Im sorry, but this is funny😂😂
TFP Starscream: I did not abandon you, master. I've returned to save you.
TFC Starscream: Ayo, what the fuck!!!! *slaps his prime-verse counterpart right in the face*
Prime and Cyberverse Megs: *reacting to TFP Screamer got slapped in a face* Damn!!!!
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Of all the illustrations I have drawn, this parody illustration is my favorite.
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Some vampirism
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I’m getting better at drawing them
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Not even a first date and already went to “Bite and drink blood” phase
What a rude vampiric dragon
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Some biting after care
I’m going to make so many vampire jokes, just you watch
Previous post to this one
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So…vampires and predacons have some things in common I hear
Next part
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I am trasssh
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Tfp Starscream takes selfies from a low angle.
Tfp Starscream doesn't know how to cook.
Tfp Starscream has the Yzma titties.
Tfp Starscream doesn't know what an attraction is.
Tfp Starscream would eat from your dead flesh (raw cuz he can't cook).
Tfp Starscream is addicted to at least three different substances.
For some reason, auto doors close on him every once in a while.
Tfp Starscream would call me slurs on Twitter.
Tfp Starscream went on a date once and he didn't know what to do so he just kept boasting about his Very Great Accomplishments, revealing to everyone in hearing range except for himself that he has some serious issues.
Tfp Starscream would wear a suit and tie to the grocer's.
Tfp Starscream wears eyeshadow.
Tfp Starscream is a redditor.
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romantic and embarrassed Star 💕
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i was going to tag this blitzscream but upon further inspection i have found out that is literally not a ship on here and the tag pertains to something else- if y’all know the actual ship name for it if there even is one please tell me 
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Star'Scream; "The awkward moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people think you’re actually stupid."
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-During a Battle-
Megatron: Will you marry me?
Starscream: I don’t think now’s the best time!
Megatron: Now may be the only time!
Megatron: I love you.
Megatron: I’ve made my choice.
Megatron: What’s yours?
Starscream: Soundwave!
Starscream: Marry us!
Soundwave, fighting Autobots: I’m a little busy at the moment!
Starscream: Soundwave, now.
Soundwave: Fine, then.
Soundwave: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…
Soundwave: To-nail your afts to the ground, you filth.
Megatron: Starscream, do you take me to be your conjunx?
Starscream: I do.
Megatron: Great!
-more fighting-
Starscream: Megatron, do you take me to be your conjunx, in sickness and in health, with health being less likely?
Megatron: I do.
-more fighting-
Soundwave: As the communications officer of the Decepticons, I now pronounce you…
-interrupted by fighting-
Soundwave: You may kiss…
-more fighting-
Soundwave: …You may kiss…
-more fighting-
Soundwave: …JUST KISS!
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I’m back but at what cost…
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