starvsquest · 6 years
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Anon: “Explain. Yourself.” Glossaryck: “No.” Full Story: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2577470/#p2580851
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starvsquest · 6 years
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M: “What’s up with you guys?” S: “Shhh, Marco we have to blend in! Nice scowl, Anon. ~Super Convincing~ “ A: “I look like this because you’re talking.”
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>Luna Judges Jackie’s Parents   >L: "From what I gather, your girl's father is a fire fighter. Her mother a dance and swim instructor." >A: "and you call thos-" >L: "Peasants." >A: "Mom you can't ju-" >L: "Peasant Jester in her mother's case."
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>Luna meets Jackie’s Dad >Anon has to bullshit the fact he is magic   H: "Where the -heck- are your parents?" L: "Right here." >Jackie's dad turns around >Luna's gone off your shoulder >You lean to see around him >She's there >On their couch >Full sized! H: "How th-" D: "Haaank! Mrs. McMoot is here! I sat her down in the living room!" H: "Dawna! Wh-..." >He looks from Luna to you >Disgusted >Fists balled H: "How did you get in here?" >Luna smiles >With actual teeth L: "The back door." H: "The back door?" L: "Yes." H: "You just came into the back door of my house?" L: "Isn't that what doors are for?"
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>It is at this exact moment that the doors to the chamber you're in burst open in a SPRAY of glitter, ponies and narwhals >"Ludo! Drop the Anon and nobody get's Blaste-Uh..." >Star >Star Butterfly has arrived >She has a pair of the scissors Luna told you about >Of course she does >"Gurrl! We can't just ditch the puarty like thaat!" >There's a horse head with her >A floating...talking horse head >Coming in at the rear, winded as all hell is Marco >He stumbles, panting >"Ok! We made it! Anon are you ok-" >He freezes just like all the rest of them >The look on their face >It turns your heart sour >Marco's is masked with shock and concern >The horse's is diluted with confusion >...but Star's >Hers is plain as day >She's looking at you >Beaten >Alone >Hurt >...and she's looking at you pity >That hurts most of all From thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” when the rescue party comes too late http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>Before he reaches you >Loozar smiles once again >His eyes twinkle like Santa claus about to put presents alllll up in your kringle box >He draws back his leg >He knees you >Mid-air Rolling his attack in this post.
> 17 + 75 92 total. >The knee strikes Jackie's board >When it hits >One of the spines crashes into your right shoulder >Muscles is split from you >He falls >Into the crowd >They fight over him as he turns white >As he slowly sinks into their cloying fingers >Then the momentum hits >You fly >Until you hit the far wall >In the cheap seats >You have taken 112 damage >Your body explodes into kitten sized pieces >You have no HP You die. From thread 8 of Star vs Quest 2 http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Star%20Vs.%20Quest
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starvsquest · 6 years
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Star: “Day one. No magic. Day two. Lots of magic...a monster arm. Weird eyes.” Marco: “Star? You don’t look so hot.” St: “Hot. Hot hot. Heat? Simmering. His little magic mom is simmering. Heat. Is that it? Is Anon a demon!?” M: “I think he’s just mean.” St: “NOBODYISJUST -THAT- MEAN, MARCO.”
