spiremassk · 1 year
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gayfeather 😟
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Your random OC is... Fallensmoke!
Fallensmoke is a gray-and-white molly with teal eyes, long claws, dark whiskers, and faded scars on her back and on the back of her neck. She is the other half of Weaselfur, whose alternate description was used.
Meaning she technically has a sprite.
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She is Kestralflight's sister, known as the more rebellious type. Mentored by Webfoot, who very much had his paws full with her. She was quiet, but she had the tendency to question everything, and be a bit of a boundary pusher. Where Kestrelflight fully believes in Starclan, Fallensmoke had quite a few doubts for a while! However, she is extremely family oriented and would do anything for her beloved brother. If he needed her to send a prayer request to the Moonpool because he was too busy, she would be marching down there in a heartbeat.
Also, her name was not always Fallen-suffix. She was originally named Fawnkit until she was grabbed by a hawk a little while before her apprentice ceremony. She slashed at the hawk's belly with her long claws and it let her go into the camp. Not only were the scratches it left quite pretty when they scarred up, but the fall left her completely unshaken!
She sat back, let the older cats fuss over her and asked Onestar "So, when is my ceremony again? Sorry, I didn't catch what you said."
He made her and Kestralkit apprentices on the spot.
She became Fallenpaw, then Fallensmoke during Long Shadows, as she did not participate in the Eclipse battle and failed a hunting assessment.
But later on, during Omen Of The Stars, she fell for someone during those long, warm nights when After-Gatherings ran late. Someone she probably shouldn't have.
Fallensmoke falls in love with Redwillow. His passion endears her to him, he talk of revolution, about how much he wishes the Clans would change, about his grief for his recently passed on mother, died during the Drought.
She listened to him, and they spent a lot of time together. They fall in love and Redwillow swears that he will protect her, he will make the Clans change.
Fallensmoke didn't realize how serious he was. She soon after found out she was pregnant, carrying his kits. He responded to it well enough, but began talking about how exactly he was planning to change things. His Dark Forest mentor, Rushtooth, was going to help him destroy the Clans, to put them back together of course! He began pointing out more Dark Forest Trainees, naming their mentors, more and more horrifying historical figures got name dropped, more and more would a chilling glint form in Redwillow's eyes...
She ran. She never attended another Gathering again. She kept to herself and when the Great Battle came, Fallensmoke heavily pregnant, Redwillow found her again, begging and pleading to just listen to me and please come with us I swear I'll fix it
She didn't say anything, what was she supposed to say when Redwillow looked at her, fur matted and faded like he hadn't taken care of himself in ages, his eyes desperate and pleading and full of love but paired with something Fallensmoke couldn't out to words.
She hid behind Lionblaze, who quickly drove Redwillow off. The last Fallensmoke would hear about him was that he had been killed by Rowanclaw after murdering Blackstar alongside Ratscar.
5 day laster, Fallensmoke gave birth to 2 kits. A tiny white kitten with gray flecks, named Goosekit, and a mottled brown and ginger kitten with a large head, a little copy of its father.
She names it Willowkit.
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
For gay kitties how do you feel about a meddie cat pile? :3c
Jayfeather/Kestrelflight/Willowshine/Hollyleaf (honorary member of the club)
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theanoninyourinbox · 7 months
I got to thinking and in my Rewrite since I hc Fernsong as a trans woman she completely supports Nightheart's name change and becomes their biggest supporter until they leave Thunderclan.
And for fun a few more Trans hcs: Feathertail(MTF), Hawkfrost (FTM), Hollyleaf(NB), Firestar(FTM), Sandstorm(MTF), Tawnypelt(Genderfluid), Rowanclaw(Ftm), Rootspring(FTM) and Rootspring(FTM), Kestralflight(NB), Snowtuft(NB)
There's more, but I can't think of them at the top of my head rn, headcannons are fun.
these are all very -chef kiss- ideas
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ealienkreations · 3 years
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I'm working on an animation and had to do character designs for each of the characters so thought I'd post. In order, its Harespring, Jayfeather, Poppyfrost, Kestralflight, Flametail and Breezepelt
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shouta-edits · 2 years
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"Can you do a moodboard for kestralflight from warriors with sunflowers, herbal medicine, and moorland, tysm !!" -@creepyvirushoe requested
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leoxxiicats · 4 years
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[image id: a drawing of kestralflight from the warriors series, a black furred cat with white spots on his chest, back, front paws, and tail. he has a white spot on his nose, under his right eye, and two tiny spots nezt to his left eye. his tail tip, one of his ear tips, toes on his hind paws, and his ear tufts are also white. he has green eyes and peach inner ears and nose. he's standing facing the right, with his head facing the opposite direction with a worried smile. his tail is curled up and loops on the end. /end id.]
