Luke and Era Story
*3 months ago.*
As the jungle have started to come out and realize the island to a change. However there in the ice biome had a little change but, as the sun had melt an ice cube that had someone inside as they lad on the snow.
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Once the boy had slept in the ice. He is now starting to wake up as he slowly open his eyes to which is a blurry for a second. He then looks around as he stands up slowly and walks toward the jungle as he notice the change on the island.
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“Woah. What have I miss? The last thing I know is. Ageless had me out of the castle. Though I hope they had won.” The boy had said as he then notice a house and see’s that no one is home. He then makes it his home for now.
As the boy known as Luke had been catch up on what happen. Ageless step down and fight along side with Icarus with the Oathbound as well. Outside of the house is someone from on top of the snow as she looks down the house.
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“He’s here. Good. Maybe he can help us.” The woman name Era had visions of Luke that will help her.
A few days had pass by as Luke when into the village as he was writing in his journal to keep up with and would hope to find his way back. As he then was writing when Era see’s him. “Oh? Hello.” Era said.
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“Huh? O-oh hello.” Luke reply back to her as he put away his journal and looks up at her.
“Nice to meet you. Though I take it your new here? I’m Era.” She said
“Yeah I am. I’m Luke.” He said as he notice that she beautiful as he blushes slightly. Era blush as well. They both had talk and getting to know each other. They would explore the jungle and would hope to find something.
*Three months later*
As Era had met Slone and found out on what she is doing. Though Slone doesn’t know on what she think is doing good which leads into some bad. As her and Luke had met Serenade as Luke was hypnotize but, was snap out of it. Though Era isn’t hypnotize as she is not fool by Serenade and her water has treacherous depths. Luke was able to reunion with Icarus, his brother, Sylvie, and surprisingly Princess Lexa that made a happy/sad hug to see him again. Luke and Era had meet new people, learn from each other, and now they both have confessed to each other as they both kissed as they remain together to the end.
As the island had change and the castle is gone which is replace by an Estate and two new locations have been spotted. While Luke, Era, Orin, and Lexa had join Stardust Force and team up with someone by the name of Nolan Chance as they got a job to do.
As Luke and Kieran had found out about their family history and Luke has the power of the green ninja, Lloyd. He would do everything to help and protect.
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Changes in the Star
Things have change since Artemis was destroy but, their are others that have disbanded but, some stay as it was inform that Radiant wasn’t from 2099 but, her home reality is gone. Now that Ellie @reality-659 is somewhere to who knows what. Though she remains as leader of Stardust and gives the information on who destroyed her home. He goes by the name of The Crystal King.
As they are on the new island as the home for now. With The Oathbound, The Syndicate’s United, and something coming along with The Zero Point being weaken do to of events that had been through. Genji and Recon Ranger have been Kia during the IO and Seven war on Artemis. Fixer had stayed and still fight in for his sister. Mercury and Jinx when back to their home reality. New members have came and join Stardust. List of: Saya, Depth Dealer, Erisa, Lennox Rose, Storm Racer, Pitstop, Kieran, and Sylvie. Though there is one more which Kieran explains that he needs help finding his twin brother name Luke. After the battle against The Ageless which was when Luke was launch out of the castle with Ageless shockwave hammer.
Sylvie is getting worried of Luke whereabouts as Lennox came to her. “We’ll find him. As long he’s out their and we work together to bring him back here.” Lennox said as she smile. Sylvie smile as well.
“Though we’re unsure where the Ageless is currently at is unknown but, best to be on your guard. As for Slone is well. I’m not sure for right now. Though I’ll have a talk with her.” Radiant says as she looks through her screen of Slone. “If she not going back with IO. Then, could she be redeem?” She ask herself if Slone can change.
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Sayara pause for a moment to hear that happen to Midas. “Now or never.” She then opens a rift portal for them to where Midas is.
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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“I’ll come with you. I’ll bring my medic kit with me. I say we should head to the island is because he’s injured.” Sayara says as they need to help him now.
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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She got a location on Midas. “I found him. Wait. It says he’s on a island that is by the base of the seven. We better get their now.” Sayara suggest
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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Alright let’s see.” Sayara types the number down and it begins to search for Midas.
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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“Oh. Though let me see if I can local your Midas. What number is your universe?” Sayara ask as she has her watch open and waits for Cat answer.