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starvsquest · 6 years
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SITTING WITH MARCO >8 votes CHILL WITH JANNA >14 votes SIT WITH OSKARR >1 fucking vote >The choice is clear >Janna's one of your two current weird feelings friends >Of course you sit with her >Still, you can't help but pass Marco over with your head >He's practically buried in his hoodie >Looks fucked up >Emotional like >You squint, picking his thoughts as you sit down > "I know he's been through a lot, Star but Jackie's been my number one since I was like...SEVEN!" >Oh >He's texting Star >You can't hear what she says back since obviously he doesn't think what he's reading > "I mean, no. I never TALK talked to her. It's too risky! It doesn't fit into my 957 step plan! Talking isn't until Sophmore year!" >You want to know more bu- >PWap! >You've been struck with a wad of blue clay >"Hey, Gunshow. What's simmering in the pot of your brain-hole?" >"God, Janna it's like you craft your sentences to make people uncomfortable." >"Awww, you GET me!" >Muscles peels the clay off your face >Then slaps it onto the table so hard it's practically a Micron in thickness >He draws a smiley face >Youtried.jpeg >"So. You excited about the Milkshake raid?" >"Raid? I thought we were just ditching and getting shakes." >Janna pulls out a piece of paper >It has a Baphomet and Satan star on it >Drawn in ketchup >"Not once I summon Beelzegore. High middle manager of the underworld to burn the boardwalk down!" >This bitch >"Hell doesn't have middle managers." >"Oh? How would YOU know?" >She stands up in her chair, leaning her face nearly into yours >"You been there or something!? Is that where you get your powers over fire and flesh!?" >Muscles is offended that Janna thinks you have power over him >She is right tho >You burst into flames that one time >"Do it." >"WHat?" >"Summon the licking blaze of hell. I wanna see it!" >"Th-the alarm will go off!" >"So we'll get to ditch early." >THIS. BITCH. From thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/#p1413955
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>"ECHO CREEK, HIGH! ARRRRE YOUUUU READAHHH!?" >The class goes nuts >Mixed nuts >A guy in an O'possum suit is dancing around between the desks >A pair of cheerleaders are throwing flyers >Another pair are carrying the head-cheerleader on their shoulders >She looks like she would rather be anywhere else >The flyer drifts down onto your desk >It reads "FRIDAY NIGHT! ECHO CREEK FOOTBALL BEGINS! BE THERE! OR BE STUDYING AT HOME FOR THE BETTERMENT OF YOUR FUTURE!" >The possum is shaking his ass in your face >The cheerleaders do cartwheels off the teacher's desk >Did I mention the giant possum ass? >Because, man >It reeks >It also appears to have Muscles locked in a state of...attention? >"Hey, Muscles what gi-" >Oh >OH NO >NONONO! >Muscles has located the Booty >Possum Man-Booty! >He is charging his Pimp hand ROLL WILL! or >Attempt to reason with Muscles with CHARISMA! WINNER! >7 total >Muscles >HAS ENGAGED https://youtu.be/wKixyLza3D8 >He rears back, ripping your jacket sleeve to shreds with his mass >THE BUTT >HE MUST HAVE IT! >As he careens through the air you see your whole life flash before your eyes >All the popularity you've gained >All the struggle >Vanishing because of this Bromo-erotic butt fiend you have for an arm >WWHHACK! >The Possum spins >As in, Muscles hit him so hard that the poor bastard is spinning in mid-air >Possum pants hit you in the face >The Mascot hits the ground >Face down >Ass up >Without even tidy whiteys to speak of... >The school spirit in the room fucking dies >Replaced with shocked silence From thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” where Anon can’t stop Muscles from spanking Ferg http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/#p1412992
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>Oh man she's gonna puke >You step up behind her and pull her hands down >"Whoah, girl hang on. You went into the deep end." >She pukes >It's so nasty >She shakes between chucks >Her toes curl into her body and she leans forward to make sure she gets it into the grass >You hold back her hair >Rub between her shoulderblades >"Hey." >"HWAOOOHhhhhuhrrgh..." >"I'm gonna hold your nose, ok?" >"bUh- BWAARRRRRhuuuahh!" >You pinch her nose while she blows chunks >"Now breathe." >You say once she's done spewing >She gets all the air she can >Clearly swallowing some >Amateur >She burps >Gets way more embarassed about that than the puking >"Oh dude. That was crazy." >She mumbles, recomposing herself from being so flushed >That's when the bell rings >"Aw! Dude we gotta jet!" >She snatches your hand again and makes for her board >Only to slip and nearly hit the pavement >"Whoah!" >Muscles catches her >"Your ears just got DDTed by that weight loss clinic you just went through, Jack-o." >You chide, getting informational >"Maybe let me walk you?" >"Sure." >Her response is so light >Until her face drops >"Get your monster arm off my butt first." >"M-Muscles! No! BAD!" >Your own arm plays keep away with Jackie >You chase him all the way to her first period class >Kids were impressed >Jackie was relieved you didn't judge her for not puking >Everything was perfect >So perfect you forgot last night >Just for a little while >You forgot about what home will be like when you get back >You even forgot to see who else wanted to talk >That's why you didn't see Marco Diaz >Watching you two from the lockers >That's why you didn't see him drop his bookbag and freeze at the spot he greets Jackie at every day >That's why you didn't see the crushed look on his face >The shock >The confusion >The heartbreak >You missed it all >Because you were too damn busy >Too damn busy being happy Now 'that' is what I call revenge. From Thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” where Anon comfort’s Jackie (to spite Marco) http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/#p1409916