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rippingintestinez · 5 years
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Starclan Academy: Prom Arc- Promstalgia
Summary- Flametail goes to prom
Flametail walked into the school parking lot where an open canopy draped over, keeping teenagers inside and the cold April air out. It was clear topped to allow them to dance under the stars and full moon. He had one goal in mind as he dragged his best friend, Kestralflight, behind him. He might only be a junior but he was going to make this the best night ever for as many people he could.
Sometimes the movies aren't always right when they say prom is the "end all be all" of high school. Some people will always be disappointed going far into the hype of the dance. Some want prom hierarchy and will spend all year campaigning for it while others will regret not going. That's life, but it wasn't going to be on Falmetail's watch.
He'd spent all day dressing himself and Kestralflight up. Spent the whole day convincing the shy boy to go. He made Kestralflight dress in a simple black suit with a simple black tie, while Flametail chose the most obnoxious blue he could so it clashed horribly with his red hair.
The first thing he had done, other than marvel at the sight of so many beautiful people dancing in glamourous dresses and neat suites under bright lights, was drop Kestralflight off with Jayfeather and Willowshine. The easy going duo would help the blond relax a bit. The four of them had always seemed to have a secret understanding between them. Something akin to friendship although they didn't hangout enough for that to be. Flametail didn't like to think about it, content just to know he had three people who would have his back no matter what.
He looked around for a way to start his fun when he noticed his brother. The jock was dancing with his date Dovewing, her bright green dress fading to silver in the middle where it was tight around her waist. He long silvery hair was tied up in a simple bun. Flametail used his smaller body to squeeze between the two and used his shoulders to push Tigerheart back and steal his spot.
His brother shouted after them but Flametail had already danced away with Dovewing. Taking a last look over her shaking shoulder he caught sight of his brother awkwardly fixing his emerald tie in the middle of the dance floor. Flametail had fun as he dramatically danced with Dovewing, her laughter the only music he could hear as they danced. After their dance ended, or more like their gossip circle, Flametail tried to find his brother, but neither of them were able to find him. He saw Dovewing suddenly turn around from the corner of his eye. The red head followed suit only to see Bumblestripe. The gray haired boy had his hand outstretched as he offered it to Dovewing. The hand shook as the other came up to loosen his silver tie. Dovewing gladly took his hand, waving off Flametail as they whisked off into the crowd.
Flametail stood back and watched the couple dance for a few minutes. Icecloud was standing in the middle of the floor, stark white dress standing out as the lights twinkled off her jewelry. Her boyfriend was standing stiff backed and she looked like she was pushing him away slightly. He'd have to rescue her later. He saw Tawnypelt sway her hips at Blackfoot, trying not to laugh at his glare, as Rowanclaw and Russetfur seemed to be jumping around to the music. While Tawnypelt and Russetfur might be seniors, they must have gotten their friends in. He smiled at them when Rowanclaw saw him, his bright pink suit standing out, especially next to Russetfur's uniform.
Flametail made his way towards the food and refreshments, chatting with everybody there as he went. He waved at his sister's date Crowfrost where he sat by himself. He started a conversation with an irritable Rosepetal after her brother and Foxleap were dragged away from the punch bowl by an even more irritable Lionheart.
"Hey Flametail, don't you have a date?" Mudclaw's scratchy voice yelled out from behind him. Flametail turned to find the dark haired boy smirking coolly, his arm around a scowling Mapleshade.
Flametail just grinned at the bully, trying not to allow his mind to flash back to the year before. "Nope, I'm everyone's date tonight."
