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ooc: join my group assholes
i kid, but really! you should join!
We're ready for auditions!
Our moderators are all still awake and excited to take in new members for our little roleplay family!
Have you ever wanted to be the first members of a roleplay group, building it completely from the ground up? Now’s your chance!
Send in a request for Untold Disney today!
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 She felt her body relax as his hand was forced away from her. She was a bit surprised to see that her savior was no one other than Buzz Lightyear. And for a moment, she looked up at Buzz with all the gratitude that someone could possibly feel. And for the first time, Jessie felt her feelings for Buzz bubble inside her stomach. 
 The moment was short lived though, as Pete had pulled away from Buzz, and happened to see Jessie’s expression. “Mind your own goddamn business Lightyear.” he spat, walking over and wrapping a waist around Jessie, she didn’t pull away, but she flinched slightly, but in a way that was barely noticeable. “Ya don’t belong here faggot- so don’t go around actin’ like ya own the place, this here’s my territory.” 
Jessie glared as Pete drew her closer, but managed to glance up at Buzz, silently dismissing him, begging him to leave it be. She then made sure to keep her gaze down at the ground. 
Blushing and he looked down at Jessie, noticing the way those bright vivid greens looked him over, Buzz bit back a smile before turning to Pete.
"She doesn't belong to you and she doesn't owe you anything so I'd watch what I was doing if I were you and back off. And don't let me catch you bothering a girl like that again-" he snarled, eyes hard and body tense. 
Laughing, Pete threw up his hands, as if in defeat. "Fine. Fine... I'll leave the goddamn girl alone," he swore, throwing a punch at Buzz, whom promptly caught the fist mid-air and twisted his arm around his back, flipping him over. With a growl, Pete rose, pulling his arm back for another go, before Buzz beat him to the punch (literally), sending Pete staggering back. 
Rocky Start
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Using his forearms to wipe his face of the sticky substance, Buzz looked over, heart sinking a bit as he saw Jessie, with some guy all over her. Whatever. Wasn't like he had a chance anyway. Her brother hated him, he was the new kid, and he'd be gone soon anyway.
Despite it all, he couldn't help but smile softly as she defended him. Picking some napkins off the table, he dried his face, and tried to pat dry his shirt collar. God his mom was going to smell this on him and kill him. What was he supposed to say? Oh sorry, I know you wanted me to have fun but I sorta made enemies inste-
Looking up at the commotion her heard from Jessie and Pete he saw he try to struggle from Pete's grip, the mans hands down her pants. Rising, strutting over there and pulling the other man off her by his shoulder. "Hey Pete, she said to knock it off-" 
Rocky Start
     Jessie couldn’t help but feel bad for Buzz as he walked outside. Sure- he was more liked than she was. The people around here just liked to see a petty fight. In another minuet they’d be treating Buzz like he was God or something. But she knew how it felt to be the outsider. Asshole or not- maybe she should go see what this guy was really about…
   ”Hey cowgirl, wanna come ride my horse?” 
  Jessie felt a nibble on her ear, and two strong hands pull her away. “Pete!” she turned around to see her not-exactly-boyfriend, bearded as usual and sporting a letterman jacket. Pete was one of the few people that was somewhat kind to her, he’d listen to her, walk her home. Sure- he was kind of a dick, but a friend is a friend. And she was lacking. 
"Are you crazy- Woody could of easily seen you! What if someone tells him, he’ll fuckin’ kill you!" 
   ”I’m sorry J…I just was feeling a bit lonely…I needed some attention from my best friend." As his hands started wandering south, she caught them, looking behind her to make sure her brother hadn’t noticed her absence. "Just- lets go outside, okay?" Taking his hand, she led him out the door, making sure to go around the crowd that surrounded her brother. 
  “Did you see Woody totally pulverize the new guy- ugh- total classic. Everyone’s so in love with him- but honestly I think he’s kind of a fag.” 
