starpierced · 4 years
so uh. i moved prompto to a new blog, find him at crownizen bc tumblr nerfed my tags
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk idiot.
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● – || “I did it… You taste like strawberries.”
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‘ just....say something before you do that, geez. ’
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk idiot.
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● – || Quickly, Noctis steals a kiss from Prompto’s lips then looks back down at his shoes. “Cool as ice cubes.”
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‘ you -- !! ’ 
now his face is  really  red  ,  hiding behind his hands.
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk prince.
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● – || He blushes and looks down at his shoes. “I think that’s good enough, yes.”
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‘ uh, cool. ’ 
now it’s  his  turn to go all red in the face.
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk prince.
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● – || “Chocobaby, I want kisses please.”
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he leans over to press a kiss to noctis’ cheek. 
‘ there.  that good enough ?? ’
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk prince.
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● – || “Chocobaby, I just work here.”
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‘ c-chocobaby ?? ’
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starpierced · 4 years
*     drunk toddler.
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● – || Noctis stuck his tongue out at Prompto then walked away.
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‘ are you a child ??  is that what’s happening here ?? ’
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starpierced · 4 years
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‘ i think noctis is way more drunk than any of us realize. ’
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starpierced · 4 years
prompto being suckered into hanging out with drunk noctis and drunk gladio
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starpierced · 4 years
until dawn … sentence starters
“Go suck an egg!”
“Boom. Butterfly effect.“
“Okay, tying me up now, okay.“
“I’m such an idiot. I’m so dumb.“
“Ugh, stop talking! I can’t take it!“
“No, no, no, they’re gonna hurt us.“
“You’re a coward, that’s all you are.”
“It’s nothing, really, it’s not a big deal.“
“That scared the blue out of my jeans.”
“Damn right I’m right. I’m always right.”
“Look, an axe. I feel better with an axe.“ 
“Oooh! Sleepover! Can we order pizza?”
“Let’s party like we’re fucking pornstars!”
“I’ll get you out of this! I won’t let you die!“
“Understand the palm of my hand, bitch!“
“Get BACK! Stay the hell away from me!”
“Shit. I’m gonna murder his fucking face off.“
“Hook, line and sinker for every little stinker!”
“Don’t you guys think this is a little bit cruel?“
“Just walk slow. It’s okay. Come on, it’s okay.“
“Don’t think, you idiot, just get me outta here!“
“Do you enjoy feeling terrorized? Humiliated?“
“I made you believe in the world that I created.”
“I should’ve paid for attention in climbing class.“
“Lookie-lookie, who’s gonna fire up some nookie.“
“When are you going to take her to the bone zone?“
“I was right there, and I could have done something.”
“Do they still have some aspect of humanity in them?”
“I can’t imagine doing something worse to somebody.“
“That poor little guy was alive about ten seconds ago!“
“I wouldn’t want this place to burn down on my watch.”
“I’m not all muscle. There are some brains in here too!”
“Yeah, thanks, maybe you should go first. To protect me.“
“You’re kinda hot when you get all alpha, you know that?“
“There’s… There’s no excuse! There’s no excuse for this!”
“We were just playing a joke. It was supposed to be funny.” 
“I showed you parts of yourself you were too afraid to visit.”
“Do you expect me to believe that you’re gonna shoot me?”
“You couldn’t buy a moldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass.”
“Jesus hot sauce Christmas cake, this is fucking unbelievable.“
“I’ve seen what’s down there… and I’d give anything to unsee it.”
“I’ve seen what these fuckers can do. I don’t wanna see it again.“
“You want to ruin our fun that bad? Well, guess what? You can’t!“
“What are you tweeting!? Hashtag there’s a freaking ghost after us?!”
“I don’t care if you believe me or not. Doesn’t matter, because you will.“
“Yeah, you just take all the time you need, not like I’m going anywhere.“
“Let me choose to save you. If I do one last thing in my life let me do this!”
“Are you insane? Like, really? Do you not understand what you’ve done?“
“Whoa, wait a second. We start smashing shit down, he’s gonna hear us.“
“Every single choice will affect your fate, and the fate of those around you.“
“We’re up in the woods! It’s spooky! Come on, let’s get into the spirit of things!“
“The past is beyond our control. You have to accept this in order to move forward.“
“Who needs grades when you’ve got ALL the natural advantages you can handle?”
“It is essential that you answer honestly in order to get the most out of this experience.“
“Every second that I spent with you was the only thing I ever wanted to do with my time.”
“Come on, guys, we’re all friends here, right? No need for violence, just a little harmless fun!”
“Maybe we should start with a little, you know, making out, and see where it goes from there?“
“You manipulated us, you tricked us, you hurt your friends and you did it all while you hid in the shadows.“
“I swear, they just need like, something to bond over ya’ know? Some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other’s arms.”
“You can’t ruin our good time because (NAME) and I are gonna FUCK! That’s right, we are going to have SEX! And it’s gonna be HOT! So enjoy it, because I know we’re GOING TO!“
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starpierced · 4 years
*     noctis.
