starwriter22 · 5 years
I'm emotionally unstable after seeing Yoongi drawn with tattoos plz respect my time as I recover also how dare you also also thank you for blessing the world with this piece of art omg
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ynkk short story!
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starwriter22 · 5 years
Stranger || Hoseok
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Angst 
Listen to this song while reading
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Light jazz played in the club, cigar smoke and the pungent smell of whiskey swirled through the air and the ever-present smell of wealth could be detected throughout the establishment. It was an intimidating environment, especially when your bank account only held an incredibly small fraction of what any of the inhabitants had in their suit pockets.
But the same facts that intimidated her, were the facts that urged her on.
One thing that she learned very quickly in her part time hobby, was that rich people were incredibly lonely. While having anything and everything they could ever want, there was one thing that they couldn’t buy, and that was genuine companionship. Between the business partners, thirsty money hungry girls and back-stabbing friends and family that were only there to obtain just a small amount of what they had. They couldn’t trust anybody. It was a sad life, and she hoped to give them the experience they craved so much but unfortunately couldn’t obtain. For, of course, a small price.
She sat at a table opposite to the man of the hour, watching as the cigar dangled between his long, thin fingers. He laughed, his lips only curving in the slightest. Not enough of a smile to show happiness, but enough to show amusement. He was lonely and she could tell. He didn’t want to be in the club, surrounded by his peers that were only hanging around him due to his status, he would have rather been at home. But home held nothing but silence, a hallow silence that constantly reminded him of the one thing he was trying to hide from. Loneliness.
The perfect client for her on this late Friday night.
She stayed her distance, watching as multiple females tried and failed to receive his attention. Each poor thirsty girl that approached him was quickly turned down. Some receiving a smile and apology, others receiving a simple wave of the hand to dismiss their drunk attempts of getting into his pants. It was amusing, watching the failures of each girl and just how disappointed they got. Of course that could happen to her as well, but due to her different approach, her success rate was far higher than her failures.
As she watched his friends, who unlike him found their companions for the night, slowly left one by one he only seemed to get more miserable. His lips took longer drags from the cigar between his fingers, his sips of whiskey turned into gulps, the small curl of his lips quickly turned downwards. He was in his head, thinking hard, of what she was unsure. But she could easily make a guess as his displeasure continued to intensify as each of his friends left until it was only him.
She took that as her cue to move towards him. She stood to her feet, fixing her little black dress, before slowly walking over. She didn’t say anything at first, deciding that introductions were something that would do nothing but bore him, and instead sat across from him. He looked up, almost staring straight through her, before he finally looked at her. Drinking her in, inspecting her, before he spoke.
“Hello,” He said, seeming to contemplate his words before he spoke them, “Are you lost, sweetheart?”
She smirked, “What makes you ask that, sir?”
“Well, last time I checked I didn’t invite you to sit.”
“You didn’t, but I couldn’t just leave you here all by yourself. No offense but you look absolutely miserable.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Well, while I appreciate your concern, I’d much rather be alone.”
“Are you sure about that?” She asked, and this quickly caught his attention. The look he gave was a weird one, intrigued yet confused. “That’s what everyone says, but while they say it deep down their soul is begging for someone to sit and be miserable with them.”
He seemed dumbfounded, and chuckled. “Maybe for most people, but I’m perfectly fine.”
“Why? Because you’re used to staying to yourself? Being used to it and enjoying it are two very different things.” She explained, slipping the cigar from his fingers and placing it into her own, flicking off the ashes from the tip. “If you don’t want my company, than tell me honestly with no regrets that you don’t want me here. Speak the words without feeling that ache for someone else’s presence. Whisper for me to leave without the back of your head whispering for me to stay. Tell me the truth without your heart telling you the exact opposite.”
He stared at her, silent, curving his lips to say the words but he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t tell her to leave, couldn’t say he wanted to be by himself, because just like she said he didn’t truly want to be alone. And as his eyebrows knitted together, he found himself frustrated. Frustrated because this random woman who simply plopped herself across from him seemed to be reding him as if he were an open book. Who did she think she was?
“Who are you?”
She smiled as she moved herself forward. Her elbows held her up as she sat right in front of him, face inches away from his, “I’m just a stranger, but a stranger who understands how you’re feeling. It’s easy to see you’re lonely.”
“I’m not lonely.”
