starwarslover11 · 2 years
It has come to my attenion that WordGirl is slowly but surely being removed from PBS Kids and its airing schedule. To start off, PBS Kids has done NOTHING recently to promote WordGirl for NO REASON whatsoever. Second of all, they never acknowledged WordGirl since the start of this year despite the MASSIVE amount of fans of that show. Third of all, they have the AUDACITY to copyright strike WordGirl videos on YouTube even when they no longer care for the show itself anymore. And last but not least, they're going to REPLACE every single mature show (except Wild Kratts, luckily) WITH SHOWS, THAT ARE WAY MORE CHILDISH, BASIC, AND BORING! This is why no one respects PBS Kids anymore. They're getting more basic every minute. Every moment we spend doing nothing, the more it's going to harm us all if we don't do anything about it. Here is a screenshot of the schedule.
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Hi! I'm the author of The Candyman Can on Ao3, under the username Fantasy_Lover_Cat_99. Does anyone here read it? If not you totally should, but I'd like to talk about the book on Tumblr while I finish it (39 out of 55 chapters are posted), but I don't actually know anyone on here who has read it.
Please notify me if you have and would like to talk, and if not, please read it and come back when you have. I have some interesting headcanons swirling inside of my brain, and I'd like to share them!
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Botsford-McCallister Fankids Headcanons (And life with kids)
They don't have kids right away, and Tobey manages to push aside his desperate want to be a father to see that Becky is clearly not ready, but when he asks her why, she simply states that she's not sure if they'll be half-Lexiconian And if they are, what kind of life will they have?
Tobey reassures her that they'll have the best life, because they'll have her as a mother. (And him too but pride can wait.)
Becky calls it corny but kisses him anyway because that's HER husband.
About four months later she comes to him and reveals she's pregnant, and the speed at which they manage to call teh WHOLE family is honestly something.
But former Villain and Wordgirl waste no time informing the EVA either. And no, Mr. Big, you are not allowed to come to the baby shower.
Because this is a reality where everything's fine Steven is declared God-Father and Uncle with no need to say so out loud.
Tobey made sure there were at least a dozen robots stationed across the mansion in case Becky's water burst at home and they couldn't get to the hospital in time.
As luck may have it this did indeed happen while Tobey was at work, but thankfully Violet had been over and was able to assist in the process.
After the babies (yes, twins), were born Becky told Violet they had already decided that she would be God-Mother and Aunt, and she immediately broke down to tears.
Tobey arrived shortly after, also positively melting when he saw his kids(!) and the babies were named shortly there after.
Beverly "Bev" Claire McCallister was the elder by forty-five seconds, and while everyone told her she looked exactly like Mom, Tobey convinced his wife to use his own mother's name sake because from birth her eyes were Grandma's eyes and no one could convince him otherwise.
Kiersten "Ki" Sally McCallister was the definition of fraternal twins. The only thing she had in common with Bev was their skin colors. After that she had Becky's eyes, Tobey's facial expressions, eyesight, and hair, plus she had powers whilst Bev did not.
The "Ki" nickname was only used and will only ever be used by Bev. NEVER ask why.
As a baby, Bev was always the silent one which scared her father out of his wits on a number of occasions and when awake would be unhealthily curious about things. Dangerously curious.
Kiersten was the opposite. She was very fussy, grabbed any thing attached to the person holding her all the time, and slept through most of the day while keeping her parents up at night.
None of this compared to toddler years Kiersten however, when she started using her powers. At this point in their lives, former Villain and Wordgirl had gone through at least ten Apocalypse's, three of which caused by Miss Power, and their little two-three year old daughter is the biggest cause of their stress.
Bev is an angel as always, and since she didn't have powers, her parents tried to see if she took after her father. She practically chucked the robot kit he gave her for her third birthday across the room, and almost tore apart Bee-Bee. It was then decided she would not be given any more robot related things.
The girls have a plushy collection of course. MANY Wordgirl dolls, one robot (Bee-Bee) for Bev and one for Kiersten (Bot), a pillow that looks like cheese (Uncle Steven of course gave them that), and a toy remote Kiersten is obsessed with playing make believe with Dad with. There are others but we'd be here for days and they are all Bev's anyway.