To prove his point, Flametail held out his hand to the girl next to him. It happened to be Nightcloud. She glared at Mudclaw before taking the offered hand smugly. Nightcloud might be cold and harsh, but she wasn't one to tolerate other people's issues. It was different dancing with the cheerleader than his friends. She was usually distant and it showed in her steps. Precise and exact with the bare minimum of touch between them. But as he looked over her shoulder awkwardly he caught a small smile from the senior.
"Thanks for doing that." Flametail said nervously as their dance came to an end. He stepped away from her, not allowing his touch to linger and bringing a hand up to rub his head.
"He's a pig." Nightcloud jerked her head towards where Mudclaw had been. She started off towards her friends, the other cheerleaders, and he chose to follow her. As the night waned on he danced with each girl, and each one differently. Icecloud he took in long sweeping steps allowing her to get lost in the twirls. Cherryfall he jumped around with dancing to some pop song she appeared to love and getting lost in the crowd. He even took lead with Owlclaw, the male cheerleader, ignoring both the nasty and cheerful whistles thrown at them.
He saved the best for last though, as Crookedstar came on stage to announce the prom's queen and king. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were smiling brightly at each other as their dumb plastic crowns were placed on their heads. Next Lionblaze and Cinderheart were named prince and princess. The crowd started to cheer and clap for the couples as they started their obligatory ruler's dance.
Flametail stepped in front of Heathertail's line of sight. Her big blue eyes were wet as she watched Lionblaze, a mix of nostalgia and regret in them. When she looked down at Flametail she gladly moved with the red-head on to the dance floor. He made sure to tell her jokes about anything and everything to keep the smile on her face as he kept her back towards the now kissing couple. Even when the dance was over and there was not more spotlight on the new hierarchy he could still see the sadness in her eyes. She looked about to break as he led her to Breezepelt and Ivypool, her long since best friends. She layed her blond head on Breezepelt's shoulder and allowed herself to breathe again. He looked towards Ivypool and she just waved him off before reaching for a napkin to wipe Heathertail's running mascara away.
Finally, Flametail walked back towards his best friend who had collected even more people since Flametail had last seen him. Kestralflight might act like he was anti-social but the minute you got him talking it was hard to get him to shut up. While most of those standing around them were Jayfeather's group, a few were people he didn't talk to often. These included Smokey, Floss, and Speckle. The first two were getting their cuddle on as they listened to Kestralflight talk. Speckle was a little further from the group, hunched over slightly hiding the slightly rounded belly she had developed over the last few months. When she caught him looking, he gave her the kindest smile he could muster up but she quickly looked away from him.
He stayed and talked with them, letting the music wash over him. The rest of the night quickly became a blur. The thing about prom though was that it wasn't the best night he had ever had. It was fun and great, but he'd definitely had worse, like the night Tigerheart and Dawnfur got into a huge fight that lead to his sister storming out for the weekend, and it wasn't the best, like the night he finally convinced Kestralflight to have dinner with him.
He hardly even remembered the night itself, at least not the details. There were things that would stick with him over the years when he recalled the night, like his best friend's smile as he dragged him out of the canopy or Heathertail's sweet smile when she hugged him. Even better was the look on Briarlight's face when he asked her to dance the last song of the night, ignoring the glare he felt on his back from Jayfeather. As the years went by it was a night to look back on with fondness but not something he would allow to define his life.
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infected-bc-au · 4 years
Patient Zero and Initial Casualties
So, thing about Pandemics is that there is always a Patient Zero, aka the first individual infected, in any pandemic. 
For this AU, this individual is Bramblestar, Leader of Thunderclan, as you have already seen.
Now, before I continue on with the initial ‘How did the Rabies infection spread to each Clan’ aspect I do need to discuss how I choose who got infected when and how they died.
Now, as I mentioned in my previous post, the AU has three parts. I already know who dies when due to pre-planning and due to a specific mechanic inorder to ensure I didn’t keep a character alive simply because they were a favorite of mine or that a character died because I hated them. 
I made it randomized like this in order to keep an un-biased and fair view of how this kind of thing would play out.
Now on the the method:
I am being quite literal here. 
I used a 1D8 Dice with Bramblestar, Harestar, Leafstar, and Tigerstar. Why Bramblestar and not Mistystar? I’ll get to that in the Starting Point section of this. 
