starcrossedtitan · 19 days
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This has been a PSA.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
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Yeah it was me, I made the Cool S sword.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
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Text: Knives are always imbued with magic, suiting them for one task or another. Mine keeps hiding from me, built for kitchen chores, reluctant to work for an assassin.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
Man. I feel so thirsty lately.  I can’t drink enough water. I feel like the senator guy in that X-Men movie after getting exposed to Magneto’s mutant machine, and he keeps drinking drinking drinking water uncontrollably until he dives into the ocean and becomes a terrifying jellyfish creature and explodes.  Freaking Magneto. I was already sympathetic to the mutant cause. Why you gotta hate?
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
character who is sun-coded but not in the traditional ray-of-sunshine way. character who is sun-coded in the sense that they burn hot and bright and powerful, that they're a raging fury of fire and passion, and that maybe, just maybe, they are destroying themselves as they do so.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
Whenever you die you resurrect on the last day on which you could possibly have prevented your death with all your memories. Usually it only takes you back a few days, a couple of weeks in extreme cases. Today you died and awoke decades in the past.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
You’re a superhero’s sidekick. But he doesn’t pay you, so you’re also moonlighting as the minion of a supervillain your hero never faces. Until one day, he does.
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starcrossedtitan · 3 months
no but seriously I still get chills thinking about turning off my headlamp in the cave and The Hand That I Did Not Actually See, and it’s been twelve years since it happened
it’s such an unreal experience
you turn off your light in a cave and wave your hand in front of your face
you can see this shadowy thing moving in the black space where your hand is
it looks like the same shadowy thing you would see in your room at night if you waved your hand in front of your face, it’s there and vaguely hand-shaped, and your brain recognizes it as your hand because your brain is aware of where your hand is and what it is doing
But You Are Not Seeing Anything
Inside a cave, there is No Light. No matter how far your pupils spread, there is no light for them to draw in, no light to put an image on your retina.
But your brain just Fucking Assumes that because it knows where your hand is and what it is doing, clearly it can see it.
So it creates a shadowy thing for your eyes to be seeing.
Brain is like “there’s a hand there”
Eyes are like “yup sure thing brain I can totally see it”
Brain is like “nice”
but there is no hand, you cannot see the hand, you are seeing a literal actual hallucination in the cave because your brain thinks it knows best
Caves are awesome, but also terrifying. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
Contrasting Symbolism For You Characters
A: Sun and Moon 
B: Ocean and Sky 
C: Shadow and Glow 
D: Snow and Rain 
E: Butterfly and Moth 
F: Logic and Emotion 
More Undercut
Keep reading
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
Writing Prompt: Dialogue
“They can’t stay here. There’s something in this house that’s calling to them, and it’s not their parents.”
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
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It took me too long to realize that not all the world is my enemy
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
Edit: I was wrong, there's not only 5 Terra fans. 😭
But thank you for giving attention to this post. :)
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
one of the biggest problems with modern DC Raven is in addition to cutting large parts of her backstory and ruining her design she also lost her autistic swag
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starcrossedtitan · 4 months
Don't you think you owe it to readers to give them what they want?
No? What an odd take. Read my fic or don't.
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