Probably never felt worse about myself in my life. Something needs to change.
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Questioning where my life is going. Everything is so much harder this year. Guess this is life as an adult.
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When your roomate constantly makes passive aggressive notes on the fridge over nothing.
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My thing is, have sex whenever you decide to want to have sex. You want to have sex on the first night, go ahead. You want to have sex after 20 dates, go ahead. You want to never have sex, go ahead. People think that someone’s sexual choices actually coincide with their personality. If all you can think of someone’s worth is whether they want to have sex or not, then the problem is probably you.
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It sucks when someone you have feelings for doesn’t share those feelings; it happens to women all the time, too. We hear “I just want to be friends” and “you’re like one of the guys” and “you’re like a sister to me” just as often. But you’ll never hear a woman complain that guys just don’t appreciate a Nice Girl because we’re taught it’s our own fucking fault when we’re rejected—we aren’t pretty enough or thin enough or sexy enough, we weren’t sexual enough or were too sexual, we put out too much or too little or too soon or not soon enough, we didn’t wear our hair the right way or our skirt the right length, we’re “too tomboyish” or “too butch” or “too feminine”, or we’re “not their type”, or we’re otherwise not good enough in various ways to entice the man to grace us with his affection. But when we’re not interested in someone, we’re vilified. We’re the bitch that lead them on, the bitch who let them buy us dinner but didn’t want to date them, the bitch who doesn’t appreciate a nice guy, the bitch they were nice to and then got nothing in return from. And, frankly, fuck those people. Showing interest in me, being friendly with me, getting close to me, or eating a meal with me (even if they paid for it) doesn’t obligate me to open my heart or my legs. And anyone who doesn’t appreciate my friendship sure as hell doesn’t deserve my love or my pussy.
(via jesshambys)
(via weliveinarapeculturesociety)
YES. 🙌
(via staymintbrah)
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ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone. 
I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.
Wtf?? Scary as fuck..
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This boy is so confusing. Honestly you're driving me crazy.
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Honestly can say Im happy and content right now
In such a good place right now.  I love everything about my life right now. I love London and all the people i've met this year, at school and at work. Ive made so many incredible friends and I absolutely love school. I feel so lucky. After talking to my boss he got me the job back home for the summer and I get to transfer back in the fall. I have an amazing house with my friends that were signing the lease for tomorrow for the fall. Everything seems to be going my way lately. Happy happy happy.
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Such a dilemma..
I have a house in London for May 1st and I have a job and I love it here; but on the other  hand I could sublet my room till August.  I want one last summer at home, to see friends and my puppy. Don't know what I should do.
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"Darcy The Flying Hedgehog" is a series of photographs by Shota Tsukamoto starring her hedgehog—voted cutest in the world. Based in Japan, she sets the stage for her adorable, 3-year-old hedgehog in an original and fun manner.
[source] [h/t: f-l-e-u-r-d-e-l-y-s]
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