Now, each number represents a Life of the Leader. For each skirmish the leader is in that they could get infected or killed I rolled the Dice. If the number was higher or equal to the Lives they had at the Start of The Silent Thaw then they lost a life or were infected based on the situation (more on this below, as I said).
However, if the Number was 1, they died immediately. 
For everyone else I roled a 1D20. I would have used a 1D4 until I kept rolling a specific number which made things kind of BS to me, so a higher number it was. 
Now, 1-6 meant the character was killed immediately, 7-12  meant they were infected but didn’t die immediately, 13-18 meant they were killed by something outside the Rabies Virus (as outside threats still exist), and 19-20 is the Trigger for the Twoleg Factor, which I will get to further down.
I rolled the 1D20 for every character that wasn’t a Leader at the start when the infection spread. If it hit 1-6 and 13-29 they were fine in the initial spread of the infection. 
Now, for how Rabies spread out of Thunderclan:
The easiest way actually presented itself to me immediately: Jayfeather and Squirrelflight rolled a 10 and 7 respectively, meaning they were immediately infected by Bramblestar, which also makes sense since they would naturally be the cats closest to him upon revival (being his Medicine Cat and Deputy/Mate respectively). 
From there, I rolled for the Medicine Cats of Shadowclan, Skyclan, Riverclan, and Windclan. More specifically I rolled a 1D10. Even numbers and they went to Thunderclan to help Alderheart with this strange new illness, Odd numbers they stayed in their own clans. 
Pebbleshine, Kestrelflight, and Mothwing all rolled Even, and thus went to Thunderclan.
Now, for each ‘Arc’ in each ‘Part’ I rolled for each character to see who died and lived. This included Leaders, as being Infected does not mean they would immediately Die. 
Now, On to the actual Story Portion, as I’m sure you are curious as to how it spread and got every, including Skyclan since it didn’t go to Ground Zero:
How the Virus Spread:
The Events of Lost Stars still happen, but instead of Bramblestar being possessed he would wake up confused, feverish, drooling, and aggitated. By this point the cats with him would be Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and Alderheart. When Jayfeather would attempt to examine him, Bramblestar would attack and immediately kill him while he woudl bite and harm Squirrelflight when she tried to intervene. Alderheart would call for the warriors to help pin Bramblestar down where they would then barracade him into the Leader’s Den while Alderheart tended to Squirrelflight’s bite wound. She would be sent to the Medicine Cat’s Den to rest for the night while Alderheart called for a meeting with the Senior Warriors to figure out what to do. No one was bit while subduing Bramblestar.
The next morning Cinderheart would go to visit Squirrelflight while Alderheart is checking on Bramblestar. Cinderheart would be bit by Squirrelflight, who is killed accidentally by Mousewhisker. Mousewhisker is bit during the fight and Alderheart would realize he is out of his depth and would send warriors to each clan asking for help for this strange behavior while tending to Cinderheart and Mousewhisker. 
Of the cats, Mothwing, Kestrelflight, and Pebbleshine go. Willowshine, Shadowsight, Frecklewish, and Fidgetflake stay in their clans for various reasons. The medicine cats attempt to examine Bramblestar with the help of Thunderclan Warriors, during which all three are bit. Unable to help, they basically tell Thunderclan they are on their own and go home. 
By the next day Cinderheart and Mousewhisker are turned and Mousewhisker bites Daisy when she visits him. Alderheart has begun to realize something seems to be spreading though he isn’t sure exactly how yet. He expressed his thinking that something about the cats is spreading to each one, making them lose their minds, and thinks their injuries may be part of the cause. Because of this, Thunderclan begins using methods to cage up infected cats at the Abandon Twoleg nest and keeping watch. 
At this point Cinderheart, Mousewhisker, and Bramblestar are fully infected and Daisy, Cherryfall, Finleap, Alderheart, Spotfur, and Thriftpaw are all infected. Bramblestar also escapes and takes off into the Forest. 
The cats put it to a temporary vote that Lionblaze and Thornclaw lead Thunderclan as Temporary Leader/Deputy until they can actually dedicate time to the issue.