 ”I told you I don’t like that word.” she snapped as the two ended up at the side of the house. Pete had started rubbing his hands up and down her sides, once in a while seeming to go down to squeeze her back end. “And I don’t know- I mean, the guy seemed like a dick I guess, but I mean-I thought it was a bit uncalled for.” Pete began kissing her neck, leaving various hickies, grabbing at her chest. “And I mean- he’s actually a really good football player- I me- Pete stop.” Jessie shoved him away, while the football player chuckled. 
"Stop what?" He leaned in again, this time he roughly pressed his lips against hers, only to again be shoved away. "Fucking that! I’m not in the mood okay- can we just talk? I just need to talk shit out right now." Pete only pressed against her, starting to put his down her pants,
"Well, I don’t feel like talking." 
"Fucking cut it out Pete!"
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The eyecatcher of the night is definitely Mars (supported by Spica), his orange, reddish hue captivates immensely; also Arcturus is a first-see. If you look at Saturn, he’s not fully matured tonight. However Leo’s stars are glistening and you will be awestruck by them.
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For anyone who still follows this blog or cares about what we’re doing 
Wich means we’re giving you a small peek into how Buzz and Jess met, and all their crazy high school adventures!
Hope ya enjoy (or not tbh idc im having fun)
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"No! Ah- no, no I didn't mean it like that at all-" he stammered. Great this was exactly why he didn't want to talk to her in the first place. He was an idiot, a true idiot. "I just meant to say, it's so bright, it's unique- Ah, not the bad unique but it's just they type of shade girls seem to all want, but... they don't. And they have to ah, you know dye it and stuff, because it's so unique."
"Uh- yeah. That's me..." he eyed her as she snuggled up next to Woody- and oh God he hadn't just pissed off Woody Prides girlfriend had he? Oh- no his sister. Even better. 
"Darn fucking tootin. And don't call yourself that-" he scoffed, glaring daggers at Buzz and wiggling free from his sisters grip. "Ok, gross, please have mercy. And give me my hat back," he smirked at her, snatching it back and plopping it atop his head. "Jessie already knows all about you city boy. And all about how don't belong on the team, or in this school, and in this here town. Coach only felt bad for you because you're new, and got that lost puppy look." 
By this time a small crowd had formed around three, snickers circulated around them, and eager eyes watched and waited for a fight to break out. But Buzz wouldn't allow it. 'Don't let 'em bring you down to their level baby,' she would say. 'You always do the right thing. Stand your ground and be the bigger man.' 
"Well then," he said, looking up from the floor, his stare strong,  body tense. "You'll be glad to know I'm not staying. I'll probably be gone in a few months. 
"Good," the other man replied with a twisted smirk."Because this is my town, and you don't belong. So go take your shitty playing and go back to where you came from, city boy," and with that, Woody took his red solo cup and splashed it's contents onto the blondes face. 
Shocked and appalled and quite frankly, embarrassed as the everyone around him snickers and "oooed", Buzz set his jaw, fist clenching and ready to pouce. 
'Buzz, try to have fun tonight... and try to make some friends. Stay safe. For me ok?'
Shoulders relaxing, he glared to the floor before darting for the door, needing to clear his head before he did something drastic. 
"Excuse me-" he muttered, pressing past the crowd and outside the door.
Rocky Start
Jessie made a face when she heard her name called. Who’d call her name? It’s not like she had any friends that would be calling her over. She peeked around her shoulder to look for the source of the voice, finding a group of her brothers friends flocked together as usual. Sighing, she took a gulp of her drink, making sure her chin was held high, and strides confident. 
   ”Hey Daryl.” She gave a slight nod at him, before turning her attention to the guy in front of her. He was cute- a lot cuter than most of the guys in this town.  He seemed nice enough, but who knows- Jessie never knew these days. Though as soon as he started talking, her expression hardened. The stuttering- really? She’d just met the guy and he was already mocking her? Asshole. Guess she couldn’t escape her reputation in this town—even with the new kid. 
