starscall · 2 months
Blows dust off my tumblr like it's an old game cartridge
Why is the "check out these tags" section full of adult suggestions?
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starscall · 4 years
Well, as someone who's always falling for Taurus, the fact that Brown Sugar Cinnamon is my favorite makes so much sense.
Idk the signs as pop tart flavours. Please
I'm literally on the Kelloggs website rn and this flavors list is ridic when did they come out with pretzel poptarts
Aries: Froot Loops
Taurus: Brown Sugar Cinnamon
Gemini: Strawberry Milkshake
Cancer: Cookies & Creme
Leo: Hot Fudge Sundae
Virgo: Blueberry
Libra: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Scorpio: Raspberry
Sagittarius: Chocolate Chip
Capricorn: S'mores
Aquarius: Wild Berry
Pisces: Confetti Cupcake
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starscall · 4 years
Listen poptarts are the things I eat in the am hours when I'm too lazy to get out of bed or it's just too late to do so. So like 3 am or 9 am usually unless I'm gaming and can't be bothered to do anything but eat things out of the box on my desk.
But the cinnamony chocolate ones are probably bomb hot
I ate a package of chocolatey churro poptarts today and didn't heat them up fite me. Though they'd probably be better hot, but I'm lazy 🙃
At least you admit they’d be better hot. I’ll take it.
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starscall · 4 years
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Casa Batllo in Barcelona, Spain. Built in 1877, it was remodelled in the Barcelona manifestation of Art Nouveau, modernisme, by Antoni Gaudi in 1904
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starscall · 4 years
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Star Bride
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starscall · 4 years
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my favorite doyoung moments (aka anytime he smiles) for @dojaeism
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starscall · 4 years
I should be cleaning and doing housework but don't have the energy yet. I break capricorn stereotypes just by breathing half the time.
💀💀💀💀 i am uncomfortable with the tension in the air...... im gonna go defy every stereotype of Capricorns !!!!! right after i finish this work thingy real quick !!!!!
Spoken like a true Capricorn
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starscall · 4 years
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starscall · 4 years
And.... I fail at basically everything in here.
Except extra scoops of ice cream. I can manage that one. Occasionally the fruit one (had a bunch of cherries just yesterday).
lowkey I feel like a lot of people my age & younger think selfcare is like “treat yourself to new outfit” or “put on a facemask” or “have an extra scoop of ice cream” but i cannot stress enough that sometimes selfcare is “brushing your teeth” and “cleaning your room” and “eating some fruit” or “going for a walk”
It’s not just about the frivolous ‘treat-yourself’ stuff. most of the time it’s about actually taking care of your body’s basic needs 
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starscall · 4 years
queer liberation not gay assimilation
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starscall · 4 years
a few years ago there was an exposé in the intercept about how, according to the fbi, police departments are so thoroughly infiltrated by white supremacists that it's policy to avoid working with them when possible. just something to think about
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starscall · 4 years
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Just as you found this post, may you find money flowing effortlessly into your life from henceforward.
Blessed are you who read this. Manifest the receiving an abundance of money now. As the universe has been good to you, be good to another. Bless a friend and bless a stranger.
Reblog to cast and pass the blessing!
Blanca Bitchcraft
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starscall · 4 years
Hi guys! I’ve finally listed the tea light candles I’ve made to raise money and donate to Black Lives Matters organizations, bail funds, and George Floyd memorial funds. On Etsy, they only ship to the U.S., but if you live in another country and would like to purchase some, please message me here on Tumblr and we can try to figure something out! Otherwise, please share this around so that I can hopefully make a big donation at the end of the month! It’s important to do what we can, y’all. Let’s try!
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starscall · 4 years
I mean... I'm 34 and struggle with reading analog clocks. Have most of my life. Usually takes me several minutes at the very least.
Come to think of it. The local library was my refuge in high school too, I'd grt the bus driver to drop me there after school and then I'd stay there looking at books or playing on the internet until closing time. Then I'd trudge home rather begrudgingly. By then the physical abuse had mostly stopped but the verbal and emotional abuse was another matter. So it was a place I could be free to explore my interests, enjoy my fandoms, and just generally exist without being told what I could or couldn't be or what I couldnt watch or read. Yay super conservative religious home life.
Y'all will have to pry the YA section from my cold, dead fingers though.
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starscall · 4 years
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No way he is totally stiff and not a wiggly noodle just look at how not wiggly noodle he is in these.
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IK!! Kai is such a elegant and highly controlled wiggly noodle of a man and I have absolutely no clue where they got the idea from... Like??? Though it was on Twitter soooo :))))) 👀
Lmao oh no
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starscall · 4 years
... how quickly before N tries to boss everyone around because that's what he's used to?
I give it less than 5 minutes before Hakyeon tries to take charge.
Idea: get all the idols with stage names that are just words or letters together and try to make a coherent sentence
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starscall · 4 years
But everything you described there can be done with a pancake. Also pancakes can be as flavorful as you want them to be because you can add stuff to them at your discretion.
You could have at least tried to camp on the "You can have savory crepes, but have you ever seen a savory pancake" hill but NOOOOO.
Also crepes are hella easy to make. They don't particularly require skill at all, I'd argue pancakes are significantly harder to make right given the propensity people have of making bricks and not pancakes. Meanwhile my high school let a bunch of freshman make crepes after school every month.
MULTIPLE REASONS! 1. They’re just as(maybe even more) flavorful, but less carbs. 2. You can fill them with the best stuff like cream cheese fillings or fruit fillings and it fits so perfectly. 3. THEYRE HUGE 4. they take much more skill than panclocks and are less likely to be dry, which is a huge risk for panclocks
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