In Shadowclan, Pebbleshine bites and infects Tigerstar and Cloverfoot after Pebbleshine killed Stonewing. By day 2, Tigerstar and Cloverfoot are fully gone and infect Scorchfur, Grassheart, Pouncestep, Hollowstream, and Oakfur. Tawnypelt is elected temporary Leader after they subdue and quarantine Tigerstar and Cloverfoot, owing to her having been Deputy Before, and she immediately elects to have many of the senior warriors help her with decisions. Shadowsight works to treat some of the injured cats and gets infected by Grassheart that night. Shadowclan refused to leave the area around it’s camp unless it is to get food. 
In Riverclan, Mothwing infects Willowshine and Mistystar. Mistystar is almost immediately killed by the virus and Willowshine manages to infect Lizardtail, Breezeheart, Havenpelt, and Podlight. 
With so many injured cats and no medicine cat, Reedwhisker sends Warriors to their neighboring Shadowclan and Skyclan for help. Shadowclan refused to answer, but Frecklewish goes to Riverclan where they are bit by Havenpelt. Fogkit is then infected. 
Frecklewish flees Riverclan back to Skyclan where they are treated by Fidgetflake. They infect Leafstar the next day and Hawkwing. By the next day Hawkwing is dead, and the infected count rises to include Palesky, Nettlesplash, Turtlepaw, Plumwillow, Violetshine, and Needlekit. 
Harrybrook steps up as temporary Leader to keep his clan from despair. 
In Windclan Kestralflight infects Harestar. Crowfeather gets Warriors to help him subdue Kestrelflight leading to Brindlewing, Sedgewhisker, and Crowfeather himself getting infected. By Day 2 the amount of times Harestar has acted up results in Harestar’s permament death, the death of Fernstripe and Whistlekit, and the infection of Woodkit and Gorsetail. By Day 3 all the infected cats but Woodkit is dead, and Woodkit is fully infected and has infected Featherpelt.
With the clan ready to bolt, Nightcloud steps up as temporary leader.
After Patient Zero, Leaders, and the Twoleg Factor
 Now, after this comes the real hard part for the clans. As you can tell by Day 4 at the lasted no clan has an official Leader, Deputy, or Medicine Cat to help guide them and only Thunderclan has any ideas on what might be happening.
From here the clans would be focusing on how to stop the spread in their own ways with the little information they have until they start reaching out again. Leadership will also change as various cats learn various things and tensions start to run high. 
Now, on to the other parts of this. First will be Leaders.
As you can tell, Brambestar and Tigerstar still live after the first 4 days of infection. After this, I roll dice and depending on the number they get into an altercation with their clanmates that can result in the loss of a life, more infection, and potential final death for each leader. Mistystar I had decided to just kill off immediately due to her advanced age and the fact we never learn how many lives she has. Harestar (who I keep mistyping as Hootstar for some reason), just got really, really, really shitty roles. This goes into Act 2, which also introduces a new Element:
The Twoleg Factor. 
Now, I have actually volunteered in a Shelter, so I can tell you a few minor things from that time. Wild, Feral cats are actually very rarely rehomed unless they are still tiny kittens. The reason is because Feral Cats are near impossible to accept Home Life. Most places will treat the cat, Neuter/Spay them, then release the cat back to wherever it was taken from (or put them down). Same with all cats capable of being adopted (except they go to humans instead of the wild).
Cats infected with Rabies are immediately put down. Immediately. Then Animal Control is often called to investigate the nearby areas to find any other potential infected animals.
Also, almost every cat owned by a human, but especially all cats from a shelter, get a Rabies Vaccine that can last 1-3 years before needing a booster depending on the cat’s age. (The younger the cat, the longer you can wait).
Now, Humans don’t like Rabies. It is fatal, even for them, so when a Rabies outbreak happens they quickly get in and get rid of it. The clan territories lie on a large lake that gets a LOT of Human Activity in the Spring/Summer. 
The Twoleg Factor has two parts:
First, I roll a dice for an infected character or one that could be injured as I mentioned above. If it goes on that 19-20 number at this point the cat is found and taken by a Twoleg. If the cat is infected, this means Twolegs become involved in finding and getting rid of all the infected cats. Hence why I made this particular roll such a small margin since depending on when it happens it is an instant Game Over for the Clans. 
