their purpose. But he'd kept the darker side of his dealings- the violence, the threats- away from her, and she'd loved him, so she'd learned to pretend that nothing was wrong.
Then Bloodclan had risen.
Goldenflower clamped her fingers down on the counter to stop them shaking.
It had started as just a group of kids causing trouble. They threw stones at windows, beat up kids after school, harassed people walking down the street. It hadn't been good, but nothing that the local authorities were concerned that they would have trouble quelling. Then they'd begun to grow and evolve, acquiring more members and escalating their actions until stones became bullets, bruises became blood, and harassment became mugging. Slowly, they'd instilled fear in the hearts of the townspeople, and things got worse with every passing day until at last Tigerclaw had no longer been able to deny the threat.
And so he'd gone to war.
That had been when Goldenflower had no longer been able to deny the fact that, though her husband and his group might be the lesser of two, he was still one of the evils. As the battle raged on the streets, and students in her classroom began arriving with bruises and cuts and breaks, or not arriving at all, she thought of her own children, then eleven and twelve years old, and began to consider an alternative she'd never thought she'd have to resort to.
The day after a boy in her fourth hour turned up dead in an alley, she'd filed for divorce.
He hadn't fought her; he'd signed over everything to her without a fuss. Everything except their children.
Four months after their divorce was finalized, silence fell in the alleys and Bloodclan disappeared. The violence, the crimes and fear, were over. That silence had lasted for five years, until two years before, when Tiger had been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. A crowbar, as she'd later learned. His victim had ended up in the hospital for nearly a week, and the judge had given him five years in prison after laughing his self-defense plea out of the court room. Tiger had been released early on good behavior.
For the first time, Goldenflower began to wonder if her ex-husband might have been telling the truth about it being self-defense. It seemed just a little too convenient to her that Bloodclan should begin to slink back into town while he happened to be behind bars.
Finally coming back to the present, Goldenflower lifted the lid of the little gift box and pulled out a tiny, pot-bellied white bottle with a gold stopper. Perfume.
The same perfume that Tiger had bought her the day Brambleclaw was born, and every year on his birthday until the divorce.
Sasha didn't buy this.
He'd been happy to give her majority custody of their children; but he'd insisted on having visitation rights. She had agreed, on the condition that he keep their children out of the underground world in which he was such a major player. Apparently, now that Bramble was turning 18- no longer a child, no longer bound by court orders away from him- he considered their agreement fulfilled.
Sighing, she reached over, turned on the faucet, and poured the expensive, delicately scented perfume down the drain.
Apology not accepted.
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Sorry we haven’t been on like we said. Turns out living in separate cities can be hard. So can finding jobs and college. But break is coming up and we plan to have a few things written and queued for awhile!
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Can Bluestar make an appearance soon? She was pretty much forgotten since the meteor shower chapter. ;-;
We have a lot planned with Bluestar in the sequel, so spoilers! But we had to move her story towards the more “mature” part of our fic because we want to deal with her mental illness and her future in the best way we could.
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Squirrelflight should be a jock
Yep, she is a jock! We wanted to diversify our jocks so she is a track star!
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Would some SquirrelXAsh ever be shown?
We have a few plans, but we mostly have a BramblexSquirrel ship going and I refuse to put him in a bad guy situation because I, Owl, liked his character. But we will definitely try to add something for you!
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Hiya. I recently found your star clan academy fanfic, finished it within four days, and loved it. And I was wondering: are you going to continue the "life goes on" sequel?
Yes! Seeker and I have amazing and great plans for it too. Thing is we don’t live in the same city anymore. I’m in college and she graduated so when we talk it’s more to catch up on life then for this. But I have break coming up and we have some major planning sessions set up!
And we have to have some constant communication because there are some ideas and fics that have to fit in with each other, plus the setting up in the prequel. Look out soon, because rumor has it there might be a Rosepetal thing coming soon. (And I’m working on Icecloud).
Also thanks for loving it!
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What was Speckle's secret?
Speckle’s secret, which I hope you’re talking about in ‘Can You Keep A Secret?’ is that she’s pregnant with Sol’s kid. We outline it throughout the story by hinting at it (when we first started we had a very kid friendly look at the story but as we got older wanted more mature things like teen pregnancy). The entirety of the Mystery Arc is her story as she learns to accept what happened.