“You’re not?” She asked, faux shock in her voice, “Let me reiterate. You’re not lonely in the physical sense. You probably have dozens of people around you constantly, hundreds of people blowing up your phone, thousands of women throwing themselves at your feet. You’re lonely inside. Because all of these people around you aren’t truly here for you, they’re here for what you have. Only hoping that being your temporary lover, family, fake friend, etc will be their one way ticket to your fortune. That appealing to you will give them what they’re thirsting over.”
He stared into her eyes, feeling his heartbeat in his chest uncomfortably. “So suppose I am lonely, what makes you any different from everybody around me? Who’s to say you aren’t running after what I have? As you said, you’re a stranger. How am I supposed to know if you’re different?”
“You can’t tell.” She said honestly, shrugging her shoulders, “You have no idea who I am. You have no idea if your wallet and car will be stolen when you wake up in the morning if you decide to take me home. You have no idea if I’ll leave your side the moment you give me money. You have absolutely no idea whether I am someone genuine or some fake individual.”
He frowned, waiting for her to say something else, but she simply took a drag from the cigar. Blowing the smoke into the air. “So what should I do?”
“Well that’s entirely up to you. It’s your decision of whether or not you want to continue to engage with me and take that chance. I can’t force you to want my presence, you could easily shoo me away like you’ve done any other girl that’s approached you.”
She continued to smoke from the cigar, all while he stared at her completely intreagued. His heart beat sped up incredibly, his attraction to the woman in front of him not just physical but mental. Unlike any other girl she seemed to nestle herself into his head. She understood him unlike anybody around him, and this fact alone made him ache for her. Even if she turned out to be like everybody else, she was still different. An honest person who wasn’t trying to grin and lie to his face about their intentions.
Goddamn, he wanted her.
And she could see it just by the look on his face.
So it was no surprise that they ended up in his very expensive Mercedes behind the club, his hands all over her as she sat in his lap and kissed the smoke and whiskey off of his lips His moans were loud, grunts vibrating her bones as they sounded against her lips. He gripped her waist tight, pulling her away just so he could catch his breath.
“Lie to me sweetheart.” He slurred, and she wondered if that were due to the alcohol in his system or her.
She gripped his face, looking straight into his eyes. Watching his blown out pupils stare straight back at her. He gave her his complete attention, she felt like the only thing in his world and she absolutely adored it.
“I’m not interested in you because of your money.” She said, giving him a kiss on the lips. “I’m not a stranger.” She kissed his jaw, “I won’t leave you tomorrow,” She kissed his neck, “I’ll stay with you forever.”
His eyes glazed over, and she could tell that the final lies hit him like a train. He gripped her waist even tighter, pulled her impossibly close so her chest pressed against his, desperate he said, “Lie to me again.”
She kissed him again, keeping her lips against his, “I’ll stay with you forever.” Another kiss, “I’ll love you forever.”
And even though he knew they were lies, he convinced himself to believe it. Holding her close, like she couldn’t slip through his fingers as quickly as she came into them.
The next morning he woke up in the hopes that maybe she didn’t lie. But as he opened his eyes he was greeted with an empty bed, the blanket lifted just slightly to show her departure. In his king size bed he felt alone yet again.
He sat up, replaying the words she whispered to him last night, with such a genuine tone, and he felt his heart clench in pain as tears welled up in his eyes.
All the while there was a note on his bedside.
Thank you for a great night
                                            ~ Stranger
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starwriter22 · 5 years
The Sea || Taehyung!Mermaidau
Word Count: 913 
Rating: Fluff
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The spring was his favorite season. The water of the sea was still refreshing, cool, not yet turned to a boil by the approaching hot summer sun. The flowers began to bloom, bringing the sweet scent of fresh petals and grass towards him. The beautiful sand was nearly white, hiding beautiful seashells for visitors to find and take home to remember the sea. In the spring, while he did receive visitors, there weren’t too many. The area wasn’t littered with visitors who he had to hide away from. It was truly beautiful, and he enjoyed every second he was graced with.
As he swam through the water he heard a noise. A noise he was familiar with from the many visitors that came by. It was a giggle, small and sweet. Innocent and precious. But there was something different, usually this giggle was accompanied by the sound of another person. An older voice, but there only seemed to be the one. He frowned, curious, and moved towards the shore. Through the blue water he watched, the image moving with the waves.