The Second part of this has to due with the Vaccine. More specifically, the amount of former Kittypets in the clans, and some cats that had been in shelters. 
Specifically, Stormcloud of Thunderclan and Nightcloud of Windclan would, theoretically, be completely immune to Rabies at this time. 
By Part 1, Act 3 Stormcloud would no longer be Immune due to age and not getting a Booster, but thanks to the events of Crowfeather’s Trial it is reasonable to assume that Nightcloud could still go another full year or two before needing a booster so she wouldn’t be at risk of infection at any point in this AU. 
That will be important later. 
This is just my ideas on how it would start, my next posts will detail more in depth of the full Part 1 in each Clan, followed by how they realize to beat the Spread leading into Part 2. 
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warrior-cat-furby · 4 years
Request list
I’ve gotten quite a few repeat requests, so I thought I’d write out the requests I’ve gotten in order so y’all know what’s coming
Dark stripe
Brandy??? (Don't know who that is)
Breeze that Ruffles Leaves
Brook where Small Fish Swim
Cloud with Star in Belly
Cloud with Storm in Belly
Crest of Snowy Mountain
Fallen Leaves
Feather of Flying Hawk
Flight of Startled Heron
Jagged rock where Heron Sits
First leaders (some of which have been requested separately)
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spiremassk · 10 months
Can you please do a jayfeather x kestrelflight hypokits?
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boy can I? maybe. my designs for both of them are wildly noncanon
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I hope Whistlepaw gets a nice name
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jayfeather!!! for ship asks!
I’m not a fan of Jayfeather so I haven’t ever thought much about his ships, but I’ll do my best!
Jayfeather has such a sharp edge that he needs somebody who he knows won’t give up on him. He needs someone who will take the time to reach out to him and force him to take a minute to relax.
Jay/Halfmoon is the obvious starting place. I don’t have any strong feelings about this ship, but if it weren’t for the fact that Halfmoon has been dead for decades and Jayfeather is a medicine cat, it floats pretty easily.
Jay/Briarflight is a ship I see a lot of fanfiction for, and while I prefer them as close friends, I think they could function well as a couple. Briarlight is a sweetheart and she’s so optimistic that she would combat Jay’s pessimism well. If anything Briarlight might be too optimistic for him, to the point where it would only annoy him. I’m thinking somewhere along the lines of Spiderleg and Daisy...
Jay/Cinderheart is actually the most realistic ship IMO (except for the whole Lionblaze thing). Cinderheart is a realist but she’s also very supportive and encouraging by nature. She’s intelligent enough to hang with Jay and not only comprehend his problems, but provide practical suggestions as well. She’s also very loving, trusting, and would make sure that Jay was taking care of himself. She can pull him back when he starts getting a little too close to the edge.
Cats I won’t elaborate on, but I think would be a fitting partner: Willowshine, Mousewhisker, Kestralflight, Rosepetal, Icecloud,
Cats I do NOT think he would be drawn to: Foxleap, Poppyfrost, Berrynose, Honeyfern, Hazeltail, Toadstep, Hollowflight
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Consider - one of Breezepelt's kits wanting to be a medicine cat, training with Kestralflight, but Kestralflight dies of illness they couldn't cure and Jay is told to finish her training. At first he's standoffish, but the apprentice is frustrated and guilty, and hurt by the loss of her friend and mentor. Jay, knowing the sting of that loss well, tries to adapt and be there for her, supporting her like cats he pushed away when Leaf and Briar had passed had tried to, and healing in the process.
this is my emotional support niece apprentice
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ealienkreations · 3 years
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Haven't posted in a while due to exams but I finished some concept art of two more warriors ocs for a PMV I'm working on
These two are Thunder and Crimson. They are brother and sister although I made Thunder more femanine in design partially due to the flower on accident.
Both are the kits of my oc Luna who was a rogue that joins Windclan so that her kits will be safe. Thunder chooses to be Kestralflight's apprentice while Crimson becomes a warrior apprentice.
Their full names are moon and night because their mother's name is Luna so they were named with her name in mind. Plus Thundermoon sounds adorable to me and Crimsonnight has a very dark connotation to it which fits well with her devolving arc
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