starstrologyyy · 6 years
Compatibility - Fire Signs
Fiery..packed with lots of energy for adventures, Fire signs are always on their feet on the run for the fun. 
Compatibility: When two or more people have matching personalities, enabling them to get along with one another easily~
Most Compatible(not in order): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio & Aquarius
Moderate(not in order): Libra & Virgo
Least Compatible(not in order): Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces & Taurus,
Most Compatible(not in order): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini & Libra
Moderate(not in order): Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo
Least Compatible(not in order): Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio & Taurus 
Most Compatible(not in order): Aries, Aquarius, Leo & Libra
Moderate(not in order):  Gemini, Sagittarius & Virgo
Least Compatible(not in order): Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio & Taurus
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
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» Virgo female, Sagittarius Male and Aries Female
↳ Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge (Riverdale)
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
What the Signs Need
Aries – “I believe in you.”
Aries are full of energy. They’re bold and impulsive. They seem confident because they always have a response; they’re always quick to act. However, this isn’t always confidence- sometimes it’s just their impulsive nature that forces them to act. Yes, they are children who know no fear, but they desperately need emotional support. Knowing that someone else has confidence in them, that someone is on their team, can push an Aries to become their best person: a fearless leader.
Taurus – “There’s no rush.”
Taurus hate feeling pressured. They need to feel comfortable and fulfilled before they reach any decision and definitely before they act. Having someone who understands their need for security and their slow (omg so slow sometimes) pace actually helps them feel better about making big moves (which kind of freaks them out because they don’t like change)!
Gemini – “You’re not crazy.”
Lets be honest, Gemini placements can inject lots of thoughts and feelings into a person. It creates indecisiveness and mental chaos, which makes a person moody. And people with Gemini placements know this and are sometimes unsteadied by the amount of mercurial energy. Having someone tell them that their need to overanalyze everything is okay and having someone who will listen to their endless thoughts is extremely validating and comforting to them. 
Cancer – “You make a difference.”’
Most Cancers really take on more than they should, and they’ll take on more if it means helping another. They do this because they want to change and influence the world in a caring manner. And because they do this in a caring manner (instead of in a forceful manner (Aries) or strategic manner (Capricorn)), they sometimes doubt their efforts. They doubt that they have any impact on anyone, which just isn’t true. A Cancer’s kindness and ability to provide emotional support and strength to another is unmatched by any other sign, and someone who acknowledges this “hidden” strength and reminds a Cancer of it when they forget, will satisfy a Cancer in a meaningful way. 
 Leo – “Let me take care of you.”
Leos are very loyal and will do a lot for their partners and friends. However, this can not go unnoticed or unreciprocated. Leos need people to show them that they are thankful by returning the favor and then some. Leos want you to exceed their expectations just like they would do for you, and they won’t accept less.
Virgo – “Let me help you.”
Virgos really are about serving people’s needs and in what way and with what means changes depending on the planet and the house that Virgo is in. However, the need to serve is definitely present, and there is nothing worse than someone who consistently takes from a Virgo and never gives back. Because a Virgo isn’t like Leo, they won’t stop giving, blow up, and cut you off. A Virgo will continue to give even to their own detriment. This is why a Virgo needs someone who not only returns a favor but someone who just starts helping from the very beginning without having to be asked. 
Libra – “You’re beautiful.”
Libras are very indecisive. They easily can get caught up in what people think or feel about them. They constantly are trying to define themselves and figure out who they are by mirroring others. They spend so much time looking at others that they frequently can’t identify their own qualities, which makes them question themselves on every level. To have someone who can definitively tell a Libra they’re beautiful (inside (Libras want to change the world too) and outside (Libras are vain) and be able to explain to them why, takes a huge weight off of their shoulders. For a few seconds, they don’t have to search or mirror because the person in front of them is telling them all they need to hear. (P.S. You will have to elaborate as to why they are beautiful- in what ways, specific examples, etc. They are an air sign haha it comes with further questioning)!
Scorpio – “I won’t leave.”
Scorpios are intense. Even if they come off light because of a misleading Ascendant or some other placement, there is a distinct side to them that is serious, edgy, and somewhat dark. And while most Scorpios enjoy the depth and transformation that comes with their placement, they can also be self conscious about it because they know it doesn’t make them the easiest to deal with, and it can lead to people leaving them, which highlights one of their biggest fears: abandonment. Scorpios thrive to have someone who won’t leave them in their darkest night because they need and expect unwavering loyalty. They also feel relieved knowing that not everyone is scared of (or drowns in) their depths.