Kiersten treats Huggy like her lord and savior and he's able to keep her out of trouble every time he baby sits, while Bev just treats him like another stuffed animal she can hug to death.
After five years of dealing with these two disasters waiting to happen, the whole family is surprised when Beckh gets pregnant again.
At least they have the relief that it's not twins.
The birth is much easier then last time and happens at a hospital with Tobey there with his wife the whole time, and the baby couldn't be healthier, no complications at all.
(Except he's almost sent straight back with the doctor when he's brought looking as pale as THAT.)
Theodore "Theo" Tim McCallister IIII is the most well named baby on the planet, as in every way he is the spitting image his father, resulting in everyday lesson with Grandma Claire on how to raise a Theodore McCallister because not only did she have a son but husbands are sons too, if you didn't know.
Despite general warns not too, Tobey still throws hands and gives his son a robot kit for his third birthday which stays intact and makes the kid ecstatic so "Ha ha, Botsford, I win!"
Adding to the plushy collection, Claire managed to dig up Tobey's old teddy bear which he fittingly named Theodore McCallister the One-Hundredth, and he became just "Teddy" for Theo.
Bev incredibly protective over her little bro and Kiersten is the one he needs protecting FROM. Kind of like the relationship between Boy-Genius and Super-powered alien before they became friends. Which probably means they're destined to be as thick as thieves as well (it doesn't).
Tobey wants a fourth kid, Becky doesn't.
After two years Elizabeth "Beth" Victoria Violet McCallister is born. She is the perfect mix between to worlds, with Becky's hair (she grows it longer), skin, facial expressions, and powers, and Tobey's eyes and over all facial LOOK.
While she is highly intelligent and does possess powers, she refuses to take up the mantle of Wordgirl, (leave that to Kiersten), and instead pursues an interest in the arts, which she is surprisingly good at, especially acting and singing and dancing (though her Auntie Violet is VERY proud).
No one knows where she got her talent from, as it certainly wasn't her parents. (Claire and Sally only shrugged, and just LOOK at Tim. You don't have to ask him.)
Out of the four of them, Beth got the tallest, Kiersten coming in shortly after, Theo a few feet shorter, and Bev is a gnome's height.
As adults, Bev settled down to family life and a job as a childrens therapist, Kiersten of course became the next Wordgirl with a job at a fast food place on the side (she takes over and turns it into a restaurant eventually), Theo runs McCallister Tech but never once feels in his father's way or his shadow, and Beth became a famous actress, specifically on Broadway but she does movies too. This resulted in her falling in love and later marrying Scoops' daughter Emma Ming, as she was a director for many of her movies.
In perfect Kiersten fashion, she never falls in love. Bev settles down for family life, as I said, so does find a normal guy eventually who doesn't mind the family secret and has many kids with him. Theo bounces around and divorces at one point, but his soulmate ended up being Victor Best's son Everett. Beth, as said before, is happily married to Emma Ming.
Let me know if I should do any more!
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Okay, so I've recently discovered the person on Tumblr and while I try to ignore people like this, they just kept coming back with worse posts so I've finally decided to do something.
First of all, when I saw this post I seriously said 'wtf?' outloud, because eit was so ridiculous. Not only does this person rudely comment back to the people who fight against their posts, but they also belittle people who have a different opinion as them in such comments, and posts like this, which I've come to realize take up basically the entirety of their blog. Does this person just have nothing better to do? Do they genuinely believe what they say? Do they regret or think back on the things they've said at all?! I don't know, but I really thought the She-Ra fandom was better than this...
Moving onto the actual post, WOW. Firstly, um, no? Just because you like a character doesn't mean you condone their behavior? HeLoOoOoOo?! Villains happen to be my favorite characters in media, but not because I agree with their beliefs, but because I DON'T. When I meet a new villain, I instantly pick them apart to see what their inner being is. Their motives, their backstory, and their reason for doing what they do. And I know, I KNOW I'm not the only one who does this. After breaking them apart, only then do I decide if they deserve redemption or not. And yes, everyone will have differing opinions on who deserves a redemption or not (Shadow Weaver definitely didn't) and that's FINE! People can have opinions, troll! Anyway, after deciding if they're worthy of redemption, I don't immediatly think their actions can be justified, because they can't most times, but I do still pay attention to the character and get excited to see if they'll change, or choose good this time. More often than not, they don't and I'm left yelling at the screen.