What he saw was a child, a small little girl who couldn’t be older than three years old. Her legs wobbled as they tried to support her weight, every move she made seemed shaky. She giggled to herself, excited by everything she saw. The sand, the seashells, the water. He could only wonder where her guardians were and how she could have possibly arrived here by herself.
He moved closer to the shore as he watched her. She was having the time of her life, not aware of his presence in any way. The scene in front of him brought a smile to his face, it reminded him of his own emotions that the area evoked from him. She then noticed the water, a tiny gasp leaving her as she clutched the shell in her hands and moved towards the water. This was when his smile began to leave, the thought of her safety immediately popping up in his mind.
She moved right in front of the water, giggling as the waves gently crashed against her tiny feet. She began to move closer, the water quickly going from her feet to her legs, and at this moment Taehyung could no longer watch. His heart pounding at the thought of the little girl hurting herself and being swept away with the waves. But he didn’t want to scare her.
He moved in front of her, keeping his body low, before slowly bringing his head up from the water. Her eyes widened as she stared at him, confusion and surprise etched on her expression. But then she smiled, her tiny hands dropping the shell and instead holding his cheeks. She stared into his eyes and smiled, a bright smile.
“Blue!” She said excitedly, “Eyes! Blue!”
He smiled, feeling his heart warm up at her excitement, “Yes, my eyes are blue. Do you like blue?”
She nodded, “Blue!”
Another wave rushed by, but this time her tiny legs couldn’t handle the pressure. She began to wobble, about to fall but Taehyung quickly caught her. “Let’s go back to the sand, okay? This isn’t safe.”
He held her close to his chest, and she wrapped her small arms around his neck as he moved them back to the sand. He sat down on the sand and made sure his tail laid flat before he placed her on top. Allowing his tail to be a seat for her.
“There, we’re back on land.” He said, giving her a smile that she graciously returned. She looked down, noticing his tail and gasped. Her tiny index finger pointing to it. “Tail!”
He laughed, “Yes I have a tail.” He explained, watching as she looked at her own legs. She moved down, standing back on her feet so she could fully look at his tail. Her fingers poked at it and she began to giggle as he moved the end of his tail.
“Pretty!” She said, before a loud yell could be heard.
“(Y/N)!!! Where are you?!”
The girl’s head turned to the sound and Taehyung quickly realized he had to leave. He made sure the girl was safely away from the water, before moving back towards his home. But the girl tried to follow, confused as to why he was leaving.
“Don’t go…” She said softly, following behind but he shook his head.
“I have to leave, stay here.” He said, and the girl frowned but obeyed. She watched as he made his way back into the water quickly, disappearing and not leaving a trace of his presence.
“Oh sweetie! How did you end up here?” Her mom spoke, before picking her up and inspecting her to make sure she was okay. “You gave me a heart attack! You can’t come here by yourself. Only with mommy okay?”
She stared at her mother as she frantically spoke, before she turned her back to the sea to go back to their home. But the girl continued to stare at the water, smiling as she saw her new friend lift his head. She waved her hand, “Bye Bye fishy!”
He smiled, lifting his hand and waving back. Listening as the mother continued to scold her daughter for coming to the sea by herself. After they left he dipped back under the water, a smile still ever-present on his face as he thought of the little girl who ran towards the sea.
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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Me waiting for Yoongi's bitch ass to get what he deserves 'cause i know it's coming
9 || TM
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<< Part 8 | Part 9 >>
As an International Relations major minoring in Korean Studies, studying abroad in Seoul was never not an option for Riyan. Falling in love with an idol rapper was just an added bonus. She thinks life has finally dealt her a bomb ass hand of cards but one tweet on a random Tuesday might burst her bubble.
- Thank you so, so much for continuing to support our au! My beautifully talented best friend @tae-tae-drives-me-kray has the other half of this part so make sure you check her prop
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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5K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
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little blue tiger
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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2K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
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F•R•I•E•N•D•S, The One with All the Resolutions (S05E11)
6K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
“I’m finally going to write! I have a great idea!”