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>It's good thing your mouth is full of slimy fish flesh and oily water >Or Jackie might have heard you sound like an actual girl for a moment >Your eyes water >Muscles smacks his fist into the concrete three times in anguish >Even he can't handle the salt >He should stay out of 3Senpai >You almost vomit >You can't >You really don't wanna swallow... >But you must >You look over at Jackie >Her sides are hitting the halfpipe and spiraling into space >You blink hard >You're sweating >Knees weak >Wish you had got that spaghetti >"How is it, dude?" >She asks through tears of laughter >You can't bitch out now >Gotta at least finish what you started... ROLL WILL! From Thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/#p1409739
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>Muscles is practically bouncing off your shoulder >He grabs your hand and then wrist >"What is this, my dude?" >He slaps your hand back then up >He swirls your thumbs >Then snaps >"HAha! Secret handshake!" >He then punches a foot deep hole into the wall and shudders from the adrenaline rush >"Uh- uh maybe we cut it after that thumb part." >Muscles too hype >He almost hides that trigger thumb you see twitch and get stuck >He's taken some damage from that fight >Muscles powah -2 >Muscles now has +5 Str until he rests or you are healed again From thread 5 of “Star vs Quest” http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1406235/#p1406706
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starvsquest · 6 years
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>You are Anon >You've had a rough life >Your father beat you >He beat your mother >Your mother never stopped him >Your mother never stopped taking her pills >You've had no friends except one >Even he left you when he had better things come into his life >You found amazing power in THE BOOK >Which tapped you into the magic of an entire, forgotten universe >You lost an arm...but gained your next real friend > Luna >The voice in your head >Thing is, no magic goes unnoticed >An evil little war monger and his gang of monsters came to take your source of power >They endangered you, your chance at new friends and your future >So you fought >...but you lost >You were captured, but you escaped >Found the two Monsters you let live and led the attackers to your home >One of them asked to die >Your monster arm fulfilled that request >You are Anon >You are 14 >You have just taken a life >He asked to die >...but your chest feels like it's the one caving in >For the first time in so long you feel hot tears welling up on your face >The other monster in your grip, the Lobsterbeast >He's on the verge of tears too >"Man-Arm..." >"I- I'm sorry I-" >You drop the crab >You're shaking >"I just wanna go home..." >You swallow. >Your face re-hardens as your gut warps >As you remember how little of a home you have to go back... >You straighten up, looking down on your pathetic enemy >Someone else is coming, you can hear them >Muscles Raises his new Thorny Chain-fist high >"Tell me. Where is Luna?" >"I-" >"Where is my book?"
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starvsquest · 6 years
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J: “How much do I mean to you?” A: “Enough to destroy the world.” AU Where “Anon” is a background character that comes to life. Dates Jackie out of spite for Marco and he accidentally catches the feelings. From “Star vs Quest” a collaborative story game on 4chan http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1396852/
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starvsquest · 6 years
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“ >Your anatomy book slaps down beside you >Roll Will to stay awake long enough to make it through the pages >Then INT with a plus 2 bonus with the book >You feel whatever Luna is >Her immense power >It crackles through your shattered bones, easing the pain >She doesn't make you focus...but draws out your inner strength >Your arm leaps, contorting in the air like a boneless eel > Don't worry. That's normal. “ AU Where Anon is a STVFOE background character that became sentient. He loses his arm and it gets replaced with “Muscles” From Thread 2 of “Star vs Quest” http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1375238/#p1385000
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starvsquest · 6 years
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“ > You have been weak all your life. Never truly loved. Not strong enough to be despised. Do not worry. Do not fear...I'll make you strong. > Mommy's Here. “
AU Where “Anon” is a background character that became sentient. (Original image by sirtfr.tumblr.com)
From Thread #1 of Star vs Quest http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1372337/
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