In Picnic her and Sol have sex after she snuck out. Then in Can You Keep A Secret? she tells her friends. She won’t appear much after that but she does have a small role in an upcoming Prom fic I’m working on. If you want more of her story, she’ll appear in the sequel Life Goes On a bit as the Sol is a main protagonist. The first of her story is in Bills Are Due, which I meant to post here but haven’t yet!
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Starclan Academy: Ice Skating
Summary- Icecloud learns a lesson
Icecloud slammed her locker shut with a resounding clang and leaned her forehead against the cool metal, hoping it would help to calm the tears threatening to creep past the corners of her eyes.
Don't cry; don't cry.
"You okay?"
Icecloud jerked back at the sound of the voice beside her, dashing a hand across her cheek to wipe away the single tear that had threaded its way through her makeup.
Hazeltail blinked at her, gaze curious and calm, and reached into her own locker. Icecloud laughed, slightly bitterly,
"I'm fine." She said, keeping her voice even. "Just…under a lot of pressure, lately."
Pressure from the cheer coach, from her teachers, from her boyfriend…
Hazeltail nodded sympathetically, gold stud glinting in the shell of her ear, and pulled her ice skates from where they were hanging on the hook in the back of the locker.
"I get that." She slung the skates over her shoulder. "College scouts are starting to come down for the games; scholarship deadlines are coming up; it's a nightmare."
"Yeah." Icecloud murmured, frowning at the other girl. "How do you deal with it?"
"I exercise it out." Hazeltail shrugged, closing her locker and spinning the dial. "Do something not basketball. I run, swim, skate. Maybe you should give it a shot; get off the cheer mats for a while."
"I…dance," Icecloud offered, hesitantly. She'd been in dance with Heathertail for two years now, but it had never felt relaxing, like Hazeltail implied that swimming and skating were for her. The basketball star must've heard the doubt in her tone, because she smiled and tilted her head.
"I'm on my way to the ice rink now, actually. Why don't you come with me and give it a try? Maybe it'll help."
Icecloud hesitated, and then nodded slowly.
"Okay."Anything to untie the knot in her stomach. Hazeltail grinned.
"C'mon then; I'll even pay for your skate rental."
"And that's how you stop." Hazeltail said as she slowly moved closer to Icecloud. The blonde was clinging to the clear board separating the rink from the benches. "Any questions?"
"No, no I think I got it." Icecloud replied not quite looking at Hazeltail but rather the ice. She tried to make herself step forward but couldn't quite get up the nerves to.
"You sure there, scaredy cat?" Hazeltail teased as she spun around a few times, moving back and forth in front of Icecloud. Every once in a while she would reach up to move her short gray and blonde hair away from her eyes as her bangs would fall in front of them. Icecloud's own hair was tied up in a dainty little bun on the back of her head.
"I'm not scared. I just haven't done this before." Icecloud whispered and stepped onto the ice. The second her last skate hit the ice, the blond could feel herself start to tip forward. Scrambling, Icecloud tried to grip onto the board even harder but lost her grasp on it. She felt the hot shame of embarrassment long before she felt the sharp pain in her knees and hands.
"That's it, I'm not doing this." Icecloud growled. She didn't like not being good at anything and she would not embarrass herself further in front of her older classmate. Icecloud was a slight perfectionist, and by slight she meant it basically controlled her life. So failing at anything was a blow to her mind and so she always stuck with what she was good at so she could be the best at those.
"Oh, don't be like that. It's supposed to be fun remember?" Hazeltail giggled, moving to stand in front of her. "Here, grab my hand I'll lead you."
As Icecloud looked up at her, Hazeltail's dark green eyes shined with confidence and kindness at the blonde's nerves. Icecloud hesitated before reaching for the tan hand. So different than hers, Hazeltail's was full of calluses and was rough against Icecloud's own dainty pale hand. Icecloud's manicure stood out against the chipped tips of the basketball player's. Hazeltail pulled Icecloud up and helped steady the cheerleader, and she felt herself blush slightly as the gray-haired girl pulled her along the ice.
"Remember it's just like walking." Hazeltail said as she guided the blonde gently around the rink. Icecloud allowed herself to just feel the motion of the skates rather than her feelings of anxiety and stress.
As she relaxed into the motions, her feet gliding on the ice, she felt all of the pressure slide off her shoulder. It was almost like the wind rushing though her hair was blowing away all of her problems. Icecloud didn't even think of the way the cold air was freezing her face, but rather how her face hurt from smiling against it.
