starkrossedkris · 3 months
This is an urgent call ,requesting for help. I'm Emily Palestine citizen from gaza. I'm suffering from brain cancer. I plead for your little donation to help me get my treatment in Egypt. Please donate and share... I have experienced severe headache with no rilief since yesterday please help me purchase some painkillers ...I'll really appreciate your help. My donation link is on my pin post
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
This is my cat"Zaatar"
Zaatar died because of the war here, and I couldn't even help him because everything is scarce, even medical care for animals. I lost my dearest possession and my closest friend. I don't want to lose anyone else.
Please help me to save my family🍉🇵🇸❤️
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
8 months of Genocide and, 15,500 children killed
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30,000 orphans
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35,000 child amputees ( Gaza has the largest population of child amputees in the world)
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and there are people out there still justifying this??? like are you not human enough?
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
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Having art block so I drew graphic novel taako from 11th hour cause it's my fav outfit
hi later edit ignore the fact that his hair and bag tassels are swinging in opposite directions LMAOO
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starkrossedkris · 3 months
It enrages me everytime it dawns on me that there is no graduating class in Gaza this year.
How maddening it is to think that just last summer I watched as Al-Shaima Akram celebrated received the news that she got the highest score in all of Palestine in her high school examination, not knowing that come October, Israel will kill her and her family and all the joy that was left.
No tawjihi celebration videos will come out of Gaza this year and that is devastating.
Since October, Israel had destroyed every university in Gaza and destroyed 80% of schools, killing hundreds of teachers and professor and thousands of students in its deliberate attempt to destroy Gaza's education system along with everything else.
In the words of Gazan poet Khaled Juma "the school year that never started in Gaza has come to an end". No last day of school bells, no kids celebrating the last day of school. All these joyful sounds have been drowned out by the sounds of bombs. No deadline extension requests for final projects, missiles had their final say.
No graduation ceremonies when parents are instead burying their children. No plans are made for the summer either, when everyone is busy counting the days and the dead.
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
Before the war, after I left Gaza for Germany, I used to call my dad almost everday and tell him about my day. He would tell me how everyone else was doing and say that Salah,my little nephew, kept asking where I was.
Now, I hardly ever reach my parents or any of my siblings.I don't think Salah even remembers who I am any more as he struggles to carry water containers. I always find myself agonizing and wondering if I'll ever meet my family again, whether the newborns will see me one day and know that their uncle longs to hold them in his arms.
Every time I look at my dad's picture in our home, smiling and surrounded by his grandchildren, it breaks my heart into a million pieces. The house he dreamed the kids would grow up in was leveled to the ground in a split second. Nothing is left, not even both his shoe shops where he worked so hard to build a future for us all. My siblings are unable to work or finish their studies. There are no schools left for the children. There is no proper food, water, or sanitation, no life; only death and rubble all around.
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When my brother sent me a photo of my dad lighting a fire, he still had that same old smile on his face. I was relieved to see him somewhat hopeful but it broke my heart even more. My father is the most resilient and hard-working man I've ever known. He always supported us in whatever we wanted to achieve. His only hope was that his grandkids would grow up safely and happily in their home. He never complained from work and taught us the true meaning of sacrifice and perseverance. Instead of living peacefully with his family, he, the kids, and everyone else have to endure life in a makeshift tent,God knows for how much longer, while their lives are constantly threatened by airstrikes, starvation, and disease. No child, elder, or adult should go through such hardships for this long.
As the injustice persists, we only find solace and hope because the free people of this world are still standing with us. Please continue to support us any way you can. I don't even have the words any more to say how grateful I am to everyone. You have already done so much for us but we need you now more than ever.
Please donate if you can and reblog as many times as possible.
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
i’m already living in a time loop it’s called being employed
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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started relistening to taz heres some concepts
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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Leon learns to regret ever letting him into his office Taako regrets nothing ever  (based on that post which is probably buried in my likes and will never be found.)
✨(commission info)(kofi)(redbubble)✨
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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A very fun full body commish for @//re.woe on instagram of their Taako cosplay design!! (you know, from TV? ;3✨)
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
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لم ينتهي من إعداد طعامه، الشهادة سبقت اللقمة.
أحد شهداء مخيم النصيرات.
He didn't finish preparing his food, Shahada preceded the bite.
One of the martyrs of Nuseirat camp.
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starkrossedkris · 4 months
I will never forget the ice cream truck with dead bodies
I will never forget the dad who carried his children’s body parts in bags
I will never forget the man sitting on rubble next to a teddy bear
I will never forget the old man crying because he lost his home which took him 40 years to build
I will never forget the words of a mother “my son went away without eating”
I will not forget the child who said “I wanna kiss my brother” after his brother was martyred
I will never forget the boy who screamed “where are the Arabs”
I will never forget that surgeries were preformed without anesthesia
I will never forget the pictures from inside hospitals where the floor was covered with children body parts
I will never forget the mother giving her child one last hug
And you shouldn’t either.
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