"Yea-it’s real. Are ya trying to say it looks fake?" She asked coldly, glaring at him. She sighed though, nodding. "But yea- thanks, I guess-wait-" she looked him over, (shit he was hot. Why was he hot?) "I know you- yea, the new guy! You’re the new Quarterback ‘aint ya?" Jessie chuckled, walking over and slinging an arm across Woody’s shoulders. "Woody wasn’t too happy about that- were ya?" Grinning, she took Woodys hat and put it on her own head. She grabbed the side of his face, planting a loud obnoxious kiss on his cheek. 
  “I’m Woody’s slutty baby sister.” she ruffled her brothers hair before turning back to Buzz, an underline of hostility to her. “But, I’m sure you already knew that.”
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 The Cinema Society & Gucci Guilty Host A Screening Of Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”.
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Biggest gifset I’ve ever made lol
2013 Budweiser Super Bowl commercial [x]
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Rocky Start
So far, things had been... not so good.
They had just arrived 2 weeks ago, he and his mother. They had come from Los Angeles, his mom said it would be safe there; they were only 2 among almost 4 million people. He supposed she was right, after al they had stayed for about a year, almost a record for them. It ended ultimately when they both noticed the car parked outside their apartment had been staking them out for almost three days. There had been a few problems escaping but Buzz took care of it. Just like he always did and just like he always will.
His new school was ok, he supposed. His mom said the town was good. Small, quiet, peaceful. they wouldn't expect them there. It was early May of his Jr. year when he arrived. The teachers were decent enough and they had AP Chemistry and Calculus just like he wanted. The town was almost too small though. Everyone prided in their town in their school because that was all they had ever known. On Fridays, everyone in town would attend the high school games, go home, have hearty homemade cooking, then wake up the next day for Sabbath. There was this sense of community, of knowing everyones business that he both yearned to be apart of, and didn't. Regardless, knew he never could be. He was the city boy, the outsider. He just wished there was a way to feel like he belonged without getting hurt in the end. Because there would always be an end. Give it six to twelve more months and he would find an end.
People were nice enough to him at least. Girls swooned over is every move and the guys were proud to have him on the team. Well- most guys. His first day of school happened to be the day of pre-season football tryouts. Buzz liked football. He loved any sort of sport actually. Sports were an out. And escape from reality. When he played sports, he wasn't thinking about about if his mom were ok at this very second, or how much longer he would be in his house, or if he could afford to leave his mother and go to college. He was focused on getting better, being the best he could be, and not failing his teammates. So naturally, his tried out. And got position as quarterback. And that's where it all went downhill.
See Woody Pride, who had gotten linebacker, was the schools quarterback. Had been since Freshman year. And he didn't like being re-assigned. Not a bit. Buzz got the feeling that Woody was sheriff in these parts. According to Daryl, another player who sat next to Buzz in English, Woody had won Homecoming King twice, and Prom King just this year. He was the star player. At games people would chant his name. Girls went weak in the knees for him. He was dating one of the most beautiful, smartest girls in Andysville, Bo Shepard.
And of course Buzz was the one who happened to steal his thunder and piss him off.
It wasn't his fault though. It wasn't his fault he was better than Woody. The other guys, well... they liked Buzz a quarterback. He was good for the team, they said. Why couldn't Woody just be happy on behalf of the team? It wasn't a big deal- just a game, just a position. They'd be done with highschool in a year, and after that, none of this would matter. Why did it even have to matter in the first place? All Buzz had wanted was his escape, to, for one goddamn hour out of the day, forget the life he lived. He deserved that position more than Woody anyway.
Gripping the wheel on his truck tighter, Buzz brows scrunched up as he thought to himself. He just needed to let it go. He would be gone soon enough anyway, never to deal with Woody Prides bullshit ever again. Besides he was going to try to enjoy himself tonight. Daryl had invited him to his house for a party, and although Buzz has initially declined, afraid to get too close, his mother shooed him off to the party, wanting her son to go out, have fun, like a normal teenager does.