Sagittarius – “Be free with me”
Sagittarius loves freedom: freedom of thought, expression, creativity, expansion, knowledge, etc. And they also love people (because they provide endless learning) and love to share their experiences of freedom and knowledge with other people, which can be a problem because people can slow them down. People come with baggage and responsibilities and can lead to becoming attached, which can influence someone to put down roots, which petrifies them. The run-on sentence is necessary to accurately depict their very real fear of this and them running away. But seriously this is why a Sag needs someone who calms that inner fear of being tied down because they know they have found someone to run free with.
Capricorn – “I appreciate all that you do.”
Capricorns show they care in a behind-the-scenes manner. They do it through helping and performing tasks- possibly doing things that are needed instead of wanted. They are consistent providers and supporters, and because they are consistent, their efforts can be overlooked and/or viewed as boring or expected. This is why when a Capricorns finds someone who acknowledges and appreciates their efforts, they are likely to do even more for that person and consider them as really valuable. 
Aquarius – “You’re my best friend.”
People with Aquarius placements go back and forth between their love for being an individual and their fear of being so different that they don’t fit in anywhere. They want a companion but not one who wants to completely merge (because 1. they need to be their own person and 2. scary). They need someone to listen even if they don’t completely understand them (and honestly an Aquarius doesn’t want to be 100% understood anyway). They need someone who doesn’t deny their authenticity and isn’t repelled by their individuality, and who better to do that than a best friend.   
Pisces – “You’re my soulmate.”
More than any other sign, Pisces really have a need to merge with another person. Traditional love isn’t enough for them. They are really looking for that fated connection, their soul mate. They need to know that there may be a billion other people in the world and that no one in that billion could replace them. They don’t need to feel that you chose them but rather that fate, through several lifetimes, chose the both of you for one another
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
Signs as Muses
Aries: Calliope (Καλλιόπη) - Muse of eloquence and epic poetry
Taurus: Polymnia (Πολύμνια) - Muse of agriculture, sacred poetry, meditation, geometry
Gemini: Thalia (Θάλεια)- Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry
Cancer: Euterpe (Eὐτέρπη) - Muse of music and lyric poetry
Leo: Calliope (Καλλιόπη) - Muse of eloquence and epic poetry
Virgo: Erato ( Ἐρατώ) - Muse of love poetry
Libra: Terpsichore (Τερψιχόρη) - Muse of dance and chorus
Scorpio: Melpomene (Μελπομένη) - Muse of tragedy
Sagittarius: Thalia (Θάλεια)- Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry
Capricorn: Clio (Κλειώ) - Muse of history
Aquarius: Urania (Οὐρανία) - Muse of astronomy
Pisces: Erato ( Ἐρατώ) - Muse of love poetry
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
Im a Capricorn and so is my man. The problem in our relationship is that we don't communicate about our feelings often and i tend to get scared to tell him how i feel or to ask him why is he being dry to me. Any advice ?
Scared and that’s your man? Can’t be or else there will never be a real closeness. If he can’t respect what you say genuinely or vice versa, it won’t work. Capricorns, I know, are not the most forthcoming with emotions but there has to some level of openness to grow as a couple.
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
I’m not really mad at you. I’m mad at a situation. But you’re the closest to me so you have to deal with the wrath
Pissed Off Pisces (via zodiaccity)
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
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Lol, true or nah?
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
I want to trust more but the way my mind is set up…..
The Cautious Capricorn (via zodiaccity)
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
Signs on New Years
Aries: Running around with sparklers outside at 12 am
Taurus: Posting aesthically-pleasing pictures regarding New Years on social media
Gemini: Putting on their favorite videos at 12:00 to start the year right
Cancer: Sending loved ones long Happy New Years texts.
Leo: Throwing the best New Years party in town.
Virgo: Writing their New Years Resolution
Libra: Giving a heart-warming speech about the past and the future.
Scorpio: Watching videos on their phone/TV from the previous year.
Sagittarius: Buying plane tickets to NYC and watching the ball drop.
Capricorn: Planning all the events of the coming year.
Aquarius: Going around the city and visiting the spots of their favorite memories with friends.
Pisces: Staying up until 12 am and then falling asleep at 12:01.
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
She got blood cold as ice: Cancer, Virgo, Taurus
And a heart made of stone: Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius
But she keeps me alive: Libra, Leo, Pisces
She’s the beast in my bones: Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
This year..