A flash of brown caught Icecloud's eyes and she turned her face to see Hazeltail standing in the middle of the rink.
"Haz-" Icecloud went to call out to the other girl but never got the chance to. As the blonde was looking at the basketball player, a sharp pain traveled through her nose and behind her eyes. The next thing the blonde knew she was looking up at Hazeltail.
"That was awesome, at least until the end there. I let you go like fifteen minutes ago." Hazeltail exclaimed looking down hat her. Icecloud felt something bubble up in her stomach, a mix between embarrassment and something she had never quite felt before. But before she knew what was happening, Icecloud let out a small snort before doubling up on the ice holding her stomach. A steady and high pitched laugh fell from the usually stiff cheerleader as she let all of her emotions run through her mind.
Hazeltail starred at her for the longest time as Icecloud let all of her feelings out. When Icecloud stood up carefulwipinging hears from her eyes, making sure she missed her make-up, her butt was cold and wet but she couldn't make herself care.
"You okay?" Hazeltail asked nervously.
"Better than ever. Thank you." Icecloud replied still giggling, her face cherry red from laughter.
"No problem." Hazeltail smirked, putting her hand on Icecloud's shoulder. Icecloud grinned back at her taking off around the rink again.
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Starclan Academy: Nausea
Summary- Jayfeather gets car sick
"Hey!" Toadstep complained, glaring down at Jayfeather's hand as he reached between the van's two front seats to spin the radio's volume knob down.
"We said you could come," Jayfeather retorted, voice tired and raspy, "Not that you could burst my eardrums."
Drawing his hand back into his lap, Jayfeather let his head loll back against the head rest, blue eyes screwed shut as though that would help to alleviate his nausea. His drawn expression lightened slightly when Rosepetal reached forward from the back seat to ruffle his hair sympathetically, but he was still two shades paler that he should be.
The six of them- Jayfeather, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Willowshine, Bumblestripe, and Briarlight- were on their way to the county fair in Forestton, which was almost three hours from Lakeland; so far, they were about an hour into the trip.
Making an irritable sound, Toadstep let his glare fall and drew his headphones out of his pocket. Willowshine, in the driver's seat, lifted a hand from the wheel to adjust the rearview mirror so that she could see into the back seats.
"You alright, Jayfeather? Should I pull over?"
"No…" Jayfeather mumbled, eyes still closed. "Just…take it easy on the turns."
She nodded, flipping the mirror back into its proper place, and Jayfeather let out a long breath through his nose. He could hear Bumblestripe snoring from the seat behind him, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, only to fall again almost at once as Willowshine jerked the wheel around another corner and a fresh wave of nausea washed over him. He made an unhappy sound through his nose.
"Jayfeather?" Briarlight's voice, quiet and shy, spoke from beside him, and he made a soft sound to indicate that he was listening without opening his mouth.
"I have some gum. Mint. It usually helps…?" she ended the statement on a questioning note, and he almost smiled again.
"Please." He murmured, his voice even quieter than hers, the words escaping through the smallest possible space between his lips. He felt her press a piece of gum into his palm. His fingers closed around hers before she could withdraw, squeezing gently in thanks, then let her go and reached up to pop the stick of gum into his mouth. The taste of mint washed over him as he chewed, soothing if not eliminating the nausea, and he relaxed a fraction, slumping in his seat. "Thank you." He said quietly, and heard her murmur and embarrassed reply. The slight smile returned again this time, and he leaned over slightly, just enough to rest his forehead against her hair for a moment, his breath ruffling the soft strands, before straightening and slouching back into his own seat.
Neither of them spoke, but he could almost feel her blush.
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Starclan Academy: Kicked Out
Summary- Breezepelt is kicked out of his house
"Wha-" Ivypool rolled over to stare at her window, startled from a dream about Jell-O and something that might have been hot air balloons, but weren't, by the sound of something heavy landing against the wall outside. Slowly she reached for the volleyball trophy she'd kicked under her bed two days before, and rolled out from under her blankets.
There was no more sound from outside, but she crept toward the window anyway, taking the edge of her mint-green curtains between her fingers and pulling them back with a fraction of an inch. Outside, just below her window, the floodlights her parents had put up to deter burglars shone off a head of unruly black hair.