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601K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
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4K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
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BAEKHYUN ✧ ‘Love Shot’ MV #1
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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astronaut joon ✨👨‍🚀🌌
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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583 notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
heavy sugar || (M)
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The Roaring Twenties were a time of great economic wealth and social change. But beneath the jazz music and colorful speakeasies were mafia led organized crimes and blood stained cash. You knew this well, but try as you might, you just couldn’t ignore the dark and enigmatic gangster whose eyes lingered on you from across the room.
pairing: gangster!yoongi x flapper!reader
word count: 8k
genre: 1920s au, smut, mafia au
warnings: unprotected rough sex, face fucking, power play, choking, alcohol, guns and death
A/N: Part of my time period series. This takes place in 1920s Chicago! Thank you @introseesaw for letting me use her likeness!
“Would ya lighten up, sourpuss? The boss said he’d be back in a jiffy.” The familiar voice of your friend, Doyeon, called to you.
You let out a sigh as she bumped her hip into yours, causing you to pull your eyes away from where your boss had disappeared to.
You pouted, “That was ten minutes ago.”
When you overheard your boss talking about some cops causing trouble out front, you couldn’t help but be on edge. With the 18th amendment now in place, establishments such as the very one you worked in had been pushed underground, trying to work around the ban of alcohol.
Keep reading
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starwriter22 · 6 years
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17K notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
Fearful of Love // pt. 10 (final)
Word Count: 581
Rating: Romance/Angst
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 \ Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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“I fell in love with you. I don’t know how, I don’t know why. I just did.” – Unknown
(*~Thursday, December 31st~*) 
“So you two are together?” 
I bowed my head, trying to hide the blush that burned my cheeks as Taehyung pulled me closer, placing a kiss on my temple. “We are.” 
“Well then.” Jungkook said, standing to his feet and pointing a finger at Taehyung, “Let’s get something straight, if you hurt my best friend I will kill you, Kim Taehyung.” 
Everyone’s eyes widened, including mine as I stared at Jungkook. “Best friend?” 
“Yes, you’ve stayed by my side ever since we started college, you’re stuck with me.” Jungkook said, and I couldn’t fight the smile on my lips. 
“Since we’re putting threats in the air…” Jimin said from his seat on one of the many blankets on the ground, giving me a fierce glare that made me freeze in fear. “Don’t hurt my best friend. I won’t kill you, but I will be angry.” 
I nodded, moving closer to Taehyung’s side and frowning as I felt his chest begin to rumble with laughter. “Don’t worry Jimin won’t hurt a fly.” 
“Well I’d just like to say that I knew you two would get together.” Namjoon said, causing everyone to begin speaking. 
“Aye everyone knew they would get together.” Hoseok said, throwing one of the pillow we had at Namjoon. 
“Did everyone know?” Taehyung asked, curiosity clearly evident in his voice. 
“Yes!” Everyone said, and I laughed as the tips of his ears began to tint pink. 
“You should’ve seen the way you two acted towards each other. The looks you exchanged, the way you joked.” Jungkook said. 
“I knew after I saw the way she looked at you in the studio and vice versa.” Yoongi said, Namjoon nodding in agreement. 
“I saw it the first day I met her when you two kept talking and giggling instead of watching the movie.” Jimin said with a shrug. 
Hoseok laughed, “I hadn’t even met her but the way you spoke about her showed you were head over heels.” 
“Ah shut up…” Taehyung grumbled, and I smiled resting my head on his shoulder and squeezing his hand. 
“Alright everybody we have to get ready to ring in the New Year!” Jungkook said, pouting as he noticed Taehyung and I. “Quit that, it makes me upset I have no one to kiss at midnight.” 
“Aw Jungkook don’t worry, I’ll kiss you.” Jimin said, making a kissy face, earning a face of disgust in return. 
When it was one minute till midnight we all stood to our feet, counting down and watching as the fireworks filled the sky. 
“Happy New Year, Jungkookie!” Jimin yelled, and before any of us could comprehend it Jimin pulled Jungkook close and kissed his cheek. All of us laughed as Jungkook shoved him away with a face full of red. 
“Happy New Year, honey.” Taehyung said, turning me around in his arms. 
“Happy New Year.” I said with a grin, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a kiss. Smiling against his lips as my heart began to light up the way it always did when I kissed him. 
Maybe this was the right choice… 
“Yah! Get a room!” 
The only thing I remember happening next was being attacked with a bunch of pillows and having Taehyung hold onto me tight, that bright laughter I loved filling the air. 
Yeah this was definitely the right choice.
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