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I'm glad I only get recommended the important news
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I reached 600 followers recently ;A; <3
I'm so grateful for all the support and love. This time is tough for a lot of people and I too am struggling, but I'm also struggling with my mental health on top of that as many others are. I hope yall stay safe during this period!
I know I've been on hiatus a lot over the last year or so, and I can only thank you for sticking with me and my dumb self. Not only have I had to isolate myself physically thanks to the pandemic, I've also had fo isolate myself socially online, as I was noticing a bad pattern emerging in my behaviours that was better to not burden anyone else. I'm sorry if I seemed distant to my friends and I'm still around for chats when I have enough mental spoons 👌
As for the blog, I've been doing a lot of brainstorming on Bea's story, so a lot of plot points have shifted. Due to this the blog is gonna be soft rebooted a bit, as in, some of the info in Bea's about page is gonna change. I'm also planning to knuckle down and write the story, mostly as a fanfic with hopefully some art to go with it. I know I've said it a lot of times in the past and I can't promise when it will get done, as it really depends on my mood at the moment (and atm I'm spending most of my time playing Animal Crossing lel) but I am still working on it! I am trying to decide whether to create a fresh blog for new story content, so it's not too confusing, or keep it on this blog anyways. Let me know what you think!
In the mean time, whilst I appreciate the financial situation is bad for a lot of people, if anyone is thinking of commissioning me, do let me know, as it will help me pay bills.
Thanks very much once again for your support and kind words since I started this crazy mish mash of a blog.
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Max has a backstory. It’s just “I lived bitch”. Good day.
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Halloween is great because it’s the only time of year when walking the streets at night in cosplay is the social norm
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Sam: You wanna run around the world, bro?
Seb: Sure bro
Sam: *runs around Sebastian*
Seb: Why’d you do that bro ?
Sam: Cause your my world bro
Seb: bro
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Sam, pancicking: ABIGAIL YOU’RE BLEEDING!!!!
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Sebastian: So, What skill do you bring to the table?
Sam: Hindsight
Sebastian:... that’s not useful to us
Sam: yes I see that now..
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This is some good ass jam thank u @ask-blossomfarm
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Aaaaahh I almost forgot to upload my full piece for @stardewvalleyzine, so here it is! It was real challenge for me to make it, but it was nonetheless fun and I learned a lot doing so!
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nooo dont unionize, youre so profitable aha
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The only thing more beautiful than Harvey...
Is a blissful, relaxed, happy, married Harvey.
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Hey OP I have so many questions
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submitted by anonymous 
- I wish there was a quest in stardew where the farmer, shane, alex, maru, sebastian, and sam got drafted into the war and formed military squad called the pelican team but when the farmer and shane got onto the Gotoro Empire enemy ship to deilver a bomb the bomb malfunictions and shane has to activate it manually so then he grabs the farmer and throws him out the ship while he activate the bomb and dies with it and the farmer crashes into the ocean of zuzu city and sees the city being attacked by enemies and has to assist the soliders to save civilians 
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The fighter we truly need
new smash dlc fighter revealed!
grandpa’s shitty bed from Stardew Valley!
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Not SDV related, but helping someone out
So one of my favourite youtubers, a person called Rebecca going by “DarkEdgeTV”, is having the usual youtube problems, and I wanted to use this platform to try and help them. Her channel is quite niche, focusing on the videogame Spore with a little variety content, but if any of you find that interesting I implore you to check her channel out. Shes an amazing artist, too, so if you want to get some damn good art that I can't provide, go ahead.
I know there are plenty, if not hundred, of other youtubers who struggle like this, but this channel and her community is super important to me, so to sum up, if any of you haven't already, check out her content, and if you like it go ahead and subscribe.
She also has a bomb-ass discord, and its a really cool community. Thanks for just reading this!
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Me: Spends an hour on art and spends a lot of time making characters to present to the world
Tumblr: Eh
Me: Makes one (1) Stardew Valley shitpost
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