starsartdump · 8 years
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Have a Grillby that I drew on Drawpile.
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starsartdump · 8 years
I miss you. :’(
I feel really bad because I keep posting excuses. but I'm completely slammed with school work and all the projects I have going right now. I really miss you guys and I miss drawing. Even though I'm still pretty new at it. I don't want to put up anything I'm not proud of so I haven't been posting anything. However I do have a few things planned out for when I finally get the time.
 But I hope you are having an awesome week. Have a great and safe Halloween. You all are beautiful and amazing people. *hugs all around*. Love you guys. Laters. <3 
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starsartdump · 8 years
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I’m still trying to get back to my apartment after the storm so…… I still have nothing. But I have this from a drawpile session I was in with a lot of awesome artist that I love dearly. love you guys ill see you when I get back. Laters
P.S. Thank you to who ever drew the heart beside me. :)
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starsartdump · 8 years
Sorry for not posting. :,(
Yea. sorry for not being on  or around the last few days. It just been a little crazy trying to escape a hurricane. heh. I am safe and sound. But I'm not really in my own environment that I can get some work don't and have a creative flow. I'm getting as much done as I can though. I might do like a day where I have like 6 or 7 post for you guys. Because I need to catch up on Inktober anyway. I'm still around if anyone has any questions or suggestion for me, please shoot a message.  I would love to hear from some from people on here. I love you all. see you liters.
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starsartdump · 8 years
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Day 2- Surger Skull Girl
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starsartdump · 8 years
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Day 1 BB8 Pumpkin.
I'm so not use to drawing in ink. But it ain’t called a challenge for nothing, right? hehe.
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starsartdump · 8 years
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I think I found a new way to draw my eyes. :3. Just paying around and though this looked kind of cool.
Sorry I haven't posted to often lately. need to get back on schedule. I think I have a new schedule kind of worked out. Now I just need to stick to it. Heh.
I still have a couple of things that you guys have asked me to draw that I need to get done. I am working on them. I just want to make sure I'm getting them to look the way I want. Thanks for the support on that. And if any of you still have some suggestions, Ill give it my best shot. It will just be a wile before they get uploaded.
I will be doing Inktober starting tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I don't really have an overall theme in mind, just some doodles and Halloween sketches mostly.
I hope you all are doing amazing. I love you all so much. See you guy later. Take care.<3
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starsartdump · 8 years
Always true. Give your favorite artists some love. ;)
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❤ Give love! Spread love!  ❤
Go and tell your favorite artist something nice about their art! Go-go-go!
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starsartdump · 8 years
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Here you go. Be sure to give him lots of love (lowercase of course), he sleeps a LOT, and be sure he has plenty of ketchup to eat. Be warned, you in for a bad time if he gets mad. But a cute, happy Pappy is sure to keep him in a good mood. Heh.
It took way to long. But I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm in love with Tiny/ Pocket Sans. Thank you so much for the ask. :)
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starsartdump · 8 years
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Request for @IronBar36. Here you go my friend. hope you like it, :3. thanks for the request. Iv never drawn a character like this before.
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starsartdump · 8 years
Free Art Requests Open
Seriously. I’ll do just about anything, and I would love the practice. Love you all. :3
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starsartdump · 8 years
To All Fan Artist Communities
This is something that has been on my mind for a long LONG time and I just have to get this off my chest because it is driving me crazy. Through the years I have been part of quite a few fandoms, so this IS NOT just about ONE fandom or ONE artist community.
Through that time I have seen many great artist put forth the most amazing talents of all kinds, drawing, cos plays, videos, voice acting, etc.. these artists build up fantastic followings that love and appreciate them so much. and I warms my heart to be part of those communities. But sooner or later, a lot of them leave because they lose motivation, or worse, running the community starts to get stressful for one reason or another and they just get burnt out.
Normally when this has happened in the past I think its a shame and I respect there decision to stop no mater what that reason is, and that hasn't changed. It didn’t really effect me so much.
What has changed is I'm involved in communities now more than ever. I'm meeting the most amazing people, the most amazing artist, that I love and adore all of them so much. So when I see the artist getting stressed about things online and in the community, I'm starting to get more and more worried. ( I worry and over think things a lot) Yes I’ll be devastated to see these absolutely fantastic people go, and I will miss them dearly, but I'm also worried for the people I have met in their followings because so many (too many) of them don't feel like they have anyone else outside the friend they have made through the artist.
I want to help them so badly but I cant. All I can do is be there, which sometimes is enough, but sometimes it’s not.
Without the people I have met through these artists, I wouldn't be doing any of this. I wouldn’t have dared starting this blog, I wouldn’t be drawing again. I wouldn't be singing and “preforming” (karaoke) again, which I have missed so much. You all have given me the courage to do this and will never be able to thank you enough for that.
It just kills me to see artist get frustrated with the communities and leave because of things that happen online. They do so much for you that you don't realize. They care about you more than you will ever know. And they work there asses off to give you best content they possibly can.
I say all of this to say, if you are part of an artist community that is having problems, please I am begging you to just be kind to each other. We are all here for the same reason. We all already have something in common before we even say a word to each other. And that is that we love the artist and the content they make. Even if you come across someone in the community that you don't really get along with, you can still be kind and respect them for their differences. If not for them or for you, for the artist. I personally am not ready to lose the friends I have made though the time that I have been here.
Anyway. Long rant over. I’ll get off m box now. I love you all. I hope you are having a great day/ night/ morning/ everything/. Take care of yourselves. I love you all. Laters.
P.S. Sorry for all the spelling and grammar issues, I am super shit at spelling.
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starsartdump · 8 years
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This wasn’t actually meant to be a thing. Just s cluster mix of my own style with a few new ones I thought I would try. Plus its actually a fan art for, and inspired by @sansfulpuns Sans and Doll. The over all character design is actually theirs, and they are much better at drawing these two than I am. Haha. Anyway I tried to do this justice and I hope you enjoy it. It was fun to draw even though it took WAY to long. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day. I love you all. See ya laters. <3  
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starsartdump · 8 years
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Sorry I have nothing ready. Just started back to college and time is just getting away from me. I'm trying to experiment with my age progression a little bit. Let me know what you think. <3
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starsartdump · 8 years
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I think it is safe to say that this game has changes my life. It has given me a whole new perspective about accepting everyone, no matter what they look like or where they come from. You can always choose to be kind even when people are not always kind to you.
The people I have meet through this fandom are fantastic, And I love all of you so much, I can not belive. I have nevr been this open in my life. I would have never started doing stuff like this, or even be drawing again without you guys.
Anyway. Happy Birthday Undertale!!!!!
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starsartdump · 8 years
Reblog if you’re OK with people sending you asks about your OCs, ‘sonas or even about yourself
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starsartdump · 8 years
Hey lovelies. I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with some new ideas for drawing. Mostly because I have so many things I want to draw. (Im probably not making much since) But it is what it is. I need a idea to focus on in the mean time. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. ;)
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