Ivypool dropped the trophy to the carpet.
"Breezepelt?" she hissed, in a mixture of irritation at him for scaring her and relief that it was just him and not some burglar.
"Huh?" he tilted his head up at the sound of her voice, and she saw that he was only half-dressed, flannel pants and his black leather jacket pulled on over his bare torso. She reached for the window-latch, jerking it up and open. "What are you doing here?"
He looked away, slumped further down against the wall and into the grass. His feet were bare too.
"Didn't have anywhere else to go." He murmured, shoulders shrugging against the house's creamy siding. There was something he wasn't telling her; she could tell by the way he refused to look up and meet her gaze. She reached out and down, ruffling her fingers through his hair.
"Where are your shoes?" she asked, gently. He sighed.
"Mom…was in one of her moods." He reached up, catching her hand, and pulled it down, pressing her fingers to his cheek. "She kicked me out. I didn't have anywhere else to go."
"Oh, baby; why didn't you wake me up when you got here?"
"I didn't want to wake you. I'm sorry I did."
"Breeze." She shook her head, and drew back, pulling him up with the movement. "Come on; get in here."
He obeyed the tug of her hand in his, rising and turning to face the window.
"You sure?" he asked, hesitantly. "I don't want to get you in trouble."
She shook her head.
"It'll be okay; just come it."
He hesitated a moment longer, then obeyed, climbing in through the open window and closing it softly behind him.
"Thanks." He murmured. She hugged him, arms wrapping around his waist and cheek pressed against his chest. His skin was chilly from the night air, and she cuddled closer, pressing a kiss to his collar bone.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, and felt him shrug, his fingers carding through her hair.
"It'll be okay." He told her, and leaned down, kissing the top of her head. "Thanks for letting me stay."
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Starclan Academy: Gang Arc II- To Help Violet
Summary - Mousewhisker and Blossomfall team up to help a friend
"Mousewhisker?" Blossomfall, who was on her way to the Academy for early morning track practice, paused at the entrance to an alley off sixth street, staring in shock at her friend, who was standing with his shoulders braced against the cinderblock wall of the building behind him, one arm half-cradling, half-supporting the emaciated girl slumped against his side, a half-eaten granola bar clutched in her hand. They both looked around at Blossomfall's surprised question, and the girl tore away from him at once, scurrying into the dark depths of the alley like a frightened mouse before Blossomfall could get a good look at anything but her strawberry blonde hair.
Mousewhisker bolted upright as well, mouth opening to call after her, but he caught Blossomfall's eye and closed it abruptly.
Blossomfall blinked at him, and as he turned to face her, a nervous expression on his face, she caught sight of more granola bars stuffed into the pockets of his jacket.
"Who was that?" Blossomfall demanded, but Mousewhisker ignored her, tramping out of the alley and starting down the street toward the school as though she hadn't spoken, hands shoved into his pockets. Blossomfall frowned and jogged after him. "C'mon, Mousewhisker; what's going on?"
He pulled away and kept walking.
"None of your business."
"Hey." She caught his arm, pulling him to a stop, and frowned up at him. "Is everything alright? Is she in trouble?" she paused. "Are you?"
Mousewhisker made a growling sound through his teeth.
"I'm fine, Blossomfall. Just leave me alone, okay?" he started to turn away, but she caught his arm again.
"No, you're not. Something's up. Tell me; I wanna help."
"You can't." he retorted. "It'll only get you into trouble."
"You said you weren't in trouble." She reminded him, and he shook his head angrily, shoving a hand back through his hair. "Who was she?" Blossomfall asked again, determined to get an answer. "What's going on?"
He hesitated, then sighed, defeated.
"Promise you won't tell?"
She nodded.
"She…" he paused, then continued, eyes on the ground. "Her name's Violet. She's…" his eyes flicked back to her face again, then back at the ground. "She's a member of Bloodclan-" he broke off when she gasped, eyes jerking back up to her face.
"She's Bloodclan? You know how dangerous she-"
"She's not dangerous." He retorted vehemently, eyes flashing. "She never wanted to belong with them; she has nowhere else to go." His expression softened again. "They don't take care of her. I've been trying to help, but…if they find out, she'll be in big trouble." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't know what else to do…"
Blossomfall stared at him for a moment, then reached out to put a hand on his arm.
"I…know some people who might be able to help."
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