The thing was, Buzz wasn't exactly a normal teenager.
Peering out the window as he pulled up, Buzz noticed a familiar brown cowboy hat chatting with a group on the front lawn and groaned, because God he should just go home. Dealing with the snarky comments and vicious glares of Woody Pride was not something he was down for tonight. But then Daryl saw him, waved him over and well, leaving now would only be rude so, shit guess he was staying now wasn't he?
"Buzz!" his friend called, clapping him on the back, and leading him over to the nearest blue cooler and pulling out a bottle. Opening it with his teeth, he handing it to Buzz. "Here man, have a beer- you know everyone. Rick, Hamilton, Shawn, Woody-"
"Oh yeah, I know Buzz real well," he heard the cowboy sneer, and Buzz only looked down and away, setting his jaw and determined to be the bigger person.
Oblivious to the comment, Daryl clapped Buzz on the back and lead in inside, walking past groups of people and naming them off. "There's Don, dude can fucking drink man, Tommy, Jamie, Bo, my girlfriend Alice. Oh there's Nat, you know her from English," he introduced, in which Nat and her group of friends looked up, greeting him with flashy smiles and waving softly. Buzz, always being the one to be polite, waved back flashing his own soft grin before each party turned back to their conversations.
"That's pretty much everyone, for the most part. Oh and hey- I totally forgot to ask you in English today, but can yo-"
And that's when Daryl's voice went fuzzy.
Looking up, Buzz saw her. A girl- but-but not JUST a girl. She was about his height, slim, but definitely athletic. Her hair was a fiery red, down to her waste and pulled loosely to the side. Her skin was fair, freckles splashed about her face and on her shoulders, giving the allusion of a soft tan from a distance. And-and she had these eyes. They were so expressive as she poured her self another drink, eyebrows knitted. They were the brightest shade of emerald green he'd ever seen in a pair of eyes. She dressed in cutoff shorts, a tank top, and a flannel shirt tied around her waste. She was- Jesus she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen, that was for sure.
"Wow... Ah- h-hey..." he interrupted his friend. "Who... who's that?" he asked, nodding toward the girl.
"Her? The redhead? Oh, that's Jessie. Or Jessica I guess, but no one ever really calls her that. She's a sophomore, so I don't know that much about her. Here I'll introduce you though-"
"No- no I'm fine-" Buzz tried to cut him off, feeling suddenly very nervous. What would he say to her? Just looking at her made his mouth cry, shoulders tense and stomach flutter. She probably had her own group of friends she'd rather be with right now. She didn't want to talk to the new kid. But alas, Daryl had already called her over and oh God...
"Jessie this is Buzz. You know, the new guy. Buzz, Jessie-"
"I- um... um... Wow, um... Hi," he waved and God, why was he feeling this weird sense of anxiety washing over him? "Imma- I'm Buzz. Buzz- Buzz Lightyear. I'm new, well I mean you already know that because well everyone does and Daryl just told you but yeah. Ahem. You have a really nice red shade- I mean shade of red, your hair I mean. Is it real? It's um- it's very nice."
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buzz began to gain woodys trust when they were assigned a science project together. this trust was only solidified when buzz knocked out a couple of boys who were talking badly about jessie to him.
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the monday after they met, jess had come to meet buzz the place where he isolated himself. it became their daily secret meeting spot and where they had had their first kiss.
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when buzz moved to jessie and woodys school he would isolate himself to the football stadium bleachers during lunch not because he was unable to make friends (he was quite popular) but because he couldnt afford to get too close.
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buzz first met jess at a party when she was drunk, angery and threw up all over his shoes. he drove her to an ice cream parlor when she had felt better before taking her home.
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buzzs partner is a single, ladies man, wisecracker named jason gomez. he and buzz are best friends.
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after his mothers death buzz had tried to commit suicide not because he felt guilty or sad but because he felt it would keep everyone around him safe
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