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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“Last I knew was outside of Condo Canyon. After finding out his wife Anita die and reunited with Plague (@fn-devilles). Anything else you need?” Sayara ask Cat.
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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“Alright I can. Yes we have made a rescue for loopers and found Midas. Though we’ll left without us noticing him leaving.” Sayara explains to her as to what she knows of.
However she remembers that Midas is found. “Though Nero found him along with Midas daughter Jules.”
*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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*a woman in a black hoodie and cat mask walks into Stardust Team's HQ. She looks lost....*
"Hello? I wanted to know if the rescues from the other side of the island found someone...his name is Midas..."
A woman came out of the shadows in a gray and hot pink outfit that has cat ears.
“That happen was way past that and wait. Catalyst? No your different from Rosso wife.”
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As Megumi is checking on other members of Stardust and Scarlight to see how things going. She then notice a signal for help that Dusty left. “That can’t be good. Erisa go check it out and radio me back.” Megumi says to Erisa.
“Alright. I’ll check.” Erisa says as she heads out as she makes her way to Faulty Splits and check where the signal is. She found it right by the bowling ally. She then hides behind the bus as she see’s criminals guarding something which could mean that there must be a vault. Hush then spots her and fires at her but, Erisa dodge and open fires on her and her gang.
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Erisa moves in to fire and took out two of the Wildcard gangs and knock Hush weapon out of her hand and snatch the card as she makes her way downstairs. 
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Erisa contacts the others back at base. “Ok. I’m find there location and there in this vault.” Erisa said back to Megumi and Wiretap.
“Roger that but, better make it quick. Tiamat goons are coming to the bowling ally now. Hurry!” Wiretap says as Erisa swipe the card as it opens up.
“Oh thank goodness.” Dusty says as she and Icarus help Joni up as Erisa used a rift a go to head back to base. As the camera was on while Ace slam her hands onto the keyboard.
“Damn it! No matter. I’ll call off this heist and Tiamat proves to be this strong.” Ace then makes the call to call off the heist as everyone then makes there escape and Ace did the same. “This won’t be the last they see me.” She adds as she vanish into the shadows.
Some Crime And Need Help
As Icarus and Dusty are outside of the bowling ally where there watching out for any site of Tiamat and her minions after some loopers reported about dragons that are attacking. Scarlight Force and Starlight Force got the news as the investigate. It was true as Oathbound got involved as well which they have no choice but, let them be involve. With the Rift Gates and Amie going in. Bahamut and the others haven’t heard from her yet. For now they set up post on each landmark of the island.
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As Icarus trains for incoming threats just in case something goes down. Dusty rest up as she was tried from training. She then notice the Wild Card gang along with Hush. “What are they doing?” Dusty ask herself.
Icarus came back and looks what she looking inside. “These guys? Wait isn’t Joni suppose to be here?” Icarus remembers Joni hunting vampires and would help to slay them. Joni and the High Stakes would meet up in the ally but, no sign of her.
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“I’m not sure but, we better check if she not captured by these guys.” Dusty suggested as Icarus nods. The two crouch down as they sneak their way inside the building to a different way.
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They were able to make there way to the stairs but, they would have to check up or down. Dusty took upstairs and Icarus took downstairs. Icarus made his way to the final floor and see’s a vault. He radios to Dusty to have her come downstairs. She made her way as she pulls out the card she took from one of the guards and opens it. Once open and Dusty see’s gold and chest that she made her way inside.
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Icarus look as he see’s Joni knock out as he goes in and Dusty has weapons out just in case. “Joni. Joni wake up!” He shakes Joni as he felt the back of her head which was a small pump. “She ok. Just knock out.” He adds.
As Dusty sigh of relief when they saw the door closing. “Huh?! What the heck?!” Dusty said as she would try to find a way out. The speakers turn on.
“Well well. If it isn’t the members of Scarlight Force. I see you have came to rescue her but, luckily she was bait to get at least one or two of you here.” Ace said on the speakers.
“You won’t get away with this!” Icarus said as she lays Joni gently.
“Oh? I like to see if one of the teams can get you out but, for now. These dragons are a pain but, better then having the Oathbound chasing me down.” Ace said as she turns off the speakers and waited to see who would rescue them.
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“Ooooooo yes I do! Hehehe.” She smiles as she takes the armor gently. “Yay! Me and my man are armor couples.” She add.