Aries taught me I was worth believing in
Taurus reminded of so much depth and beauty my soul had forgotten
Gemini helped me see the world as if for the first time
Cancer reminded me to respect earthly boundaries and maybe even see a little beauty in sucky situations
Leo taught me love with my whole heart and not be afraid of my strong emotions as well as provided an example to learn how to express my admiration unabashedly to others bc that’s pretty scary too
Virgo gave me permission to forgive myself, lifted the weight of the past off me so I could start to be better
Libra was and is my home. Showed me love and offered me friendship no matter how much I thought I didn’t deserve it, the reason I’m not scared.
Sagittarius took me on adventures I didn’t think were possible
Capricorn inspired me endlessly. No matter how empty or hopeless me life feels Capricorn finds a way to move me
Aquarius talked to me. I’m still trying to decide their divine message, but, Aquarius is no longer far from me, they are earthy, approachable and have given me great advice (and great jokes)
Pisces listened to me and treated my thoughts and feelings as important when others didn’t
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
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The ocean of diamonds!!!
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
The Signs at a New Years Eve party
Aries- Getting blackout drunk Taurus- Playing with illegal fireworks Gemini- Shows up to say hi at one party and then goes to another one immediately Cancer- Watches the ball drop, thinks its kinda cool, misses their cat but is having a fun time anyway Leo- The one who jumps in the pool at midnight Virgo- The hoe whose resolution is to stop drinking more but is double fisting Libra- The only person dressed in gucci and name brands, putting everyone to shame as they greet the new year looking like a fucking model Scorpio- Kisses everyone at midnight no exceptions Sagittarius- The host of the new years party,  makes everyone take another shot on the hour every hour till midnight Capricorn- In the bathroom trying to help their friend (Pisces) who is crying but really just wants to dance Aquarius- has the awkward conversation with uber driver as they try to keep their friend(aries) from upchucking in the car Pisces- Crying in the bathroom because they don’t want this year to end and feels like they are wasting their life away because time is going by so fast
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
elemental venus signs
fire venus
venus in fire makes love feel passionate. it stems from the fire because their love is hot and quick, yet it is intimidating because it is bright and dangerous. they can easily be put out. everyone is mesmerized by fire, with its dancing flames and its crackling pops. their love is strong and bold. however, put it out and you get a whirl of smoke that gets trapped in your lungs.
aries venus is unafraid. it is courageous and brave. it is an active volcano, burning up its surrounding areas, and hard to contain. it is sudden and rapid and powerful and fierce. to love an aries venus is to let him take command, and he will take you on a great adventure.
leo venus is entertaining. he is the star of the show and a crowd favorite. leo is your bonfire, enticing many to come join him and celebrate and he stands in the center. to love a leo venus is to let him shine, he is loyal and will love you like you are his princess. 
sagittarius venus is flighty. a natural at connecting the mind and the spirit. sagittarius is well traveled and well educated. he is wise. it is a wildfire, burning up its surrounding areas, and hard to contain. it is sudden and rapid. to love a sagittarius venus is to be a learner, and he will teach you how to live.
earth venus
venus in earth makes love feel secure. it stems from the earth because their love is grounded and stable. it is beautiful and natural, loyal and well experienced. it may intimidate some because it does not want to move. it is ready to settle and give you a home. however, they are easily worn out and perhaps even trampled over. 
taurus venus is possessive. she is yours, and one with mother nature. she is the flowers and trees, the one that everyone admires. she seems fragile but truly masks her strength. to love a taurus venus is to acknowledge the beauty she holds underneath, and she will hold you as her most valuable treasure.
virgo venus is a giver. she is there to help you and to guide you. she is the ground underneath your feet. always there, always supporting. virgo services others before herself. to love a virgo venus is to to make her feel needed, balance each other out because she needs you too.
capricorn venus is the boss. she is supportive and hardworking. she is persistent and consistent. capricorn is the weather. she is always there and treats love like a responsibility. she understands what she likes. to love a capricorn venus is to make her priority and she will provide for life.
air venus
venus in air makes love feel free. it stems from the air because it is ever-moving and ever-changing. it is fun and eccentric and different. it may intimidate some for it is unstable or unpredictable. it feels light and delicate, but well needed and refreshing. however, they can be flighty or distant, perhaps sometimes too cold or too harsh.
gemini venus is a free spirit. he runs away fast but is a breath of fresh air. he loves to bring everyone along with him. he is the wind. he comes and goes but is refreshing. to love a gemini venus is to let him be as carefree as he can be, his intellect will spark your imagination.
libra venus is romantic. he is charming and sociable, well dressed and well connected. he is the sky, beautiful to everyone but everyone shares a different piece of him. to love a libra venus is to let him court you, he will lay underneath the stars with you, but he may change his mind quick.