● – ||  Forever may be a long time, but it was what Noct had promised. If he could help it, the Prince of Lucis never broke his promises, especially not to Prompto. No matter what the promise may be, once Noct has sworn that he was going to do something then he was always going to do it. Prompto was worth that …
… Prompto was worth everything. 
It was hard to know exactly what they were now, where they would stand since they shared this moment together. Physically, they stood so close that Noctis could feel Prompto’s breath on his lips. They stood so close, with their heads resting against one another and Noctis’ sky-blue eyes lingering on Prompto’s deep, indigo blue ones that the Prince wondered if his best friend could hear his heartbeat POUNDING in his chest.  Right now, they stand so close… That when Prompto took steps away, and the duo untangled from one another, that it felt like Noctis was losing a piece of himself. 
Step after step, Prompto pulled away until Noctis’ hands fell through the air and fluttered down by his sides. He can feel his heart shattering piece by piece with every step apart. Even when their eyes find one another’s again, it’s not enough to fix the breaking pieces that were falling one by one to the ground beneath his boots.  At long last, Noctis lets his head fall down so that his eyes are on the moon-lit dock that they both were standing on while he tried to plot his next move. 
“You don’t hav– Prompto, wait.” 
Without thinking, Noctis reached out to grab Prompto’s left wrist as a way of stopping their conversation from really ending. He knew that Prompto wasn’t going to go back to camp because he wasn’t stupid. He KNEW Prompto like the back of his hand. It would only make things worse if Noctis went back to camp, Prompto wasn’t there and then he’d have to turn back and go looking for him alone. Doing that could get dangerous and messy very fast and Noctis wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t ready for them to keep talking either, but it would be easier than watching Prompto go off alone. 
“… What are you thinking?” His question is soft, concerned as the Prince’s eyes linger on his his thin hand curled around Prompto’s wrist. “Talk to me…” Noct asks as he raises his eyes from his hold on his best friend’s wrist, desperation creeping into his voice. “…Please?”
he  tenses  slightly when noctis grabs him  ,  but prompto makes no move to pull his arm away.  he knew  ,  he  knows  noctis isn’t stupid  ,  that he would see right through it.  they knew each other too well by now.  he doesn’t look at noctis  ,  back turned to him now.  he’s just  sad  ,  it hurts in a way he doesn’t think he truly has the words for  ,  &  prompto stays silent  ,  even when noctis seems  desperate  for him to say something  ,  anything  .  they were untangled  ,  if only physically now  ,  but he could still feel a string  ,  something that felt more like a  noose  tying them now.  noctis’ fingers around his wrist felt like a  brand  in his skin.
when he does speak  ,  prompto doesn’t move  ,  doesn’t so much as  glance  over his shoulder  ,  voice quiet  ,  more raw  &  vulnerable than he normally cares to be. 
‘ ....what...does this mean now ?? ’ 
&  in one moment  ,  prompto feels like he’s destroyed  years  of friendship  ,  some small crack in the foundation  &  now the house was crumbling down around them.  where would that leave him then ??  left to sort through the rubble  &  start over  ,  take his heart somewhere else ??  what was left of him to start over with  ,  remake himself from nothing if this was the result ??  his hands tremble  ,  he wonders if noctis can feel the  shaking  in his wrist now as his hands clench  tightly  into fists.  as if  that  would help anything. 
‘ ...nevermind.  that was...stupid. ’ 
he sounds so resigned  ,  so distant  ,  prompto hardly feels like  he’s  speaking.  he can hear his own voice  &  it feels as though he’s watching it through someone else’s eyes.  he feels numb  ,  distant again  ,  better to close himself off  &  act like he’s alright.  he  will  be alright  ,  he doesn’t have a choice in the matter.  he can’t let his stupid feelings get in the way of what he’s really here to do. 
‘ ....you should head back.  it’s late, noct. ’ 
please leave.  it’s a silent plea  ,  he wants nothing more than a moment alone with his heartache.  he wants to get rid of this festering wound  ,  he will not let his feelings compromise him.  he’s not allowed the things he wants  ,  prompto knows that well enough by now  ,  he’s  barely  allowed this  &  he’s ruining it with every second he stays. 
‘ ....please. ’
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starpierced · 4 years
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starpierced · 4 years
anyways come bother prom on wire if u want @ starshell
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starpierced · 4 years
blows off the dust. chokes because there’s so much. whoops i got sucked away from prompto. i’ll try and be here on friday though, classes started again and im fuckinnnnn Tired all the time and in pain
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starpierced · 4 years
anastasia au but prompto is anya
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starpierced · 4 years
rewrite the stars has promptis energy and no i will not elaborate you know what i fucking mean
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starpierced · 4 years
My muse is in a coma, but can hear everything you say to them.
Tell me what your muse says to mine, and I’ll respond with what mine can’t say back.
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