Jinx then reach for Paradigm suit to make her own suit. “Almost there.” -stardust-force-fortnite
“Hey what are you doing!?” Paradigm says grabbing her suit immediately “this is not for touching.” She added Para’a grip on the ice moon battle suit was a very firm and hard grip she wasn’t letting this random person have her armour
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Jinx backs up. “Hello to you too. Couldn’t help it with my hands with doing some building. I’m Jinx and a member of Stardust Force.” She reply. “Though I would love to ask Radiant but, she when to a reality mostly the chrome.” She added.
Jinx then reach for Paradigm suit to make her own suit. “Almost there.” -stardust-force-fortnite
“Hey what are you doing!?” Paradigm says grabbing her suit immediately “this is not for touching.” She added Para’a grip on the ice moon battle suit was a very firm and hard grip she wasn’t letting this random person have her armour
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As Radiant is getting the coordinates to send Vader back while Mercury and Jinx keep the troopers away from Radiant. “Almost got it. There! Now bring him back here and send him back Mercury.” Radiant says to Mercury as he nods and heads to Vader.
Rosso is handling Darth Vader while he try’s to land a hit but, Rosso speed gave him the advantage and punch Vader with enough force that back Vader. “Impressive. You would of made a great Inquisitors.” Vader complement him.
“Was that a complement? Sorry but, I have a family that I fight for.” Rosso says as he then notice Mercury. “Looks like I’m all done.” He adds.
Vader then sense as he turns and blocks Mercury attack as he push him back. Mercury charges at Vader.
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There blades clash with swings and Merc has the upper hand to get him close to send him back. Vader is losing the power of the cubic that was gifted to him but, won’t go down that easy.
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“Now you will die.” Vader is about to land the final blow but, it is what Mercury had him to do as he dodge his strike and push him close enough as Rosso and Mercury punch Vader into the orb with one last final punch. “NOOOOOOO!” Vader screams out as he is sent back to his reality for good.
New Threats Arrive
(Part 1)
Bahamut catches up to his sister to stop her before she does something terrifying. He then notice other people that are following him and Tiamat but, has to stop her as the two fought in the sky. “I won’t let you rule this island Tiamat! Even if I have to send you back!” Bahamut says as he fires his beam of light.
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She used her white head to fire back at Bahamut and dodges his attack. “I like to see you try brother! Hahaha!”
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“Then, it’s settle. I’ll have my team assist as well. Though Crimson Spider was sent back to his reality after Spider-Man when up against Prowler. Howlite when back to his universe which I found out from Mercury. Leggera send in your best soldiers.” Radiant said to Leggera as she nods.
“Let’s hope that we stop Vader and send him along with his Empire back to where he came from.” As she stabs a picture of Darth Vader that’s on the table.
“If he mess with us. We’ll have to Strike Back! For our home, our friends, and our families! For the people on the island!” Radiant shout as they are all dismiss to be ready.
Strike Back
As Paradigm known as Radiant has called Queen Leggera @fortnite-rosso-and-company, Bahamut @scarlight-fortnite, and Felicity for a meeting that involves the missing members of The Seven.
“Thank you all for coming. As you may have heard that our members of The Seven have gone missing. Only me, Scientist, and Origin are the only ones here. We ask for your help to keep an eye out for anything.” Radiant said to the leaders.
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“Yes. Though it’s only the ones I mention. There still keeping high alert. As of now be careful, snapshots of the members could be dangerous. I would advise you to fight back.” Radiant says to the other’s.
“Though Bahamut. You said that Vader wanted to have control of the Zero Point? I hope someone is keeping it safe from The Empire.” Radiant says to Bahamut as he nods.
Strike Back
As Paradigm known as Radiant has called Queen Leggera @fortnite-rosso-and-company, Bahamut @scarlight-fortnite, and Felicity for a meeting that involves the missing members of The Seven.
“Thank you all for coming. As you may have heard that our members of The Seven have gone missing. Only me, Scientist, and Origin are the only ones here. We ask for your help to keep an eye out for anything.” Radiant said to the leaders.
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Strike Back
As Paradigm known as Radiant has called Queen Leggera @fortnite-rosso-and-company, Bahamut @scarlight-fortnite, and Felicity for a meeting that involves the missing members of The Seven.
“Thank you all for coming. As you may have heard that our members of The Seven have gone missing. Only me, Scientist, and Origin are the only ones here. We ask for your help to keep an eye out for anything.” Radiant said to the leaders.
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