aquarius venus is unique. he is quirky and electric. you want him to show you the world in a different light. he is the clouds. an ever changing shape.  the world may seem plain without him. he is friendly and gives back. to love an aquarius venus is to let him have his freedom, and your relationship will never be boring. 
water venus
venus in water makes love feel deep. it stems from the water because it can gently flow like a river or cause an emotional storm like a hurricane. it is sweet and intriguing. it may intimidate some for it masks its power and strength. it is soft and transparent. however, it can absorb in too much and seem weak and dependent on its environment.
cancer venus is nostalgic. she makes love feel like growing a family and owning a home. she is always safe and protective. cancer is a pond. she is gentle and calm. she is sweet and never forgets you. to love a cancer venus is to let her take you under her arm, and you will thrive together.
scorpio venus is strong. she is secretive and dark, to hide her vulnerabilities. she loves deeply and dislikes letting go. scorpio is the ocean. vast and mysterious, you will never completely figure her out, but she is a beautiful wonder. to love a scorpio venus is to let her take her time, and she will pour her everything to you.
pisces venus is soft. she is a sweetheart and compassionate. she gets lost in her fantasy- fulfill it. pisces is the river. she nourishes everything she touches, but where she will end up is unknown. to love a pisces venus is to let her give you her heart, it will be the most magical thing you could ever have.
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starstrologyyy · 7 years
The Signs & Sleep
*Check moon sign & 12th house* Aries: has so much energy that it is hard for them to get to sleep, may stay up late but somehow still wake up early in the morning, moves around a lot in their sleep, lots of tossing and turning, can experience breakouts and dark circles if they do get a healthy amount of sleep. Taurus: Sleeps like a rock and LOVES to nap and lounge around, sleeps a lot more than usual when stressed or depressed, most likely to eat then become sleepy immediately after, can sleep literally anywhere, always well-rested and refreshed. Gemini: insomnia like you wouldn’t believe, thinks about EVERYTHING EVER, will probably be on their electronics all night until their eyes are burning or droopy, gets an unpredictable amount of sleep and never the perfect amount no matter what, definitely talks and mumbles in their sleep Cancer: most likely to go to bed around 10pm-11pm, falls asleep to movies, music, or a fan, is super cranky if they haven’t slept well or if they’re waken up in the middle of the night, definitely has snacks and drinks by their bed, if stressed or depressed they will never get out of their bed Leo: loves to sleep in and accumulate lots of energy, enjoys lounging and napping bc it perks them up, somehow always wakes up feeling energized / wakes up with ease, there’s no set routine to when they’re awake or when they’re asleep it just kinda happens Virgo: has a routine they depend upon before sleep, most likely to need night time medication, likely has trouble falling asleep anyway, wakes up early and ready to go no matter what time they went to bed, is very cranky and tense if woken up in the middle of the night, probably jerks around and talks in their sleep Libra: the most likely to get the needed amount of sleep, has a very balanced sleep schedule and routine, if they stay up too late they likely avoid sleeping until the next night so their routine does not get ruined, falls asleep FAST, will not enjoy sleeping somewhere that isn’t comfortable or pleasing to them Scorpio: how they sleep  depends on their mood, usually experiences brutal insomnia and will sleep in long hours of the day, naturally a night owl and if they are in a negative mood don’t expect them to wake up at all bc they’ll have been awake all night thinking about every insecurity and fear they’ve ever had, needs more sleep than others to deal with their intuition and observation skills that are draining to them Sagittarius: dreams about irrational but exciting adventures and makes up scenes in their own head they could only hope for, tosses and turns a LOT in their sleep, their bed sheets never stay on all the way, likely to experience astral travel and lucid dreaming, usually sleeps very well but has the most insane and vivid dreams, definitely snores Capricorn: they take their sleep very seriously and usually go to sleep at the same time each night to ensure they are well-rested, likely needs certain sleep items to help with their physical pains and discomforts, daily stresses can affect their sleep so they definitely have to take sleep medication Aquarius: the most sleep deprived sign, lies awake thinking about their day, their worries, and their fears, will stare at their phone, watch tv, or play video games until they’re so tired that everything hurts, their sleep pattern is constantly changing, on the bright side all their great ideas come from their dreams Pisces: enjoys sleeping because their imagination can run wild, daydreams of fantasies and wishes until they doze off, the most peaceful sleeper, has vivid and intuitive dreams, most likely to receive premonitions through their dreams, likely needs tons of blankets and pillows to sleep well, probably sleeps with socks on
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