Now, because even though I'm definitely going to get this troll screaming at me in the comments and I at least want to go down fighting, I am a hard Entrapdak shipper. There, I said it, bow where are the pitchforks?
In all seriousness, I am an Entrapdak shipper and that is OKAY. I know Hordak's did terrible things for years and is an incredibly abusive person in his treatment of the Horde, but then Entrapta came, and his redemption began, and I believe it was great. Going through trusting her and her words to believing she betrayed him and going ham on Etheria in S4 alongside Catra, only to then learn he'd been lied to and then lose it before finally choosing Prime over Entrapta because it's he he seeks recognition and affection from, was incredible to see. But constantly I was yelling at the screen, and never once did I agree with any of the things he said or did to the people around him, unless they were genuinely good things. This is okay, and my liking of his character is valid. Moving on from that, I also firmly believe his redemption was completed! In S5, he fucking almost killed Horde Prime! If it wasn't for the hive mind he would have! So now it is genuinely okay and acceptable to cheer, because he did it! He chose good! So yeah, I really don't get how you can hate people for liking Hordak's character arc.
Moving onto a more controversial person I have a lot less things to say about, Shadow Weaver.
I'm gonna come out and say it; I hate her. I always have. She's an abuser and a manipulator and it's core definition and worst, and the only thing I genuinely enjoyed from her was her hilarious line about Hordak banishing Catra, her line about daisies, and her death. This does not, however, mean that I despise all who like her character, as I have made it clear all opinions are valid, especially your opinions on characters you enjoy. I also find her death incredibly well done, in the fact that she hardly sacrificed herself, because that wouldn't fit or feel right with her character, because in the end she wasn't right, she was a very wrong character, so having her die in not an heroic way, just kind of, die, is incredible to see in a cartoon and I wish it was done more in shows. Because, in the end, no one forgives her, because she doesn't deserve forgiveness. Catra and Adora don't forgive her, they just have closure, and they cry because despite it all, despite the manipulation and abuse, she was still their mother figure, and they still cared about her despite it all.
In the end, all I ask is that everyone takes this all to heart, and ignores trolls like this one who try to make your opinions invalid. You ARE valid, and you deserve to be able to like whomever character you like. I just wish this person could see that, and hopefully, one day they will.
Shadow weaver stans and hordak stans are the worst part of this fandom. Stupid abuse apologists
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So we know that Hollow Mind will most likely take place in Belos' mindscape, right? And the scene at the end of the promo with Hunter and Luz being pulled back by a golden light is most likely in the Collectors lair, and the Collector captured the Owl Beast which caused Eda's curse, does this mean the reason they're being pulled back from this memory in particular is because this is where the Collector possibly cursed Belos? If not, in this same image (I'd throw it up if I could) in the back we can see a figure that kinda looks like Philip's brother running away to a glow light, possibly the portal??!
So, what I essentially saying is, Philip and his brother, who I'll call OG Hunter for symplicities sake, went to the Collector's hide out, and this is where OG possibly could've 'betrayed' Philip, aka Belos? Giving him a random curse the Collector had? If so, then it would make sense for Belos to want to pull Hunter and Luz out of his memories before then.
Also I am not ready for mini Belos to call Hunter brother in this episode and him to be like 'wtf?' and then see himself in a memory he most certainly does not have with this kid and be so confused because he's a clone of OG and doesn't know it.
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Hello hello hello!
So recently I've discovered the Legend of Genji, and though I absolutely love the basis and idea of the comic, I do have a very different view on what the world would have been like after Book 4. So, this tumblr will now become solely devoted to posts about my headcanon post-Book 4 world.
I hope you enjoy, and with any luck, sense I'd like to go into a future in screen writing some day, this world could become reality!
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