starfleetyearone · 11 years
Cadet Carol Marcus reporting for instructions, sir.
Well done, cadet. You’ll be a marvellous addition our academy. Try not to cause too much trouble and study hard!
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Please follow-
Carol Marcus
(Welcome to the roleplay!)
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- Carol Marcus
Your schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Hand-to-hand Combat 9:40-10:30: Organic Chemistry Break 11:00-12:00: Basic Warp Design Lunch 1:00-2:00: Finite Mathematics 2:10-4:10: Astrophysics
You will be housed in the female dorm, level 2, room 213. You have no room mate at this time.
You will receive your PADD, everyday uniform, dress uniform, and dorm room key upon your arrival on campus. All other equipment and clothing will be provided by your classes.
Welcome to the Academy, cadet. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Is there going to be a Carol Marcus?
All canon characters like Carol Marcus, Admiral Pike, and Galia are open for people to apply for although we haven’t made a bio for them. If you would like to apply for her, feel free! :)
-Admin Phoenix.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Hey there. I was wondering of the paragraph sample had to be IC or not.
No, the sample doesn’t have to be IC, but we’d prefer it to be 3rd person. Thanks for the question!
-Admin Phoenix
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
A few biochemistry students were working afterhours when a toxin was accidentally released into the air. It renders all those who breathe it in to be completely unable to lie. The effects should last no more than two days, and although it is not harmful, please see a nurse if they last longer. All classes will stay as scheduled.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Please follow-
(Welcome to the roleplay!)
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- Spock
Your teaching schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Analysis of Algorithms. 9:40-10:30: Comparative Xenobiology. Break 11:00-12:00: Quantum Mechanics. Lunch 1:00-2:00: Finite Mathematics . 2:10-4:10: Logic.
You will be housed in the male dorm, teacher level 10, room 1014.
You will receive your complimentary PADD and room key upon your arrival on campus.
Welcome to the Academy, instructor. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Hi there! It's super late, and I'm cramming for midterms, so I can't finish my application now, but I'd really love to play Spock. Could you reserve him for me? I'll definitely finish the app within three days!
I can definitely do that for you! (And good luck with cramming!)
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
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Starfleet Year One is a brand new roleplay centered around the Star Trek 2009 Reboot!
Leonard “Bones” McCoy is 28 years old, and has a strange resemblance to Karl Urban. He is a First Year Medical student.
+Positive Traits: Loyal, Dependable, Witty.
-Negative Traits: Moody, Cynical, Stubborn.
As a boy, McCoy was encouraged by his father to work with what he had when he was without medical technology. McCoy attended medical school at the University of Mississippi, where he introduced himself to his future wife, Pamela Branch, by telling her how to cure her ice cream headache. By 2255, McCoy was a medical doctor and had gotten divorced from his wife that same year. He decided to enter Starfleet Academy, and boarded a shuttlecraft at the Riverside Shipyard in Iowa, where he met James T. Kirk for the first time.
The role of Leonard McCoy is currently OPEN.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Please unfollow-
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Please follow-
Nyota Uhura
(Welcome to the roleplay!)
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
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Starfleet Year One is a brand new roleplay centered around the Star Trek 2009 Reboot!
Join the Enterprise crew where it all began: Starfleet Academy.
OC's are very welcome to apply to the roleplay! Check out the blog to find out more.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- Nyota Uhura
Your schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Hand-to-hand Combat. 9:40-10:30: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis Break 11:00-12:00: Elementary Latin Lunch 1:00-2:00: Principles of Exobiology 2:10-4:10: Ancient Literature and the Formation of Culture
You will be housed in the female dorm, level 2, room 210. You have no room mate at this time.
You will receive your PADD, everyday uniform, dress uniform, and dorm room key upon your arrival on campus. All other equipment and clothing will be provided by your classes.
Welcome to the Academy, cadet. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Hey, so I was wondering, how all this star trek rpg on tumbr works? Because I've been doing rp on a server for many years with my own characters, but what you are starting here sounds like so much fun
Hi there, thanks for your question! Roleplay on tumblr is quite simple once you get the hang of it. The basic gist is you create a blog that is entirely for your character, then write a starter which is a third-person paragraph detailing a situation that others could easily reply to. They then reblog it and write their reply. There are other forms of roleplay you can do, such as gif-chat (where you pick a gif of your character and write 1-2 lines of dialogue) and texting-style conversations, which are available for quicker conversations. 
Since I’m not sure of the specifics of your server, I’m not sure how they differ from tumblr, so hopefully I was of some assistance. I’m sorry if this didn’t answer your question. If you have another one, please ask!
-Admin Phoenix.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- Pavel Chekov.
Your schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Collaborative Computing. 9:40-10:30: Basic Self-defence. Break 11:00-12:00: Basic Navigation. Lunch 1:00-2:00: Finite Mathematics.  2:10-4:10: Probability Mechanics 
You will be housed in the male dorm, level 4, room 402. You have no room-mate at this time.
You will receive your PADD, everyday uniform, dress uniform, and dorm room key upon your arrival on campus. All other equipment and/or clothing will be provided by your classes.
Welcome to the Academy, cadet. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- James T. Kirk
Your schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Hand-to-hand Combat. 9:40-10:30: Prime Directive Studies. Break 11:00-12:00: Simulation Scenarios. Lunch 1:00-2:00: Survival Strategies. 2:10-4:10: Multiculturalism.
You will be housed in the male dorm, level 4, room 403. You have no room-mate at this time.
You will receive your PADD, everyday uniform, dress uniform, and dorm room key upon your arrival on campus. All other equipment and clothing will be provided by your classes.
Welcome to the Academy, cadet. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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